Taoré's Quest (training)

Taoré Timarick

Rogue Jedi Knight
SWRP Writer
Mar 21, 2011
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So this is the great Jedi Monastery. Should've expected as much. he thought as he lowered the hood of his travelling cloak. Hopefully I can find this master they sent me out here to find. I didn't come halfway across the galaxy just to get redirected and find nothing.

He knew his feelings of doubt could be felt throughout the monastery, and for that he began to berate himself. Just as there was on Coruscant, there are Jedi here, and his luck, he'll find something he can call his own. Compared to the Jedi Temple of Coruscant this place had a more erethral feel. Where nature flowed in harmony as opposed to the technological wonders of Coruscant. He shrugged his feelings of unnervousness off and took a few steps forward.


Beyond Measure
SWRP Writer
Nov 29, 2010
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Aden had been waiting for the arrival of his new padawan, Taoré Timarick, due to arrive from Coruscant. He just hoped the Temple hadn't mixed up the timings like last time. As he stepped out out of the monastery, taking in a deep breath of the cool air, he coudn't help but smile absently at the pleasant weather. Despite the war going on outside, here on Tython there was still a peaceful serenity that almost made it all worth it for him.

Walking towards the landing area, he opened himself to the Force, letting it refresh him once more. He noticed then a presence that felt new to him, one that was radiating a sense of doubt into the Force. Taoré maybe. Changing direction to intercept the presence Aden walked up to the young man.

"Taoré Timarick?" he asked, his reaction through the Force confirming Aden's guess, "I am Jedi Knight Aden Vaal. Nice to meet you."

Taoré Timarick

Rogue Jedi Knight
SWRP Writer
Mar 21, 2011
Reaction score
Aden had been waiting for the arrival of his new padawan, Taoré Timarick, due to arrive from Coruscant. He just hoped the Temple hadn't mixed up the timings like last time. As he stepped out out of the monastery, taking in a deep breath of the cool air, he coudn't help but smile absently at the pleasant weather. Despite the war going on outside, here on Tython there was still a peaceful serenity that almost made it all worth it for him.

Walking towards the landing area, he opened himself to the Force, letting it refresh him once more. He noticed then a presence that felt new to him, one that was radiating a sense of doubt into the Force. Taoré maybe. Changing direction to intercept the presence Aden walked up to the young man.

"Taoré Timarick?" he asked, his reaction through the Force confirming Aden's guess, "I am Jedi Knight Aden Vaal. Nice to meet you."

Looking at the man, he was clearly blind. Taoré briefly felt doubt wash in, but it was silenced quickly by the fact that the Force can do a lot of things, the journal he had only briefly explored.

"My apologies for arriving later than expected, Master, but I was held up for a few days with an unexpected Cantina brawl that turned ugly in a hurry." He said, his voice once again not his own, but the slow, regal, Coruscanti voice he used when addressing people of authority.


Beyond Measure
SWRP Writer
Nov 29, 2010
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Aden smiled at Taoré, having sensed the now almost customary sense of surprise people had when they first noticed his eyes. "Think nothing of it my friend. Come, let's get you settled into your new home."

Pointing towards the monastery, Aden began walking slowly towards the outer courtyard. As the two of them walked Aden called upon the Force and turning towards Taoré looked at his face using eyes of the Force. "So Taoré, why don't you tell me a little about yourself, about your life so far."

Taoré Timarick

Rogue Jedi Knight
SWRP Writer
Mar 21, 2011
Reaction score
Aden smiled at Taoré, having sensed the now almost customary sense of surprise people had when they first noticed his eyes. "Think nothing of it my friend. Come, let's get you settled into your new home."

Pointing towards the monastery, Aden began walking slowly towards the outer courtyard. As the two of them walked Aden called upon the Force and turning towards Taoré looked at his face using eyes of the Force. "So Taoré, why don't you tell me a little about yourself, about your life so far."

