Five Syndicates Jubnokk


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Feb 13, 2012
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Jubnokk was a male Gamorrean, who served as a member of the personal guard of the Desilijic Family within the Hutt Cartel. A simple man, he served for many years alongside his brother, Lomrokk, before his sibling was killed in service to the Hutts. Not one to mope, he accepted his brothers fate as 'part of the job he signed up for' and got back to work. Jubnokk was not a bright man, focusing his meagre intellect on the day to day actions he was required to carry out as part of his job - namely hitting stuff his master told him to hit. He was a well built Gamorrean, and was not force sensitive.

Having grown up in the underbelly of his masters palace, Jubnokk knew very little of the galaxy, and could speak only Gamorrean and Huttese. He couldn't understand basic, after all, why would he need to? He found things confusing that didn't fit in with his day to day. He served the Hutts during the Force Eternal era of Galactic history, and that was all he really wanted in life.

Personality, Skills & Traits

A man of few words (because he didn't know many) Jubnokk saw service to the Hutts as his purpose and lot in life. He was not ambitious, he was not greedy - a good meal and the chance to beat something up was all he needed to call a days work a good one. He was skilled with melee and ranged weapons, and loyal to a fault. He could not fly a ship, he could not do much elese beyond follow orders and fight.


+ Gamorrean Shortsword
+ Gamorrean Battle-axe
+ Personalized Armour
+ Guard Armour
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