Ship The Rim Hopper


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Apr 3, 2018
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The 'Rim Hopper'

Owned by Eisa Wex

Corellian Engineering Coporation

Light freighter.


Durasteel and transparisteel.

Length - 44 meters.

Eisa Wex
K3- R5 "Curse"
Minerva Fhirdiad
#Vacant Seat#


90 standard tons.


2 standard months.

The VCX-100 light freighter has a top speed of 50 MGLT and has average maneuvering characteristics.

  • 2x dual light laser turret, 1x dorsal, 1x forward.


The Rim Hopper, like so many of the VCX-100 light freighters, is a model of transport which was once manufactured by the Corellian Engineering Corporation. Whilst it is considered archaic in the eyes of so many of the other space farers that the ship and it's crew encounters during their travels across the galaxy, it is none the less for Eisa' and her crew a means of freedom to venture out into the galaxy and explore, but most importantly a home for the misfits.

The orignal crew of the Rim Hopper consisted only as Eisa, and had been he sole operative of the ship over the year since she had purchased it. Since then, following an encounter on Lothal Minor the crew has seen the addition of Curse a Pistoeka Sabotage Droid, that of all ironies has taken on the role as the ship's mechanic.

As like the VCX's Standard ship layout, the Rim hopper houses a pair of double crew cabins intended to house the 4 man crew compliment, however the space had naturally been subject to first come first served stakes of ownership. Towards the stern of the ship are the remaining quarters for the passengers, however unlike the roomier spaces that Eisa and Curse had commandeered for themselves, are less than spacious with enough room for a single berth bunk and space to wash and stretch.

With Eisa's cabin being the one sited closest to the main cockpit, and decked out much like a standard crew cabin with stowage racks a king size bunk that would be expected with a captain's cabin fit out. It is however decorated in an erratic array of bright colours, posters and general clutter. A sight that would make the ships owner former Jedi counterparts grimace at the general state of chaos that she was living in.

Curse's cabin on the other hand has been filled near enough to the rafter's with mountains of scrap, mostly in part for the sabotage to vent it's destructive impulses in a controlled space, so that she doesn't trash any of the working parts that keeps the ship airborne. Whilst it has for the best part been successful there have a few occasions where some random creation appears within the mountain of parts, only to disappear the next day.

Docked at the rear of the ship is a VCX-Series Auxiliary Starfighter, that whilst had the potential to serve as a secondary means of transport that would allow for the Rim Hopper to remain in space and the crew to transition to planet side, but given that the majority of the time the crew consists of little more than two people, the docked Star fighter had long since became nothing more than a glorified store room.

Legal. The Rim Hopper, like all standard VCX-100 light freighters are considered innocuous enough under most jurisdictions, and are not restricted in most systems.

To create a general write up for Eisa Wex's personal VCX-100 Light Freighter, as a point of reference for the Ship's stats as well as for location theming

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