Open Social Padawans Got it Going On

Shaw Amaris

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Jan 22, 2024
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Pineapple on pizza. Shaw had never tried it, but he would try just about anything once. He wasn't known for being a real picky eater.

"You have no idea," Shaw said, always down to sing the praises of his master. Mysterious was right. Shaw had spent over six months with the guy and was still trying to figure him out. But that was definitely part of his charm and most definitely part of the appeal for the ladies. There was also the fact that Master Valtiere was just straight up easy on the eyes. He could notice that objectively without it being weird, right?

The teenager almost choked on his pizza when Theia spoke up next. His mouth went dry and his hands got clammy. Hold up. "Did—did you just say I'm hot?" Surely he had misheard her. Surely, otherwise things were about to get really awkward. Spitting out the pizza he had gagged on into a nearby bush since he hadn't bothered to bring any napkins or plates, Shaw noticed that Prani was gone. He had been keeping an eye on her just in case she decided to duck out of the party early.

Moments ago she had been surrounded by a bunch of guys. Now she was just gone. Shaw was about to come up with an excuse to go catch her real quick while Theia shouted at some boys when Kaedan came up and made one for him. Something about Regina saying something hurtful and something else about Shaw messing up big time. A pretty dense and oblivious guy the majority of the time, Shaw wasn't sure that he had the entire picture clear in his mind but there was only one way to find out. "Thanks, bro."

"Uhhh would you excuse me real quick, Theia?"
he asked, setting his slice of pizza down on the table. Finding out whether or not he liked pineapple on pizza would have to wait. @GABA

Prani was leaving alright. And with Caul? "Hey, Prani! Wait up!" he called after her. If she stopped or if he was able to catch up with her he would ask, "You leaving?" like an idiot. Like it wasn't obvious that she was leaving. And with Caul. That beared repeating for some reason. Floundering, he added, glancing briefly over at Caul, "I was hoping we could finalize plans for our date." @Sreeya

Prani Shalrazi

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Jan 3, 2024
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“Afraid of the dark? Now I know you’re playin’!” She said, “I saw you brave them caves on Sernipidal!” Prani reminded him, though it was amusing nonetheless. He was doing a good job of cheering her up from being mopey.

“You ain’t ever look punchable so why would I tell ya that?” Prani asked, her eyebrows raised in wonder. At his question, she nodded, “I was on Lothal and it came under attack by Sith! Thank goodness-” Shaw arrived on time, she almost said, but she trailed off, “-thank goodness everyone’s okay. I was real scared. Made me realize I ain’t cut out to be a combat Jedi,” Prani said as she shook her head, "And won't ya believe it I managed to convince some Loth-wolves to come back!"

She was about to say more when she heard a familiar voice calling out to her. Prani stopped walking, trying to keep the irritation from flashing on her face. She stared at Shaw when he arrived, catching his gaze flick suspiciously to Caul. Prani said nothing to his question about whether she was leaving, chewing on her lip and stuck in an awkward scenario. She was nonconfrontational and this was the stuff of nightmares. A part of her wanted to yell at Shaw, another wanted to hug him and just forget there was any drama.

However, when he loudly announced about the date, Prani’s jaw tightened. So he thought it prudent to talk about the date when another guy was walking her home, but he could dance with another girl all night? Prani wasn’t the type to get externally angry, so she simply exhaled, looking at Caul with an apologetic smile, “I’m sorry.. Mind givin’ us a moment here?” She asked sheepishly, “I’ll catch up with ya and ya gotta tell me all about Ellora.”

Prani wouldn’t air any laundry or discredit Shaw while Caul or anyone else was around. When the other Padawan stepped away, she turned to regard Shaw, “Shaw, I came to this ‘cause of you,” She explained, “I don’t go to these things. And all I seen you do the entire time is just talk to Theia and ditch me any chance ya got. Regina said y’all got cozy dancin’ together while I was playin’ didn’t even come watch or listen,” Prani sighed, “Look, I don’t really wanna hear about how y’all are friends. That’s cool. But please don’t be messin’ with me with all this dating business. Ask Theia out instead, and me and you can be friends. I know she likes ya, you know she likes you, you ain’t dumb. I ain’t gonna cut ya off or anythin’,” Prani paused for a moment before she continued, “I know I’m soft and I know I’m polite, but I still got a heart, Shaw. Please don’t play games with it.”

She managed a very strained smile, gave him a polite nod, and turned to start walking again.

