Ask Nar Shaddaa Hell To Pay

Nor'baal Desilijic

Hutt Supreme Mogul

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Sep 2, 2021
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A few hours following the events of Food Vhett for a King.​

It had been quite the morning.

Starting out his day in the usual manner, Nor'baal, Lord of the Hutt Clans, had then headed to a meeting in his own Palace to discuss a potential business venture with a scion of Mandalore. That meeting had rapidly descended into an attempt to murder the Hutt and had resulted in the death of the Mandalorians and the capture of their ring leader - one Kotii Solus. Now Solus was drugged to his eyeballs, in chains, with a slave collar clamped around his neck, and Nor'baal was wondering just what to do next.

Why had the Mandalorians sent one of their own to assassinate me? he had mulled the thought over and over in his head in the hours following the attack. Nor'baal could not recall having done anything of late to offend them; indeed, he had nothing to gain from it, so why would he do it? Regardless, such an insult to the Clans could not be allowed to pass unpunished, and the Hutt had been urged to execute the captive and send his body and those of his compatriots back to Mandalor in a box. Yet Nor'baal had delayed his wroth on this occasion - something just seemed off about the entire ordeal.

Sat on his hoversled, behind a line of four burly Gamorreans, each with a brutal looking blade at their hip, Nor'baal cast his gaze across the throne room. He had not asked for it to be emptied for this particular call; instead, dozens of the galaxies smugglers, pirates, and much worse littered around, watching their master with keen intent. Lying in front of the Hutt's throne, two trained Corellian hounds sat, drool dripping from their maws, as they sniffed the air, waiting for their master's instruction. <Bidkana.> he barked, the dogs complying.

Kotii was just off to his right, kept on his knees; behind him stood another Gamorrean, this one with its knife drawn, waiting for the opportunity to strike. Nor'baal waved for the holodroid to open the line of communication with the Mandalorian contact, and it hovered in front of his throne; as the assorted scum sneered and jeered, it flickered into life - opening a direct line of communication to the Mandalorian leader themselves.

As they appeared, Nor'baal would speak, anger lacing his tone as he did so. His Majordomo translated as Nor'baal boomed in Huttese <Puohesa kae modanko. Wonkee doth fa da bo see mee ticay, biw wa gauuapaieie catlahah nobata koumi, tah hou woy ba bakang dah mah catau, bahva bai sewapka an sakhee bu bunko dee gainlei fen kae, an woy chakanu bai mah nem! the room erupted into shouts of feigned outrage as Nor'baal undulated on his throne and ordered the bodies of the Mandalorians to be brought into the room so his contact could see them. <Heee kung bahva bai je killya, bai kihba wa Yih, ban bu pantanh dee Gainlei. Uba pihoha banba mee wechtaca bai wen mah nem Konbouaheon?> Nor'baal bellowed and lashed his tail.

<Tanea bai sey! Tee, koose du bu kantkesonh!> the guard behind Kotii hauled him to his feet, and threw him to the floor in front of the Hutts throne, as the Corellian hounds stood and growled, as if begging their master for permission to pounce. The Hutt waved them down, and continued his ravings <Dobra toupee la doth wa Solus. Ne tee bo see mee lanka, bo see mee Lorda! BO SEE MEE ADGAPKA! his voice curled off in a strangled yelp as he struggled to contain his anger, slamming his fist onto the arm of his throne like a petulant child, and then jabbing finger forward at the holo-comm and yelping <Jee oto ta ba pim nallya, Konbouaheon!>

OOC - Tagging @Orbit and @Darasuum. This thread is PvP disabled.

Nox Solus


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Jun 6, 2021
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Nox had found his way back home as he sat upon the Mand'alor's throne in the Citadel, his mind distant even as he attempted to hone it. Constantly, his thoughts would step out from the approved confines and travel back to the refinery. Images of Mandalorians burning and screaming replayed through his head, a perfect cinema experience that he got a front row too. As was typical, he was alone in the hall except for one other presence, his dire-badger, Red Eyes.

