Scales of Justice

Xe Z Sheu-fuh

SWRP Writer
Oct 30, 2018
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The Zeltron's blue eyes lingered on the Jedi for a moment after he'd spoken. A leader, she thought? Of some sort of...resistance movement? Taking on an Empire seemed so much more daunting than a slave ring. On the other hand, would it be so different? What needed to be done would remain the same.

"You don't need to die in order to fight," Xe responded at last. "It'll be necessary -- people like the Sith don't surrender because you have the moral, ethical, or philosophical high ground. Doesn't mean your Order should commit entirely to one, last stand. Those in 'hiding' can help people like me save those we can." Though, it was difficult to argue that a valiant stand now before an insurmountable enemy could inspire people to action. Maybe not all at once, but better that than to fade away and let the Empire remain unopposed. Some people would remember. Whispers in dark places about how things were once different -- better.

Her pink hand reached over toward the Jedi, either to take his hand or simply to extend it out toward him. "The road grows longer, and the night darker, but we've already started down the path. Only thing left for us to do now is to make it to the other side. I just hope you remember you don't need to do it alone." Something Xe herself needed to contend with it seemed. She preferred Red staying at the club tending their "slaves"; a safe enough cover. If they even thought about opposing the Sith, however, Xe wouldn't be able to protect them by keeping her distance.



SWRP Writer
May 24, 2018
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Tynian thought for a moment. The Zeltron was right... the path already was laid before them, there was no going back or deviating from the present course the force had set in place. The Jedi knew that it was his fate to walk that path no matter what the outcome would be.
Taking her offered hand, Tynian squeezed it gently and then let go. "I am grateful that you are here Xe." His remark wasn't a "come-on" but rather one of friendship. The Order had strict codes regarding attachments, and Tynian would have to guard himself even more around the Zeltron.
Even though, at this moment, some feelings were awakened in him, he couldn't let those surface... ever. A friend was all she could ever be to him, and anything more could jeopardize the mission they were currently on, as well as countering his sworn oaths to the Order.

There were times he wished he could throw aside the Codex, like now, but he knew that wasn't meant to be, so he pushed that thought from his mind, as well as the small bead of nervous sweat from his forehead.

Luckily he was saved by a flashing light on the control console indicating they had arrived at their destination.
Letting out a sigh of relief, Tynian looked out the viewport. The massive slave ship loomed in front of them, almost beckoning them to come closer.
Tynian looked at Xe. "And here we go. Shall we hail them?"


Xe Z Sheu-fuh

SWRP Writer
Oct 30, 2018
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The Zeltron smiled and returned the gentle squeeze of the man's hand. There was no ulterior motive behind her actions; though plenty of sentients often misconstrued the alluring appearance of her species for something that wasn't intended. And there were the pheromones, of course. Could only do so much about those; but since she wasn't interested in Tynian in that way, he should have been spared the worst of it.

With the ship dropping from hyperspace, however, the smile faded. Reluctantly she released the comfort of Tynian's hand as well. Right. To business. A soft sigh escaped her lips as Xe sought to steel herself for what was to follow. These things were never pleasant. Not even when she got exactly what she wanted.

"Please." Xe waited for the channel to be opened, then she simply affirmed their intentions, "The Imperatrix is prepared to conduct the transaction following inspection of the merchandise. We await instructions." Either they were going to let them board, or they were going to blow their humble freighter into pieces. Financial sense was on the former. If they required more proof of intent they only need ask, though Xe preferred to keep as little broadcast as possible. Never knew who could be listening.



SWRP Writer
May 24, 2018
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A scratchy voice came back over the com in response to Xe’s hail. “We see you Imperatrix. Upon your previous meeting, you should’ve been given a pass-code. Send that now.”

Tynian looked at Xe. He knew she probably had three passcode covered, since she’s done this sort of thing before, so he waited for her to send the code and went back to watching the big ship through the viewport.

“The bridge is further away than I thought it’d be.” He said out loud... it would mean a bit more of a trek to sabotage the ship from the bridge, so they would have to find an alternative way of accomplishing the whole mission.


Xe Z Sheu-fuh

SWRP Writer
Oct 30, 2018
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"Acknowledged." Xe's finger silenced their end before she started to transmit the code from the console.

Tynian voiced a thought that the Zeltron shared. It was quite the sizeable vessel. Stealth was not its intended purpose, obviously; not within a populated system anyway. Out here in the void even something that large could go unnoticed. There was a lot of space.

