The Prawn's tank


Snappy Boi
SWRP Writer
Mar 2, 2019
Reaction score
Segri Targe
_N A M E
Segri Targe

_A G E
24 g.s.y

_G E N D E R

_H E I G H T

_W E I G H T
70 kg

_F O R C E _ S E N S I T I V E

_R E P U T A T I O N

_F A C T I O N

_R A N K

_S P E C I E S

_V O I C E _ C L A I M
Michelle Rodriguez


Segri's story isn't a humble one nor is it a warm one. Born in the Underworld of Coruscant to two junkies for parents, she was forced from a young age to fend for herself. Her parents did precious little for her, instead she was raised on the streets by all manner of unsavoury characters. She never got to experience a childhood, needing to beg, scavenge and steal to survive every evening. At the age of 10, she ran away from her home and left her deadbeat parents behind to join up with one of the many swoop gangs.

She grew up in the gang, learning to fight in order to protect herself from the animals the rolled with. She wasn't successful every time, and those dark experiences would always leave their marks on her mind just like the tattoos across her body remind her of her time in the Underworld.

As she grew older, she grew stronger and also grew smarter. She taught herself how to read and write, and in the gang she learned all manner of skills no civilized person should have a need for. She also got traditional Zabrak tattoos after hearing what they meant, and took it even further by making it vibrant and fitting with her lifestyle. But with each passing year, she realized that living the loose, wild and pathetic life of a gangster was going to lead to an early and likely awful death. So when she got the chance, she sped off with her swoop and hijacked a freighter from one of the docks. With some blaster-aided persuasion she managed to get the pilot droid to steer the ship and get her out of the Underworld. She finally got her freedom.

Now she roams the galaxy, looking for a means to better herself and gain a purpose in her life. Her old life still haunts her, both in her dreams as well as in the mirror, but she hopes to one day leave it behind for good...


In three words: Not a lady. Segri is loud, risque, rough and, on the surface, not easy to get along with at all. At times she is easy to anger, especially when a comment or judgement involves or even nods to her past life. She is stubborn and hard to play nice with others at times. But once a person gets her to open up or relax, her true colours are shown.

She is a gentle person, who tries to see the positive side of things and is quite the optimist. She cares for other people and doesn't like hurting people she doesn't believe deserve it. Her warm and happy smile is hidden under a scowl and rock-hard surface to protect herself from getting hurt.

Day to day, she feels empty. Hoping to one day find something to make her life worthwhile, she drifts from one place to the other to try and find a meaning in her otherwise worthless and pathetic life.


Having grown up in the Underworld and learning all kinds of tricks from other members in her gang, Segri's set of skills is quite a wide one.

In combat, she knows how to handle a blaster and has a decent amount of experience with explosives. Her hand-to-hand skills are pretty solid, and her agility also helps out with staying light on her toes in a fight. But she still has a lot to learn, and her street-fighting skills will most likely fall short against any proper formal training. With vehicles she is an amazing pilot, with a vast expanse of knowledge on various types of speeders and swoops...and how to steal each one. Unfortunately, with her limited experience in ships, her piloting skills are sorely lacking and she needs to rely on her droid to fly her around and teach her.

Outside of combat her skills are put to much better use. Her slicing skills are pretty decent, courtesy of the amounts of times they needed to bypass a security system to break into a place. She is also an experienced handyman. From blasters, to swoops, to speeders, and now to ships. She knows how to fix just about anything...though one might expect a foul series of sentences when she struggles to get something fixed. Her medical experience is also not too bad, with the amounts of times she needed to patch up a blaster or blade wound, or treat a flu. Though she might even make a field medic cringe with her skills.

Something that has helped her out all this time is an odd "sixth sense" she possesses. She is able to more or less predict something that might happen before it does, helping her a lot in a fight. She also has slightly moved things or made them shake when reaching for them, but that is probably just her imagination or substances talking...








Name/Link ― Description ― Status

Name/Link ― Description ― Status

Name/Link ― Description ― Status

Name/Link ― Description ― Status

Name/Link ― Description ― Status

Name/Link ― Description ― Status

Name/Link ― Description ― Status

[center][gfont=Caveat][exsize=60][glow=#9932CC][COLOR=#FF00FF]Segri Targe[/COLOR][/glow][/exsize][/gfont][/center]
[border3=#8A2BE2][border3=#FF00FF][abox3=100%][float_left][abox2=390px][IMG][/IMG][/abox2][/float_left][justify][exsize=10][gfont=Prompt][column=2][bcolor=dimgrey][COLOR=transparent]_[/COLOR][COLOR=black][glow=#9932CC][B]N A M E[/B][/glow][/COLOR][/bcolor][color=#FF00FF]Segri Targe[/color][/column]
[column=2][bcolor=dimgrey][COLOR=transparent]_[/COLOR][COLOR=black][glow=#9932CC][B]A G E[/B][/glow][/COLOR][/bcolor][color=#FF00FF]24 g.s.y[/color][/column]
[column=2][bcolor=dimgrey][COLOR=transparent]_[/COLOR][COLOR=black][glow=#9932CC][B]G E N D E R[/B][/glow][/COLOR][/bcolor][color=#FF00FF]Female[/color][/column]
[column=2][bcolor=dimgrey][COLOR=transparent]_[/COLOR][COLOR=black][glow=#9932CC][B]H E I G H T[/B][/glow][/COLOR][/bcolor][color=#FF00FF]5'9"[/color][/column]
[column=2][bcolor=dimgrey][COLOR=transparent]_[/COLOR][COLOR=black][glow=#9932CC][B]W E I G H T[/B][/glow][/COLOR][/bcolor][color=#FF00FF]70 kg[/color][/column]
[column=2][bcolor=dimgrey][COLOR=transparent]_[/COLOR][COLOR=black][glow=#9932CC][B]F O R C E _ S E N S I T I V E[/B][/glow][/COLOR][/bcolor][color=#FF00FF]Yes[/color][/column]
[column=2][bcolor=dimgrey][COLOR=transparent]_[/COLOR][COLOR=black][glow=#9932CC][B]R E P U T A T I O N[/B][/glow][/COLOR][/bcolor][color=#FF00FF]Unknown[/color][/column]
[column=2][bcolor=dimgrey][COLOR=transparent]_[/COLOR][COLOR=black][glow=#9932CC][B]F A C T I O N[/B][/glow][/COLOR][/bcolor][color=#FF00FF]Independent[/color][/column]
[column=2][bcolor=dimgrey][COLOR=transparent]_[/COLOR][COLOR=black][glow=#9932CC][B]R A N K[/B][/glow][/COLOR][/bcolor][color=#FF00FF]Drifter[/color][/column]
[column=2][bcolor=dimgrey][COLOR=transparent]_[/COLOR][COLOR=black][glow=#9932CC][B]S P E C I E S[/B][/glow][/COLOR][/bcolor][color=#FF00FF]Zabrak[/color][/column]
[column=2][bcolor=dimgrey][COLOR=transparent]_[/COLOR][COLOR=black][glow=#9932CC][B]V O I C E _ C L A I M[/B][/glow][/COLOR][/bcolor][url=][color=#FF00FF]Michelle Rodriguez[/color][/url][/column][/gfont][/exsize][/justify][/abox3][/border3][/border3][abox3=100%][justify]

[accordion=bcenter|90%]{slide=[color=#FF00FF]B I O G R A P H Y[/color]|left}
[float_left][abox3=250px][img][/img][/abox3][/float_left][gfont=Prompt]Segri's story isn't a humble one nor is it a warm one. Born in the Underworld of Coruscant to two junkies for parents, she was forced from a young age to fend for herself. Her parents did precious little for her, instead she was raised on the streets by all manner of unsavoury characters. She never got to experience a childhood, needing to beg, scavenge and steal to survive every evening. At the age of 10, she ran away from her home and left her deadbeat parents behind to join up with one of the many swoop gangs. 

She grew up in the gang, learning to fight in order to protect herself from the animals the rolled with. She wasn't successful every time, and those dark experiences would always leave their marks on her mind just like the tattoos across her body remind her of her time in the Underworld. 