@throwitintothefire @Zay

Shaw Amaris

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Jan 22, 2024
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No sooner had Shaw caught up with her than she turned to leave again. "Prani, wait—" He reached a hand out to grab hold of her wrist but thought better of it, fingers only brushing against her skin before they were snatched back to his side.

If she stayed, which Shaw knew wasn't a guarantee, he would start to explain, "I—I didn't mean to ditch you. Theia and I are just friends. We—" But that was exactly the sort of thing Prani came right out and said she didn't want to hear. Shaw scratched the back of his neck awkwardly. He had a knack for saying just the thing she didn't want to hear, didn't he?

Even if it was true, that he had shown Arandur to the buffet table because he thought it was the polite thing to do, to not make Prani have to go and show him simply because Regina told her to, that he had danced with Theia because she had asked him and because Theia was his friend, it didn't matter in the face of Prani's strained smile. He had spent enough time around her to know that it wasn't genuine. That it was just for his sake since she had the good grace to send Caul away. Always thinking about others... Something Shaw could learn a thing or two about.

Fear and confession warred in his thoughts, and he almost said that he had listened to her play, that she had been incredible and that it had been nothing like the other songs she had played for him, but that sounded too much like an excuse or a copout. Probably because it was. Sometimes the truth could also be a copout. Something else that was the truth? Shaw hadn't gone over to watch her perform, after he had asked her to bring her hallikset and everything.

"I'm sorry I didn't come watch you play, Prani," he swallowed a few times, shifting in place. "I know you gotta heart." Boy did he know. "And I would never—" What? Hurt it? That was what he was going to say, but it was too late for that now, wasn't it? He had already hurt her. Shaw just stared at her as the words turned to ashes in his mouth and a pain settled in the back of his throat.

Prani was standing up to someone. He always figured she would one day once she finally realized how incredible she was and he would get to be there to tell her 'I told you so.' He figured she would stand up to the likes of Regina or Stacy or one of the other padawans that liked to bully her and hide her stuff. He never thought it would be him that she would be forced to stand up to. But there she was, standing up to him, and here he was with his heart in his stomach. He was proud of her. He really was. But the fact that he had had been the one to finally back her into a corner? That he had been the one that made her feel so walked all over that she finally put her foot down? That made him want to throw up.

Realizing it, Shaw raked in a breath, "I'm sorry I hurt you, Prani. I realize I played with your heart, and I... I'm sorry." What else could he add? That he hadn't meant to do it? That didn't matter. Of course he hadn't meant to hurt her, but the reality was that he had. What was that old saying? That the road to the void was paved with good intentions? This felt like the void and one of his own making.

"I care about you, Prani. I asked you out because I want to go out with you," he said, unnaturally still. He realized that he had no right to be telling her all that, but he wanted her to know. He wanted her to know how he felt and then she could do with it what she will. "I don't want to go out with anyone else." He doubted she could say the same anymore. That feeling atop the bell tower, that rush as they held one another and the lightening flashed in the distance, that was gone now—he could see it in her face. Just like he had put it there, watched it bloom across her features, he had taken it away and was now forced to watch it wither.

"I really messed up today, Prani. Got busy trying to play host and basking in all the attention and lost sight of what really matters to me. Lost sight of you. I'm sorry."
He averted his gaze and let out a quiet sigh. There wasn't much that Shaw was good at, but two things that he could always do: own up to his mistakes and never give up. Shaw wasn't a quitter, but this was certainly the closest he had ever felt to it. He almost didn't say the next words, and he couldn't bring himself to look at her as he did. He felt dirty, telling her what he wanted when he had no right, but no matter how much he wanted to give up and sulk in his shame something inside him told him that he wasn't a quitter. That maybe one day Prani could forgive him and he could forgive himself. "I still want to go out with you next weekend. I know I got no right to expect you to show up, but I'll be waiting for you. 4:00 sharp. Under that tree you like to play under."

It was obvious that she didn't have to give him an answer now or... ever, for that matter. If she didn't show up, that would be his answer. Shaw took a guilty step backwards, not sure what else to say at that point. He had already taken up enough of her time, and Caul was waiting for her somewhere up ahead. She probably needed some distance. "Proud of you for keeping it 100." There was another old saying. Something about it being harder to stand up to your friends than your enemies. Prani had done just that today. @Sreeya


Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

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Graveyard Shift
Feb 3, 2024
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It's evident how much care Duma is putting into stroking Lady's fur, and given how massive he is compared to the loth-cat, Roanoke is convinced that the interaction is genuine. Despite the spark of apprehension in his heart at the knowledge that the Orcolan lost his buddy when the Sith came and he probably lost a lot more, Roanoke chooses not to comment on that part. Given the mohawked teen's previous allegiance—forced in all aspects—with the Darksiders, the guilt and shame sit there in his belly, but he's not going to talk about it. It's not the right place, nor is it the right time.

