Independent Laeonas Tannaras


SWRP Writer
Apr 5, 2016
Reaction score



► 27​
► Human​
► 6'2"​
► 166 lbs.​
► Aquamarine-Blue​
► Raven​
► Brentaal​
► Male​
► N/A​
► N/A​
► Yes​
Laeonas Tannaras was a bastard.

What a wretch he was.

Muck. Filth. Waste.

Those were words. Words those who hated him held on to.

Words he had after years of reinforcement internalized in him. Words that cut into the fibers of his soul. Words that to him, over and over, were made to feel true.

But he knew he was his father’s son. One could see it in his eyes, his features, and in all but raven hair he looked like one of the house of Tannara. Even a bastard, even the illegitimate offspring of an armorer’s daughter, that he could claim to be.

But his father had not.

And it was from the day that Laeonas was born that his suffering began.


Childhood innocence was a luxury only afforded to the most privileged in the galaxy. Those born in the core worlds would know lives of no true suffering, no struggle, and their pain was miniscule in comparison to those born without a name and credits.

That wasn't his life. He was to be treated as any other child of overworked, stressed, and weak minded parents- a burden- who was to obey every order, unquestioningly.

He was born out of wedlock, between a ridiculously wealthy noble heir, and a woman worth 700 credits. This had not stopped Laeonas’ father from noticing her beauty-- but it had from marriage, or even just acknowledging the child who shared near every physical trait with him was his.

With no legal father and a family that had ostracized them, Leonas' mother had to support her child, and herself, all on her own. She was forced to work odd jobs for little to no pay, just to pay for yellow bread and a seedy hotel room. Unsurprisingly, these early years were very, very stressful.

Both of their personal lives improved when they were finally able to move into an actual apartment, and one of the older women agreed to take care of Laeonas for forty credits a night- an absolute steal, and one she would pay for when she suffered a heart attack. Clutching her chest and falling with a bang after a terrified shout, her neighbors had rushed through her front door to help her, before suddenly stopping to stare in a combination of fear and awe.

Above the kitchen table, a bowl of baby food as well as a spoon were hovering midair, and from across the table, Laeonas, a year and a half years old, had an outstretched arm.


It took about 4 hours before Laeonas and his mother were thrown out of their apartment complex with zero notice or explanation. Brentaal's uneducated and isolated masses knew next to nothing of the force or wider galaxy (which is a bit ironic, considering the world sat along various vital trade routes.)

Matters on both the old republic and the force were not at all promoted, mostly due to the actions of one noble family in particular- the House of Tannaras. It was the oldest, most prestigious family on Brentaal... and for whatever reason, they seemed to hate any talk of the force.

But their influence wasn't universal. Every man, woman and child still knew the stories-- of Luke Skywalker, and the exploits of the Jedi, the tyranny of the emperor and the Sith. But none even tried to explain the exact nature of the awesome power of the force- most hardly spoke of it. The public conception mostly revolved around a few key phrases that weren’t even spoken, yet had somehow become cultural fact amongst trillions.

However, this irrational and unprovoked ignorance-- and fear-- that quickly surrounded Laeonas wherever he went actually turned out to be a significant advantage for him and his mother. She had turned to petty theft in the earliest days of his life, but as Laeonas started walking and talking on his own, she encouraged him to join her in… a game.

It was a game of lifting the spare credits, or the wallets, or the ID cards out of people’s bags or pockets and over to Mommy without anyone noticing. It was inevitable that they would be caught- Laeonas’ inexplicable abilities inevitably manifested, and they moved, and then they had a fresh start. This petty thievery on top of the jobs his mother already worked meant that Laeonas was able to purchase something very important.

By the time he was 8, Laeonas, whose mother had decided to let roam on his own, had begun frequenting a gang run warehouse.

The gang sold old pieces of property that nobody on Brentaal had ever bothered to reclaim, and had just sat for decades.