Before he became Mand'alor, when Nox required time to soak in his own thoughts, he usually took a ship and just went off to allow himself to be taken anywhere. But with his duties now, he regulated himself to solidarity in the throne-room, at least until a situation presented itself. He intertwined this time with repaying Red Eyes, somewhat absentmindedly scratching her head as she closed her eyes in response. She was wrapped around his real leg, her head lifted to rest on his opposite knee due to her massive size. A purr continually rumbled from her throat but the serenity was shattered as both of them caught the sound of footsteps.

Interrupted, Red Eyes would raise her head, ready to let out a low growl until both of them realized that it was Vroj approaching. She returned to her snug spot shortly as the Mandalorian just gave an upward nod to Nox before explaining, "You're being contacted. You'll want to hear this." Not needing approval from him, Vroj would step to the podium that was set before the throne, activating the holo-display there. Within seconds, Norb the Hutt's massive frame would form in front of him and on his own specialized throne, a plethora of guards surrounding him.

Immediately, the Hutt began to shout through the Holo, Nox not needing a translator to feel the rage that had the slug bristling. As the tirade continued on, not a single reply was given back from the Mand'alor. There was nothing to say because he had nothing to explain. In the past year, there hasn't been any conflict between the two factions in the slightest, the loyal Mandalorians targeting independent and FWA systems. The attack made no sense. If Nox wanted to kill Norb either way, he would have gutted the worm himself to ensure the job was done instead of sending some assassin.

Nord indeed would only be answered with silence, the Mand'alor calmly leaned back in his char and simply held his head up with one hand, as if the words were affected by beskar and just bounced off as well. If it wasn't for the small flick of his helmet that he gave to view the assembled assassins, it could have easily been believed to just be a still image. But, when Kotii was dragged into his view, he finally reacted. Norb's words soon faded away as his visor only locked on the Dar'manda, an intensity burning within the gaze that could even be felt by the Hutt.

Nox's hand would slowly drop as he stood to his full towering height, Red Eyes uncoiling from him to reveal her own size to be nearly as big as one of the hounds. His full and proudly battle-damaged beskar'gam would be on display as it was clear it was made for combat and utilized extensively. The sound of his boots would echo through the palace room as he appeared slightly bigger due to his proximity, some of the criminals even taking a few steps back from the Holo of him. Nox's focus utterly remained on Kotii for a couple of more seconds before he finally directed his attention to Norb, speaking for the first time,
"It's embarrassing for the both of us you have to ask. He is Dar'manda to my people. In short, he is not a lord, not my subject," The visor would tilt to Kotii before it returned to the Hutt, the words cold as ice, "He is nothing to us. Nothing but a traitor. Whatever attack happened against you was his own foolish idea." The distinction between the two would be created right there and be as wide as a canyon.

After a brief moment, he spoke again, "Now that you have the full information, I would suggest you address me by my title and adjust your tune with these demands. I'm sure we can both leave this meeting happy with the outcome." It was obvious that he had no issue with the Hutt but there was still a slight tone of warning to his words. Nox had clawed with his people to earn a place in the galaxy and he would be shown similar respect.

Kotii Solus


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May 6, 2021
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On all sides were his enemies. The one known as Kotii Solus was on his knees in shackles and a collar wrapped around his neck. Both of his wrist held together by cuffs, bound and in his lap while his head was bent slightly forward. The sedatives he had been injected forced him to move with lethargy and distorted his focus on all that surrounded him. For hours he had been kept in a twighlight state of lucidity. The drugs that kept him from carrying out his more violent urges only partially keeping the pain at bay.

The echani-offshoot's body had been stripped of the compromised black armor. His captors were wise enough to not let him keep his second skin and in doing so likely sought to remove any of his former identity. Pale flesh like a fresh snow was dotted with red as barely treated injuries from the failed attack on Nor'baal were joined by newer ones. The Hutt's guards and his own anger had kept the Mandalorian alive, but had not hesitated to remind him of what pain felt like.

The short cropped white hair had grown to a length that nearly touched the edges of ears. The helmet and black mask Kotii normally wore had been stripped away showing a bruised face with dried blood on the corner of his mouth. The strong jawline was ragged with dirt and not seen a razor in a few days and was beginning to show signs of stubble that matched the hair atop his head.