Instead he chooses to focus on the now, 'cause that's what matters currently, is it not?

"She chose it herself," he proudly replies, content to watch the loth-cat receive all the pets and love she deserves. "It's the only thing she happily responds to out of all the n-names I thought for her!"

The question posed by Duma is one that Roanoke expects given they just met, but it's one that still makes him smile awkwardly. He replies honestly, but chooses to omit why he came into the Jedi fold in the first place.

"I'm still pretty new around here," he responds to Duma's question. "S-Still finding my place 'round. I'm glad to have made friends this early... There's Shaw and Victor, met both of them in Starlight. Then there's Zessel and Caul. Met them recently with Shaw when we all got paired up for a mission in Ellora. Then there's Natalie, she's a Warden, and she's pretty cool."

He glances around, eyes flickering to where Prani disappeared into. Then over at Theia, to the other Padawans, before his charcoal gaze returns to Duma.

"A-And, uh, I want to be friends with you, too," he sincerely tells the Orc. "You, Prani, Theia, Levet... everyone here, to be honest." His voice becomes soft, as he wistfully adds, "I never had any friends back home, and being here with the Jedi... I hope I-I can make as many as I can, e-each one as meaningful as the other."

He musters a smile for the Orc, shaking away thoughts of home and everything he left behind in his search for freedom from the Dark Side.

"How about you? How long have you been here?" he circles the question back at his fellow Padawan and hopefully new friend. "Did you, um, choose to be a Jedi?"




Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Jan 4, 2024
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It took Caul be surprise how much he liked just being around Prani, on their mission they’d had an objective that kinda tied them together, but to be here under the waning moonlight as it slipped through the overhanging branches he found he was completely content. A feeling he hadn't truly felt around someone else since... well, since Rin died. He chanced a sideways glance her way and found himself incredibly interested in a sliver of moonlight that just so happened to illuminate her lips– DON’T BE A CREEP! He blinked and gave a little shake of his head, he wasn’t here to hit on Prani, he was here to make sure she was okay!

Hey, I was only able to be brave because you’re a literal ray of sunshine,” he said waving her off, he noticed she was coming out of whatever had upset her and he was glad. She had the kinda smile that lit up the world, and it was nice to see it peeking through the gloom.

As she recalled her adventure on Lothal Caul listened with the same intensity he would to his favorite audio holo series, so when he heard Shaw he experienced a mixture of emotions. He looked over his shoulder and shot Shaw a smile, “Hey, Mr. Popular!

To Caul’s surprise, Shaw just kinda looked at him, no acknowledgement, no “Hey, what’s up Qui Gon”, nothing. Luckily, Caul was too oblivious to think about it longer than a few seconds and when Prani asked for a little privacy he said, “Yeah sure, no sweat!

As she turned around he’d look at Shaw and give him a double thumbs up, while at the same time he suddenly felt a pang of disappointment, or was it jealousy? No, definitely disappointment. Yeah, definitely… maybe. Regardless he took a few steps off to the side, realized he could still hear them, did his best to not listen, but listened, because… well honestly, because they were talking like ten feet away and it was dark and he’d only been half kidding about his fear earlier. However, when he realized how serious things were getting… he did nothing, even if he walked further away he’d still be able to hear what was being said, and honestly he was pretty invested in the story now, but to Caul’s credit he attempted to ignore the convo by humming the theme to the OG trilogy to himself.

@Sreeya @throwitintothefire

Prani Shalrazi

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Jan 3, 2024
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Prani felt his hand brush hers, pausing her walk immediately. How did he still make her heart skip like that every time? Despite being upset, she had those same flutters she had whenever they were close. When it was just the two of them without all the noise and distraction. Prani slowly turned to face him, still fidgeting a little.

Truth be told, she was surprised by her own confession to him. Prani wasn’t sure what she would say the moment he showed up, but the frustrations that were bottled up all evening began to surface. She felt a mixture of relief and sadness at even saying all those things to Shaw. She could see the fear and hurt appearing on his face as a result and it killed her to have invoked it. Shaw was the host, he was surrounded by his friends, and he was happy. And she had him out here dealing with her angst.

