Artifact Red Five


Wannabe King
SWRP Writer
Aug 20, 2015
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The Famous X-Wing Starfighter flown by both Jedi Masters Luke and Rey Skywalker.


Luke Skywalker and R2-D2 flew a T-65B X-wing starfighter dubbed Red Five in the Battle of Yavin. R2 was damaged by Darth Vader's TIE Advanced x1, but Skywalker used the Force to destroy the Galactic Empire's superweapon, the Death Star. After the battle, his Red Five designation became synonymous with the actual spacecraft that Skywalker flew.

It was present on Hoth while Luke led Rogue Squadron, and after the Battle of Hoth, he would take it to Dagobah where he was to be trained by Yoda. Following a water landing, Red Five sank in one of the planet's swamps. Regardless, Yoda trained Luke in the ways of the Force, and later encouraged Luke to use his developing powers to pull the X-wing out of the swamp.

Luke flew the X-wing to Cloud City on Bespin. After his duel with Vader and subsequent rescue by Lando Calrissian and Leia Organa aboard the Millennium Falcon, Red Five was seemingly abandoned on Cloud City. However, the trio would later recover Luke's ship on a subsequent mission to the mining colony. Luke later took Red Five to Tatooine to rescue Han Solo, and then flew the starfighter back to Dagobah to finish his training. Later, Skywalker would presumably leave his starfighter with the Alliance Fleet in the prelude to the Battle of Endor.

After the destruction of his Jedi temple, Luke went into a self-imposed exile and took Red Five to Ahch-To, submerging it in the sea below the Temple island. A year after her first visit, Rey returned to the island in her own self-imposed exile, by purposely crashing Kylo Ren's TIE whisper, but was encouraged by the spirit of Skywalker to face the remerged Palpatine. After Luke's spirit lifted Red Five from the waters, Rey repaired the ship and flew to Exegol using a Sith wayfinder to face the deposed Emperor. Once enroute, Rey transmitted Red Five's tracking beacon to the Resistance base on Ajan Kloss that allowed them to trace her route to the planet. This enabled the Resistance to launch an attack on the Sith world. Red Five ultimately survived the battle.

Rey Skywalker continued to use the fighter as her main means of transportation throughout the rebirth of the New Jedi Order. With the sole remaining Sith Wayfinder inbuilt to the ship, the Jedi Master would keep the ship out of the hands of any members of the order storing it on Jakku and a secret cave on Ajan Kloss. Before the Jedi Master passed away she returned it to the place she found it back on Ahch-To.

After a hundred years beneath the swirling seas of Ahch-To, the ship is no longer flightworthy more a fish sanctuary than a Starfighter, however still within its cockpit lies the final Sith Wayfinder.


The final location of the Sith Wayfinder Artorigas Wessex has been looking for, Red Five is a museum piece if anything else. Artorigas will probably put it on a fancy pedestal back at Castle Wessex.​