As she grew older, she grew stronger and also grew smarter. She taught herself how to read and write, and in the gang she learned all manner of skills no civilized person should have a need for. She also got traditional Zabrak tattoos after hearing what they meant, and took it even further by making it vibrant and fitting with her lifestyle. But with each passing year, she realized that living the loose, wild and pathetic life of a gangster was going to lead to an early and likely awful death. So when she got the chance, she sped off with her swoop and hijacked a freighter from one of the docks. With some blaster-aided persuasion she managed to get the pilot droid to steer the ship and get her out of the Underworld. She finally got her freedom.

Now she roams the galaxy, looking for a means to better herself and gain a purpose in her life. Her old life still haunts her, both in her dreams as well as in the mirror, but she hopes to one day leave it behind for good...[/gfont]
[exsize=10][/exsize][COLOR=transparent]x[/COLOR]{/slide}{slide=[color=#FF00FF]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/color]|left}
[float_right][abox3=180px][img][/img][/abox3][/float_right][gfont=Prompt]In three words: Not a lady. Segri is loud, risque, rough and, on the surface, not easy to get along with at all. At times she is easy to anger, especially when a comment or judgement involves or even nods to her past life. She is stubborn and hard to play nice with others at times. But once a person gets her to open up or relax, her true colours are shown.

She is a gentle person, who tries to see the positive side of things and is quite the optimist. She cares for other people and doesn't like hurting people she doesn't believe deserve it. Her warm and happy smile is hidden under a scowl and rock-hard surface to protect herself from getting hurt. 

Day to day, she feels empty. Hoping to one day find something to make her life worthwhile, she drifts from one place to the other to try and find a meaning in her otherwise worthless and pathetic life.[/gfont]
[exsize=10][/exsize][COLOR=transparent]x[/COLOR]{/slide}{slide=[color=#FF00FF]A B I L I T I E S[/color]|left}
[float_left][abox3=200px][img][/img][/abox3][/float_left][gfont=Prompt]Having grown up in the Underworld and learning all kinds of tricks from other members in her gang, Segri's set of skills is quite a wide one.

In combat, she knows how to handle a blaster and has a decent amount of experience with explosives. Her hand-to-hand skills are pretty solid, and her agility also helps out with staying light on her toes in a fight. But she still has a lot to learn, and her street-fighting skills will most likely fall short against any proper formal training. With vehicles she is an amazing pilot, with a vast expanse of knowledge on various types of speeders and swoops...and how to steal each one. Unfortunately, with her limited experience in ships, her piloting skills are sorely lacking and she needs to rely on her droid to fly her around and teach her.

Outside of combat her skills are put to much better use. Her slicing skills are pretty decent, courtesy of the amounts of times they needed to bypass a security system to break into a place. She is also an experienced handyman. From blasters, to swoops, to speeders, and now to ships. She knows how to fix just about anything...though one might expect a foul series of sentences when she struggles to get something fixed. Her medical experience is also not too bad, with the amounts of times she needed to patch up a blaster or blade wound, or treat a flu. Though she might even make a field medic cringe with her skills. 

Something that has helped her out all this time is an odd "sixth sense" she possesses. She is able to more or less predict something that might happen before it does, helping her a lot in a fight. She also has slightly moved things or made them shake when reaching for them, but that is probably just her imagination or substances talking...[/gfont]
[exsize=10][/exsize][COLOR=transparent]x[/COLOR]{/slide}{slide=[color=#FF00FF]P O S S E S S I O N S[/color]|left}
[list][*][url=]Blast vest[/url][/list]

[*][url=]DL-44 blaster pistol[/url] | 2 extra mags
[*][url=]A-280C blaster rifle[/url] | 2 extra mags
[*]2 frag grenades | 1 concussion grenade | 1 smoke grenade[/list]

[list][*][url=]Datapad[/url] | [url=]Comlink[/url] | [url=]Personav[/url] | 1 kg of [url=]welding putt[/url][/list]

[list][*][url=]Quad-5 Express Courier[/url] | [url=]BG-7[/url], her astromech droid | [url=]Yellow box[/url]
[*][url=]Skyblade swoop bike[/url] in her ship's cargo hold[/list]



[abox4=80%][exsize=10]Name/Link ― Description ―  [color=yellow]Status[/color]

Name/Link ― Description ―  [color=yellow]Status[/color]

Name/Link ― Description ―  [color=yellow]Status[/color]

Name/Link ― Description ―  [color=yellow]Status[/color]

Name/Link ― Description ―  [color=yellow]Status[/color]

Name/Link ― Description ―  [color=yellow]Status[/color]

Name/Link ― Description ―  [color=yellow]Status[/color]
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Snappy Boi
SWRP Writer
Mar 2, 2019
Reaction score

Arden's Beskar'gam

This armour will serve as the personal set for Arden Kryze. It was built by himself when he was finally inducted into the Mandalorian lifestyle. On his pauldron he has the Mythosaur emblem and his armour is usually adorned by a leather trench coat. While the paint job is unique, he was no issue changing it or getting rid of his armour entirely to blend in.


Mandalorian armor, though rare, is not illegal in most places. That said, wearing a full face helmet in public spaces is frowned upon, and often illegal in many core worlds, especially in or near government facilities- not to mention that many identification cards in various systems require a full face photo. This drives many strict adherents of "the way" to operate exclusively on the fringes of the galaxy.


To provide a write up of my character's armour to keep track of its upgrades.

Not yet.

Type and Coverage

Type: Light/Medium/Heavy Armor

Coverage: (Coverage regions for Light armor is 1-3 regions, Medium is 4-5, Heavy is 6-7)
  • Head: Durasteel enclosed helmet with transparisteel T-visor
  • Torso: Segmented Durasteel armour pieces over entire torso
  • Back: Segmented Durasteel armour pieces over entire back
  • Upper Arms: Durasteel pauldrons
  • Lower Arms: Durasteel
  • Upper Legs: Durasteel groin protector and upper leg armour
  • Lower Legs: Durasteel boot armour, lower leg armour, and knee guards


Function 1: Filter
  • Filters are bulky attachments to a helmet, or function as part of a mask, that filter out environmental contaminants such as smoke or most toxins. They are susceptible to caustic substances and damage.
Function 2: Mag-Boots
  • Magnetic boots contain electromagnets in the soles and allow for enhanced movement on ferrous surfaces in microgravity or steep gradients. This functionality must be turned on or off manually by a button or switch.
Function 3: Jump Boots
  • This rare and expensive technology is able to propel a person up to 10 meters beyond what a normal person would normally be able to jump, especially when armored. It is not capable of sustained flight, and requires a brief engine cool-down before it can be used again (1 post cool-down).
Function 4: Whipcord thrower
  • The whipcord launcher was a personal weapon that fired a thin fibercord whip which then wrapped around and ensnared the target to restrict mobility up to 10 meters away while remaining attached to the mount point. It was detachable with a second use of the firing button. The whipcord launcher was favored by bounty hunters, as it was easy to carry and use and it virtually always ensured a live capture, though it could be cut by a vibro blade with ease.
Function 5: Thermal Undersuit
  • Thermal undersuits wick away or reflect thermal energy for brief periods of time. They are not nearly as effective as a suit that firefighters would wear. Most commonly used to protect soldiers from flamethrower weapons or short bursts of extreme heat or cold, and are only good for 1-2 posts of exposure depending on intensity. They are useless against blasters.

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Snappy Boi
SWRP Writer
Mar 2, 2019
Reaction score


Open Market

Concordian Crescent Technologies/outlaw companies.

25 cm

1.6 kg

Dallorian Alloy

Heavy/Heavy Stun

20 rounds

Semi Automatic

30 meters

The Westar-34, arguably one of the most famous blasters in the galaxy. It was the preferred weapon of choice for the bounty hunter Jango Fett, and also a go-to sidearm for his son, Boba Fett. Before and during the Clone Wars, these blasters felled many Jedi and other iconic figures like the legendary Cad Bane, who met his demise against this handcannon. These days it's commonly seen in holofilms in the hands of characters needing a sleek, yet dangerous, pistol for their cool action shots.

