Meetings and Monasteries


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Mar 12, 2015
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Corvo knew what the man meant, but that wasn't particularly to say that he agreed with it. He'd been on both sides and knew each intimately, in ways that most never would. It was for this reason that he knew there would never be peace. One man or woman might see the truth or be reasonable, but the galaxy would always be divided.

For every one that's reasonable, there are a hundred that aren't. In an ideal world that might be a thought, but we don't live or work in such a world. We live in a world that's ugly. There are monsters out there who cannot be reasoned with. People who kidnapped my wife and held her for six months torturing her so that they could corrupt her, anger grew in his chest as he said it. It wasn't directed at Jet, but at the men responsible for taking what he loved most. Even as he spoke, he knew he'd done those same things, though. He'd corrupted the Jedi that the galaxy knew as Darth Solumn, Dark Lord of the Sith. He'd burned Saleucami, Zeltros, and Onderon. He was one of the monsters. That was why he did what he did; because sometimes the only way to kill a monster was with a monster.

You might be able to claim one or two from the other side, but changing systems that have been indoctrinated into people's minds. No... I'd like it if we could sit down and have peace. If there was a middle ground, but there isn't. And I don't think there ever will be, he finally said. Perhaps Jet disagreed, perhaps not. Corvo knew what he knew. He'd been through the indoctrination himself and seen others through it as well. it wouldn't happen.

After a moment, he shook himself from his thoughts and all the attached memories, bringing back to bear on the moment and the conversation at hand. Well, I imagine it's a good thing there aren't more of your people fighting for the Sith. You seem to be a truly terrifying type of soldier, he added. It may have sounded odd, but coming from a man like Corvo it was more akin to a compliment.


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Jul 17, 2017
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For now, it would seem that it was impossible to sit down and achieve peace. How long would the galaxy allow this bloodshed to happen? Eventually a breaking point would be reached and perhaps both Jedi and Sith would be hunted alike. Maybe it was the Force itself that would be the cause of their anger, the true object of their hunt. But for now, it was foolish to dwell on what might and might not be. Jet brought his head back to the present, to the here and now to focus on what he could affect by his own hand. Idealism was one thing, but ignoring what is around you for the sake of it was the height of irresponsibility.

"I no longer fight for the Sith, I fight for you. For Shae. For Ciri. If you would allow it. I know that this all is so sudden, that it may seem too good to be true or that it's a trap. It's only pragmatic to think that way. I'm not sure if you've ever felt so sure of your purpose in life that it gave you an iron-clad will, but that's how I feel about you and your family. I would follow you to the depths of hell and I'd swim in a sea of the blood of your enemies if it meant that your daughter would never have to know even a drop of that crimson on her pure hands." He spoke with pure passion, another affirmation of his loyalty. At the very least, he would see that Ciri had the life she would want, her own choice, and not let her become a symbol or puppet of those envious of her power or lineage.


Story Admin
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Mar 12, 2015
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Corvo could only hope the robotic-man knew what he was getting himself into. This was a life that led to death and torment of the soul. People that worked with him were outcasts and often found themselves struggling against the very system that supported them. Valin was viewed with suspicion after he came back from bombing the Moff Council, Kael was an outcast of the Order to position himself to hunt the enemy, Shae had fallen prey to the very darkness Corvo wanted to destroy, and Venator lurked just beneath the surface. The path he walked had a cost to the mind and soul as much as the body.

He finally nodded. Okay, he said quietly. It's your decision. Ciri will never be safe as long as Malon draws breath. I'm not going to lie to you, I'm going to kill him and I could use your help. But be careful. Maintain your cover if possible because if you're caught, you will be killed. It was odd to him that this man seemed to care so much for his daughter - and yes, still suspicious - but if he carried imprints of Corvo and Shae's emotions, it would only make sense.


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Jul 17, 2017
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"Understood." Jet put his helmet back on, giving his new master a solemn bow before turning. He didn't start walking, though, as he had a bit more to say. "Keep an eye on the commlink, I'll send what information I think you'll find interesting through there. If you need me, for anything, just send me a message. My blades, my life, are yours." With that, Jet made his way back to his shuttle. He waved at Corvo's associates whom were watching him, having made them when he had first landed. He was unsure if they would also see him as a comrade, yet in the end it didn't matter. It was up to Corvo to use him as he saw fit, that was his determined purpose in life.

On the way back to his post, Jet composed a report of what happened. He had tried to lure Corvo into a trap, following him to the planet of their meeting to try to end the man who had become a thorn in Emperor Malon's side. Unfortunately he was never found after extensive searching, even looking through old Jedi or religious areas that might have been used as a safehouse or base for the man. The information would match with what his ship's computers said and he would replace the commlink long before anyone else would see him. His cover was foolproof and now he just had to wait. He would fulfill his oath and though he would be content if he died helping the most Human of anyone he had ever met, a part of him wanted to live on and keep his word to protect their daughter as well. She felt just like his own progeny and would move the galaxy to make life more peaceful for her.