Jedi Justicars


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SWRP Writer
Apr 28, 2015
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Jedi Justicars

The Jedi Justicars, also known as the Jedi Vanguard and the Jedi Rangers, are a specialized branch of the Jedi Sentinels. Unlike the Jedi Watchmen, who were beholden to a single world, system or sector, the Justicars were scouts, travelers and wanderers; knights-errant. In purpose, Justicars served the galaxy by venturing in the galactic frontier, parts of Wild Space and the Outer Rim, or even some areas of the Unknown Regions, bringing justice, relief and aid to worlds, colonies and settlements that otherwise go unnoticed by the rest of the galaxy.

In addition to serving as roaming peacebringers, Justicars would also serve by being the eyes of the Jedi Order, relaying information and ongoing events happening beneath the radar of more significant galactic affairs. Other Justicars acted as infiltrators, seeking out injustices through stealth, guile and cunning, deconstructing it through subtle means, as opposed to overt confrontations. Still other Justicars were more direct, confronting and combating criminal elements such as piracy, marauding and raiding that afflict smaller galactic populations on the fringes of civilized space.


Under the command of the Jedi Lord, many Justicars act as spies and infiltrators against the Sith Brotherhood and their reviving dominion, gathering intelligence from behind enemy lines to better protect their crusading brethren. Although most Justicars are loners, usually working alone and seldom found in groups of or exceeding three, many Justicars are in the service of the Jedi Lord, filling the roles of soldiers and crusaders themselves. In addition to the Jedi Knights, Justicars on occasion work alongside local policing or peacekeeping agencies. That said, Justicars seldom, if ever, work with Republic services, even if they choose to operate within Republic space.

Justicars live hard lives, preferring to allow the Living Force to nourish them when it comes to overall resilience and fortitude. Living off the land, and never staying in any one location for too long, Justicars are sometimes mistaken as vagabonds or homeless nomads. Because they strengthen their bodies through hardships, many Justicars are physically strong and hardy, even for those trained in the Jedi Arts, and are highly adaptable to the climates and environments of various worlds, such as aridity, frigidity and humid tropics. Many also train their bodies with the Force to bolster their natural resistance to diseases and sicknesses, sharpen their natural senses, and their precognitive "danger sense".


A significant difference that distinguishes the Justicars is not their way of life, as many Jedi Knights were historically nomadic, but their practice of Jedi Arts. The lightsaber is the iconic weapon of any Jedi of any era, and among the Justicars, this is no exception. However, Justicars are trained to use their lightsabers as a last resort, when lethal force is an inevitability. Their weapon of choice in most circumstances is the energy bow, which they take to calling the "lightbow", and Justicars are trained to use them with exceptional precision. The philosophy behind this is that the Jedi seek to avoid taking a life whenever possible; Justicars use the lightbow as the alternative to the lightsabers in efforts to disable or otherwise incapacitate their foes without killing them, and ideally without maiming them.

Like their lightsabers, most Justicars built their own lightbows, personalizing them so as to make them efficient for the Jedi wielder. For instance, the Jedi Justicar Taox Rogue, has a modified tri-notch, allowing him to fire up to three "arrows" at once. Lightbows had a "quiver charge" that allowed a Justicar to fire up to thirty "arrows" before the charge depleted. Justicars that depleted their quivers could simply replace their energy cartridge, with all carrying five as a standard to give them 150 "arrows". If a danger could not be stopped by then, would resort to their lightsabers. Lightbows were powerful weapons in their own right, and their impact could vary from the burn of a light blaster pistol to the punch of a heavy military-grade sniping rifle. This variance in power depended on a dial on the lightbow, located at the belly of the bow itself. A Justicar could adjust this dial with their thumb at any given time, altering their range (low-intensity setting: 75 meters, mid-intensity setting; 250 meters, high-intensity setting: 500 meters) and the power behind their "arrows".

In addition, a Justicar could draw their lightbow just enough to carry the impact of a simple blaster pistol, without affecting the speed or precision of the bolt. By the same token, this also meant that a Justicar had to learn to deliver the desired impact with each attack; there were no electronic mechanisms to measure impact output, only the energy payload, which meant a Justicar had to be mindful when preparing to fire their lightbow. Because using the Force and the lightbow together could be straining for Jedi unfamiliar to ranged combat, most Justicars trained to use their lightbows without the Force until they became fully comfortable with them, eliminating the strain on their endurance and stamina, both physically and mentally.

Many Justicars wear spacer leathers, simple hooded attire that would sometimes mislead others in them not even being Jedi at all. At least some of the time, this appeared to be intentional; some Justicars, particularly those in or around a galactic power that had controversial opinions about the Jedi Order, preferred to keep their allegiance private and on a need-to-know basis. This was further reinforced by their use of the lightbow over the lightsaber; many did not even associate the weapon with the Jedi Order, which in turn allowed the Justicars to operate with relative freedom from scrutiny or suspicion.

Just a personal project of mine. Created a Jedi profession that fit my Jedi character.

EDIT: BTW, this is free for anyone to use, if they wanted. Not to be presumptuous, but just sayin'