Sweat formed on Kotii's brow, trickling down his temple and mixing with dried life fluid as his heavily lidded eyes rose. The Exile's gaze looked at his surroundings with a mixture of faded lucidity and chained fury. Tattoo wrought shoulders rose and fell as he tried to make sense of where he was and what was going on. But everything seemed like it was happening from beyond a holo-projection in another room.

In the moments that the badger was sedated his form only showed the faintest ripples of what was happening deep in his consciousness. Kotii's eyes fluttered as the words of Nor'baal echoed down a dark tunnel before reaching the man within. His subconscious pulled back, retreating to a place that he would try to process what had happened, what came next.

Each thought felt like it took dozens of seconds to form. Maybe it took minutes. Everything was so far away for the man and he sat alone in darkness.

He had led warriors only to get them killed. Failure. His own voice spoke to him inwardly but it was also a stranger's. In the darkness his posture mirrored how he knelt outside. Across from him Kotii saw himself only he was devoid of injury, reclined with one leg propped up and an arm leaning against its knee in a casual manner. You are a failure Kotii Solus. You deserve this. But from his first person perspective he stared down the duplicate that he hallucinated in front of him. Outside of his inward thoughts his expression mirrored this face.

His body was hoisted up by the guards of the Hutt in the real before being flung to the ground. The Mandalorian's strength had been sapped from him and he fell to the earth heavily. Dust kicked up from the impact and a grunt of pain escaped him out of reflex as every fiber of his body rang out in renewed hurt.

Taking a breath in, it was all he was able to do. The inward dialogue with himself began again. But this time he did not hear his own voice. Instead he heard Mysha's. The armorer stood over his body, looking down at him from behind a helmet that he knew showed an expression of disappointment. You let them take it from you. You have nothing!

Another wheezing breath filled the injured man's lungs as his head pressed into the ground. The darkness in the badger's mind sparked with embers and began to burn on all sides. There were others now. More and more people, the ones he held dear to his heart and close to his mind that stood around him. Kotii knew they were not the real thing. But he could not utter a response as his thoughts plagued him.

Kotii's right hand slide beneath him, trying to prop himself back up. When he finally managed to look up his expression of defiance remained. Inside his mind, Kotii looked at the people he fought for and those he loved. The helmets and faces of the dead were among them and their judgement echoed in the non-space of his subconscious. He wanted to say he was not dead yet. His heart still beat and his body drew breath. Years of hardship, struggling to survive and pursuing the right path had made him resilient. But everything was moving so slow. The Solus needed to process, to form a response and choose the right path. His haste, his anger had led to the deaths of his kin. He had let them down and now he needed to pay for it. He uttered a word to the hallucinated audience inside his own mind. But when it was given voice, they had all vanished and he was once again looking across only at himself. I'm...not...done

The image of Nox registered somewhere in Kotii's mind and his jaw clenched causing the muscles on the side of his head to tense visibly for a moment. The Mandalorian stared across at the Mand'alor with his crimson eyes with as much of a defiant look as he had when they faced each other on Abafar. The Mandalorian's head slowly turned to one side sluggishly as he took in the scum that had imprisoned him and brought the Hutt he wanted dead into his peripheral. But his own inner dialogue was far from over. Just as quickly as he became aware of his state, his mind once again receded. His eyes fluttered and he looked across at the being that was himself, waiting like an agent of judgement.

@Orbit @Nor'baal
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Nor'baal Desilijic

Hutt Supreme Mogul

Character Profile
Sep 2, 2021
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News of Kotiis disowned status amongst the wider Mandalorian society admittedly came as a shock to the Hutt, and; whilst he was disinclined to believe Nox fully, he realised that this revelation served his purposes just as much as his initial suspicions did. Nor'baal had been alive long enough to know what 'Dar-manda' was, and it was not an accusation one of the Mandalorian species through away with impunity.

<Hee goo basa charra mon, ban mee ahban?> Nor'baal replied, caution in his voice as his anger subsided. <Ree tee, Manda'lor.> he nodded slightly, a mark of respect to the Mandalorian as the direction of their meeting changed to one of respect as opposed to anger.

