Sarina Kayrou


SWRP Writer
Jul 30, 2007
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Name: Sarina Kayrou
Faction: Jedi
Rank: Jedi Knight
Species: Nagai/Human hybrid
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Height: 5’7’’ (approx. 1.7 meters)
Weight: 116 pounds (approx. 57 kilograms)
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Black
Skin: Pale white
Credits: -
Distinguishing Marks: Curling, aqua-colored markings on the left side of her face
Dominate Hand: Right-handed
Force Sensitive: Yes

Strength: Slightly below average
Dexterity: Slightly above average
Constitution: Average
Intelligence: Above average
Wisdom: Average
Charisma: Below average due to her lack of the faculty of speech

Force Powers: Minor healing, small premonitions

Skills: Sarina is known for her kindness and her willingness and her determination to do what is expected of her. She always has wanted to learn to heal, and already can heal minor wounds to a fair degree, concerning her low rank. She is also fairly clever and creative, allowing her to get out of several tough situations and also to aid in communication.

Lightsaber Forms: None.

Strengths and Weaknesses:

Her strength is in her healing ability, small though it may be. However, she is not yet conscious of this skill, and only ever uses it unconsciously. Upon returning to the Order, she desired to hone this facet of the Force, one that she, fortunately, already had an innate talent for. She also has the knack for being comforting, and often unconsciously gives off a soothing presence. She easily forms attachments with others, able to quickly form friends; most noticeably her pet Tooke, Nikki. She is also rather impulsive and somewhat stubborn, which clashes with her deep desire to please other's wishes for her; but even she has lines she will not cross, especially when it comes to Nikki. She has a desperate fear of not living up to or failing the expectations of those she looks up to, and most of all of being neglected and unwanted. . Her most immediately noticeable weakness is one that she was born with, the inability to form words. Though she can make noises, her brain is unable to string them together to form anything intelligible. Due to this weakness, she is very quick at writing and typing. Also, she is a very fine cook.

Gear: A datapad on which to communicate difficult thoughts, though it is not frequently used.

Ships: None

Pets: Nikki, a Tooke


Sarina is a trusting, simple soul, with a want only for simple pleasures. She is commonly happy and cheerful, so far that her very presence is soothing to most, though she does not know it or intend to make it so. She is fairly naive about Jedi lore and teachings; she mostly re-joined to be looked up to and to learn to heal others. She likes making friends and often subconsciously forms very mild bonds with them, displaying her weakness for forming attachments. Nowhere is this trait more evident than with her pet Tooke, Nikki. Because neither of them can talk, she has a special place for him in her heart, commonly ‘talking’ to him with her mind or with her unintelligible utterings that she claims he understands; the only one who understands her. She earnestly wants the approval and praise of her superiors, wanting to live up to their expectations and being so far as terrified of failure. To disappoint them is something that deeply upsets her. Despite this, she is a somewhat impulsive and dtermined Nagai, a facet of her being that she usually puts to work in carrying out difficult tasks placed upon her by her superiors. However, her stubbornness also pushes her to draw the line for how far she will go to please those in authority, though this line is difficult to reach and only really applies to Nikki and for what she perceives as the benefit of others. Sarina also desperately fears being abandoned or unwanted. Her heart is also very tender, and easy to break or hurt.


Sarina's father Dev Kayrou, a Nagai, was on vacation when his hyperspace jump went off-course, landing on a jungle planet in the known galaxy. There he met a woman named Ardene Bekron, one of the few people living there. She taught him Basic to try to communicate with him so he could gain the parts needed to fix his ship, and during the process the two fell in love and were married. Several years later, Dev was still living on that jungle world with her, not wanting to leave, when Ardene was found to be pregnant. Not wanting their child exposed to whatever diseases the world's humid environment might hold, and, due to the hybrid nature of the child, they wanted better technology than the world could offer, and thus took off in Dev's ship to search for discreet medical help.

Sarina was born under the name Drey Kayrou on a small, outlying medstation. On the return trip, the old, somewhat neglected ship broke down, and the budding family was forced to crash land on a nearby planet, Arkania. She was separated from her parents during the crash, and was found by Anasc Rascana, the Jedi Watchman of that world. Her appearance first generated the idea that she may have been an Arkanian off-shoot, but a quick genetic test proved that false, and also proved her Force-sensitivity. Upon discovering the latter, Anasc took her away to the Jedi Temple to be trained. He named her Sarina as he did not know her true title, but did not give her a last name. Several years passed, during which Sarina's parents searched desperately for her in this new galaxy. She had been missing for six years before her parents finally found her, and, using blush to disguise their distinctive appearance, garnered work at the Temple. The Kayrous began to gain a relationship with Sarina, eventually telling her that they were her parents after becoming good friends with her. Not long after, they stole her away from the Temple in the middle of the night. Sarina's parents took her away on their ship, overjoyed at finding their long lost daughter. They set out to return to Nagi, but their ship crash-landed, and in the subsequent crash her parents were killed, though she tried to heal them. Heartbroken and despising herself for her failure, she tried to make her living on the strange planet she had landed upon; Corellia. Also, the trauma this caused her young mind forced her to block out and forget everything before the crash, including her training as a Jedi, though she would often have dreams recounting it to her. Afterwards, she retained the name Kayrou, making it her surname.

Life on Corellia was tough, as she was shunned due to her being a non-Corellian, or an ‘ekster,’ as they put it. What made it more difficult was her speech impediment, keeping others from understanding her, as the only ‘sign language’ she knew was of the Nagai, and few, if any, Corellians knew any kind of sign language. Her yearning to fit him led her to purchase makeup with money earned by pawning off some of her parents' belongings to make herself appear Human. She worked on Corellia for a while as a chef, her employer taking an interest in her, even after discovering she was a non-Human. Maria, the owner, was a kind lady that held her to high standards at her work, but was very kind and let Sarina live with her. It was with her that she learned a more practical kind of pantomime that helped her communicate with the world about her without having to learn a set method of sign, allowing her to speak to communicate with a wider range of peoples. It was during this time that she acquired Nikki.

After living with her for several years, Maria began to notice Sarina having one or two ‘lucky guesses’ about several robberies in the neighborhood, and began to wonder if she was Force-sensitive, something that excited the Nagai. When she and Sarina went to a local Jedi Watchman, Djar Terriden, to ask him about it. Upon seeing him, a onetime friend of hers at the Temple and one with whom she'd formed a bond, Sarina's memory returned, and her longing to be a Jedi increased. She recounted to them both all of what had happened to her. After getting the affirmative from a local Jedi Master that she could return, Maria suggested that Sarina join the Jedi Order once more, so that she could reach out and help and heal others. However, besides this, there was more attraction for Sarina than just that; she had always looked up to the Jedi, and it excited her that she could return to them, now that her past was revealed to her. Though she was reluctant to leave her benefactor, Maria knew what was best for her, and promised to communicate with her. Thus, she joined the Order as a Jedi hopeful, and began the search for a Master.

She was tossed around to several Masters before she finally learned enough and was promoted to the rank of Knight.

Kills: None

Dueling Ring Matches: None

Grand Tournament Matches: None

RP’s: Sarina Kayrou's Training


Nikki, Sarina's Tooke​

Green Ranger

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Dec 6, 2005
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Solus, you're now a Jedi Knight. Please update your profile asap to make the alterations required.