Prani always prided herself in being positive and lifting others up, but this time she was bringing everything down. As she listened to him, she could tell he was genuinely bothered by his tone and posture more than his words. Prani was too much of an inexperienced teen to realize that the core of her issue was because she liked Shaw.

There was a moment of silence as he took a step back. Prani didn’t move, knowing she had no intention of going back to the party. Would he simply go back to an evening with Theia after this? Prani chewed on her lip, staring at him even if he averted his gaze. She couldn’t deny that he had always been there for her, he always sought her out, and he always picked up on little details about her. Could one evening of him being the popular host really unravel all of those moments? Judging him by just tonight went against all the principles by which she was raised and the kindness her family always perpetuated.

She took a breath, “Well.. my papa always says even a rooster can crow again after the sun goes down,” Prani said. She met his gaze again, realizing he likely had no clue what she meant. A faint smile touched her lips, “Means everybody deserves a second chance,” She explained, fidgeting again.

“You…go enjoy yourself, Shaw, ya got friends waitin’ for ya. Try some of the monkeybread I brought for ya,” Prani said, “I’ll see ya next weekend,” She said. This time she waited for him to say goodbye before parting ways. Prani turned on her heel and continued walking in the direction she started. Along the way, she spotted Caul (@Zay )standing there staring intently at a tree as if it was the most interesting thing in the galaxy. Prani had to suppress the urge to giggle, “Waitin’ for it to do a trick?” She teased before she invited him to walk with her if he pleased.


/Exit Thread

Theia Durand

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

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May 16, 2023
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Despite her stumbling over her words, she didn't expect him to nearly choke on his pizza, and with a mouthful questioned if she had said he was hot. Theia's eyes widened and she became suddenly fidgety, shifting her weight from one leg to the other. "I," she could have denied it, but one thing she had learned was to always go all in, "Yeah! I think you are..." she said, not feeling as confident as she watched him evict the mouthful of pizza into a bush. Her nervousness suddenly went to embarrassment, was he showing how disgusted he was with her saying that?

Well, she wasn't going to let some jerk embarrass her and her brow narrowed and the grasp on her plate of pizza became a bit, tighter. Though what sparked her frustration further was Kaedan returned! Pulling Shaw away as they were trying to have this conversation and then whatever he said to him, Shaw excused himself.

Theia ignored the bros who were measuring out their dicks nearby as she turned her attention to Kaedan. She grabbed his sleeve, stopping him from walking away, "Hey! What is your fucking problem?!" she hollered at him.

"You have something against Shaw and I? Mind your own business! Jerk!" she huffed and then slammed her plate of hotsauce'd pizza right into his chest. Her fists bundled up tightly and stomped off, or at least until she got to the other side of the courtyard, where she would scowl and pout.

@throwitintothefire @StephDLegend


Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

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Sep 12, 2023
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After Kaedan informed Shaw, he felt a tug on his jacket. He turned around to see Theia who seemed to be pissed. "I have no idea what you're talking about!" Why would he have a problem? What was it that she perceived that he was doing that he just didn't get. Shaw and her? Why would I care about that? Why would she think I care ab- WHAT THE HELL! She didn't... "Are you out of your mind? Who the hell do you think you are?!" He exclaimed as she slammed the pizza onto him and his shirt.

Kaedan breathed heavily, trying to be as reasonable as possible but he was fuming. He didn't understand what was even her problem and now she had the audacity to turn and try to walk away. In a fit of rage, he focused on her and raised both hands, tried using the force to lift her and toss her into the lake.


Arandur Teltathlal

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

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Javier esschoolbus
Apr 19, 2024
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The floral wearing one wasn’t fully dismayed by the sweeping of his legs. He went down but got back up ready to fight, offering out a hand to shake. Arandur looked down and tried to read the gesture, he wasn’t keen on taking another cheap shot. Eventually his own hand reached out and completed the handshake, being interrupted by someone screaming.

His head turned to see the red head that was with Shaw yelling at someone else, also Shaw was now missing. He listened as she berated him over her and Shaw, were they a thing? What about the girl from earlier who Shaw was so obviously upset over? He didn’t quite know enough to really make heads or tails of the situation. So he just watched and listened.

He leaned in to whisper to the one with the floral shirt(@Darasuum), “My moneys on the red head if they end up fighting.” He said, he was curious if they would fight or just yell at each other much too loudly. Why couldn’t humans just talk? Why was it always yelling? That’s when the plate was shoved into his chest. A fight! He gets to be the spectator to this one. Instead she just stormed off and the other dude lurched out with the force as she did.