Bordering on reflex, the journal was in his hand and arm outstretched. Even by Jedi standards, his arm didn't look like it moved.

"Aside from growing up on the streets my entire life, and living out of just about every inch of slime in the galaxy; my father was a Jedi Knight, who left me behind this journal containing instructions as well as the most BASIC of Jedi training, including how to repair his damaged lightsaber, which he used to defend my mother... Before he died." He said, before lowering his hood, revealing a handsome young man, around the age of twenty, with long black hair that glistened in the light. Clearly he hadn't washed in a while, covered in dirt and grime, but he nevertheless outwardly was pleasant. He knew full well his Master would not care for his appearence, but he'd be lying if he didn't blush slightly as a couple of the female Jedi students did a double take.

After he lowered his hood, he unhitched his lightsaber and handed it to his new Master, almost as if he was worried that it would seem offputting for him having such a weapon without any formal training.

Taoré Timarick

Rogue Jedi Knight
SWRP Writer
Mar 21, 2011
Reaction score
He waited for his Master's response, but kept his head low. He had guessed that by now, he was so use to feeling other people's emotions it was strange when the same effect was happening to him. He was foolish to think he could hide his emotions, and began to berate himself once more. He had wondered how far and what he could learn from here in such a serene place. After growing up in a place of constant motion and conflict, feeling the rush of calm cover him like the tidal waves in stories he heard as a biy, was a new and bizzare feeling.


Beyond Measure
SWRP Writer
Nov 29, 2010
Reaction score
Taking the lightsaber in his hand, Aden began rotating it around within his grasp. Examining it through the Force, he activated it and began swinging it around a few times. Deactivating the blade he returned it to Taoré, smiling as usual. "This is a good blade, well crafted. You can do a lot of good with it, but you must have patience, complete your train so as to be ready to face the challenges life will throw at you. It is a virtue that many young Jedi don't appreciate enough. But tell me, why do you want to be a Jedi? Is it because your father was one, or is it because of some desire on your own part?"

[[OOC:Sorry for the delay, was feeling a little down yesterday night.]]

Taoré Timarick

Rogue Jedi Knight
SWRP Writer
Mar 21, 2011
Reaction score
Taoré shrugged. "Mostly cause of my father I guess... I mean he saved my life before I even knew it. I guess in some way, becoming a Jedi, I could really understand his mindset as to why he did what he did. I've also seen that no real satisfaction can be found without self giving. But even then, when you see what you see on the streets, you wonder to yourself 'can I change this?'" he said objectively. Nobody had really asked him his motives, not even his mother.

He fingered the journal in his hands before craning his neck to the side. He was tired from the lag in space, but at the same time fired up and ready to begin.


Beyond Measure
SWRP Writer
Nov 29, 2010
Reaction score
As they walked, Aden could sense the fatigue within Taoré, the journey here must have been tiring. Changing direction slightly, he began moving in a new direction, heading into the monastery. "What you feel for those people, the desire to help, let that above anything else guide you. You're not becoming a Jedi to thank your father, to settle your debt, not to continue his legacy. No, you must become a Jedi to help others, to spread the light as some may say. But let us put if this conversation for now. You must be tired and in need of rest and refreshments."

They suddenly reached a chamber where a number of younglings were training, going through some physical training drills. "Tia, could you come here please?" Upon hearing Aden's voice a young human female turned towards them and walked up to Aden and gave him a small bow, "Yes, Master?"

Drawing a slip of flimsi from his roes, he passed it to the girl. "Could you please do me a favor and help my padawan here to his new quarters? His allotment details are on here." As she nodded in reply, Aden turned to face Taoré, "Have your rest now, enjoy the rest of the day as you please and we will continue tomorrow. I will be in the main courtyard, find me there and we will continue."

[[OOC: RP out his free time if you want or simply skip to the next day.]]

Taoré Timarick

Rogue Jedi Knight
SWRP Writer
Mar 21, 2011
Reaction score
As they walked, Aden could sense the fatigue within Taoré, the journey here must have been tiring. Changing direction slightly, he began moving in a new direction, heading into the monastery. "What you feel for those people, the desire to help, let that above anything else guide you. You're not becoming a Jedi to thank your father, to settle your debt, not to continue his legacy. No, you must become a Jedi to help others, to spread the light as some may say. But let us put if this conversation for now. You must be tired and in need of rest and refreshments."

They suddenly reached a chamber where a number of younglings were training, going through some physical training drills. "Tia, could you come here please?" Upon hearing Aden's voice a young human female turned towards them and walked up to Aden and gave him a small bow, "Yes, Master?"

Drawing a slip of flimsi from his roes, he passed it to the girl. "Could you please do me a favor and help my padawan here to his new quarters? His allotment details are on here." As she nodded in reply, Aden turned to face Taoré, "Have your rest now, enjoy the rest of the day as you please and we will continue tomorrow. I will be in the main courtyard, find me there and we will continue."

[[OOC: RP out his free time if you want or simply skip to the next day.]]

After the slightest, so slight it was barely noticible, twitch of emotional upheavel, given how he started his training out of the book, the complete change catching him off guard. He nodded and bowed slightly. "Yes, Master." he said, raising his back upright, leaving his journal with his new Master for review, which in it of itself felt weird. He turned and proceeded to follow the youngling to a lavish quarters, far beyond his wildest dreams. Even though it was simplistic, bed and empty dressings, it was many steps above any of the hovels he and his mother had shared. He bade the youngling farewell and turned to look After taking off his cloak and travel packs, he unhitched his belt and placed it neatly on the desk.

As Taoré opened the closet, he found a fresh set of Jedi Robes that, unlike his own, were a clean senia and beige. He stripped off his durasteel armor chestplate and gloves, before taking the robes and quickly racing out to find a place where he could wash up. He made sure to secure the access passes to himself before leaving. Sure, Jedi weren't ones to steal anything, but growing up in the streets taught him to be no idiot and take nothing at face value. After a few missteps and misleads, one leading him into a girl's changing room by mistake (to which, while embarressed, couldn't resist firing off a one liner and getting Force Pushed against the opposite wall as a forceful way of saying "OUT!"), Taoré FINALLY made it to the men's shower area. He tore off his robes, feeling his grime ridden back for any potential bruises, but felt no tenderness, to which he sighed in relief. After that he turned on the fawcets and for the first time in what seemed forever, felt warm water splash across his body. Because it was a long time since he had last washed, it did take a while for him to be fully clean, feeling layers of black water just pour off himself.

After a standard hour, he finally left the showers, quickly drying off and throwing on the fresh Jedi robes for the first time. While he admired his new look, he felt something was off and quickly tore the sleeves off his tunic, to which he then approved. They were in simmilar colours to his own, and his black robe pieces, after he washed them, would make him feel comfortable with his appearence enough to not feel out of place.

If only Mom could see me now. Taoré thought, worried about his mother, who still lived in the streets somewhere on some planet. He hoped in the past 2 years she had found luck and made it to a peaceful planet like Dantooine or Alderaan, and that alone made him smile.

He returned to his quarters, which outlooked a brilliant courtyard view and smiled, before lying on his bed. He felt he was going to like it here. After that sentiment, he drifted straight to sleep.

Taoré Timarick

Rogue Jedi Knight
SWRP Writer
Mar 21, 2011
Reaction score
The next morning, Taoré awoke with a start. It was the first time in a long time he had a sleep that was uninterrupted by having to move to a new location because it had gotten dangerous, or had the rumblings of a hyperdrive disturb his sleep. He felt his eyes wide awake and drowsy, wanting to drift off once more because of how comfortable he was.

"Ummm, excuse me." said a small voice, a little girl's. This triggered Taoré's reflexes and he had his lightsaber drawn, pointed to where the voice came from.

