Mission Pack Slowing down the Jet Empire


SWRP Writer
Dec 3, 2016
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We are back at it again fellow scum of the galaxy! We have been doing a pretty good job at takin' over the many gangs that reside in the lower levels of Coruscant, three of the Lower Five already work for the Zaa Fenn...but maybe we can do something to speed up the other two joining, well, I dunno about The All Seeing, not the kinda people I interact with, but when it comes to loud and powerful...Well, I am interested.

See, the black jet empire are a bunch of speed loving, loud sons of bitches, they are only good at doing a few things, but not many can say they are as good as them at what they do, so....We are gonna make sure they do well as members of the Zaa Fenn! And in order to do that, we do need to send a language in a way they understand...being loud and strong is something I also am good at, so don't worry, I got a few ideas, hehehe...

Be hurtful, be fast, be strong, make Preef proud and...Most importantly...Have fun! I know I will, let's just get this party started!

Mission 1: [Coruscant] Make Them Eat Dirt

So, there's something the Blackened jet empire members are known for...Swoop bikes, they love 'em, and they usually are the best at them. So, you're going to take part of their latest swoop bike race, you're going to proudly announce that you are under the employ of Gareth Gin of the Zaa Fenn and that you're going to beat their sorry asses. The objective is simple, I want at least one of you ending in first place and humilliating the rest of them. Violence against the Jet Empire kriffers is not only advisable, but also an objective, winning isn't enough, kill, hurt and throw as many people off their swoop bikes as possible, okay? Blasters might not be allowed during the race, but you can get creative.

[ 2-3 players; Self-DM]: @Kara Lok @Pellios

Current state: Green light!
Thread link: Here

Mission 2: [Coruscant] Need For Speed

Got some important info about a supply of spice and different drugs that they want to get through a blockade on the lower levels. The objective is simple, you're going to set up an ambush at that very blockade, make sure they don't get past it and...while the police and the gang members are duking it out, sneak in and get rid of both of them, securing the spice for the Zaa Fenn and sending yet another contundent message, I don't care the way you handle this, the louder the better in fact.

[ 2-3 players; Self-DM]: @Kara Lok @Aska Ryun

Current state: Green light!

Mission 3: [Coruscant] Heard you like getting feisty.

Boy, oh boy, we have really pissed them off, haven't we? Well, don't worry about it, that was in fact the main goal, now they know we are here to kriff them up and, most importantly for this plan to work, they also know mine. I've heard that one of the lieutenants likes to hang around in a place called the Feisty Feline, well, I'm gonna pay that place a visit alongside a couple of you and casually drop my name...A brawl with the lieutenant and his goons will most likely take place. We'll subdue the guy, convince him to bend the knee and have the rest of the empire do so or claim that bounty on his head which will result in the other dumb Barabels falling in line out of fear anyways.

[1-2 players + @Gareth Gin ; Self-DM]: @Xol

Current state: Green light!
Thread link: Here
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Akaan Salyr
SWRP Writer
Dec 14, 2020
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@Taldorak Trenessar for any of them. Coruscant is where he operates and he was present when the Lower Five first bent the knee. Hes got a reputation with them already.


SWRP Writer
Dec 3, 2016
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I'll give it a day until we start mission 3, but all threads can be started now! Of course, an extra character can be allowed in each mission so if anyone else wants to sign up they are more than welcome to!


SWRP Writer
Dec 3, 2016
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Sure thing, I'm swapping you with @DeathByMeeps since they haven't been around since the 27th and Dara is around.


SWRP Writer
Dec 1, 2015
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I can post something up but idk if I may need new partners.


SWRP Writer
Dec 3, 2016
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If Rhogar doesn't respond in a day or two I'll try to get someone else, but you got Eccles now for thread 1 at least.
I can post something up but idk if I may need new partners.


...I See You...
SWRP Supporter
SWRP Writer
May 7, 2020
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@IG 55 for the last thread, if that's alright.