Unlike most blasters, the Westar-34 is built from a very useful Dallorian Alloy, making it much better for sustained fire and ideal for brief, yet fast-paced exchanges. The ammunition capacity is also somewhat lacking compared to other pistols, but the immense firepower these pistols pack more than makes up for it. But despite the heavy material it's made of, it is still remarkably light for a quick draw and ease of use. This is thanks to the hollowed out grip and minimalistic design of the pistol. Though, despite its design, it is still extremely modular with spaces to add a scope, laser sight, flashlight, and a plethora of other items. It's minimalistic design also makes it very reliable, adding even more to the dangerous close-range capabilities of the pistol.

These days the pistols are quite rare to get a hold of, especially because of the fact that their manufacturer is also no longer operating. Though, there are some smaller outlaw companies who manage to reproduce these fine weapons which keeps their presence in the black market still relevant. Of course, these modern recreations don't go for nearly as much as an original CCT Westar-34.

Restricted. Heavy blasters are commonly illegal in any civilized system, though there are exceptions for people to use them in military roles if they are able to afford them. It's also pretty easy to find them on the black market, though they do fetch a really expensive price.

To create a blaster with a stun capability as well as to introduce the weapon from Canon. Based off the original Westar-34 we see in both movies and the series.

YES. This is a heavy blaster, and a restricted and expensive one at that. A plot of 1-2 threads is needed to get one's hands on one of these.

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Snappy Boi
SWRP Writer
Mar 2, 2019
Reaction score

Sector Ranger Armour

Every big group needs a face. The Empire had their Stormtroopers. The Mandalorians had their T-visors. The Jedi have their lightsabers. It's only fitting for the most prominent law enforcement group in the galaxy to have an image that strikes fear into the hearts of any criminals.

The Sector Ranger Armour does just that. While nothing fancy at all and also optional, the Sector Ranger Armour -or simply Ranger
Armour- has a striking trademark image with its bulky filter, trench coat, glowing red visor, and black Duraplast armour. Naturally, this armour is extremely modular, allowing the wearer to swap out any of its standard functions for gear that will suit their individual needs.


Fully legal, though some Rangers might modify their sets with illegal pieces of gear. It might also draw some unwanted attention in some areas.


To create a standard armour write up for the Sector Rangers that some people can choose to use if they want.


Not at all, though some people might add advanced tech pieces to their armour.

Type and Coverage

Type: Medium

Coverage: (Coverage regions for Light armor is 1-3 regions, Medium is 4-5, Heavy is 6-7)
  • Head: Fully enclosed Duraplast helmet and mask
  • Torso: Duraplast torso armour piece complete with a neck guard
  • Back: Duraplast armour piece to cover the entire back
  • Lower Arms: Duraplast vambraces and gauntlets to protect the wearer's lower arms
  • Lower Legs: Duraplast armour covering the boots, shins and knees.


Function 1: Filter
  • Filters are bulky attachments to a helmet, or function as part of a mask, that filter out environmental contaminants such as smoke or most toxins. They are susceptible to caustic substances and damage.
Function 2: Mag-Boots
  • Magnetic boots contain electromagnets in the soles and allow for enhanced movement on ferrous surfaces in microgravity or steep gradients. This functionality must be turned on or off manually by a button or switch.
Function 3: Voice Scrambler
  • For the unusually paranoid, this helmet function can scramble a person's voice to unintelligible garbage, while allowing commlink conversations to continue as normal. Alternatively, it can be used to "digitize" a voice into a deep bass tone.
Function 4: Jump Boots
  • This rare and expensive technology is able to propel a person up to 10 meters beyond what a normal person would normally be able to jump, especially when armored. It is not capable of sustained flight, and requires a brief engine cool-down before it can be used again (1 post cool-down).
Function 5: Bola Launcher
  • The gauntlet bola Launcher is a useful addition to a bounty hunters arsenal. Single shot, takes several seconds to reload, and has a max range of 25 meters. A successful hit tangles a foe in a strong durasteel wire to slow down or even capture the target.

[CENTER][GFONT=Raleway][SIZE=12][COLOR=#B0C4DE]Sector Ranger Armour[/COLOR][/SIZE][/GFONT][/CENTER]

[center][justify]Every big group needs a face. The Empire had their Stormtroopers. The Mandalorians had their T-visors. The Jedi have their lightsabers. It's only fitting for the most prominent law enforcement group in the galaxy to have an image that strikes fear into the hearts of any criminals.

The Sector Ranger Armour does just that. While nothing fancy at all and also optional, the Sector Ranger Armour -or simply Ranger 
Armour- has a striking trademark image with its bulky filter, trench coat, glowing red visor, and black Duraplast armour. Naturally, this armour is extremely modular, allowing the wearer to swap out any of its standard functions for gear that will suit their individual needs. [/justify][/center]


[center][justify]Fully legal, though some Rangers might modify their sets with illegal pieces of gear. It might also draw some unwanted attention in some areas.[/justify][/center]


[center][justify]To create a standard armour write up for the Sector Rangers that some people can choose to use if they want.[/justify][/center]


Not at all, though some people might add advanced tech pieces to their armour.

[CENTER][GFONT=Raleway][color=#B0C4DE][SIZE=6]Type and Coverage[/SIZE][/color][/GFONT]

[justify][font=Palatino Linotype][size=4][b]Type:[/b] Medium

[b]Coverage:[/b] (Coverage regions for Light armor is 1-3 regions, Medium is 4-5, Heavy is 6-7)
[list][*]Head: Fully enclosed Duraplast helmet and mask
[*]Torso: Duraplast torso armour piece complete with a neck guard
[*]Back: Duraplast armour piece to cover the entire back
[*]Lower Arms: Duraplast vambraces and gauntlets to protect the wearer's lower arms
[*]Lower Legs: Duraplast armour covering the boots, shins and knees.

[justify][FONT=Palatino Linotype]

[gfont=Raleway][color=#B0C4DE][size=5]Function 1:[/size][/color][/gfont] Filter
[list][*]Filters are bulky attachments to a helmet, or function as part of a mask, that filter out environmental contaminants such as smoke or most toxins. They are susceptible to caustic substances and damage.[/list]
[gfont=Raleway][color=#B0C4DE][size=5]Function 2:[/size][/color][/gfont] Mag-Boots
[list][*]Magnetic boots contain electromagnets in the soles and allow for enhanced movement on ferrous surfaces in microgravity or steep gradients. This functionality must be turned on or off manually by a button or switch.[/list]
[gfont=Raleway][color=#B0C4DE][size=5]Function 3:[/size][/color][/gfont] Voice Scrambler
[list][*]For the unusually paranoid, this helmet function can scramble a person's voice to unintelligible garbage, while allowing commlink conversations to continue as normal. Alternatively, it can be used to "digitize" a voice into a deep bass tone.[/list]
[gfont=Raleway][color=#B0C4DE][size=5]Function 4:[/size][/color][/gfont] Jump Boots
[list][*]This rare and expensive technology is able to propel a person up to 10 meters beyond what a normal person would normally be able to jump, especially when armored. It is not capable of sustained flight, and requires a brief engine cool-down before it can be used again (1 post cool-down).[/list]
[gfont=Raleway][color=#B0C4DE][size=5]Function 5:[/size][/color][/gfont] Bola Launcher
[list][*]The gauntlet bola Launcher is a useful addition to a bounty hunters arsenal. Single shot, takes several seconds to reload, and has a max range of 25 meters. A successful hit tangles a foe in a strong durasteel wire to slow down or even capture the target.[/list]

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Snappy Boi
SWRP Writer
Mar 2, 2019
Reaction score

SS-54 Assault Ship

Open Market

Botajef Shipyards

Light Freighter

Assault Ship/Gunship

Durasteel and Transparisteel

24.2 meters/22 meters/10 meters
Minimum: 1
Optimum: 2

6 passengers

30 tons


2 weeks

70MGLT top speed. Decent maneuvering


  • 2x bow mounted dual-medium laser cannons (pilot controlled)
  • 1x dorsal rear mounted twin-light laser cannon turret (co-pilot controlled)

  • Navicomputer
  • Class 2 hyperdrive
  • long range comms suite
  • heavy deflector screen generator
  • cockpit-based escape pod

Describe your ship in detail. A ship is a ship, but what stands out about this one? What is it like, what should be known about it? Is it reputable and reliable workhorse or is it a cheap piece of junk? Is it a successful product or commercial failure? What do people use it for? Why was it designed and built? Is it old and not manufactured anymore? Is it new on the market? Describe how the interior is set up, where the crew sits, how the accommodations are, etc. Tell us as much as you can.