As it turned out, it was a little girl indeed, not much older that 9 or 10, that startled him. His saber wasn't persay close to her body, but if he moved it it would cause damage. He exhaled and sheathed his saber.

"Shouldn't you be out playing with the other Younglings?" Taoré asked, looking out the window: It was about an hour or so past dawn.

The little girl blushed.

"I would be, sir, but Master Aden asked me to wake you. He said something about meeting him in the main hall to begin your 'official training', whatever that means." she replied.

Taoré sat up, and puckered his tongue behind his cheek. He must've found a way to translate the journal to his blind eyes. He thought before, pulling on his boots, and hitching on his belt. He didn't put on his chestplate, figuring it be better to leave that be: he was not going into a warzone at the moment, but he nevertheless hitched up his lightsaber.

After taking a step, he looked down, feeling a little awkward: Someone cleaned his boots during the night. How thoughtful. He thought before stepping outside, letting the little girl go out first.

"You know how to get to the main hall from here?" Taoré asked the girl, to which she nodded her head.

``follow me.`` she said and trotted off, Taoré not far behind.


Beyond Measure
SWRP Writer
Nov 29, 2010
Reaction score
Early next morning, walking all alone through the corridors of the monastery, Aden read the journal Taoré had left him. Though he had mastered the usage of Force Sight to compensate for the loss of his eyes, reading still required a lot of focus, something that reminded him that he still had much to learn, still a long way to go. He learned a lot from the journal, about Taoré's father and indirectly about him. After an hour or so, when he realized it was time to meet Taoré, Aden made his way to meet his padawan.

As he walked into the hallway, he sensed Taoré and Tia approach from the other side, noticing Tia's more familiar presence an instant before he noticed Taoré. Turning towards them, he waited for them to reach him. "Good Morning! I hope you slept well." Turning then to the little girl he playfully ruffled her hair and handed her a candy he had brought with him, "Thank you little one. You can go play with your friends now." As the girl ran off, Aden pulled out the journal from within his robes and handed it back to Taoré. "I think we are ready to truly start off with your training. What would you say we start off with some lightsaber training? I would like to see for myself how silled you are with that lightsaber."

Taoré Timarick

Rogue Jedi Knight
SWRP Writer
Mar 21, 2011
Reaction score
Early next morning, walking all alone through the corridors of the monastery, Aden read the journal Taoré had left him. Though he had mastered the usage of Force Sight to compensate for the loss of his eyes, reading still required a lot of focus, something that reminded him that he still had much to learn, still a long way to go. He learned a lot from the journal, about Taoré's father and indirectly about him. After an hour or so, when he realized it was time to meet Taoré, Aden made his way to meet his padawan.

As he walked into the hallway, he sensed Taoré and Tia approach from the other side, noticing Tia's more familiar presence an instant before he noticed Taoré. Turning towards them, he waited for them to reach him. "Good Morning! I hope you slept well." Turning then to the little girl he playfully ruffled her hair and handed her a candy he had brought with him, "Thank you little one. You can go play with your friends now." As the girl ran off, Aden pulled out the journal from within his robes and handed it back to Taoré. "I think we are ready to truly start off with your training. What would you say we start off with some lightsaber training? I would like to see for myself how silled you are with that lightsaber."

At the instant sound of that, Taoré felt his spine tingle. Not because he was excited to fight, he rarely was, but for several reasons: One, in spite of his self training of the Ataru saber style, he knew full well it was unrefined and against a skilled Jedi, he`d stand no chance. Two, his master, while clearly able to see without sight, was still blind and many many years older than he was. Not only did this provide experience, but it also provided the fact he could potentially be a little rough given his youth.

In spite of his heart stopping for a second or two, he managed to say, albeit half-heartedly

"Lead the way."

Now he wished he had brought the durasteel chestplate.