"We need to determine the layout of the ship. Engineering. Explosive material. Or," she looked over at the Jedi, "the fallback. It won't be immediate, however. If they even suspect what's happened there could be a fire fight and our ship won't last long out in the open." The computer program would get the slaver ship destroyed, but it wasn't fast. That'd been the point, actually. Deniability. There wouldn't be time to uncover how or who'd done it and transmit evidence -- at least that was the intention. If a shooting war started, however, Xe'd need to make sure they couldn't transmit anything.

"It won't be easy. I doubt they'll let us roam unescorted. What if you slipped on board using the Force somehow, after I board?" If they didn't know he was there, they wouldn't notice he was missing. It was a gamble, but that described the entire mission.



SWRP Writer
May 24, 2018
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Tynian grinned, the Zeltron was clever... "I like that idea. When we land let me know how many are out there. It may be easy to fool a couple of grunts. But a whole crowd may be a bit trickier." He got out of the co-pilot's chair and went to the cargo hold to prepare himself to use the force.
Like he said, a few people he could easily fool into not noticing him. It gets more difficult the larger the number that would meet them in the hangar bay, so he had to get himself ready for what he had in mind in using the force.

Upon reaching the hold, he sat down and began pulling the force into his mind and wrapping it around him like a cloak. As soon as Xe gave him the info he needed, the Jedi would start moving...
The plan was for him to get out of the ship and make his way to the bridge or engine room, without being seen... doubt tried to ebb its way into his mind, but Tynian didn't have time for that, nor did he entertain the thought. He had to succeed. Lives now depended upon him... he would not fail.



Xe Z Sheu-fuh

SWRP Writer
Oct 30, 2018
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Her eyes lingered aft of the cockpit for a moment once Tynian had departed. Casualties were part of the lifestyle, but that didn't mean they were acceptable. Given the size of the ship, Xe was concerned about what they'd discussed earlier. About possibly leaving him behind.

With a deep breath drawn in, the pink woman faced forward and followed the boarding procedure laid out by the slaver ship. Two occupants by any scan would have met the agreed upon parameters established prior to their arrival. As for once they were docked.. well no one would be scanning for discrepancies. One person left on the ship wouldn't require a small army to guard them.

The gangway hatch opened and Xe stood in her violet dress awaiting a ladder to be brought forward. With a smile, she explained how walking off a cargo ramp was too pedestrian for people of their stature. Since the kind men and women had a ladder available, surely they understood. A yarn about her companion remaining with the ship explained her sole appearance; no doubt garnering a few less than savory thoughts, but credits afforded a limited buffer of sorts. With the amount of money on the table they weren't going to throw it all away for a single Zeltron. At least, no sane slaver would.

"Excuse me," Xe announced as she lifted her commlink. "Ty, please reactivate the droid. I'm sure three hours will provide sufficient charge to handle our new cargo." The smile returned swiftly to her soft lips as her eyes met those of the slaver sent to fetch her. Not wanting to delay them any further she added, "By all means."

A four sentient escort surrounded their guest as they strode into the belly of the beast. The Zeltron indulged in meaningless conversation along the way. Topics of slaves and the market; she did not bother inquiring about the ship, its people, or its commander. They were here to conduct a transaction of flesh, not get to know one another.



SWRP Writer
May 24, 2018
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Tynian smiled. Four individuals would be easier by far... He stood up, went to the hatch that would put him under the ship, and released the force... He waited for a few quick seconds for the effects to work, making his presence to them seem non-existent, then the Jedi hopped quietly to the ground and moved to the right side of the hangar bay, away from where Xe and the escorts were headed.

Upon reaching a ventilation grate, Tynian quickly pried it open and crawled inside. The shaft would eventually take him down to the engine room, as long as he didn't get caught. But he would have to hurry if he was going to be able to use Xe's computer spike successfully and make it back before the ship left. It was a gamble and a race against time...

The Jedi replaced the grate, so as not to be discovered and began crawling toward his destination.


Xe Z Sheu-fuh

SWRP Writer
Oct 30, 2018
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Naturally the meeting was to be conducted in a large room with comfortable furnishings. With the money made in this trade what was the point if you couldn't afford a few luxuries for your ship? The thing that kept you out of the law's reach, and made the great enterprise of slavery possible. For the peddlers, at least. Seeing how the markets of the Zygerrian were a bit out of reach for some, much to others' benefit.