Laeonas purchased for himself a very old, half broken datapad. He didn’t know how to use it at all, but upon some scrolling through menus, he quickly found out it was a pre-elementary guide to reading. It was with that tool that the young Laeonas acquired a skill one in twenty on Brentaal had- literacy.

In retrospect, he realized that it was like an entirely new world had been opened to him. It wasn’t an immediate bit of comprehension, but when he saw what he was able to accomplish, against all he could once he was able to read? So much he had never before understood was opened to him, and beyond that, far, far more. It was as if there had been a profound change to his very own psyche when the knowledge of the written word had become his own.

It helped him, at the most basic level, in finding work.


The work Laeonas found, as he grew older, was hardly ever legal, by any standards of the law. In truth, the law had essentially meant absolutely nothing for centuries on Brentaal. Nobody realized that it had gotten so bad because none of them were educated enough to know.

Laeonas had embraced that.

He sold death sticks. He mugged passerbye. He robbed small stores and fought in gang wars.

Laeonas was a hardened criminal, and he had just turned nineteen. It was a story familiar in most of the poorest people on Brentaal- crime was the only business that paid. So he lied. And he cheated. And he stole.

And he was miserable.

He was no idealist. He had aspired only to one thing in life- freedom. To leave, and never come back.

Brentaal was hell. There was nothing but corruption had festered and devoured the entire world.

Once his mother died, he'd be alone. Nobody would remember him, and that would be that.


Those were desires. Desires held by others who clung to hatred, and nothing else.

It was clung onto by the officers who beat him at the age of 12 for stealing a handful of credits, hurling slurs at him.

It was clung onto by the embittered morons in the gangs he had joined as he took score after score.

It was clung onto by the ones he had stabbed people for, who looked at him with disgust and whispered hopes of getting hit by a speeder.

"T'hell wi'their wants. **** their needs. Let em' froth any hope they have of watchin' me burn. Let them sort their shite out on this forsaken ball of ****** cud. Ol' Brentaal could be set on feer t'morra and the only ones who'd get ma'd or sa'd would be those ****** traders with their ships, and credits, and goods, and all their ******' smugness and shite. I'll be gon. Gon, and free."

He had whispered that to himself as he finished a bottle of correllian ale one night. Sirens had blared outside, the shots of blasters ringing out in the distance. The loud music from advertisements plastered on walls. A certain hum had taken him back to a thing his mother had whispered into his ear, when he had begun to speak.

"Fly high, little raven. Fly high, little prince."

He wouldn't fly.

The Bastard Black Prince would soar.

Much of what you could expect out of Leonas definitely fits the bill of a young, hot headed criminal from a poor, urban high density background. His voice is permeated by an inner core accent muddled with slang, he has a taste mostly for the likes of outer rim "cantina music", a short temper, and a questionably unsteady concept of right and wrong. He's as deeply flawed as any other person though- his tumultuous background has made him emotionally off balance after years of constant conflict and struggle. While he isn't incapable of being calm, such trends are almost always interrupted by very sudden, very violent and emotional outbursts that shatter any possible conception of "normalcy." He possesses a rather morbid sense of humor that, to the unadjusted, would probably just make people uncomfortable.



Strength- a life of mostly hard labor and physical combat has left Leonas with a physical build that wouldn't fail to impress most looking for power. While not possessing an excessive amount of bulk, a high protein, low carb diet has left him possessing almost no meat on his bones besides muscle.

Intelligence- while he does lack a proper education, Leonas is far from an idiot. His problem solving skills are surprisingly well coordinated, and he has a strange knack for most anything written down. He's far from a genius- but he's also smart enough to know that he isn't... most of the time.

Agility- pickpocketing, robbing, stealing, stabbing, shooting. Much of what Leonas does is highly illegal- which requires him to be far, far away from any place where he did anything illegal to begin with. This has led the young man to become somewhat of a fast runner.

