Newsletter Template: August-ish


Active Member
SWRP Writer
Jan 8, 2014
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Greetings minions. Welcome to the newer, cuter, and fluffier Hutt Cartel. I the great and robust Zaypat will be at the helm until we crash and burn or rise to glorious victory.


That out of the way, You'll notice A new AFL has joined the ranks of the Cartel Staff, please everyone welcome @Gamov. He's overly grumpy and absurdly flippant, but that's why we like him. So if you don't like him please refer to our consumer complaint droid----> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Now that the formalities are out of the way, let's get on to things that you guys actually care about:



With the resounding succness of the invasion of Kowak i've decided to follow in my late great FL mentor's foot steps and make two more events similar to this one!

Why? Cause I wanna blow stuff up and I know you do too!

But, what will we get if we do these things? ALL THE CREDITS!!!!!!! And some tiered reward stuff. YAY!

I'll be revealing the two events here and starting sign ups for them real soon, so be on the look out.

Next, item of note is @Nor'baal 's training threads for the taking of Kessel! Once these threads are completed The Cartel will be moving forward and attempting to take the planet.

As far as the war front goes that's all I'm going to mention for the time being. BUT (lol butt) We will be moving forward very soon my grimy friends.

Quick reminder about Missions and Bounties: Unless the I or one of the AFL's has given you permission, no one may take on a bounty or mission alone. There must be at least two people in each thread. If you don't like it talk to our consumer complaint droid----> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ (I think we'll call it Bessie.)

So, until next time try and stay as cool as Billiy Dee Williams:

