Jedi Order Moza Aban

Cero Serat

SWRP Writer
Dec 23, 2017
Reaction score

Moza Aban


► 19​
► Ithorian​
► 2.06 meters​
► 90 kg​
► Yellow​
► N/A​
► Ithor​
► XY​
► Jedi Order​
► Padawan​
► Yes​
Moza, as with many Ithorians before him, was born upon one of the many herdships that hovered above the sacred jungles of their planet. His clutch held his hundreds of brothers and sisters, though most did not make it beyond the pupa stage of their lives. It was during these early years though that the pupal form in which the strong set themselves apart from the weak, and that Moza set himself apart from his siblings above all others. This occured when Chodau Pefan, the Spiritual leader of the herdship Moza was born on, felt the call of the force echoing from the young Ithorian. This call was equally observed by a visiting Jedi Knight Rion Lau; who had been visiting the Ithorians to study their healing techniques. Whether this visit to Moza's particular herdship was mere coincidence, or the will of the Force mattered not. For it was in the meeting and discussion between Rion Lau, and Chodau Pefan that would place before the young Moza a fork in his future.

On the one hand there was Chodau Pefan, the leader and guide of Moza's herd, who would take the force sensitive youth under his wing and prepare him in the way of their people. On the other hand, there was Master Lau who could take Moza to the Jedi order after his metamorphosis. The choice was left to the youngling, though he was not bade to choose immediately. Instead they would wait, and Moza would begin an accelerated course of learning from Pefan about his people's culture, history, and traditions in case he took up the Jedi Knight's offer. While his remaining siblings passed their days away in exploration, Moza learned of the vastness of the world. The beauty of nature which was so vibrant and varied struck at his core and would come to prove a lifelong joy to the Ithorian. It was in these lessons that the final years of Moza's pupal stage passed by, and when the metamorphosis came upon him it was time for the choice. With the return of Master Lau to the herdship the three would come to sit together and discuss the future for the Ithorian. After a few days of discussion the decision was made, and the young Ithorian would leave with Rion Lau to the jungle world of Ajan Kloss to begin his formal training. Once again Moza's mind would see an expansion far beyond the teachings of his youth. Experiences born in the galaxy at large were almost as great a teacher to Moza as the various Knights found at the temple. His mind would expand as he began to delve into the mysteries of the Force; and his body grew stronger through the physical training the Jedi underwent.

Years passed and finally it was time for Moza to begin the next phase of his life with the order. Upon crafting his own lightsaber he was given permission to leave the second home he had come to know, and take to the galaxy at large to join in the Jedi efforts to heal the galaxy.

Moza's personality at it's core is that of someone searching both their place in the Galaxy, and someone seeking to do good. Due to the nature of his birth, and his early discovered connection to the force, the young Ithorian had been forced to develop faster than his family. He never really had a chance to be a pupa like his siblings, and experience the simple wonders of that early stage of life. Instead he was made to grow up relatively quickly, and while that gave him a head start in terms of wisdom it left him wanting for other experiences.

From his youth Moza has both understood loss at an early age, and what it is like to have a big family. The great herd communities of the Ithorians prepared Moza for life among the order. In so much as he was not raised quite so much as just an individual, but an individual among the many who work towards a common goal. Likewise, his tutelage under Chodau Pefan gave him a great appreciation for both the natural world, and the light side of the force. This appreciation was further expanded when he was brought to Ajan Kloss and began his jedi training.

The flip side to that appreciation is the understanding of just how vast the universe truly is, and with so much life in front of him Moza finds himself unsure of where or how he fits into it all. Likewise, his natural predilection to put the group before his own needs makes him more reluctant to speak to his own thoughts and desires. Something, he has been told he needs to be freer to express, and yet for now he proves hesitant to do.

Abilities and Possessions
Physically Moza's frame gives him a degree of strength, but this isn't much higher than your average human. Ithorians also have a natural detriment to their agility and that proves true with Moza. Supplementing this weakness with the force can put him more on par with other species. But in much that same way, were they to augment their agility as well he would be in the same position. The flip side to this is Moza's higher than average stamina, with two mouths and four throats he is able to maintain oxygen flow easier than others and can outlast others easier. In other words, he certainly won't win the hundred meter dash, but he has the five thousand meter down. In terms of martial skill, Moza practices Form VI Niman, and is dabbling with Form III Soresu [Strength 6/10, Agility 3/10, Stamina 7/10]

Mentally Moza is far more adept as he had been shown at an incredibly young age the wonder of knowledge. His particular interests in the natural world stemmed from his training as a the next potential spiritual leader of his herd; and therefore has shifted his attentions to biology and other life sciences. The flip side being he isn't as good with technology and will likely need help to deal with mechanical issues. More so though Moza has a deep connection and appreciation with the Living Force, and finds that particular philosophy more in line with his natural predilections. As such he is more attuned to arts such as Force Healing, Force Sense, and Telekinesis. While he has some understanding of Force Enhancement he isn't as adept in the arts, likewise he struggles with the Mind Trick as Ithorians aren't able to speak Galactic Basic without a device translating for them. As such, unless a person understands Ithorese that ability is exceptionally difficult to perform. With that said he is a rather personable youth, if slightly unsure of himself at times. [Intelligence 4/10, Wisdom 6/10, Charisma 4/10, Force Connection 7/10]

It should be noted that like all Ithorians Moza can preform the Kougathu, which is traditionally a defensive ability in which they stun potential attackers with a stereophonic scream from both of their mouths. Violently expelling sound from all four of their throats simultaneously. While able to decide the direction of the scream, they can't choose who is affected by it. The other drawback is by expending all their breath it leaves the Ithorian, or more specifically Moza, winded for a period of time. Thus severely cutting his stamina down for a brief period of time until he can regain his breath. Moza is further able to enhance this ability through the Force Bellow, although it isn't necessarily as destructive as more practiced Jedi.

Speaks: Ithorese
Understands: Galactic Basic, Rodese, and Shyriiwook

Simple Robes
Single hilt Green Lightsaber
Ithorian Translator (vocoder translates Ithorese to basic)


  1. So It Begins ― A band of intrepid Padawans set out to clear some pests around the Temple on Ajan Kloss. ― • ongoing
  2. Flow Like Water ― Moza and a few other students take instruction on lightsaber combat from a pair of knights. ― • ongoing
  3. Emotion, Yet Peace ― Moza and a group of Jedi go to Ifrane on a pilgrimage to learn about the history of the Jedi. Only to discover the planet is a destroyed hellscape. What could possibly go wrong here? ― • ongoing
  4. Title ― Description ― • Thread Status
  5. Title ― Description ― • Thread Status
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