Xe made herself comfortable on a sofa, her arms spread out across the top and one leg crossed over the other. The smile on her lips grew as her eyes shifted ever so slightly to one of the guard watching her. When their eyes made contact the man straightened up just a hair and his eyes focused on something behind her. It was fun catching someone in the right position to try peeking at the spot between her legs in this position. Some pretended not to care -- like this one -- and others stared all the harder.

Frankly, the Zeltron didn't care if people thought of her as nothing but a pink candy to be devoured. If anything it only provided her another weapon to use against them. It was of no consequence what they thought; only what they did. In this case, protect scum trading in children. And for that there was no chance in or out of this galaxy they'd enjoy her company in private.

At last a Rodian strode into the room. The old game of making someone wait to make clear who was in command. Xe uncrossed her legs and slowly stood to her feet with a smile still on her lips. "Pak’ Dul. A pleasure," she intoned as she extended a hand out should he wish to shake or kiss it.

All she had to do now was 'inspect' the younglings, transfer the credits, and get them back to the ship. Hopefully a straightforward business transaction without any hiccups.



SWRP Writer
May 24, 2018
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Tynian made his way through the ventilation shaft while using the force to mask his movements. As he neared the grate that would open to the engine room, he heard a very strange sound... It was like a breathing animal that had a cold of some sort. But as the Jedi peered out of the grate, all he saw was a lone engineer, sitting in a chair with his arms folded over his chest and sleeping like a log.
The Jedi smiled to himself... the sound he heard was the snoring of the engineer.

Once more using the force to soften the sound of the grate being opened, Tynian crawled out of the shaft and made his way past the sleeping man and toward the main control console.

He bent down and removed the front panel and placed the spike that Xe had given him, into the computer's mainframe. It slid easily into the free slot as a little red light began beeping, indicating the spike was working correctly.
Nodding approvingly, Tynian quickly closed the panel and headed back the way he had come, in hopes that he would make it back before Xe closed the deal and left with the kids.


Xe Z Sheu-fuh

SWRP Writer
Oct 30, 2018
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Each youngling was brought forward for inspection. Xe walked around them, had them turn, stared into their eyes with a smile on her lips... Actually a shortened parade than might otherwise be customary. Adults held many possibilities; their experiences, hopes, fears, and resolve all played a part in any show. Young ones? They could have spirit or fear, but it was less tangible; more abstract from their relative inexperience. Also, Xe didn't feel like indulging in the more sadistic displays with such innocent creatures.

"They are just as we agreed," the Zeltron declared at last. "I see no reason why we shouldn't conclude our arrangement."

As she reached to take the data pad from the intense Rodian whose eyes hadn't left the Zeltron the entire time, there was a cry. "Whatever you intend, we won't give you the satisfaction."

Slowly Xe turned to look over at the eldest of the younglings whose fists were balled at his sides. A smile crept over her pink lips. "You will give the Imperatrix the greatest satisfaction." Her blue eyes held on him as her fingers tapped in the transfer code.

"What is this?" Further objection now came from the other party in this arrangement. Pak' Dul himself. And the tone was none too friendly. "Why is this only half the agreed amount?"

"Pak' Dul," Sheu-fuh turned her gaze upon him then, "you have a naughty reputation. A scrupulous business man might try to receive full compensation, take back the product, and take a very lovely Zeltron as a crowning glory. So, as you can see, the remaining credits will be transferred only on our safe return. A holding company will see you fully compensated." And said company would make sure everyone else knew if the man tried double crossing her. News of a slave trade going wrong was unnecessary. News of Pak' Dul trying to pull one over on his customers (for whatever product he might be selling) could have serious ramifications.

The man's fingers twitched. An inkling to draw a blaster no doubt. Couldn't be helped, really.

Xe only hoped half the amount wouldn't be sufficient temptation to double cross her regardless.

"Then leave. You have no business on my ship."

A soft moan followed his declaration. "Pak' Dul, you monster. I hope we'll see each other again soon." She snapped her fingers and pointed at the mouthy youngling. "Come. Stay close, or Pak' Dul will tear your intestines out with his bare hands for sport." With that she turned and started for the door. The look on the Rodian's face should be enough to convince the children to follow.

They weren't out of this yet, but they were over halfway through the storm. Xe only hoped Tynian had finished his business; they weren't going to be able to tarry long.

Once they were back to the ship, Xe would tell the little ones to take their seats. "Best we leave before the dark side pushes Pak' Dul to destroy us even while we're inside his hanger. No?" Was that how it worked? It affected everyone? Mystical philosophy wasn't Xe's strong suit. Didn't matter; point remained they were still at risk. Little ones might even get a hint with her referencing the Force; but hinting was all she'd do still within the Rodian's reach.



SWRP Writer
May 24, 2018
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From behind a ventilation grate, Tynian watched as Xe and the children entered the ship. Relief washed over him, knowing the kids were going to be safe and their lives of slavery was going to be done. The relief was short-lived however, when the engines of the huge slave ship began the low hum of gearing up to leave.

The Jedi was sure that the slavers wouldn't go anywhere until the smaller ship was out of their hangar bay, so it gave Tynian a sliver of time to get out of the ventilation shaft and make his way across the bay toward the smaller ship.
The trick was that there were guards now posted at the entrance to make sure the ship would leave, and because he had used the force quite a bit to sneak around, he was very tired. The strain of keeping up the force power drained his own stamina quicker than normal... which meant he was nearing exhaustion.

Taking a deep breath he whispered into his com. "I'm close. There are guards posted... I need a distraction if I'm going to make it to the ship. Please get the hatch open."


Xe Z Sheu-fuh

SWRP Writer
Oct 30, 2018
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Xe looked up from the controls at the sound of Tynian's voice. Her eyelids fell over her blue eyes for a moment. A distraction? He was the Jedi. Sacrifice everything for one Jedi Knight and his five young apprentices... that's how she imagined the day going when she woke.

The ship's engines flared to life and the vessel lifted from the deck. Slowly the freighter turned in place. However it soon began to drift toward one side of the hanger. Those in attendance hardly had time to react, but emotionally braced themselves for a disaster.

Teeth clenched, Xe's fingers danced over the controls. Stop. Stop, stop, stop!

Only a foot or two away from the bulkhead, the vessel drifted to a stop.

With no time to spare -- or to mentally recover from nearly wrecking the ship -- the pink woman hurried from the cockpit. "You, loud one," Xe pointed at one of the younglings, "get that hatch open." Her finger swung to the place Tynian had disembarked and now sought to return. "I don't have time for your petulance. Get the hatch open or you will have gotten a Jedi Knight killed."

Without time to dawdle and chit in hand, the side airlock cycled to reveal the Zeltron standing in full view of those present. "Tell Pak' Dul this should make up for any inconvenience," Xe announced as she tossed the memory storage device out on to the deck. "Someone interested in offloading product. They could use someone like him."

When the woman flew away from the hold where they'd been put -- relatively unsecured, which had solicited thoughts how to escape later -- the young man hesitated. Eyes narrowed slightly after the Zeltron. What Jedi Knight? It could be a trick, but what...? With a sharp snort, he moved over to the hatch to unlock and open it as she'd instructed. If it wasn't a Jedi they'd be reducing the odds of overpowering the woman and taking the ship later. But he couldn't see why the woman would have someone sulking about, almost left behind otherwise.

With a quick salute, the door shut and Xe turned around to check if Tynian was on board. They needed to get out of there now.



SWRP Writer
May 24, 2018
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Well, he did ask for a distraction.

As the ship nearly crashed into the wall that held the ventilation shaft, the Jedi braced himself for impact. But it didn't come... Grinning to himself and the piloting skills of his partner Xe, Tynian hurried out of the shaft and moved quickly under the ship and up into the hatch.
As his feet cleared the hole, a young man shut it as fast as he could. Then Tynian could feel the ship lifting off the hangar bay floor and toward open space.

He collapsed onto his back relieved that the mission went as planned. The kids were going to be safe and that's all that mattered.
Once he caught his breath, the Jedi stood up and made his way to the cockpit. Upon seeing Xe, he placed a friendly ahnd on her shoulder and then sat down in the co-pilot's seat. "Well done my friend... and thank you. You have done well, and I owe you one."


Xe Z Sheu-fuh

SWRP Writer
Oct 30, 2018
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The Zeltron turned to look back at the Jedi. Guess he'd managed to make it back after all. "You managed to," a quick glance behind him to see if any of the young ones could overhear, "deal with the ship, right? Otherwise you'll owe me more than one." A smile crept over her lips.

Man had managed to financially tap her and a few allies in this little endeavor. Why she'd bothered just for one man... Maybe it was because he was a Jedi? Maybe because they were children? The sort Sith might raise to be weapons -- tools of influence to conquer others. Slavers of a different sort, but ruthless authoritarians all the same.