Yet Nor'baal was not about to allow the Mandalorian leader just wash their hands of this case entirely. Nor'baal wanted answers, and Nox would be the one to provide them. <Toupee mi, joppay tah Konbouaheon doth banang wa cahwebiua bai mee camai, doth twa dopyei dokanu bai twa hih Lanka? Lwaa Jee doth wompa da bu johze cohanlala see tah kung boa hatkocanh bahva bai woy mah catabola an mah cahtana lhonu sewapkox'a?> he thought out loud, before waving his hand and having Kotii dragged back to his corner.

<Uba wahca cohanlala nan bai doth bai woy yanee. Saconba vehpobaee bu danko see Tol Amn, joggdu bimay cay bu catka-asa biwahonka, pea la bahva bai moova don wa pauanea danko. La chamana fa noa-a see boya bai bu Yih bai gee wa Konbouaheon pauanea dah tee monbox'a, wa macmoha kankay ten an tee kouocea. Tokiy, fa paneu tah doth wa mipa bai dopo an kihba mi. Toupee mi, Manda'lor, haku doth bai doth woy bai mapkesa tah hhacs, bai koose bu cahwebiua bai choiala, an bai woy bacdop wuona see tah awanu, hih maee?>

Nox Solus


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Jun 6, 2021
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Maybe the Hutt knew more than he thought about his people, Nox able to spot the recognition in the Cartel Boss' eyes at the mention of Dar'manda. The tone from the Hutt also changed as well and brought the tenseness down as he knew that the Mand'alor had no part in planning the assassination attempt on him. At that thought, his visor drifted to Kotii once more as he tried to figure out the warrior's plan. He was already at war against his people and the Sith, the need to add the Hutts to his shit list made no sense to him. It appeared at first that wasn't his idea but under Kotii's leadership, it somehow deteriorated in such a way that he decided to attack a Hutt in his palace with no preparation.

They had once worked together but now, the man had become Dar'manda of his people and fashioned in a slave collar, defeated. Nox had hunted him for months and it all just ended in... disappointment. He had a plan and if only the man stopped to just think about it. What had once been a rival to him, the Mand'alor no longer felt that had remained so after this.

Nox returned his attention back to Nor'baal, answering truthfully, "There are others that follow him. They'll attempt to break him free, that is for certain. An attack against your property, however, I assume they wouldn't attempt a second time. Then again, they conducted this attempt on you in the first place, so anything is possible." He at least knew that there were those loyal enough to Kotii that this wouldn't happen unchecked. The idea of another assault seemed foolish but two of their previous attempts on different planets were thwarted and they were potentially running out of options.

If it was completely up to Nox, he wouldn't offer any "compensation" for the transgression that Kotii committed. It wasn't his order nor was the Dar'manda a part of their people. But, this was an opportunity he couldn't afford to let slip away, even when his own personal feelings wanted him to stay away. He had to think of his people and their future first. For his answer on how to rectify the whole ordeal, Nox answered with a somewhat rhetorical question, "How about an offer for legitimate business between us?" Before the Hutt could offer his opinion, he continued speaking, "First, as a token of good faith and to wipe the bad taste of our conflict spilling into your own territory, we will add a one-time tribute on top of what they brought. That should make up for whatever damage happened to your palace. We've both steered clear of each other but given our proximity, that should change. I offer legit trade channels between our two people and for the trade routes we do have a hold over, taxes and checks can be lowered, allowing you... easier market growth into the core and mid-rim. We can see what blossoms from there." Their borders were already close enough and he took out the need for them to occupy Tol Armn.

With Kotii dragged off the screen, Nox walked back up to his own throne and sat down, uncoiled and at ease as Red Eyes slipped underneath his legs to lay down. A gesture was given by the Mand'alor, referring to the traitor that was off-screen, "Regarding the traitors, if they choose to attack you again, you will receive our assistance. They've been a thorn in our side for too long. When it comes you to Kotii as well, his death appears to be the only apology that can be offered by him though before that happens though I would like to figure out what he knows before he loses his head." Once he finished, he waited patiently to see what the Hutt thought.

