Ask The First Steps, Too Much Sand



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Aug 30, 2022
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It had only been a few, short days since the Kilik attack on Korriban, and the entire experience had proved to be utterly surreal to Sarella. Her journey into the depths of the Sith homeworld, to the very heart of its Nexus, had nearly proved to be her demise. It gnawed at her mind and amplified every doubt she carried, and the decisions she’d been forced to make - decisions that went contrary to everything she’d been taught and held dear as a Jedi.. It had shaken the woman to her very core. For the first time in her life, at her lowest point, Sarella had been her devotion to the Light fall short. How it failed her when she needed it most.

And in stark contrast, she had seen everything that the Sith had to offer her.

It was strength like she’d never experienced in all her journeys prior to that point. It was more than the Jedi could ever offer her - and perhaps.. Perhaps the best way for her to bring forth a better Galaxy was through that strength. By casting off every chain and exploring the Force - and herself - to its fullest potential. The promise of Darth Trelain never quite left her mind - repeating over and over with every step through the reddened sands.

You'll never have to cower in the dark again.

She had stepped foot on Korriban a Jedi Consular.. But now? She was dressed in the simplest of Acolyte robes, stripped of all her piety and righteousness as a Jedi. Sarella had been confined to Korriban for the first days of her training - directly overseen by Darth Trelain. The Sith Master’s elevation to the Council had certainly changed things - and it only earned Sarella the further scorn of her fellow Acolyte’s, scorn she already suffered for her previous allegiances. It meant that the Acolyte was assigned to the more tedious and unsavory tasks around the academy and nearby grounds, those that no one else wanted - and, in this case, were likely to get her killed.

While the bulk of the Kilik force had been repealed from the planet, remnants of the insectoids and their Joined followers had fled deeper into the dunes. While their presence wasn't enough to be a threat to the Korriban at this point, they were a nuisance that deserved only extermination from the surface of the sacred homeworld of the Sith. For the day, it was Sarella's task to locate and pick off as many of them as she could find. Without any knowledge of where they were finding within the desert, she was effectively walking in mind - and likely to be amushed along the way. A prospect that just delighted her, really.

With only her basic robes and a hooptie speeder, Sarella strolled out of the hanger of the Academy - prepared to begin her work. She had caught word that someone else would be joining to oversee her, though she hadn’t the slightest clue who that might’ve been.

Aadya Rasheer

Imperial Knight

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Nov 9, 2020
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Aadya was looking forward to when she would finally leave Korriban. It had been a couple days since the Killik attack and she'd stuck behind to deal with whatever problems cropped up in the aftermath. It might not have been necessary, but it had seemed the right thing to do. Which was unfortunate because she fucking hated Korriban. Deserts were actual bullshit and she couldn't fathom how anyone could willingly spend time here.

Which made her most recent assignment fairly ironic. Aadya had been tasked with going out into the endless expanse of dunes to deal with a Killik cell that still remained planet side. Regardless of whether they were simple stragglers left behind or deliberate spies, they needed to be eradicated.

To make matters more interesting, Aadya had also been informed that she would have a partner. And not just any partner, but a recent Jedi convert who had been with them during the invasion. If it was one thing Aadya understood, its what it felt like to be a former Jedi in a strange and hostile place.

Of course, she also knew the tremendous pain in the fucking ass she was back then too and she had no high hopes that Sarella would be any different. At least Aadya would be able to hopefully teach her some things about what it meant to be a Sith. It had taken her a long time to find someone like that herself.

Before Sarella could get too far out of the hanger in her speeder, Aadya would flag her down and get into the passenger seat.

I recognize you from the invasion, Aadya said, figuring they could skip the awkward introduction bit and get more to the point. I'm the one who was assigned to join you out in the desert. Aadya said the last word with a special kind of disdain people usually reserved for things like pineapple on pizza. We'll see if you hold your conviction as a Sith more strongly than you did as a Jedi.

It may have seemed harsh, but to Aadya it was something that needed to be said. Even a small contingent of Killik were a dangerous enemy and she wasn't going to get killed because Sarella decided being a Sith was too unsavory. She understood quite well what it felt like to be in the woman's shoes. Becoming a Sith took more than a couple of days hanging out on Korriban.

Aadya would remain quiet for a few minutes as they drove further into the dunes. They would arrive at a decent scouting point relatively soon, at least according to the mission briefing.

They don't expect you to survive. Aadya said without looking at Sarella, her tone simple and matter-of-fact.




Character Profile
Aug 30, 2022
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Much to her jubilation, Sarella wasn’t left waiting for very long before her companion arrived. She only made it a few paces outside of the hangar before Aadya flagged her own - prompting the Fallanassi to bring her speeder to a halt and allow the Firrerreo to catch up. Truth be told, Sarella only vaguely recognized the Champion from her presence on the battlefield only days ago - but it was enough for recognition to flash. Unfortunately, that recognition wasn’t accompanied by a name attached to it.

She allowed her cerulean gaze to linger on the beautiful Firrerreo for a few moments longer than was necessary - meeting her own mahogany eyes before flicking right back ahead - offering a small jut of her chin in greetings. “It’ll be nice to have some company,” She said with a small hum, revving the engines of her speeder before starting to blitz forward and through the reddish sands. It was Aadya’s harsher words, however, that caught Sarella’s attention. The simple truth was that the Fallanassi wasn’t surprised - she’d faced scorn from her peeps every moment spent on Korriban since the battle, whether from other Acolytes or the hate that radiated off more experienced Sith. There were just as many people who looked down upon her with some degree of envy, given her own apprenticeship under Trelain, but those didn’t nag at her quite as much.

“The Jedi had nothing to offer me,” She said with a clip in response, cerulean eyes fixed ahead as her silver-gold hair rustled against the wind. Of course, that didn’t really make Sarella a Sith, either. Her teachings had been inadequate. The Light had failed her when she needed it most - and none of that guaranteed she would be able to stomach the more brutal aspects of the Sith. Regardless of where she started, the Fallanassi had a long, long way to go.

Several minutes passed as Sarella blitzed through the desert terrain - kicking up a cloud of dust behind them. She had absolutely no qualms about pushing the vehicle to its miles-per-hour limit, partially due to her own thrill-seeking nature, and partially due to a desire to make Aadya sweat just a little bit. Possibly.

“Nah, they don’t.” She said casually as they came to a stop, positioned upon a steep ridge with a gorge beneath them.
A few scattered ruins waited for them below where - according to reports - some of the Kilik’s and Joined were still attempting to hold out. “But I’m a woman who enjoys defying expectations. And I’ll enjoy proving them wrong.” She glanced back at Aadya, flashing a playful grin. With that, Sarella swung her leg off the speeder - her cerulean gaze flicking out onto the ruins below. The first step of this operation locating the bug-eyed fuckers in the first place, and the Fallanassi wasn’t interested in rushing into things. "Any guesses where they're waiting to ambush us?"
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