Armor Kyosuke's Shadow Slicer Outfit


SWRP Writer
Jan 5, 2020
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Kyosuke's Shadow Slicer Outfit

A few light pieces of armor adorning a tantalizing set of black armorweave garbs that were handcrafted by Kyosuke Yamato. It has been pieced together bit by bit throughout his time in the Outer Rim, and is designed to be both lightweight and flexible for maneuverability and stealth operations. The pauldron strap, utility belt, boots, and other various fasteners are all made from black-dyed gundark leather acquired during some time he spent on their homeworld, Vanqor. There are multiple zipper pockets along the pants, with 2 average-sized pockets in the front, 2 in the back, and 1 large pocket along the outer side of each thigh that has just enough room to carry a standard datapad, macrobinoculars, or any other similarly sized device.

Cortosis vambraces help to protect both forearms and wrists while a large single durasteel pauldron guards the area around the left shoulder. The armorweave-covered vambrace on the left contains a small hidden compartment on the underside that stores a concealed computer spike, which can be extended for direct use or retracted to conceal. On the upper side of the right vambrace is a small built-in command interface and visual display like that of a basic datapad. This interface can connect directly to the integrated computer spike or it can be connected wirelessly to other compatible devices such as a commlink or dataphone. The display and set of buttons alongside it are pretty compact, and don't take up much room on the vambrace.

A small clasp at the back of the neck and shoulders allows a cloak to be pulled back and secured like a long ponytail or scarf so that there is slightly less drag on maneuverability when on the move. A small drawstring at the back of the black armorweave mask allows it to be tightened or loosened enough to fit snuggly over another apparatus such as a rebreather or personal translator mask, which ever so slightly dampens the noise of anything covered by it. Warning: covering rebreathers and filters will essentially interfere with their functions and keep them from working properly.


Legal, though sneaking around with the mask and hood on could draw attention from authorities in some systems.


To provide a write up for Kyosuke's personal armor, and to inspire anyone who wants their character to craft something similar.


As Kyo's personal armor and outfit that he crafted himself, no other known copies are in existence; however, similar outfits can be crafted by those who have experience synthweaving and basic crafting knowledge of the various components involved.


Type: Light Armor

Coverage: (Coverage regions for Light armor is 1-3 regions, Medium is 4-5, Heavy is 6-7)

  • Torso: lightweight durafiber top with removeable duraplast chest plate to protect chest, ribs, and upper abdomen
  • Upper arm: large duraplast pauldron on left shoulder that can slightly guard neck and upper arm
  • Lower arms: cortosis bracers and wrist guards to protect forearms and wrists
  • Head, neck, torso, back, lower arms, and legs: Armorweave underlay (see "Function 1")


Function 1: Armorweave Accessory (Default; not removable)
  • Most often in the form of a heavy cape, skirt, or underlay beneath armor, armor weave provides some protection against the penetrating effects of shrapnel from explosives and other unpowered high velocity impacts, with only a small amount of bleed through damage (bruising or very minor wounds). It offers no protection against kinetic impact or energy, vibroweapons, or similar "powered" weapons. Having more than one accessory (example: Cape + underweave) provides no additional effect.
  • Force User Compatible?: Yes

Function 2: Computer Spike (Optional; can be removed)
  • Computer spikes are used to forcibly decrypt or unlock computer terminals. Most civilian systems can be cracked in one posting round, while most military or hardened systems take two or more.
  • Force User Compatible?: Yes

Function 3: Rebreather (Optional; can be removed)
  • Rebreathers, whether built into a helmet or a separate mask, allow for the wearer to breath underwater or in space for brief amounts of time by scrubbing CO2 from their exhaled breath and recycling it. Generally this lasts for up to 5 posts, but heavy exertion can shorten that time.
  • Force User Compatible?: Yes
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