Kotii Solus


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May 6, 2021
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In Kotii's mind he continued to hallucinate the chatter of his thoughts. The representation of himself rose from its posture and paced back and forth. The image of himself shifted to being bare, then to being clad in black armor, then back again before turning into an albino dyer badger with crimson eyes that growled at him without the need for a mouth. All of these images were how he saw himself. Yet he could not fully look upon himself.

I won't allow us to forget. Our mistakes will stay with us for the rest of our life.
I don't know if I can bear it.
You have to. Otherwise they win.
I've made so many mistakes. What if I keep failing?
Nobody is perfect. But there is true evil out there. Are you just going to cry about it or do something?
What can I do?
Look at what we've already done. We've saved people. We've defied the Sith, kept our ideals. It won't be easy but we can't stop now.
We can't stop. I'll never give up.
What are you going to do Kotii? This galaxy just takes and takes.
I'll keep going
I know you better than anyone. You hate yourself! Don't be a coward. Remember who you are and don't let anyone take that from you. Let your brothers and sister's sacrifices be a reminder. You can't hide your feelings from me, from us. We are you
I know! I'll wait for my chance. I'll bash them with my hands bound if that's what it takes. If they take my hands then I'll kick them dead. If they take my legs then I'll bite them. I'll curse them! I'll haunt them! I'll never give up.
That's right. We have to live through this. We'll prove to Nox, to those that betrayed Adenn, to those that called us soulless what it means to be a true Mandalorian. Never stop fighting.
It won't be easy
That's right. Defy them 'till the end
I'm a badger
We're Solus
I'm a Mandalorian
Don't disappoint us Kotii Solus. Don't disappoint their memory.

The man's inner conversation continued. Kotii's body was dragged out of sight from the holoprojector. Slight tugs against the restraints of his captors were barely registered as the sedatives kept him from making a fuss. He did not mumble to himself. But instead caught portions of the conversation with the man who had bent the knee to the Sith as he spoke with a slug that enterprised on slavery. Kotii focused on surviving. Through survival he would be victorious. But for now he was confined to chains and a shadow of his former self.

Words about those coming to save him echoed in the back of his mind. He knew it would be dangerous for his comrades to come for him. Part of him wished that they would not. But another part of him took solace in thinking of them, knowing they were of the type to keep fighting the good fight. Their integrity would not allow them to be bent like fear Fenyang had felt and now Nox pretended to not bear despite others claiming he deceived the Sith.

Even in chains, drugged and beaten, Kotii was more of a Mandalorian than the Mandalore. The slightest hints of a smile curled at the edges of the echani's mouth. Even if Kotii was executed and other members of the Tor'la Akaan'ade killed, there would be others inspiring hope, resisting the darkness and striving for a brighter future.


Nor'baal Desilijic

Hutt Supreme Mogul

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Sep 2, 2021
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Drumming his fingers on the armrest of his throne, Nor'baal considered what Nox had to say. Of course, Kotiis supporters would try to break him from his bondage, but to no avail - if they attempted to free their leader from the confines of a Hutt dungeon, they would soon find themselves sharing a cell. Nor'baal found himself agreeing with Nox on the recklessness of their shared foe however, Kotii had proven himself foolish on more than one occasion by the sounds of it, and it would be naive of the Hutt to consider that they would not continue to act in such a manner moving forward.

He reached for his hookah pipe and took a long thoughtful drag as he looked over in the direction of where Kotii was now being held. The wretched Dar'Manda just stank of trouble, a headache for the Hutt should he be allowed to walk free. Nor'baal was half of the mind to have his guard cut the man's throat and be done with it, yet doing so might anger the Manda'lor, and that was a fight Nor'baal simply could not afford.