Beyond Measure
SWRP Writer
Nov 29, 2010
Reaction score
Leading the way to the main raining chamber, Aden walked up to the center of the chamber and turned to face Taoré. Having left his staff in his quarters, he drew his lightsaber and ignited its bright blue blade. "Come my friend, attack me with everything you have."

Taoré Timarick

Rogue Jedi Knight
SWRP Writer
Mar 21, 2011
Reaction score
Leading the way to the main raining chamber, Aden walked up to the center of the chamber and turned to face Taoré. Having left his staff in his quarters, he drew his lightsaber and ignited its bright blue blade. "Come my friend, attack me with everything you have."

Taoré hesitated slightly, but nevertheless, ignited his own weapon. The emerald green blade roaring to life with a snap-hiss.

Don`t go nuts. He thought to himself, and drew in a deep breath.

With sudden spring, he roared to life, a blur of black, gray, and green, as he leaped across the room, trying for a disarming swing, taking a horizontal cut, which he knew would be blocked and was. He spun to the side in a rough yet graceful motion, timing his strikes in rapid succession. His speed was something of note, but it seemed his Master had seemed to see it coming.

Damn journal. He began to think, knowing that`s exactly where he LEARNED his Ataru-like fighting style. The book also covered Shii-Cho and Soresu, but he was impatient and knew only how to work with his high flying prowess. Luckily he had the stamina to keep it up.

He tried a backflip over his Master, but kept his blade ready, in case he got low bridged.


Beyond Measure
SWRP Writer
Nov 29, 2010
Reaction score
As Taoré came in for his attack, a horizontal slash, Aden brought his blade up to intercept the attack, keeping his movements to the minimum as he parried attack after attack. Finally, as Taoré ended up behind him and performed a back flip over him, Aden swung upwards with some force to strike at Taoré's blade and change his trajectory.

As Taoré landed Aden beckoned to attack, "Ataru has its strengths, but it can be disrupted by the strength of Djem So. Remember that weakness, learn from it. Come, once more."

Taoré Timarick

Rogue Jedi Knight
SWRP Writer
Mar 21, 2011
Reaction score
As Taoré came in for his attack, a horizontal slash, Aden brought his blade up to intercept the attack, keeping his movements to the minimum as he parried attack after attack. Finally, as Taoré ended up behind him and performed a back flip over him, Aden swung upwards with some force to strike at Taoré's blade and change his trajectory.

As Taoré landed Aden beckoned to attack, "Ataru has its strengths, but it can be disrupted by the strength of Djem So. Remember that weakness, learn from it. Come, once more."

Taoré pieced together that Djem So focused on strength, as opposed to speed. He swung into crescent style strikes, attacking clockwise, then counter clockwise as his blade collided with his Master`s. His speed managed to keep him up to the task. He watched his Master`s saber lunge towards him, which he arced his body around the blade in another backflip, countering with a low horizontal strike, which forced them into a deadlock, coming about nose to nose between the arcs of blue and green light.

"Guess you don't always need strength to win a fight."He said, not in anger, but more in thought. He knew better to keep his wits about him, but one could not help but wonder.


Beyond Measure
SWRP Writer
Nov 29, 2010
Reaction score
Aden smiled at Taoré's answer, his attitude reminded him so much of himself. Rotating his lightsaber, using his own strength with a little aid from the Force, he oriented their blades so that they were both parallel to their bodies, his horizontally and Taoré's vertically. "Sometimes strength is indeed not required." Saying so he called upon the Force and using his superior strength swung his blade in a powerful horizontal sweep that pushed Taoré back some distance.

"But sometimes it does grant you victory." Following up immediately, he rushed in and swung straight at Taoré's blade, locking them in between them once more. "But, your brains. Your brains must always be your real weapon for they can turn a battle in your favor at any time." At that same instance he reached out through the Force and pulled loose one connection within Taoré's blade, shorting it out. As his blade vanished and Taoré began falling forward due to the sudden loss of resistance, Aden caught him with the Force so that he came to a stop with Aden's blade a few inches away from his throat.

