Srucayr's Beskar


Akaan Salyr
SWRP Writer
Dec 14, 2020
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Akaan Salyr Beskar
Designed for the Akaan Salyr of Aliit Skirata during the days of the Old Republic, this armor has been passed down through the ages with minor upgrades here and there. The etchings on the beskar bear the history of the Clan, the Culture, as well as Kad.

To protect the Akaan Salyr in their exploits.

Type and Coverage
Type: Heavy
Coverage: 6-7

  1. Head- Beskar helm with coif. Coverage over all.​
  2. Torso- Beskar plates with beskar chainlinks to allow for mobility over armourweave overlay​
  3. Backplate- Beskar plates, segmented to allow for mobility over armourweave overlay​
  4. Arms- Combination of beskar plates, links, and armourweave to achieve maximum coverage as well as mobility​
  5. Legs- Combination of beskar plates, links, and armourweave to achieve maximum coverage as well as mobility. Crowned off with heavy boots.​

Function: Rebreather
  • Rebreathers allow for a person to survive underwater or in space for brief amounts of time by scrubbing CO2 from their exhaled breath. Generally this lasts for 3-4 posts, but heavy exertion can shorten that time.
  • Force User Compatible?: Yes
Function: Thermal Undersuit
  • Thermal undersuits wick away or reflect thermal energy for brief periods of time. They are not nearly as effective as a suit that firefighters would wear. Most commonly used to protect soldiers from flamethrower weapons or short bursts of extreme heat or cold, and are only good for 1-2 posts of exposure depending on intensity. They are useless against blasters.
  • Force User Compatible?: No

Function: Jump Boots
  • This rare and expensive technology is able to propel a person up to 10 meters beyond what a normal person would normally be able to jump, especially when armored. It is not capable of sustained flight, and requires a brief engine cool-down before it can be used again (1 post cool-down).
  • Force User Compatible?: No

Function: Repulsor
  • Originally designed to counter combat with force sensitives, this tool is able to project a strong repulsor field replicating a Force push. It projects up 10 meters and its limited power cell only allows for 3 uses before it needed changing. The repulsor has significant recoil and the wielder must carefully brace themselves before use- both to ensure accuracy and to prevent the user from being knocked over themselves or having their arm torn from its socket.
  • Force User Compatible?: No
Function: Wrist Rocket
  • Wrist rockets have a flight range of 100 meters and have a blast radius of 3 meters. They are single-shot devices and require manual reloading after use. They are effective against lightly armored vehicles, moving parts such as gears or hydraulics, and infantry, and do equivalent damage to a frag grenade. The must be manually fired by button or trigger.
  • Force User Compatible?: No

Mr. Teatime

Story Admin
Dec 3, 2011
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A full suit of armour made of Mandalorian Iron isn't something that's allowed at the moment. Also, armourweave is specifically a part of the Armourweave Accessory function.


Tech Admin/Tech Archiver
Jul 4, 2012
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Also, this does not follow the standard armor template. Please correct the formatting.


Tech Admin/Tech Archiver
Jul 4, 2012
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Still doesn't have the right formatting. Appearance needs to match the template.