Melee Combat- generally Laeonas is moderately skilled at most of what he knows how to do, and combat with the likes of a short sword or vibroblade is no exception. He has basic technique as well as a good understanding of combat principles that give him an advantage against the most undisciplined enemies- though, he himself isn't exactly the most disciplined fighter either.

Hand to hand Combat- one of the few bits of educational material that Laeonas got his hands on early in life was, uniquely enough, a data excerpt from a combat manual that focused almost entirely on hand to hand engagements. This is one of the fields he surprisingly excels at, though it isn't of much use in a galaxy where the blaster and a whole assortment of melee weapons are the norm.

The Force- General ignorance and an inability to comprehend just exactly what you're doing can greatly limit your capacity to exceed at a task, and that cannot be overstated when applied to Laeonas' use of the force. That isn't to say his natural talents are entirely wasted- in combat against non force-users, Laeonas' basic agility, aided by a bit of a flicker of precognition or a force enhanced-gutt feeling, Laeonas has a decisive advantage. But even against the weakest Jedi, at this point, Laeonas could probably hold his own for about two minutes before completely failing.

Blasters and Ranged Combat- Laeonas does not aim well. He simply doesn't. He misses about half the shots he takes, and while that is still more accurate then the great and mighty imperial stormtroopers from over a century beforehand, it isn't impressive either. Given a scope and some basic defense and he could definitely do damage with a mid to long range rifle (like the very, very old a280 he usually carries around) but a smaller holdout weapon is less viable for him.




  1. A Night as Black as it was Wet ― Laeonas takes an evening stroll through one of Coruscant's strangest levels, meeting a couple of interesting characters along the way. ― • Abandoned.​
  2. Healthy Coping Mechanisms ― Coming across a seemingly standard crime scene, Laeonas attempts to collect a reward by bringing a man down-- only to discover the man in question isn't ordinary. ― • Closed​
  3. Memories ― A collection of Memories From Laeonas' younger years. ― • Ongoing.​
  4. Meditations ― A continuing log of Laeonas' private training sessions in the force. ― • Ongoing.​
  5. Correllian Ale Taste with a Spotchka Credit Count ― A heavily drunk Laeonas recounts his memories to an older, shorter gentleman. ― • Closed.​
  6. Where in Space... ― Laeonas, in a half drunk, sleep deprived state, lands on Tatooine in utter confusion. ― • Closed​
  7. A Brief Respite. ― Having escaped a close encounter with Tatooine's "Law" enforcement, Laeonas makes a trip into the deser that changes his perspective on the galaxy.. ― • Closed.​
  8. Krazy Kray't ― Stumbling in from a particularly long and lucid trek into the desert, Laeonas and a few others plan to win glory and riches by killing a famed beast. ― • Abandoned.​
  9. Back in Black ― On a rather standard trip to Coruscant, Laeonas encounters a number of interesting characters unaware of a familiar presence. ― • Abandoned? (unsure)​
  10. Undoubtedly Unlucky ― An encounter with cheating on a trip back home leads to an... odd evening. ― • Abandoned/closed​
  11. The Last Job. ― A spice run becomes a nightmare as Laeonas finds himself struggling to survive on a marooned world. ― • Closed​
  12. Chandrila Suits, Dresses, and Charity balls ― Slipping into the visage of wealth, Laeonas experiences high society for the first time in his life. ― • Abandoned.​
  13. The Outlaw in the Library ― With his connection to the force wavering, Laeonas seeks out knowledge in the halls of the Jedi. ― • Closed​
  14. Honeyed Words in Lands of Honey ― Following his trip to Ossus, Laeonas stops on a prosperous world, under the dominion of the Sith. ― • Ongoing.​
  15. Grace in Smog ― Reluctantly, Laeonas participates in another spice run, which involves an unexpected appearance. ― • Ongoing.​
  16. Sugar, Spice, and a lot more Spice ― Looking to drown out his thoughts in liquor, Laeonas finds an unusual partner in vice. ― • Ongoing.​
  17. Down and Out ― Drunk, Laeonas stumbles into a situation, and the waiting arms of someone he'd never met. ― • Abandoned​
  18. Big Guns and Dead Bodies ― On a return trip to Tatooine, Laeonas has an interesting encounter with bounty hunters, and a particularly irksome twi'lek. ― • Exited​
  19. Escape From Mataou -- Dead Money ― A team of treasure hunters and rescuers of all backgrounds arrive at a Hutt treasure vault, intent on winning riches and saving lives. ― • Closed​
  20. The Lamentations of Fortunate Children ― Having Escaped Mataou, Laeonas stews in the belly of his ship, comprehending the consequences of his actions. ― • Closed​
  21. Low on Cloud Nine ― Stopping on Bespin before finally returning home, Laeonas' irrational fear is magnified upon encountering the closest thing he can comprehend to a ghost from his past. ― • Closed​
  22. Let's Play Some Huttball!!! ― Description ― • Ongoing​
  23. Title ― Description ― • Thread Status​
  24. Title ― Description ― • Thread Status​
  25. Title ― Description ― • Thread Status​
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SWRP Writer
Apr 5, 2016
Reaction score
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand, there we go.