Arandur was surprised. He never expected him to do that. He walked over to the other guy (@StephDLegend), “Was it really that big of a deal? You need to learn to just let things go.” He knew it was hypocritical coming from someone just in a fight, but he didn’t throw the first punch. Allowing words to cause yourself to act out was such an enigma to him. They’re just words, how could they cause them to act out so aggressively?


Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Dec 3, 2023
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Zessel watched Levet and Arandur end their fight. He was particularly proud of the Mandalorian, who showed that he was leaving behind his persona of a troublemaker that was forced to join the Jedi Order. The half-Arkanian would certify that his friend was fine, before walking back to Roanoke (@Graveyard Shift ).

He arrived right on time to listen to the black-haired Padawan talking with Duma (@Akheron). “Sorry, gentlemen. I had to stop a fight from escalating.” he said, before grabbing another slice of pizza. “So, what are you two talking about? I hope that it’s about my awesome baking abilities.” Zessel smiled, after having playfully wrapped an arm around Roanoke’s shoulder, mimicking the gesture that Caul did with him early.

The half-Arkanian hoped that it would not be a problem with his friend. Since he was still new with that touching stuff, Zessel wasn’t sure if what he was doing would be fine.

Before their conversation could start, there was a commotion and the half-Arkanian saw Kaedan and Theia arguing. He wondered if the Blocker had striked again. The absence of Shaw seemed to confirm it. ‘This dude really needs to learn how to observe what was happening around him, before headbutting in these situations. Or he would always end up being hit by a pizza.'

Then, Zessel watched in astonishment while Kaedan used the Force to lift Theia from the ground and hurl them into the lake. When she hit the water, the half-Arkanian was already next to the edge of the lake. “Let me help you.” he said, offering a hand to the red-headed girl (@GABA ). Due to his therapy, it was less uncomfortable for him to offer a hand to strangers these days. The hugs and touches in his arms and shoulders were still a big no of him.

Dude, what the hell you have in your head? She could have hit her head on a rock!” Zessel screamed back to Kaedan (@StephDLegend ), while his hand still remained open as help for Theia. If she wanted, of course. He had heard how her reactions could be intense. The half-Arkanian wasn't sure if she would accept his help or kick him in the water.


Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Jan 4, 2024
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Caul heard footsteps and turned fully expecting Prani to tell him goodnight and let him know Shaw would be walking her to the dorm, but she didn’t. Confused, he looked over to Shaw, then back to Prani, he was caught between a rock and a hard place. Apparently, he’d fallen into one of his overthinking fits and was staring eye lasers into a tree.

What?” cracked his voice, his face went crimson, thankfully it was dark, so he powered through by quipping, “Oh, nah, that’s an old friend, their name’s treemothy. We were having a staring contest,” this wasn’t better, “Actually, we can forget I was talking,” he laughed.

He looked back to Shaw, the shadows of the eve were casting across his face so Caul couldn’t see his expression, “I told Prani I was gonna walk her to the dorms, I’ll catch you later, dude!

With that he turned and jogged after her to catch up.

/Exit (Again….)

@Sreeya @throwitintothefire

Levet Vizsla

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

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Aug 22, 2023
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Levet gave the redheaded Sephi a firm handshake. Maybe a little too hard but released before it became offensive. He genuinely wanted to end the squabble between the two of them and move on. His attention was quickly turned to another two redheads having their own squabble.

Levet pursed his lips as he watched Kaedan and Theia begin to escalate. His own frustrations towards Arandur were quickly forgotten. The Mandalorian could not help but quirk a bit of a smile on one side of his mouth at hearing the fellow teen make a gamble. They had the same hair color but even if they were different Levet's refrained from placing bets. "Hell hath no fury..." He remarked in a knowing tone and took a deep breath to clear his mind fully from earlier. Levet would not hold a grudge against Arandur. In fact, their brief fight may end up bringing them closer together, someday.

The Vizsla tried telling himself he would not have gotten angry if someone splattered food on his chest but he did not fully believe that. Levet could usually see both sides of a conflict when he was an outside observer. It was why he still wanted to find the annoying girls from earlier who had stormed off and even help Theia to resolve their conflicts. But when it came to a personal affront he sometimes lost it. Case and point, a few seconds earlier between him and Arandur.

