Restricted Other Hypergates


Legendary Fun Killer
SWRP Writer
Jun 17, 2008
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Tiamat/Sith Order

Originals: Ancient Gree Civilization
Re-engineered: Tiamat

Hyperspace Technology
Power Supply:
Natural and synthesized materials

Specialized gravitational stabilizers
Quanta regulators

Varies from 2m - 145m, access points may be freestanding or natural formations

Stone, durasteel alloys, organic materials


At the height of the Gree civilization, hyperspace travel was considered obsolete thanks to their advances in quanta and stellar engineering, giving rise of an interconnected system of hypergate access points. With an entire civilization based on near-instantaneous travel, ship travel was only necessary for moving outside their territory of systems. Like many ancient civilizations, the Gree eventually crumbled. Their rampant xenophobia and secrecy kept the Gree from sharing their technology with others and it is speculated that the knowledge on how the hypergates functioned died with the last of their crafters. Through the tens of thousands of millennia, the galaxy seemed to be content with the current hyperspace technology. It has been reliable and though not well understood, has still been sufficient while advances in faster-than-lightspeed travel has been slow to progress.

Recent Events
The Eternal’s interest in finding these hypergates sparked curiosity by those in the Sith Order but the lackluster effort left the project null. Coincidently not too long after, acolyte Lyra Durand and Blackwell Manager Newton Arden would eventually find evidence of a Hypergate after discovering a botched special project by Blackwell Industries. Located in the uncharted reaches of wild space, System Theta hosted a large hypergate; but any other remnants of the gate and its technology were eroded beyond recovery or repair following a catastrophic malfunction. It was here that Lyra Durand found access codes to activating hypergates and completing the code to make them fully functional.

A project kept under the secrecy of the Sith learner, Lyra, or more commonly known as Tiamat, the Sith learner worked years to decipher the code and algorithms in a language that could be interpreted by current technology. The technological components are comprised of a complexity of several engineering specialties including, but not limited to quanta engineering, stellar engineering, and dimensional space travel commonly seen in astro-navigation in current hyperdrive technologies. However, what differentiates Gree technology and current hyperspace technology are several synthesized materials that could be described closely related to what biological theorists believe aid the movement of Purrgil through hyperspace.

Hypergates stabilize gravitational folds between magnetic fields that naturally occur on systems and through the galaxy. This results in the creation of knots that allow travel move from point A to point B until the knot is released and the thread between portals is broken. Terra-travelling allows for the avoidance of interdiction fields and gravity wells, which can result in delays, sometimes catastrophic to spacefarers when it comes time to jump. However, further research gave evidence of controlled wormholes (high gravity points similar to readings in hypergates) in space, seen more specifically in the Dragon Void Run, where current scientists are unable to explain the mechanisms of the portal that transports ships to different systems without hyperspace technology.

Gate Access Points
In order to travel by hypergate, one must have access to a physical gate. The gates are not just resurrected anywhere and must be specifically placed where gravitational and magnetic fields are the most stable. These structures are either freestanding or built into natural forming curves and archways. Gates that have survived against time have been in areas of least favorable conditions such as on Vrogas Vas and Planet Theta but have also been found in the cave systems of Dantooine and the plains on Lothal. It is speculated more naturally formed gates can be found closer to the territory once believed to have belong to the Gree. It is likely more access points exist in the galaxy, but a larger expedition team would be needed. Currently, successful attempts to recreate a gate access point has not been accomplished and the current existing gates are the only ones available. With further research and development, it may be possible to resurrect new gate access points.

There are two types of travel: one-way and two-way. Gate access points need a specific set of coordinates to make the jump as it measures multi-dimensional space to allow the traveler to move from one system to the next or on a small scale, from one point on a world to another. These coordinates must be compatible and generally do not allow individuals to just jump anywhere on a system. Two-way travel is the safest and tends to be more stable, opening a tunnel from one gate to an exit point of another gate. The one-way jump is when one uses a gate access point to a terminal destination elsewhere. The traveler is unable to go back to the access gate once they exit through the dimensional portal.

More risks are to be noted when travelling one way through an access gate; miscalculations or fluctuations in gravitational and magnetic fields can result in catastrophic outcomes. Errors in calculations overall can result in arriving less-than-desired or hazardous situations that could threaten one’s life. Mishaps in jumps may also result in never arriving to one’s destination and perishing between destinations, as well as the entire gate malfunctions resulting in deadly explosions. Gates needing reactivation may need to go through extensive repair and reprograming to make them functional again.

Restricted, this is unregulated technology.

This was created to offer story opportunities on the site and create technology that would hopefully create a threatening scenario by the Sith without using a classic superweapon approach.

There is limited knowledge of the existence of hypergates; this knowledge is confined to a small handful of individuals within the Sith Order. As story progresses, this will obviously change. The gates cannot just appear anywhere, meaning, if one where to jump, though successful, you may be far from relevant destinations at times. With that in mind, they cannot be used to gain advantages when engaged in PvP, nor should they be used to portal directly into bases, homes, offices, etc., that is a quick way that we lose nice things.



Tech Admin/Tech Archiver
Jul 4, 2012
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Approved! Sorry for the wait.