Only took me 6,135 years to finish this guy.

Not much is going on right now, but a few extra fancybox's, a bit of color, and it'll eventually be great.


Beyond Measure
SWRP Writer
Nov 29, 2010
Reaction score
Character bios are supposed to be limited to 1500 words, I think you might be going over.


SWRP Writer
Apr 5, 2016
Reaction score
Think So? I'll check.

Edit- yeah. 1839 words. I'll cut down a bit.

Thanks for letting me know though. I was afraid it would be a bit long.

If you have any thoughts, please share them!

The Good Doctor

Community Admin
SWRP Supporter
Jul 4, 2017
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Blaster needs to be linked to the tech boards.

Ideally, I advice make a separate section with your gear, because links will go unnoticed with all the white text. I didn't notice until hovering my mouse along the text on my second read-through there was links to what the weapons were supposed to look like.

When you are ready for me to look at this profile tag me.


Beyond Measure
SWRP Writer
Nov 29, 2010
Reaction score
I don't think you needed to create a new tech submission for it, just list out the tech separately in the original post as it is currently lost in the text. Like make a list and put the links there.


SWRP Writer
Apr 5, 2016
Reaction score
I don't think you needed to create a new tech submission for it, just list out the tech separately in the original post as it is currently lost in the text. Like make a list and put the links there.

There was a bit of a formatting issue when I attempted that earlier. I can definitely add it in though- I'd just rather solve it first.

The Good Doctor

Community Admin
SWRP Supporter
Jul 4, 2017
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Is a link to the A280 write-up. It's not consistent with your write-up. It's probably better just to do the above link.

And can you list out all the gear similar to other character profiles? This may be just a nitpick. But 'Relevant Gear' looks like a section rather than what is supposed to be an item.

And if your character is going to have a sword/knife/whatever melee weapon, it should to be listed as well. Because once again, it's still not clear your character has one equipped.

Something like

With links of course will do, doesn't have to be formatted too fancy.
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SWRP Writer
Apr 5, 2016
Reaction score
Formatting was the main issue of it. Still, I can definitely try and figure something out.

I based the info I had on the weapon off of the Battlefront II wiki, so maybe my sources weren't very good.

@Faster Than Light
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SWRP Writer
Apr 5, 2016
Reaction score
Regardless, I've made the changes- will they work?

The Good Doctor

Community Admin
SWRP Supporter
Jul 4, 2017
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The other weapon is still linked inside the blaster skill description. But we can go ahead and approve the profile for now.


SWRP Writer
Apr 5, 2016
Reaction score
Most people update their char profiles every month or so.

Here's me back for the first time in over a year! Anyway, a couple of changes:

-- Updated physical description
-- Updated gear
-- Added some nice, unformatted art (is pretty)
-- Updated thread list