Levet's stomach began to grumble and forced him to make a high pitched but quiet fart. That was embarrassing and his fair complexion turned a shade of pink. The cheese was already starting to effect him. "Oh....uh... excuse me. I gotta go. Let me know how it ends I guess." The lactose intolerant padawan needed to find a bathroom as soon as possible. He brusquely walked away, waving a silent good bye to everyone as quickly as possible. Even the other people already leaving the party would see the florally dressed teen's walk turn into a jog as he passed them. Levet tried to not cause too much internal disturbance within his own body. At least the pizza was delicious.

/Exit thread

@Javier esschoolbus @LouJoVi @Akheron @Zay @Sreeya @everybodyelse

Dumaagorn Yagah

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

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Apr 19, 2024
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Zuma was busy listening to Roanoke, completely unaware of everything else going on at least initially. He was content stroking Lady, the loth-cat that he was apparently becoming fast friends with. Much like most animals he met. He gave a chuckle at how it was the only name she liked, it reminded him of a few animals. He always did like how each were so distinct in personality and so different.

He listened as Roanoke explained how he joined or most of it, and how he was new listing off a few names. Including Shaw the host, who Duma noted was still absent along with Prani. He smiled as Roanoke said he wanted to be friends and spoke "I would love to be friends. I've only been here few months, the way I joined...well...wasn't the best way." He said, his head lowering a little "I was working with the wrong sorts for a while, as a enforcer but I never liked it. I hate violence, and would rather not fight. I always felt better with nature and the wild."

He responded and was about too say something else in response to Zessel when hell broke loose again. Duma looked over just in time to see Theia say something and splat a pizza into Kaedan chest followed by her being given a dunking in the nearby lake. He looked with shock unsure what to say or do. Or who to help. It was utter chaos as he saw Theia now all wet and her red dress ruined. He noted she was probably worse off and so gently placed the loth-cat down before standing up, passing Levet as they left, opting to help the one worse off. Theia, not caring how it started. She needed to get dry quick or risk hypothermia. Or at least he thought so not knowing how cold or warm the lake actually was.

"Excuse me a moment Roanoke. I'll be back, just need to help Theia a moment." he said before walking over to join Zessel and assist with trying to get Theia out of the water from the edge of the lake.

"I'll help. I'll try lifting and you help her to the side" he said to Zessel, so as he offered a hand, Duma attempted to use the Force via,Telekinesis help to lift her up and to make it easier to place her on the side of the lake where they were stood and get her out. He dread to imagine how cold it possibly was. He just hoped they didn't fall in while trying to help and Kaedan didn't do anything else while they were trying get her out.

Although given what he had seen he knew she was just as likely to react once out. From what he had seen so far he was starting believe what some told him. Red heads sure did have a fiery temper.

@GABA @LouJoVi @StephDLegend @Graveyard Shift @Darasuum


Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Dec 3, 2023
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Zessel nearly jumped when Duma appeared at his side. He wondered how a big guy like him could move so silently without being noticed. “Okay.” he muttered, watching the Orcolan use the Force to move Theia out of the water. Was it really necessary? Two guys working to take a girl out of the water seemed excessive.

It wasn’t even that deep.

A tiny part of him was annoyed with the Orcolan heatbutting their way through Zessel's rescue of the girl, but the boy ignored it. Theia's safety was more important.

The half-Arkanian stepped aside, allowing the Orcolan space to work. While also leaving a space between them, because he wasn’t okay with his personal space being violated by someone that he only learned the name moments ago. However, he would still be there to help Theia get out of the water.

Once Theia was rescued, either by Duma or by him, Zessel would remove his shirt and offer it to her. Her dress would be completely drenched after that impromptu diving.

@GABA @Akheron

Theia Durand

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

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May 16, 2023
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She was focused on readjusting her sleeves when she felt someone push her from behind, when she went to brace herself, it did no good. Everything kept moving, even herself as she was projected from the party and toward the water. In fact, it made it worse as her toe caught into the ground and she went head first into the muddy lake waters. She pushed herself up by her palms, sinking slightly into the mud as she let out a gasp, her mind going onto the defense as to who would attack her like this?

Theia let out yell, the realization sinking in that someone was enough of a coward to hit her from behind, and then she yelled because she would never be able to wear this dress again. She heard someone coming up as she tried to stand up first, only to fall as her heels sunk into the mud. The teen fumbled around in the water, looking for the strap to release her foot, each one unclasping was followed with another yell to just let everyone know how angry she was right now. Zessel was now at her side, offering his hand, "No! Don't touch me!" she cried, her voice squeaking, and then suddenly she was rising again, "WHAT THE FUCK! PUT ME DOWN!" She screamed so loudly that it was more like a shrill, and certainly any Sephi or sensitive hearers would not be spared by any noise dampeners.