Describe the legality of ownership for this thing. Is it restricted to people with certain licenses? Is it illegal to own? A light freighter would be legal basically everywhere unless it's illegally modified or armed, but a gunboat loaded for Zillo beasts is probably going to be illegal or heavily restricted in many systems unless you're specially licensed or a member of groups allowed to be so armed.

This is one of the most important sections. Why are you making this ship? What stands out about it and what role does it fill on the site? Who do you intend to use this ship? This should be a well-developed idea beyond "could be useful and there isn't one so I'm making it". If this is generitech, you can omit this section, but please be sure to ling to whatever design it is based on.

YES/NO. Advanced tech requires an approved plot to build, steal, buy, or otherwise obtain. Most unusual or above average technologies should fit into this category. Also include any other special notes about acquisition, if applicable. How might one obtain this tech?



Snappy Boi
SWRP Writer
Mar 2, 2019
Reaction score

Shock Boxing Gloves

Open Market


user dependant

0.5 kg

-various electrical components

Light stun damage (Medium with limiters removed)

50 hits (25 with limiters removed)

Activation switch

on contact

A common weapon with a big enough following to have its own professional sport. The shock boxing glove is a simple design that embeds light stun pads into the knuckles, palm and finger tips of the user's gloves. It's extremely popular and is produced by various companies all over the galaxy. People use it for self defense, for pranking friends and some authorities use it to subdue problematic perpetrators.

Naturally people also experimented with it and figured out that it's remarkably easy to remove the limiters, bumping up the stun capabilities to medium output. Some underground rings prefer this method for illegal fights and it also allows certain groups, such as bounty hunters, to drop bigger targets. But this modification does come at a cost by cutting the number of discharges in half. Users should also be very conscious with the gloves, since electrocuting one's self with it is a very easy task if one doesn't pay attention to the blue indicator on top of the glove.

In its stock form it is completely legal, however removing the limiters is illegal and could result in a fine.

To provide a more concealable alternative for a non-lethal melee weapon. Credit to Darasuum for the original write up.

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Snappy Boi
SWRP Writer
Mar 2, 2019
Reaction score
Arthur Demici
_N A M E
Arthur Roberto Demici

_A G E
27 g.s.y

_G E N D E R

_H E I G H T

_W E I G H T
74 kg

_F O R C E _ S E N S I T I V E

_R E P U T A T I O N

_F A C T I O N
Sith Eternal

_R A N K

_S P E C I E S

_V O I C E _ C L A I M
Richard Madden


Arthur was born on Serenno to the once famous House Demici. Unfortunately for him, though, his real father wasn't exactly married to his mother, so when the head of their family found out Arthur wasn't really his son, he was furious. He chased Arthur's mother off into the galaxy, without any help or support, and kept Arthur for himself to be raised in his House to make up for the dishonour she brought upon their already weakened name. But despite being raised in a noble family, he wasn't exactly treated all that well.

His education, luxuries, and everything else wasn't lacking, but there was little love from his father and eventually his new mother. And when he received a baby brother, things only got worse.

He was neglected, treated horribly and punished. Even when he excelled in his lessons and duties. The only one who treated him well was his little brother. He was the only one Arthur really cared for and even loved. It was also with his brother that he discovered he was able to move things with his mind, but that was a secret the two of them kept to themselves. As they both grew older, though, Arthur realized that this wasn't going to work. He got it into his head that, since he was the oldest, he deserved to be the heir to the family. But with his little brother still around, that was never going to happen.

One day a 16 year old Arthur and a 12 year old little brother was fooling around in the forests of Serenno, using the solitude to play with Arthur's powers. Somehow they caused a stampede. They were both going to be trampled, but Arthur tried to save them. He reached out with his hands and attempted to push the stampede back to try and save them...but a few seconds later his powers gave in and they were both hit. His brother was crushed while he survived at the outskirts of the stampede with some heavy injuries. He told his parents what happened and that it was an accident. They believed him, despite not expressing much sympathy towards him and being more heartbroken over the loss of their real son. But the truth he kept to himself...

One group, however, did know the truth. And one day he was swept away in the dark of the night. The Sith Eternal had come for him, but he didn't mind. He found that, through these people, he could rise up from being a mere bastard child. He could get what he want. So he trained hard, both his mind and his body. He grew stronger as his ambitions grew. Until after many years, his training was completed.

He returned to Serenno, to his family, but not to the old life he had. He remained at a distance, watching them in secret and plotting his ascension. One day his parents met their demise in an unfortunate accident, leaving him to inherit the property and family.

Now he has a new mission. His House is broken and insignificant, where it once was one of the strongest on the planet. He wants to have it be that way again...


Despite his troubled upbringing and the lack of affection he had as a child, Arthur still appears as a charismatic and enthusiastic personality. He is a gentleman with manners and class, comfortable in his skin and always neatly dressed. He carries himself with pride and he rarely swears, especially in front of a lady. Probably the only arguably common thing about him is the occasional enjoyment of a cigarette or drinking a little too much now and then.

He isn’t afraid to smile and believes in being genuine. But of course, this isn't the only side to him.

He is ambitious, calculating and sometimes flatout ruthless. He doesn’t have an issue killing another being, but he finds that killing them with no reason or purpose to a bigger picture is simply a waste and distasteful. But whenever he can reach his goal by killing off a few people, they tend to either disappear or just get butchered by him.

His sith training has also taught him a lot about using his emotions and passions, so at times he can either get carried away or consumed by his emotions. But for the most part he does a fantastic job of keeping himself in check and not letting his emotions get the better of him.


Before he joined the Sith Eternal, Arthur was given top tier education and also taught numerous skills. He could swing a vibroblade, shoot all kinds of blasters and is a decent pilot despite the fact that he could never do those things on his own.

But when he was abducted and trained by the Sith, he grew even more lethal. He was taught how to use a lightsaber and all kinds of force powers were drilled into him. Combined with his martial skills, he can be a dangerous opponent to fight again. But he prefers to do things more subtly before resorting to fighting it out. He has trained long and hard to use not only the conventional powers of the force, but also unconventional. It’s not strange to find him subtly influencing individuals with the force when busy with important deals.

Of course, he still has a lot to learn and in time he wishes to expand his arsenal further. But for now, his skillset serves him well.

Aside from that, he prefers to do things himself, whether that means making his own food, flying his own ship, or sorting through his books. He wishes to also expand his medical knowledge as well as mechanical, in the event either is needed beyond the basic things he knows.



