Jorren Vel'Sana's Training. (Closed)


Jedi Padawan
SWRP Writer
Sep 26, 2010
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Jorren sat, his legs crossed in an open courtyard. A small object bobbed up and down in time above his head. He had been sitting in the same position for only a few minutes, he had been told to meet his new Master in this part of the Monastery. The non-Jedi side of him was stricken with emotions, yet his less emotional Jedi likeness was calm and collected. These two sides battled with each other constantly but for the moment, he was relaxed. Jorren's eyes followed the rock with the same timing it had been going up and down. He let his hands rest openly on the grass with his palms upwards.

Whenever a presence was felt by Jorren, the rock would immediately sail towards the ground, this is when his non-Jedi side would take over and he'd succumb to the emotions that he felt he needed to hide, or banish from his body. Worry, panic, self-concious. They all hit Jorren like a punch to the gut, it took the air from his chest, felt a choke in his throat and he felt just a little nauseous. The rock would not fully give out of it's motions, Jorren would simply concentrate hard on his own emotional barriers and keep staring at the rock, his eyes like lasers on the jagged surface.


Mr. Cheekypants
SWRP Writer
Jul 27, 2010
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Malz stepped off the ship in a rush, looking around intently. A few Tython Jedi greeted him, and he waved them off, "I was told there was an emergency and you all needed a healer right away? Please bring me to the patient." The Jedi grinned and stifled their laughter. One of them, a Master, stepped forward and waved an arm towards the building, "Your padawan is expecting you in the training room, Knight Terris. Don't you worry."

Two seconds of complete silence followed, broken by Malz's flat, "What." A padawan? Wait, no, he was called for--His eyes widened as the realization dawned on him, "Oh, nononono, I'm not a teacher, I couldn't poss-" He was interrupted by that Master again,
"You have yet to take on a serious padawan learner, and now is the perfect time. I'm sure you two will get along great. Don't argue, this is a direct order. Haven't you sometimes wished that you had an assistant anyway? Well here you are! Oh, and take this. Use this for your introduction." She handed him a card, which he promptly shoved in his pocket in a pout.

Giving each of the snickering Jedi an I'll-get-you-for-this look, he sighed and headed for Tython's training room. Though he was unfamiliar with the territory, he could feel the Padawan's presence reaching out from several rooms away. How reckless, doesn't he know that there's this thing called privacy? When Malz finally arrived at the training room, he found a Bothan playing with a rock. No, not playing. Playing was Malz's idea of fun. What the Bothan was doing was the equivalent of waiting for a cocoon to hatch. He stood there for a moment, watching, as the Padawan's focus wouldn't quite allow him to pick up Malz yet. Eventually he quietly approached the Bothan and whispered,


Jedi Padawan
SWRP Writer
Sep 26, 2010
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The rock floating helplessly in midair reacted before Jorren's body could. The object rocketed into the ground and dug into the soil of the planet, half sticking out from it's burial. Jorren's body had finally caught up with the timing of the scared. A sharp breath came from his lungs, and he sprung up from his meditation position. Turning to look where the voice had come from only moments before he stood in front of a Human wearing the standard Jedi clothing. Not recognizing the man from any of his classes or anywhere, Jorren bowed. "Apologies." He straightened his back again, "I am Jorren Vel'Sana." Baring the canine-like teeth of his people, Jorren smiled.

Heart pace returning to it's normal steady rhythm, Jorren could remember why he had been so nervous in the first place. It finally hit him, perhaps the man in front of him had a reason to suddenly talk to him. Perhaps the council had finally appointed a new apprentice to this man. The apprentice, obviously being, Jorren. Feeling a sudden rush of the emotions he had worked so hard to banish from his body, Jorren felt a bit light headed. Jorren shook this off however, and continued to stand, facing the stranger awaiting their response.


Mr. Cheekypants
SWRP Writer
Jul 27, 2010
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Malz watched the rock plummet into the ground and gave a small smirk. Impressive. It seems that this padawan was identical to Malz after all, or at least as far as Force capabilities went. The problem with this one was that his emotions were rampant and uncontrolled; typical, and remedied with training and experience, but the way this young one tried to contain them was a problem.

He opened his mouth to introduce himself, then stopped for a moment. Remembering what the Master said earlier, he muttered incoherently as he fished around his pockets for that slip of paper. Pulling it out, he read it aloud in a mockingly pompous voice, "Greetings Padawan Jorren Vel'Sana, as of today, I am your master, Jedi Knight Terris. You shall address me as Master or Master Terris..." He paused for a moment, then continued with what was probably not on the paper, "I am to take you on horrifying adventures that will make your fur fall from fright, I will task you with grueling trials that will shake the very foundations of your soul, and you will go through ord--*snicker*--ordeals that will...hehe...that will..." He couldn't take it any longer and burst out laughing.

After his laughing spell was over, he rolled his eyes and tossed the paper over his shoulder after crumpling it. He sighed, shook his head, and smiled at his apprentice, "Yeah, I don't know what they were thinking. Never understood why these things gotta be so formal. You can just call me Malz. If you have a strange fascination with titles, just call me Lord Supreme Malz of the Thousand Cuts of Terror. Just don't call me Mr. Cheekypants; that's a name only one person can use."

He sighed again. Guess now was the time to bring up the earlier scare tactic, "Now that that's over with, let this be my first advice given to you: Loosen up. Actively trying to calm yourself like that is futile and counterproductive. It only made you tense and unaware of your surroundings, allowing me to frighten you like I did just then. As another example, have you ever been able to go to sleep just by thinking, 'Go to sleep, go to sleep, go to sleep?' I thought not. But don't worry, in time you'll learn more natural ways of keeping your emotions in check. And remember, the goal is not to cast aside your emotions, but rather to control them. Oh, and if any of this seems confusing, don't worry. It's supposed to be. Any questions thus far?" He worried he might've spoken too quickly or perhaps given a confusing lesson, but he knew that in time he'll also learn a few things about teaching. This was certainly going to be interesting.