When she reached the shore, she looked Kaedan dead in the eye, fingers grasping the heels tightly as Zessel approached her again, offering her his shirt. She raised a free hand, stopping him as an unnatural calm came over her.

"Next time try pushing your two brain cells together and see if you can be more tolerable, prick."

Theia stomped away, still dripping with lake water as she dropped her heels into the trash. Her eyes were feeling hot, tears swelling quickly as she picked up her pace, running back into the temple and away from everyone. Embarrassed, humiliated, and mourning for the dress she would never wear again.

@StephDLegend @LouJoVi @Akheron
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Dumaagorn Yagah

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

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Apr 19, 2024
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Duma being naive in some ways as he was had only wanted to help what he thought was someone in trouble. He had no idea how deep the water was and no way to know from where he had been, it had all been on instinct and a need to see those he had begun to think of as friends were not harmed that he had acted.

Zessel may have gotten annoyed but that didn't currently matter at the time. It was only when Theia shouted out and screeched that he knew it was perhaps a mistake to have tried to help her. She could sure scream that was for certain. And so he put her down when she shouted it and as she made it to he shore he simply observed as she glared at Kaedan and Zessel attempted to offer a shirt only to be rejected. Deciding it was best to stay quiet, the Orcalon backed away slowly and instead opted to head back towards Roanoke to continue their discussion.

It was probably better that way to allow things to sort themselves out and calm down if at all.

Once back over to Roanoke, he sat down in his previous seat and spoke.

"Sorry about that Roanoke. Not sure what it was about but I thought she needed help....I was mistaken." He said before turning back to the original discussion "So you got a master yet Roanoke? I'm still waiting, trying find my place and see where the wind takes me."

Duma noted rather amusingly during the various altercations, Bors seemed to be completely oblivious and in his own world. Content to continue eating the bugs on the pizza without a thought about anything else.

@LouJoVi @GABA @StephDLegend @Graveyard Shift @Narzen


Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

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Graveyard Shift
Feb 3, 2024
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When Zessel throws an arm over Roanoke's shoulders, the ex-Sith's brows rise at record-breaking heights. Add that to the teasing quip about baking, and Roanoke's smile turns wide he's practically grinning fron ear to ear. The half-Arkanian is just full of surprises tonight, and Roanoke is here for all of it. He feels so proud of his friend right now!

"You know what? I was just about to start helping myself with those macarons you brought for the party," he lightly teases Zessel in return, half-joking and half-serious. "Prani and I defended them from the bugs... with our lives!"

He snickers softly at his own joke, unaware that he himself is crawling out of his own shell.

Duma's sharing about his own journey and the reasons why he ends up with the Jedi earns him a sympathetic smile from Roanoke. "I won't presume to know what you've been through, but... I'm glad you got away from all of that. I'm glad you're here, Duma."

Just when the ex-Sith is starting tk feel comfortable again, another commotion breaks out. He looks up just in time to see Kaedan push Theia to the lake using the Force. Roanoke's face crumples with worry and growing irritation. Why are they fighting? And did it have to end up with one of them getting splattered by pizza and—worse!—getting pushed into the lake?

Worry gnaws in Roanoke's chest. Shit, what if Theia got hurt? What if there were sharp rocks in the mud? What the heck was Kaedan thinking, pushing her like that?!

Before he can rise to his feet and rush to her aid, Zessel and Duma beat him to it. Not wanting to crowd the fiery girl, Roanoke stays on his perch, holding Lady the loth-cat close just in case she gets any feline ideas and join the fray. With Zessel rounding on Kaedan, the mohawked teen feels that it's not right to jump in and join; besides he has no idea why Kaedan pushed Theia in the water in the first place. Still, what if she got hurt?

Seeing her walk out, now barefoot and eyes shining with unmistakable tears, Roanoke's stomach twists. Her getting hurt physically suddenly becomes the least of her worries. She must be feeling so humiliated, and her night totally ruined. He takes a step after her but stops, realizing that he probably wouldn't be able to help either way. His mouth opens before he can stop himself, though.

"T-Theia, wait!" he frantically yells after her, but she's already picked up her pace and probably wouldn't hear him.

So Roanoke simply stands there for a moment, his eyes glued to where she disappeared off to. Then his feet are moving, carrying him to the trash where she dumped her heels. Gently setting Lady down, the ex-Sith picks up the shoes without hesitation, uncaring if he has to push aside bits of trash to retrieve the pair.

