Ask Spice-y Encounter

Raya Kryze


Character Profile
Jan 17, 2022
Reaction score
[sizez=4]Since the dissolution of the Mandalorian Crusades, Raya found herself in something of a rut. Despite the generational rivalries that existed between their clans, she had been committed to following Nox Solus and the Mand’alor - risking her life and those of her Vod on multiple occasions. It made his disappearance - followed by the gradual collapse of their conquest - all the more painful to endure. For all the hope and fire that had briefly burned within her people, Raya felt the same stagnation and directionlessness that seemed to always plague him.

While she kept in touch with Beau, Raya spent little time on Concord Dawn or Mandalore these days. Instead, she once more roamed the wider Galaxy - taking on jobs as a Bounty Hunter for the highest bidder. It kept her senses sharp, kept her wallet full and enabled her to provide for her clan back home. It wasn’t anything that filled her heart with pride - but the Kryze was content enough.

Her latest job, however? Was certainly testing that whole motion of content.

The Employer has provided vague details regarding a Spice shipment that would be moving through the spaceport of Nar Kagga - flying under the radar of paid-off customs officers. Rival gangs had always operated freely on Nar Kagga, and this latest shipment was rumored to be moving with minimal security of escort, providing an opportunity for her employer to seize the inventory. Unfortunately for Raya, it meant going about the job without any serious firepower behind her - save for a single other individual assigned to the contract.

Tucked towards the edge of the crowd, Raya patiently waited for the other half of the contract to arrival - leaning her weight against a starport wall. Her Beskar’gam was lightly covered with a cloak and weapons hidden underneath, but anyone searching wouldn’t have to work very hard to locate her.