Kajidics of the Cartel


SWRP Writer
Apr 10, 2012
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Kajidics of the Cartel

In the past, the Hutts were ruled by the Hutt Grand Council. The most powerful kajidics typically held sway over the council. The kajidics, or clans, were many and few survived the brutality of business. The most powerful of the kajidics was often the de-facto leader. That has not changed. Many of the kajidics were lost during the invasion of the Yuuzhan Vong. Few were unaffected. Now the kajidics, that survived, have regained most if not all or more power and influence. The kajidics are still feared by many, but now non-Hutts have influence in the Cartel. With non-Hutts like Jack Tamblyn and Yuri Sharp, kajidics fight more for business opportunities. Many kajidics fear these non-Hutts but a few kajidics hold power even over the non-Hutts. Below is a few of the Kajidics of the Cartel.

Nasirii Kajidic- The kajidic Nasirii, led by Borgeye Nasirii Tuaba, is a minor kajidic of the Hutts. Originating on Nal Hutta, Nasirii specialized in slave trading. Having contacts on many planets controlled by the Hutts, they know when slave prices need to be raised or lowered. Once a large and powerful kajidic, they lost much of their influence after the Nasirii Conflict. The Nasirii Conflict began after the death of Holta Nasirii Ziera (circa 563 ABY). The conflict was when his 5 sons began fighting over who'd rule the kajidic. During the conflict, many of the best warriors Nasirii had perished. The Nasirii Conflict ended 20 years later, after much bloodshed. Only 2 of the sons survived with only 1/4 of the kajidic's men surviving. Boonda, the oldest son, left Nasirii and formed the Nokko kajidic, taking half the men with him. Prugga, the youngest, remained with Nasirii and attempted to repair the damage. Since then, Nasirii has grown a little but has yet to reach the size and power they had before the conflict.
Kajidi- Borgeye Vosadii Tuaba
Primary Business- Slave Trading

Dushkivic Kajidic- One of the oldest Kajidics in the Cartel, Dushkivic is primarily found on Nal Hutta and Nar Shaddaa. Vero the Hutt is the current kajidi of the kajidic. Dushkivic is the most powerful kajidic of the cartel. With a hold on the Bacta industries, they are able to control the prices of Bacta (with only the Selkath of Manaan affecting the prices with kolto). Being the richest of the kajidics, they are feared by many. They secretly ran the criminal organization Ona'bak Retrade. The Dushkivic kajidic caused major damage to the GA and was a major part of influencing their fall. Vero the Hutt was responsible for uniting the clans and is the Grand Lord of the Cartel. No one survives once they have angered the Dushkivic kajidic.
Kajidi- Vero The Hutt
Primary Business- Bacta

Vosadii Kajidic- The Vosadii kajidic is full of history. One of the older kajidics, they have enjoyed power and prestige almost as much as the Dushkivic. They hold sway over many planets and their agents can be found through out Hutt space. The Vosadii kajidic is feared by many. When a person angers them, they disappear. They specialize in drug selling and gladiator combat. They control some of the most famous gladiatorial rings, even outpouring Geonosis' Colosseum. Borga the Hutt, the current kajidi, has increased the kajidics power and holdings. It is unwise to steal from or insult them, for you might end up dieing in the arena.
Kajidi- Borga the Hutt
Primary Business- Drugs and gladiator combat

Vesajilic Kajidic- A Hutt family as old as they are powerful and greedy, the Vesajilics have a long and proud history interwoven into that of the Hutt people. Their most recent leader, Nor'baal Vesajilic Diori, has over several decades tightened his families grip on Tatooine, and led the Kajadic into a period of unprecedented growth onto other worlds. Specialising in no one set area of crime, the Vesajilics will enter anything they feel to be profitable, and when they do, they do it well.
Kajidi- Nor'Baal VesaJilic Diori
Primary Business- Vesajilic Arena and Podracing

This was made by Doitean, who messaged me about this idea so after completing it quite quickly I figured it'd only be fair to post it here and see what you guys think. :)

Direct copy+paste btw.