  • Vibroblade (only carried when mentioned)
  • DC-17 blaster pistol | 2 extra mags (in shoulder holster)
  • 2x crimson dual phase crossguard lightsabers
  • 2 frag grenades | 1 concussion grenade | 1 smoke grenade | (grenades only carried when mentioned)




Name/Link ― Description ― Status

Name/Link ― Description ― Status

Name/Link ― Description ― Status

Name/Link ― Description ― Status

Name/Link ― Description ― Status

Name/Link ― Description ― Status

Name/Link ― Description ― Status

[center][font=Ink Free][exsize=60][glow=maroon][COLOR=black]Arthur Demici[/COLOR][/glow][/exsize][/font][/center]
[border3=Maroon][border3=Black][abox3=100%][float_left][abox2=470px][IMG][/IMG][/abox2][/float_left][justify][exsize=10][font=Lucida Sans][column=2][bcolor=dimgrey][COLOR=transparent]_[/COLOR][COLOR=black][glow=maroon][B]N A M E[/B][/glow][/COLOR][/bcolor][color=maroon][glow=black]Arthur Roberto Demici[/glow][/color][/column]
[column=2][bcolor=dimgrey][COLOR=transparent]_[/COLOR][COLOR=black][glow=maroon][B]A G E[/B][/glow][/COLOR][/bcolor][color=maroon][glow=black]27 g.s.y[/glow][/color][/column]
[column=2][bcolor=dimgrey][COLOR=transparent]_[/COLOR][COLOR=black][glow=maroon][B]G E N D E R[/B][/glow][/COLOR][/bcolor][color=maroon][glow=black]Male[/glow][/color][/column]
[column=2][bcolor=dimgrey][COLOR=transparent]_[/COLOR][COLOR=black][glow=maroon][B]H E I G H T[/B][/glow][/COLOR][/bcolor][color=maroon][glow=black]6'1"[/glow][/color][/column]
[column=2][bcolor=dimgrey][COLOR=transparent]_[/COLOR][COLOR=black][glow=maroon][B]W E I G H T[/B][/glow][/COLOR][/bcolor][color=maroon][glow=black]74 kg[/glow][/color][/column]
[column=2][bcolor=dimgrey][COLOR=transparent]_[/COLOR][COLOR=black][glow=maroon][B]F O R C E _ S E N S I T I V E[/B][/glow][/COLOR][/bcolor][color=maroon][glow=black]Yes[/glow][/color][/column]
[column=2][bcolor=dimgrey][COLOR=transparent]_[/COLOR][COLOR=black][glow=maroon][B]R E P U T A T I O N[/B][/glow][/COLOR][/bcolor][color=maroon][glow=black]Unknown[/glow][/color][/column]
[column=2][bcolor=dimgrey][COLOR=transparent]_[/COLOR][COLOR=black][glow=maroon][B]F A C T I O N[/B][/glow][/COLOR][/bcolor][color=maroon][glow=black]Sith Eternal[/glow][/color][/column]
[column=2][bcolor=dimgrey][COLOR=transparent]_[/COLOR][COLOR=black][glow=maroon][B]R A N K[/B][/glow][/COLOR][/bcolor][color=maroon][glow=black]Guardian[/glow][/color][/column]
[column=2][bcolor=dimgrey][COLOR=transparent]_[/COLOR][COLOR=black][glow=maroon][B]S P E C I E S[/B][/glow][/COLOR][/bcolor][color=maroon][glow=black]Human[/glow][/color][/column]
[column=2][bcolor=dimgrey][COLOR=transparent]_[/COLOR][COLOR=black][glow=maroon][B]V O I C E _ C L A I M[/B][/glow][/COLOR][/bcolor][url=][color=maroon][glow=black]Richard Madden[/glow][/color][/url][/column][/font][/exsize][/justify][/abox3][/border3][/border3][abox3=100%][justify]

[accordion=bcenter|90%]{slide=[color=maroon][glow=black]B I O G R A P H Y[/glow][/color]|left}
[float_left][abox3=200px][img][/img][/abox3][/float_left][font=Lucida Sans]Arthur was born on Serenno to the once famous House Demici. Unfortunately for him, though, his real father wasn't exactly married to his mother, so when the head of their family found out Arthur wasn't really his son, he was furious. He chased Arthur's mother off into the galaxy, without any help or support, and kept Arthur for himself to be raised in his House to make up for the dishonour she brought upon their already weakened name. But despite being raised in a noble family, he wasn't exactly treated all that well. 

His education, luxuries, and everything else wasn't lacking, but there was little love from his father and eventually his new mother. And when he received a baby brother, things only got worse. 

He was neglected, treated horribly and punished. Even when he excelled in his lessons and duties. The only one who treated him well was his little brother. He was the only one Arthur really cared for and even loved. It was also with his brother that he discovered he was able to move things with his mind, but that was a secret the two of them kept to themselves. As they both grew older, though, Arthur realized that this wasn't going to work. He got it into his head that, since he was the oldest, he deserved to be the heir to the family. But with his little brother still around, that was never going to happen. 

One day a 16 year old Arthur and a 12 year old little brother was fooling around in the forests of Serenno, using the solitude to play with Arthur's powers. Somehow they caused a stampede. They were both going to be trampled, but Arthur tried to save them. He reached out with his hands and attempted to push the stampede back to try and save them...but a few seconds later his powers gave in and they were both hit. His brother was crushed while he survived at the outskirts of the stampede with some heavy injuries. He told his parents what happened and that it was an accident. They believed him, despite not expressing much sympathy towards him and being more heartbroken over the loss of their real son. But the truth he kept to himself...

One group, however, did know the truth. And one day he was swept away in the dark of the night. The Sith Eternal had come for him, but he didn't mind. He found that, through these people, he could rise up from being a mere bastard child. He could get what he want. So he trained hard, both his mind and his body. He grew stronger as his ambitions grew. Until after many years, his training was completed.

He returned to Serenno, to his family, but not to the old life he had. He remained at a distance, watching them in secret and plotting his ascension. One day his parents met their demise in an unfortunate accident, leaving him to inherit the property and family. 

Now he has a new mission. His House is broken and insignificant, where it once was one of the strongest on the planet. He wants to have it be that way again...[/font]
[COLOR=transparent]x[/COLOR]{/slide}{slide=[color=maroon][glow=black]P E R S O N A L I T Y[/glow][/color]|left}
[float_right][abox3=250px][img][/img][/abox3][/float_right][font=Lucida Sans]Despite his troubled upbringing and the lack of affection he had as a child, Arthur still appears as a charismatic and enthusiastic personality. He is a gentleman with manners and class, comfortable in his skin and always neatly dressed. He carries himself with pride and he rarely swears, especially in front of a lady. Probably the only arguably common thing about him is the occasional enjoyment of a cigarette or drinking a little too much now and then. 

He isn’t afraid to smile and believes in being genuine. But of course, this isn't the only side to him. 

He is ambitious, calculating and sometimes flatout ruthless. He doesn’t have an issue killing another being, but he finds that killing them with no reason or purpose to a bigger picture is simply a waste and distasteful. But whenever he can reach his goal by killing off a few people, they tend to either disappear or just get butchered by him.

His sith training has also taught him a lot about using his emotions and passions, so at times he can either get carried away or consumed by his emotions. But for the most part he does a fantastic job of keeping himself in check and not letting his emotions get the better of him.[/font]
[COLOR=transparent]x[/COLOR]{/slide}{slide=[color=maroon][glow=black]A B I L I T I E S[/glow][/color]|left}
[float_left][abox3=280px][img][/img][/abox3][/float_left][font=Lucida Sans]Before he joined the Sith Eternal, Arthur was given top tier education and also taught numerous skills. He could swing a vibroblade, shoot all kinds of blasters and is a decent pilot despite the fact that he could never do those things on his own.

But when he was abducted and trained by the Sith, he grew even more lethal. He was taught how to use a lightsaber and all kinds of force powers were drilled into him. Combined with his martial skills, he can be a dangerous opponent to fight again. But he prefers to do things more subtly before resorting to fighting it out. He has trained long and hard to use not only the conventional powers of the force, but also unconventional. It’s not strange to find him subtly influencing individuals with the force when busy with important deals.

Of course, he still has a lot to learn and in time he wishes to expand his arsenal further. But for now, his skillset serves him well. 