"So, where should we go first? Normally I would invite you back to my place, but young slaves would be difficult to explain. Martial arts academy then?" Even those not deemed worthy of Jedi instruction still found some value in such physical arts. Philosophically some schools might be practically indistinguishable. Younglings could easily pass -- long as they didn't go pushing people around with their minds. Or did Tynian have other ideas? They had a ship, and a big galaxy at their disposal.



SWRP Writer
May 24, 2018
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Tynian sat back in the co-pilot's chair, glad to be leaving the slaver's ship far behind. "Yes. Their ship should be experiencing technical difficulties in about ten minutes or so." He glanced over to Xe and smiled. "Thanks for waiting for me. I appreciate it."

His gaze went back to the viewport and the stars. "There's a safehouse in the outskirts of Tattooine. We can take the kids there, and they will be safe and well taken care of. The caretakers can decide where to place them after that."
The Jedi looked back at the small group of kids huddled together and let out a deep breath. "You are all safe now... no more being slaves. Just sit back and we will get you to a place where you all can begin a new life."

He looked back at Xe. "You're pretty good at this sort of stuff. Maybe we should go into business together... Unless you've got something else to do?"


Xe Z Sheu-fuh

SWRP Writer
Oct 30, 2018
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Technical difficulties. Yes, Xe thought, you could call mathematical inaccuracies in a navicomputer a technical difficulty. "You were the customer. It looks bad if I let the customer die; even if they're the foolish one sticking their necks out." The Zeltron smiled, not that she had any issues with Tynian being present. He was certainly far more skilled and capable than most. No babysitting required.

A soft expulsion of breath followed Tynian's recommendation on course. "That backwater--" Xe sucked in the rest of her thought mindful the youth might be listening in. "Our ship will fit right in at least." More than her personal shuttle, which she'd want to pick up at some point. Even the Jedi had his own ship to retrieve. Well, they weren't going anywhere.

When the Knight finished addressing those he'd orchestrated saving, Xe looked up from their own controls again. Had to be certain one good turn didn't deserve another -- Xe had checked their own navicomputer course for 'inaccuracies.' Laughter bubbled forth at Tynian's remark. "I do, in fact." She paused to smile for a moment. "But you're in luck, because this is what I do. Though I usually don't bleed myself dry in the process. I'll need to work my other job a little harder to rebuild the finances if we want to try anything like this again." An eyebrow raised slightly. "Unless the Jedi has a secret stash of credits? Seeing how your Order wasn't one for living lavish lifestyles." Xe didn't expect him to dump a vault in her lap, but nothing wrong being playful.



SWRP Writer
May 24, 2018
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"If they do have a ton of credits laying around, I haven't seen or heard about it." Tynian responded with a slight smile. It would've been nice to be able to pay Xe a lot more credits for her part in the mission, but Tynian just didn't have access to that kind of money.

"So once we get to Tattooine, what are you going to do?" He asked... He knew he couldn't stay on Tattooine. There was still more to do in his life... at least he thought there was. Time was growing short, and so maybe it was time for him to find a nice place to hide. In looking at Xe, he took a gamble..."Do you know of a good place to hide a Jedi Knight perchance? I think my time as an active part in the galaxy is drawing to a close."


Xe Z Sheu-fuh

SWRP Writer
Oct 30, 2018
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"Not settle down." Xe smirked. Not that she thought he was propositioning. "I can make sure the Younglings get where they need to go, but after that I need to collect my shuttle. From there, engage in less wholesome financial opportunities so I have credits to impress slavers." One unwholesome job beget another. Hopefully not a zero sum game.

"I know many places you could lay low, and they would be perfect, but," the Zeltron let the thought trail off. Her blue eyes lingered on Tynian in the brief silence. "They're perfect because you would never expect a Jedi to be in such a place. I do know a club that wouldn't be a poison pill you'd have to swallow though." Better than a brothel, an auction house, a den of cut throats, or the local guide of highly trained murderers for hire.



SWRP Writer
May 24, 2018
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Tynian thought about it for a few moments. The thought of hiding in a place that went against his moral code was a bit tough to comprehend. But still it would be the last place anyone would look to find a Jedi.
“Alright. I will hide wherever you put me. As long as you visit from time to time.”
It was an interesting notion... going into hiding... but it was time. The Jedi has done the best they could in light of the Sith’s uprising. And now it was time to back away and let the galaxy live with their choice. For now.

“I appreciate your help in all this. It’s nice to have friends these days.”
