Private Cybernetics Lab

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SWRP Writer
Dec 6, 2005
Reaction score
*The lab of Dubroissly Cybernetics is a large place located miles underground on the planet Elom, allowing the creation of new cybernetic creations, weapons, monstrousities, etc. Here, spare metal and implant chips are dumped and made into creations to further the company.*

((From items you receive, you will be allowed to make creations that allow you to stretch your mind's creativity. Just make it realistic. Like a bottle and plastic can't be made into a giant robot.))

((PM me for the allowing of project construction))
Current Projects:
Ship Tick Model A [In Construction]

*'Boss' enters the elevator on elom down to the lab, where thousands of construction workers and scientists delevope new breakthroughs in technology. Walking over to a table where a strange little droid was being created on, was surrounded by scientists, testing it. One of them shakes it's head in disapproval, but smiles deeply when an implant was thrown to him. Placing the chip in an open gap of the droid, the scientist placed a barrel of gasoline in front of the little droid, the droid attacked the barrel and cut open a hoel with it's iron jaws. It dived into the gasoline and popped out with more metal in it's mouth. The scientist shaked his head in disapproval again, but 'Boss' grinned at the creation in front of him. Whispering somthing to the scientist, 'Boss' immidatly left the room and allowed multiplication of more of the droids now dubbed as 'Tick Droid Model A'.*
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