Switching off his blade, he stepped back and let Taoré straighten himself. "Always fight with your head, find your opponents weakness and exploit them. Its not always the stronger fighter who wins, but the smarter fighter. But thats enough philosophy for now, you have a good grasp of the basics of Ataru. But you need practice to truly master it. Ataru is most effective when used with Force assisted acrobatics as it lets you go beyond your physical limitations. So I think we should also focus on improving your Force control as it will help not only your ability to use Force techniques more conveniently but also help you better execute Ataru. But before we start that, do you know the Jedi code and the tenets?"

Taoré Timarick

Rogue Jedi Knight
SWRP Writer
Mar 21, 2011
Reaction score
Aden smiled at Taoré's answer, his attitude reminded him so much of himself. Rotating his lightsaber, using his own strength with a little aid from the Force, he oriented their blades so that they were both parallel to their bodies, his horizontally and Taoré's vertically. "Sometimes strength is indeed not required." Saying so he called upon the Force and using his superior strength swung his blade in a powerful horizontal sweep that pushed Taoré back some distance.

"But sometimes it does grant you victory." Following up immediately, he rushed in and swung straight at Taoré's blade, locking them in between them once more. "But, your brains. Your brains must always be your real weapon for they can turn a battle in your favor at any time." At that same instance he reached out through the Force and pulled loose one connection within Taoré's blade, shorting it out. As his blade vanished and Taoré began falling forward due to the sudden loss of resistance, Aden caught him with the Force so that he came to a stop with Aden's blade a few inches away from his throat.

Switching off his blade, he stepped back and let Taoré straighten himself. "Always fight with your head, find your opponents weakness and exploit them. Its not always the stronger fighter who wins, but the smarter fighter. But thats enough philosophy for now, you have a good grasp of the basics of Ataru. But you need practice to truly master it. Ataru is most effective when used with Force assisted acrobatics as it lets you go beyond your physical limitations. So I think we should also focus on improving your Force control as it will help not only your ability to use Force techniques more conveniently but also help you better execute Ataru. But before we start that, do you know the Jedi code and the tenets?"

he shrugged solemly. Taoré was irritated from his saber getting shorted out, but also his heart sunk at hearing the Force practice. His memory flashed to a few weeks ago when he totalled the wall of a bar, protecting a redheaded woman he didn`t get the name of from a gang of Rodians, accidently killing some of them. His heart began a mild panic because he did not know how to tell his master he feared taking out half the Temple with one shot. Nevertheless, he spoke all he knew of the Jedi Order`s ideology.

"Only based on observation. A Jedi uses the Force for Knowledge and Defense: Never for Attack. But we also try to resolve conflict with our words and not our weapons, only continuing to train with these deadly weapons for a more spiritual understanding of combat as opposed to chaos and brutality that stems from such violence. Jedi also don't take revenge and do not kill unless in defense, taking little pleasures in such an act. We must also limit our emotions as to not give into the temptation that leads to what is said to be the Dark Side of the Force." Taoré replied, memorizing his father's words, saying them as he felt was the best way to say those words. His own personal experiences left very little for such ideology, but in spite of that, it was a good lesson learned he carried with throughout his formative years.
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Beyond Measure
SWRP Writer
Nov 29, 2010
Reaction score
Aden could feel the sense of dread and a little guilt from Taoré, a piece of information that he decided to ignore for now and question Taoré about at a later time, when they new each other a little better. Listening as he spoke abou the Jedi way, Aden gave one slow nod of his head, "Very interesting. An unorthodox way of putting it forward but true in its essence. Though I would like you to read through the code and the tenets. You seem to have understood some parts right now, but true understanding will come with time and experience. We shall discuss them in more detail once you know them all, tenets and elements of the code alike. Now as I mentioned we shall spend some time on the powers of the Force. Tell me, have you used or are aware of any particular techniques?"