Ask [M'Haeli] Finishing What I Started

Dimetri Unduli

Jedi Order
Jedi Knight

Character Profile
Feb 26, 2022
Reaction score


Neutral Planet, 1530 Hours

Dimetri had finally made his return to the temple that had been constructed in the past when he visited last. The temple was made from the remains of an outpost that had been long abandoned from the age of the Galactic Empire under Emperor Palpatine. The Mirialan was but a Padawan then, now he had been promoted to the rank of Knight and looked to establish Jedi influence and gain Dragite Krystals for the Jedi Order to use.

Dragite Krystals were used to power lightsabers, as well as held the same traditions as Kyber Krystals, being they came in many colors and the force would call upon the Jedi to take the one that fit them best. Dimetri himself used a Kyber, but the idea of switching to a Dragite was not out of mind. The young Mirialan would be wearing his explorer's gear as he walked through the halls of the freshly finished Temple. He was awaiting the arrival of the Grandmaster to give her the tour of the new temple. He may not have the status as many other Jedi but this was a feat he hoped to continue providing to the Jedi.

"B9-F1, could you give me the heads up when the Grandmaster's ship comes into atmosphere. I have to be ready for this tour, and then follow up mission." The astro droid would give it's *Bwee-bop* and then roll over to the communications table. This was arguably the biggest day of Dimetris Jedi career, and he did not want to disappoint.

@Valen Pelora

Leon Baudelaire


Character Profile
Dec 23, 2021
Reaction score
The Freebird broke through the atmosphere of M’haeli making it’s way to the newly finished Jedi Temple. Leon’s hands deftly moved across his controls as Peetwo’s photoreceptor gazed out the transparisteel viewport of the cockpit. Recently, Baudelaire’s studies had brought a particular crystal into the forefront of his fascination.

The Dagite Crystal. The crystal was similar to Kyber in it’s compatibility with the force, but Leon’s real interest in them was the fact that he’d come across a unique looking stone he originally thought to be Kyber back on a harrowing mission on Ord Mantell.

The crystal had been bled by a dark side cult member and it’s shape was unlike anything Baudelaire had encountered. Rather than being a straight saber, the blade was curved resembling something closer to a scimitar or a katana. While he’d been able to purify two bled kyber’s before. He found that the taint on this particular stone was so substantial that he’d been forced to take a break from it’s purification. In reality he’d lowkey forgotten about it, because of the influx of responsibility he’d been thrust into, but he was finally getting back to his roots and the mystery of this crystal found it’s way back into prominence in his mind.

The temple came into view and Peetwo chortled.
Leon scoffed, “Yeah well, at least I’m not the one giving the tour this time.

A few minutes later they were set down in the hangar. Leon connected his ship to the power supply and placed an order for fuel. Peetwo hopped up onto his shoulder and curiously examined the space.

The little BD unit let out a low whistle and Leon chuckled, “I’ll keep my eye out, but I don’t think we're gonna find anything of Toland’s here.

They passed from the hanger and into the halls of the Temple. Not long after entering he came across a Mirialan Jedi.

Hey, sorry to bother you, but you wouldn't happen to know a Jedi named Dimetri do you? I’m supposed to meet him and the Grandmaster for a tour of this location—Oh, I’m Leon by the way,” he said with a smirk.

@Scoobert @Valen Pelora