Aside from that, he prefers to do things himself, whether that means making his own food, flying his own ship, or sorting through his books. He wishes to also expand his medical knowledge as well as mechanical, in the event either is needed beyond the basic things he knows.[/font]
[COLOR=transparent]x[/COLOR]{/slide}{slide=[color=maroon][glow=black]P O S S E S S I O N S[/glow][/color]|left}
[list][*][url=]Blast vest[/url] and fancy clothing[/list]

[list][*][*][url=]Vibroblade[/url] (only carried when mentioned)
[*][url=]DC-17 blaster pistol[/url] | 2 extra mags (in shoulder holster)
[*]2x crimson dual phase crossguard lightsabers
[*]2 frag grenades | 1 concussion grenade | 1 smoke grenade | (grenades only carried when mentioned)[/list]

[list][*][url=]Datapad[/url] | [url=]Comlink[/url] | [url=]Personav[/url] | 1 kg of [url=]welding putt[/url] (welding putt only carried when mentioned)[/list]

[list][*][url=]Kazellis-class light freighter[/url] | [url=]BG-D[/url], his astromech droid | [url=]Pilot droid[/url] | [url=]Yellow box[/url]
[*][url=]Skyblade swoop bike[/url] in his ship's cargo hold[/list]


[abox4=80%][exsize=10]Name/Link ― Description ―  [color=yellow]Status[/color]

Name/Link ― Description ―  [color=yellow]Status[/color]

Name/Link ― Description ―  [color=yellow]Status[/color]

Name/Link ― Description ―  [color=yellow]Status[/color]

Name/Link ― Description ―  [color=yellow]Status[/color]

Name/Link ― Description ―  [color=yellow]Status[/color]

Name/Link ― Description ―  [color=yellow]Status[/color]
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Snappy Boi
SWRP Writer
Mar 2, 2019
Reaction score

Arthur's lightsaber

Arthur Demici

Arthur Demici

35 cm

1.2 kg




Dual Phase

Max blade length: 2 meters

When Arthur's training neared a point for him to create a lightsaber of his own, he drew heavy inspiration from his homeworld, as well as the infamous Serennoan Sith Lord, Count Dooku.

His lightsaber was crafted out of Durasteel, and accented with a polished Chromium. For some extra flare he decided to incorporate a knuckle guard seen on many vibrofoils and even a few lightfoils in history. The weapon was wholly unique to its owner and the bright crimson blade showed exactly on who's side he was always on. He also went an extra mile to make sure its blade was fully customisable in its length as well as built a waterproof system in as well.

Despite its elegance, it rarely gets used. But on the rare occasion the weapon was drawn, one could easily spot the careful and elegant craftsmanship that went into it.

Legal wherever lightsabers are legal.

To create a custom write up to link to for my character's primary weapon. Also to serve as a means to keep track on it if it ever changes.


Credit to artist
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Snappy Boi
SWRP Writer
Mar 2, 2019
Reaction score

Arthur's Sith Attire

Arthur knows the value in remaining anonymous, which is why he very rarely uses his lightsabers and very subtly uses the force. Keeping the man and the Sith apart from each other is extremely important and valuable. But when the Sith is made known, this also requires secrecy. He can't afford to have someone recognize him, so when it's needed he will don a special armour he keeps hidden just for special occasions.

The armour is quite special in a few ways. He wears a black trench coat over a set of formal, yet practical clothing that is covered by a strong blast vest. The coat is lined with armourweave and features a hood that he can wear when needed for an extra layer of secrecy. On his face he wears an enclosed helmet meant not only to protect him, but to keep his identity hidden as well. Its quality is immaculate, clearly the work of some very fine craftsmen and tailors. It is inconspicuous enough to not draw attention, but to those who see the figure for what he is, the outfit clearly represents the Sith Eternal proudly.


Illegal. Given the situation in the galaxy against the Sith Eternal, wearing this outfit in public is very likely to draw a lot of unwanted attention.


To create a custom write up of my character's uniform he will be using to keep his true identity hidden if he does ever go overt in his actions.


Type and Coverage

Type: Medium Armor

Coverage: (Coverage regions for Light armor is 1-3 regions, Medium is 4-5, Heavy is 6-7)
  • Head: Duraplast helmet covering the entire head and face, with transparisteel visor
  • Torso: Elegant and finely crafted blast vest
  • Back: Elegant and finely crafted blast vest
  • Lower Arms: Duraplast vambraces covering forearms and hands
  • Lower Legs: Duraplast armour covering the shins, knees, and feet


Function 1: Filter
  • Filters are bulky attachments to a helmet, or function as part of a mask, that filter out environmental contaminants such as smoke or most toxins. They are susceptible to caustic substances and damage.
Function 2: Voice Scrambler
  • For the unusually paranoid, this helmet function can scramble a person's voice to unintelligible garbage, while allowing commlink conversations to continue as normal. Alternatively, it can be used to "digitize" a voice into a deep bass tone.
Function 3: Armorweave Accessory
  • Most often in the form of a heavy cape, skirt, or underlay beneath armor, armor weave provides some protection against the penetrating effects of shrapnel from explosives and other unpowered high velocity impacts, with only a small amount of bleed through damage (bruising or very minor wounds). It offers no protection against kinetic impact or energy, vibroweapons, or similar "powered" weapons. Having more than one accessory (example: Cape + underweave) provides no additional effect.
Function 4: Vision Modes
  • This Allows a Helmet HUD to cycle to low-light OR thermal vision modes.

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Snappy Boi
SWRP Writer
Mar 2, 2019
Reaction score


Fang-class Starfighter

Open Market

MandalMotors/Sorosuub Corp.



Durasteell and Transparisteel

Length: 6m
Minimum/optimal: 1




3 days

90 mglt. Excellent maneuvering

  • 2x medium laser cannons
  • 1x ventral retractable proton torpedo tube(1 torpedo)

  • Class 2 hyperdrive
  • Navicomputer
  • 1x ejection seat

Describe your ship in detail. A ship is a ship, but what stands out about this one? What is it like, what should be known about it? Is it reputable and reliable workhorse or is it a cheap piece of junk? Is it a successful product or commercial failure? What do people use it for? Why was it designed and built? Is it old and not manufactured anymore? Is it new on the market? Describe how the interior is set up, where the crew sits, how the accommodations are, etc. Tell us as much as you can.

Describe the legality of ownership for this thing. Is it restricted to people with certain licenses? Is it illegal to own? A light freighter would be legal basically everywhere unless it's illegally modified or armed, but a gunboat loaded for Zillo beasts is probably going to be illegal or heavily restricted in many systems unless you're specially licensed or a member of groups allowed to be so armed.

This is one of the most important sections. Why are you making this ship? What stands out about it and what role does it fill on the site? Who do you intend to use this ship? This should be a well-developed idea beyond "could be useful and there isn't one so I'm making it". If this is generitech, you can omit this section, but please be sure to ling to whatever design it is based on.

If any, explain what the relevant restrictions are. This could be anything from being restricted to faction use (like capital ships), NPC/PvE use only for certain overpowered weapons, limited to use during approved plots, only available via event rewards, or whatever else seems appropriate. If none, omit this section.

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Snappy Boi
SWRP Writer
Mar 2, 2019
Reaction score


Kom'rk-class fighter/transport

Open Market



Starfighter/Troop transport

Material and Material

Minimum: 1/Optimal: 4

24 passengers

1 ton


1 week

100mglt top speed. Average maneuvering.

  • 2x forward facing medium laser cannons
  • 1x twin-mounter light laser cannon turret

  • Class 1 hyperdrive
  • Navicomputer
  • Light deflector screen generator
  • 1x docking ring with integrated docking tube

Describe your ship in detail. A ship is a ship, but what stands out about this one? What is it like, what should be known about it? Is it reputable and reliable work horse or is it a cheap piece of junk? Is it a successful product or commercial failure? What do people use it for? Why was it designed and built? Is it old and not manufactured anymore? Is it new on the market? Describe how the interior is set up, where the crew sits, how the accommodations are, etc. Tell us as much as you can.

Describe the legality of ownership for this thing. Is it restricted to people with certain licenses? Is it illegal to own? A light freighter would be legal basically everywhere unless it's illegally modified or armed, but a gunboat loaded for Zillo beasts is probably going to be illegal or heavily restricted in many systems unless you're specially licensed or a member of groups allowed to be so armed.

This is one of the most important sections. Why are you making this ship? What stands out about it and what role does it fill on the site? Who do you intend to use this ship? This should be a well-developed idea beyond "could be useful and there isn't one so I'm making it". If this is generitech, you can omit this section, but please be sure to ling to whatever design it is based on.

If any, explain what the relevant restrictions are. This could be anything from being restricted to faction use (like capital ships), NPC/PvE use only for certain overpowered weapons, limited to use during approved plots, only available via event rewards, or whatever else seems appropriate. If none, omit this section.

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Snappy Boi
SWRP Writer
Mar 2, 2019
Reaction score
[B]What is going to happen in your plot?[/B]
[B]What other writers (and their characters) will be a part of this?[/B]
[B]How many threads will this plot have?[/B]
[B]Include opposition type for each thread (DM, dice, ASK/OPEN, etc):[/B]
[B]What do you or your character hope to achieve with this plot? What is the "end-game?” Link any items you’re seeking if applicable.[/B]
[B]Do you need any involvement of canon/site NPCs or faction leaders to be DMed by a staff member? If so, please detail who/what and for what purpose.[/B]


Snappy Boi
SWRP Writer
Mar 2, 2019
Reaction score


FP-series Mk.VI "Hawkbat" Starfighter

Open Market



Multi-purpose starfighter

Durasteel and Transparisteel


1-3 + Astromech




2 Weeks

120 MGLT with average maneuvering characteristics

  • 2x forward fixed light laser cannons
  • 2x forward fixed medium laser cannons/light ion cannons
  • 1x Centrally located warhead launcher (4 warheads)


The FP-series Mk. VI, known as the "Hawkbat" starfighter for its profile being similar to that of it's namesake in a dive, was a new ship produced by the legendary company Incom-FreiTek inrecent years. Drawing heavy inspiration from their original multi-purpose heavy starfighter, the ARC-170, the Hawkbat is designed primarily with planetary defense forces and small armies in mind. Its wings could also fold up to make storage of these massive fighters much easier.

It was very expensive and required quite a large crew to operate for its class. It also required heavy maintenance despite being immensely rugged and reliable. But for all its drawbacks, it had numerous advantages that made it worth the cost.

It was armed with a pair of nose-mounted light laser cannons as well as a set of wing-mounted medium laser cannons. The medium laser cannons could also optionally be swapped out for a pair of light ion cannons to allow more non-lethal capabilities. In the center of the ship was a general purpose warhead launcher capable of launching either Proton torpedoes or Concussion missiles, though sadly these couldn't be mixed in the magazine due to how the system operated. For defensive capabilities it was very well equipped. It had a medium deflector shield, long range comms and scanners, and had impressive range with its class 2 hyperdrive and 2 weeks' worth of supplies. It's ventrally mounted docking ring allowed it to secure to bigger ships and let its crew disembark safely onto other vessels

The ship was meant to be a "jack of all trades", capable of filling a plethora of roles. It could fly escort missions for freighters and other important ships, it could go on long range recon missions, it could work as a light bomber or strike fighter. Its use of light laser cannons also gave it a faster, albeit weaker, rate of fire over ships like the X-wing or other more heavily armed ships. To operate all these systems and weapons effectively required a crew of three as well as an astromech droid for navigation. But the pilot could operate all the systems alone with only an astromech to aid them if necessary. Though doing so would heavily impede their effective piloting capabilities.

Of course, being a jack of all trades meant that the ship was a master of none, and would theoretically not last very long in a dogfight against more dedicated and nimble starfighters like the infamous TIE-line. Thus it heavily relied on its heavy defenses, devastating forward armament and fantastic speed to make up for its rather disappointing handling and lack of rear armament.

It was meant to be used in small, but well trained groups. A handful of these ships belonging to a planetary defense force could theoretically combat much larger forces using weaker ships and could definitely take on larger ships such as capital craft. They were also quite common with seedier groups who liked the ship as a small and effective pirate vessel capable of taking on large freighters with a modest capacity for small but valuable cargo.

Restricted. Being a starfighter, it is heavily regulated by authorities all over the galaxy. On top of that, it is very expensive to purchase by an individual operating independently.

To create a starfighter similar to the ARC-170 but unique to the new setting, as well as create a starfighter that could fill a niche role between a light freighter and a starfighter.

This ship is extremely well equipped and could be very devastating in the right situations. It also is very expensive and hard to maintain by characters who don't have a good financial backing such as independent small-time operators.

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Snappy Boi
SWRP Writer
Mar 2, 2019
Reaction score


TIE/WR "Wraith" Starfighter

Open Market/Sith Eternal




Durasteel and Transparisteel

How long/wide/tall is it?

How many does it take to efficiently fly this?

How many extra people can be aboard?

How much can it carry? The heavier the load, the slower and less maneuverable it will be at full capacity

How many small craft can it carry?

How long can the crew last without replenishment?

Speed and how it handles goes here!

  • Boomboom
  • More boomboom

  • Equipment
  • Equipment
  • Equipment

Describe your ship in detail. A ship is a ship, but what stands out about this one? What is it like, what should be known about it? Is it reputable and reliable work horse or is it a cheap piece of junk? Is it a successful product or commercial failure? What do people use it for? Why was it designed and built? Is it old and not manufactured anymore? Is it new on the market? Describe how the interior is set up, where the crew sits, how the accommodations are, etc. Tell us as much as you can.

Describe the legality of ownership for this thing. Is it restricted to people with certain licenses? Is it illegal to own? A light freighter would be legal basically everywhere unless it's illegally modified or armed, but a gunboat loaded for Zillo beasts is probably going to be illegal or heavily restricted in many systems unless you're specially licensed or a member of groups allowed to be so armed.

This is one of the most important sections. Why are you making this ship? What stands out about it and what role does it fill on the site? Who do you intend to use this ship? This should be a well-developed idea beyond "could be useful and there isn't one so I'm making it". If this is generitech, you can omit this section, but please be sure to ling to whatever design it is based on.

If any, explain what the relevant restrictions are. This could be anything from being restricted to faction use (like capital ships), NPC/PvE use only for certain overpowered weapons, limited to use during approved plots, only available via event rewards, or whatever else seems appropriate. If none, omit this section.

Last edited:


Snappy Boi
SWRP Writer
Mar 2, 2019
Reaction score


AS-U2 'Albatross'

Open Market

Kuat Drive Yards


Long range recon craft/scout ship

Durasteel and Transparisteel

36m long/10m wide/4.5m tall


2 people



3 weeks

180 MGLT top speed with sluggish maneuvering

  • 2x light laser cannon
  • 2x medium laser cannon
  • 2x proton torpedo launchers (2 missiles each)

  • Class 1 Hyperdrive
  • Navicomputer
  • 1x heavy deflector shield
  • 1x 4-being escape pod
  • 1x long range scanners
  • 1x long range comms
  • 1x signal jammers





credit for art: here



Snappy Boi
SWRP Writer
Mar 2, 2019
Reaction score

Arden's undercover armour

Arden tends to end up in situations that don't paint him as the typical honourable and just mando. In fact, they tend to paint him as a terrorist or other unsavoury things. Attention like that doesn't cast a good light on the few Mandalorians still left in the galaxy. So he decided to get a different outfit for when he does stuff that could ruin the Mandalorian name forever.

The armour is simple and light, making him look more like some bounty hunter or scum from Navarro rather than a Mandalorian.


Completely legal. It's simply an armour Arden uses to disguise himself.


To create a write up for Arden's disguise.


Type and Coverage

Type: Medium Armor

Coverage: (Coverage regions for Light armor is 1-3 regions, Medium is 4-5, Heavy is 6-7)
  • Head: Durasteel helmet covering his entire head
  • Torso: Durasteel plates held in a blast vest under his poncho
  • Back: Durasteel plates held in a blast vest under his poncho
  • Lower Arms: Durasteel vambraces protecting his hands and forearms


Function 1: Filter
  • Filters are bulky attachments to a helmet, or function as part of a mask, that filter out environmental contaminants such as smoke or most toxins. They are susceptible to caustic substances and damage.
Function 2: Grapple Line
  • Grapple lines are capable of supporting the weight of 1-2 people and can launch up to ranges typically up to 15 meters away. Once no longer in use, they are detached from the launcher and left behind. While hand-held grapple guns are capable of auto-winching, armor or wrist mounted devices lack this ability. Grapple lines must be manually activated and controlled by a button or switch.
Function 3: Mag-Boots
  • Magnetic boots contain electromagnets in the soles and allow for enhanced movement on ferrous surfaces in microgravity or steep gradients. This functionality must be turned on or off manually by a button or switch.
Function 4: Vision Modes
  • This Allows a Helmet HUD to cycle to low-light OR thermal vision modes.
Function 5: Wrist Flamethrower
  • Wrist flamers are rare, expensive, and dangerous armor attachments favored by mercenaries and soldiers more than bounty hunters, and are illegal in many systems. Wrist flamers are powered by small fuel capsules, and typically hold enough for 3 short bursts of flame. These bursts last 2 seconds, are one meter wide and have a maximum range of 3 meters. The weapon must be manually activated via button or switch, and must be disassembled to be reloaded.