He'll have to give them back to her but for now, he'll let her be. She wouldn't want his pity, and he's loathe to exacerbate how terrible she must be feeling right now.

@Akheron @LouJoVi @GABA @StephDLegend



Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

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Dec 3, 2023
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Zessel simply shrugged with Theia's answer, put his shirt back and walked back to the party. He understood her reaction, being thrown in the lake in front of everyone was horrible. The half-Arkanian would have reacted the same way if it happened with him.

No, his reaction would be worse. The white-haired boy would probably use the Force and drag Kaedan with him toward the water. Then, he would kick him on the knees, because he always targeted this part of the body.

He watched Roanoke (@Graveyard Shift) run after Theia. In another moment, Zessel would have done the same with the purpose to see if she was fine. However, it was obvious that the girl wanted to stay alone. The half-Arkanian was sure that she would punch the first person that stopped her.

The half-Arkanian looked around, searching for his other friends. Caul and Shaw were nowhere to be seen. The same could be said about Levet, who vanished completely. It seemed that people were leaving and perhaps he should do the same too.

Before taking this decision, Zessel grabbed another slice of pizza and stopped to eat near the dude with pointed ears (@Javier esschoolbus ) that was fighting with Levet early. “It’s being a very eventful party. What is your name? I never asked early.


Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

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Sep 12, 2023
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As Theia splashed into the water, Kaedan's breathing was still elevated. What was this anger... this rage inside of him? He never felt such emotions before. Granted, being a loner meant that many didn't have a chance to be close enough to get him riled up. He closed his palms and tried to calm down. As he turned, he noticed Arandur (@Javier esschoolbus) approaching, asking if it was a big deal and stating that he needed to let things go. "Oh? You’re one to talk. Didn’t you just scrap with the other guy physically? And now you want to lecture me? Unbelievable.”

(@LouJoVi)Then came that other dude’s voice, screaming at him. Why were they acting like Theia was guilt free in this? "What do I have in my head? What do you have in yours? If you think I would simply allow someone to ruin my clothes and walk away without repercussion then you are sadly mistaken." His face now had a resting scowl on it. "You are acting like she is innocent in all of this and my reaction isn't the one most of you would have taken. Well, if that were to be true then I commend you for being a better person than I am."

(@GABA) When Theia marched up to him, he stood his ground. He expected her to slap him or hit him, specifically in the face. Seeing that he tossed her into the lake, it was to be expected. That hit never came and the only thing she did was speak. "Whatever, nerko." He said as he walked over to the cold crate that had the meats in and sighed. He came here to make friends but now he was getting on others bad side. For once, he didn't feel the need to project an image to try to be liked by everyone. If they liked him so be it; if they didn't, so be it. He took up the crate and walked over to his swoop bike. He had to put these into proper Cryo-storage and he wasn't feeling the need to stick around much longer. He put his helmet on and climbed on the bike. Great! I doubt this is going to wash out. He started the bike and rode off.


Dumaagorn Yagah

Jedi Order
Jedi Padawan

Character Profile
Apr 19, 2024
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Duma listened as Roanoke told a joke, he chuckled at it loving the humour. He gave a small smile as Roanoke was sympathetic about how he came to the Jedi and appreciated the sentiments. Despite the tumultuous evening he was happy he had at least made a friend from the party. As soon as he was back and Duma was about to speak he saw Roanoke run after Theia.

He saw how though by that point she had already left, clearly upset and unhappy, dumping her shoes in the rubbish. And Roanoke soon after dumpster diving to get them back out. It brought a additional smile that he would do that for someone. He heard a loud noise, and saw Kaedan ride off on his bike, taking a crate with him. Duma sighed, it sure had been a chaotic evening so far he had found for his first party at the temple.

He wondered if most parties here were like this.

While he waited for Roanoke to return, he looked to the loth-cat. Smiling at Lady as she sat on the perch. He was happy she was at least enjoying herself, and appreciated the fact that it was probably a far simpler life being a loth-cat. Sometimes he envied being in the wild and so free like that. While he waited for Roanoke to return he took out his flute again and decided to play even if he was perhaps the only one to hear it. If others did he didn't mind.

It relaxed him and he enjoyed it. And so he let the music flow from the flute, as he thought of the wild, the lake and surroundings rather than the drama around.

@Graveyard Shift @StephDLegend @LouJoVi @Javier esschoolbus