HoloNet News Secession Fever Running Wild Through ISC Space!

The Gatekeeper

Dungeon Master
Staff DM

Dec 24, 2017
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War has driven wedges between friends and allies, as it continues to enact it's bloody toll on the population of the Galaxy!

The once steadfast and united member states of the ISC have begun to question if membership of the body was really, truly, worth this newfound cost. Many systems have begun asking themselves if their security has been ensured at all when they so gladly paid for it at the cost of their autonomy. While Secession Movements have always existed within the ISC, only now are these groups gaining traction.

One such movement is the League for Corellian Independence, which early this month helped arrange for the planetary vote on if they should remain within the ISC, when the ISC is the same reason they were targeted for assault by the Sith Empire.

The results came in and shook the Galaxy as a whole - Corellia has decided that it will find its own way in the Galaxy and has begun the formal process of leaving the ISC and declaring itself neutral to all parties!


Following this shocking exit, the nearby planets of Duro and Nubia have publicly begun their own formal secession proceedings, having taken some fire themselves as part of the attempted invasion of Corellia. As is historically the case, the local area of space around Corellia seems to be following suit with the fiercely proud Corellian people and no planet seems safe from this expression of dissatisfaction!

Tinnel IV, the planet that elected Secretary of Defense Carrick, has also begun the process of leaving the ISC while their official still holds the office! How this will effect the Secretary's job remains to be seen as ISC law does require their secretaries to be selected from their planetary representatives - and Secretary Carrick's planet is not long for the ISC it would seem!

Further to the Galactic North, serious questions are being asked by other ISC member states as to what benefits they truly gain from remaining part of such an organisation, surrounded as they remain by both the New Republic and the FWA. A flurry of independence referendums is expected to sweep across the Core-ward planets within the ISC as Secession Fever seems to be catching!


Elsewhere within the ISC, isolated pockets of the ISC are beginning to see the downsides of being beholden to a government half the Galaxy away as well - miners working the mines of Kessel were recently polled and an overwhelming majority were found to have more loyalty to their local governor than they have to the ISC as a whole. While not shocking that they prefer a local to the out-of-system big government, this sentiment has the potential to become militant should their governor attempt to hold them to a union they no longer desire!

Neighboring systems, Honoghr and Formos, have made calls to Governor Lanris to join them in drafting formal secession plans later this week.

It seems that the planets secured by the ISC during the last war, the ISC-Hutt War, have grown to resent being ruled over by anyone - Hutt or otherwise!

With the frontiers of ISC space beginning to seek their fortunes elsewhere, could this be the end of the period of prosperous unity that the ISC has enjoyed since its formation?

How many more systems will see their future written by their own hands?!

Only time will tell!

- This message brought to you by the League for Corellian Independence.

The areas highlighted within the sections of map will begin to move from ISC control to Neutral/Independence. Political characters within these areas have the opportunity to oppose these movements IC or support them. Opposing them will be quite difficult as the politic perception has shifted away from Unity within the ISC.