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Snappy Boi
SWRP Writer
Mar 2, 2019
Reaction score

Z-6 Rotary Blaster

Open Market

BlasTech Industries

1.2m long/40cm wide


durasteel, plasteel


50 standard (Can be expanded with external power packs)


75 meters

The Z-6 rotary blaster was a heavy weapon first developed during the Clone Wars over a century ago. It made a reputation for itself for being devastating against large groups of targets and was a preferred weapon for squad support. It was used by many notable figures during the Clone Wars, especially in the Grand Army of the Republic.

When the Clone Wars came to an end, the weapon made enough of an impression that the Galactic Empire employed it in great numbers for their own soldiers. It saw action on various planets where the standard E-11 blaster and other basic light repeaters simply didn't deliver enough firepower against the enemies of the Empire.

Centuries after all these grand and devastating periods in the galaxy's history, the weapon still remains in use today. It is a favourite for mounting on vehicles, allowing immense firepower and good suppressing fire for planetary defense forces and private militaries. But many times one can find some singular units wielding these devastating weapons with either its standard power cell or external power packs for mowing down large groups of enemies.

The weapon had many drawbacks. Its high rate of fire didn't make it very accurate, especially at long range. And it was immensely cumbersome to carry around. Its light bolts also didn't deliver the punch one would usually want from a weapon if this size. But its strengths made many people forget these bad qualities pretty easily. It was very reliable, proving even fit for the swamps and horrid terrain of Mimban. Its design of using six individual semi-automatic blasters also allowed for a whopping 720 rounds per minute, far greater than any other handheld weapon. Unfortunately, the high rate of fire burned through ammunition in record time.

Restricted. Not only is this a fully automatic weapon but it's a devastating one at that. Civilian ownership is highly illegal. Companies and planetary forces must have a permit to use heavy weapons such as this in order to get their hands on it. Individuals found possessing this weapon must produce a permit for it. Failure to do so might result in the individual being arrested with further prosecution depending on the region's laws.

To bring a famous and utterly ludicrous weapon seen in the Star Wars franchise to the site. Also to provide a basic example of a truly heavy automatic weapon.

Individuals wanting to own one of these must either belong to a licensed prominent company or major faction, or have a permit to own and use one of these.



Snappy Boi
SWRP Writer
Mar 2, 2019
Reaction score


Republic/Hutts/Open Market, etc

Name of manufactuer

Rough dimensions

In kg

Wood/durasteel/chromium, etc
Blaster/Pulse Wave/Slugthrower/Melee


Shots per power pack

Semi Automatic/Automatic

In meters

Describe your weapon in more detail here. What features does it have? Does it have a scope, a folding stock, or a grenade launcher? Is it modular or have self-repair features? Who was it designed for? What's your weapon's purpose? If it's a melee weapon, is it lightsaber resistant, and does it have any unusual properties? You can only use features you've written down and had approved, so include everything you intend to use. What makes this different from other, similar tech?

Legal? Illegal? Restricted? Describe any nuances on the legality of your weapon to own and carry in different places around the galaxy. Pulse Wave and most Slugthrower weapons are banned in many places, just like disruptors would be in the future, whereas simple stun pistols would be legal on all but the most extremely pacifistic worlds. Portable missile launchers and such are likely illegal in much of the Core, but whipcord launchers and other non lethal devices would be considered humane and legal. Basically, what happens if you get caught by the authorities with this?

Why? Why did you create this? No, seriously. Weapons are judged with greater scrutiny than other tech. Guns in Star Wars go "pew pew" and burn your opponent, that's pretty much all you need to know. If you're submitting a weapon for approval, it needs to be pretty exotic or special. This will influence any ruling made on your technology, so please explain at length what your intentions are.

If any, explain what the relevant restrictions are. This could be anything from being restricted to faction use (like capital ships), NPC/PvE use only for certain overpowered weapons, limited to use during approved plots, only available via event rewards, or whatever else seems appropriate. If none, omit this section.



Snappy Boi
SWRP Writer
Mar 2, 2019
Reaction score



Republic/Hutts/Open Market, etc

Who builds it?

Anaxes War College System

What was this ship designed to do?

Material and Material

How long/wide/tall is it?

How many does it take to efficiently fly this?

How many extra people can be aboard?

How much can it carry? The heavier the load, the slower and less maneuverable it will be at full capacity

How many small craft can it carry?

How long can the crew last without replenishment?

Speed and how it handles goes here!

  • Boomboom
  • More boomboom

  • Equipment
  • Equipment
  • Equipment

Describe your ship in detail. A ship is a ship, but what stands out about this one? What is it like, what should be known about it? Is it reputable and reliable work horse or is it a cheap piece of junk? Is it a successful product or commercial failure? What do people use it for? Why was it designed and built? Is it old and not manufactured anymore? Is it new on the market? Describe how the interior is set up, where the crew sits, how the accommodations are, etc. Tell us as much as you can.

Describe the legality of ownership for this thing. Is it restricted to people with certain licenses? Is it illegal to own? A light freighter would be legal basically everywhere unless it's illegally modified or armed, but a gunboat loaded for Zillo beasts is probably going to be illegal or heavily restricted in many systems unless you're specially licensed or a member of groups allowed to be so armed.

This is one of the most important sections. Why are you making this ship? What stands out about it and what role does it fill on the site? Who do you intend to use this ship? This should be a well-developed idea beyond "could be useful and there isn't one so I'm making it". If this is generitech, you can omit this section, but please be sure to ling to whatever design it is based on.

If any, explain what the relevant restrictions are. This could be anything from being restricted to faction use (like capital ships), NPC/PvE use only for certain overpowered weapons, limited to use during approved plots, only available via event rewards, or whatever else seems appropriate. If none, omit this section.



Snappy Boi
SWRP Writer
Mar 2, 2019
Reaction score

FWMB-10 Repeating Blaster

Open Market

Sonn-Blas Corporation


12.5 kg



50 (Can be expanded with external power packs)



The FWMB-10, aptly nicknamed the "Megablaster", was a repeater used extensively by the First Order over a century ago. Developed by Sonn-Blas Corporation, the weapon was designed to be a general purpose weapon. It could be carried by a single individual and deployed almost anywhere with its built in monopod that kept it steady while the user fired away. Its impressive damage output meant that it could damage various vehicles and decimate squads of enemies in short succession.

It could also be mounted on vehicles or in stationary emplacements, either in its standard configuration or with spade grips that replaced the standard trigger and stock. It could also be hooked up to external power packs that greatly boosted its ammunition capacity. Some even mounted it in the doors of dropships or other ships to provide air support for ground troops, or on the backs of speeders for Technicals. This was the preferred method of use, given that its weight, recoil and small standard power packs made it very cumbersome to wield on the move by a single individual in a front line engagement. Just like other automatic weapons, the FWMB-10 also tended to overheat in extended use and its accuracy was also rather disappointing for shooting at small targets at long range.

After the destruction of the First Order, the production of these weapons greatly reduced. Though it's still quite common to see these weapons in the hands of pirates, private militaries, and planetary defense forces in all kinds of positions.

Restricted. Much like other automatic weapons, the FWMB-10 is heavily monitored and requires extensive licencing to own.

To expand further on the dramatic shortage of automatic weapons on the site as well as bring yet another stupidly big repeater seen on screen to the forums.

This weapon cannot be used in PvP. Further, individuals wanting to own one of these must have a permit to own and use one of these or risk getting in trouble with the law.