Tabloid ISC Blocks Anti-Sith Alliance

Voren Dhur

Hyperlane Herald Editor

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Jul 1, 2021
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ISC Blocks Anti-Sith Alliance

The Intergalactic Systems Consortium as blocked moves in the Galactic Senate today to cement a cross-planetary alliance of mutual defence, in what commentators have slammed as a ”cynical move, that goes against the spirit of cooperation the ISC say they embody”. Following a fragmented Senate assembly, which saw motions thrown out, and very few actually pass, the ISC voted as a block to halt plans to draw up a mutual defence pact.

Whilst the motion received widespread support from representatives of the Free Worlds Alliance and the New Republic, it was met with near-complete silence from the ISC, until Treasury Secretary York spoke out against the motion. The move seemingly prompted a small discussion between York and other members, before the entire ISC delegation voted to halt the debate, and refused to pass the motion at all. President Thorne, who was unavailable to comment when questioned by the Hyperlane Herald earlier today, said at the session:

"You stress the importance of the ability to refuse, I consider it PR suicide in practice. If many FWA worlds refuse to send aid for example to help curb an ISC problem against the Syndicates - and they are well within their rights to - then the Prime Minister and the worlds get crucified and shamed for it. Not everything can work on ideals and good faith."​

The speech, which many view as a rebuke to the principles of the Senate, is being seen by some as hypocritical, with the ISC, who failed to send aid when the FWA fell under attack from the Sith, now claiming it would do so, without the need for a formal defence pact.

The Herald was able to get hold of Secretary Hipori, who provided this statement:

"The proposal, as written, was not logistically sound. With the ISC presently going through a massive process of redevelopment and levelling up for our member states, it would be unwise for us to commit to a course of action, that was not logistically complete enough to substantiate this level of commitement. We remain committed to the protection of our members, and the advancement of peace across the Galaxy."​