<Yanee ah luto heee see pihog ninba, an kakonkee koumhoiag bai saptkhe.> he agreed, a smile appearing on his face as the Hutt refocused his attention on Nox. Nor'baal had long wanted to expand his reach into the Core, and going via the Mandalorian worlds would be an ideal way to do it. <In ting du moova mee che mee samou, peee uba geh, bu Yih caiot moova mee Kotii bai uba, hee uba caiot boonowa doptkee catkiua haku tah koudaniua bla?>

Getting the Mandalorian off of his own books and into the hands of Nox was a fine compromise, less of a worry for Nor'baal, and the man was probably going to end up dead anyway. Even if he didn't, and somehow escaped, Nor'baal had an ally in the event of another attack from the rebellious Mandalorian. A thought occurred to the Hutt, mindful of the war-like culture of Nox's people, he made another offer <Jee banka pioye tah cohanlala caiot doth vee cuee whipkamahke, nobata? Cheesba chamana duba kaa bauban. Tol Amn, bu danko tah koudaniua hee sayey, caiot bahia peee ba dopyacmi bai baua coo hatkocanh basa doi bidchkap.>

There was something almost poetic about what Nor'baal had in mind for the world, especially given the Solus Clans' ardent opposition, it would turn out, to slavery. <Wa pacdena saieu, Yih an Konbouaheon, bai paknee ata doptkee haku matka see Kotiis winbocanh see amahola, an bo cohkeon dah da danko. Bu planeeto caiot hee doth moova bimay bai bu lanka, um tah koose mi bai mah dopa'ta cinph- jeejee bauban wa Yih- winba kantkhia woleuag che paupe see mee keueketka, bacaka bu Yih see kougine woy. Heee Konbouaheon catau see wa maetuit, caiot kantkhia wata che wa kouuanu tee-tocky, an bu cuanesa wa kouuanu bidovakadue nibobo du mah Woceuea, bankop maban bai Mandalore, cay bu pineu, banka, bahceuoy an cuee ai bargon du mah Sae koose.>

The idea of adding in an additional support structure to his house was not something Nor'baal took lightly. Tol Amn would be raised from orbit, at considerable expense, thereby sending a message to those who would act out against the clans. But from the ashes, the Desilijic Slavers could ensure a propserous operation on the world, which in turn would fund a 'training school' for a private mercenary band of Mandalorian warriors, each taking out a fixed contract to serve in his retinue.

It was nothing if not ambitious, indeed nothing like this had been tried since the days of the Hutt Empire.

<An tweepi, dotkot wa ukawa pea caiot hika tee cahla kouocea ahban. In ting uba gee babau dee Ni Ceta Tengaanar? Wa gahacaneoha yetkahetphedonh tee caie saleu dah bu saian see, Yih, mo Konbouaheon. Hocan, Jee chamana um baw wah cha tah unpleasantness, jeejee koee cahla fa, an masii fa dah Kotii.> he looked back over at Kotii with a malicious glint in his eye, and he finished pitching his proposal to Nox.

OOC - For information

Nox Solus


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Jun 6, 2021
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As expected, a friendly and beneficial relationship could be birthed between the two factions. With the aid of their own tribute to soothe the wounds of the Hutt, Kotii was being offered back in their clutches, where he rightfully belonged. Nox offered a brief nod as he stated confidently, "Upon his return, I will be quite thorough and it will be the last time we ever hear from him again." This had been a thorn embedded in too many sides for far too long.

The next proposal was a joint attack against Tol-Amn against whatever was left of Kotii's forces there if any knowing the Dar'manda's style to run. That took him by surprise as he had just been told that the traitors were asking permission to use that planet as a buffer. If they already infested it themselves, it revealed how much of a shit-show this was and why Kotii's execution couldn't come any faster.

Nox hadn't collected any intelligence of forces moving to Tol-Amn but following the Hutt's revelation, the planet couldn't be left unchecked to let them fester. "Upon confirmation of his forces stationed there, you will have our support in an assault against them." If he wanted the job to be thorough, a Mandalorian touch would be needed.

Next, came a proposal that the Mand'alor had not been expecting. Nor'baal raised the idea of building a training facility, one funded by the Cartel that offered new warriors a nice opportunity to claim experience and dip their toes into the galaxy. With every new conquest, more warriors flocked to the Clans and that meant more facilities needed to be raised. But, Nox also had an idea who he was dealing and knew full well that if the Hutt saw an opportunity to exploit, he would surely take it. "That is the sound of a good proposition but after a few tweaks are made. Should this training facility be built, it will be under Mandalorian control when it is finished, a sort of recognized embassy. I seek a safe and reliable home for my people within your territory. Contract length and acceptance of them will be determined and accepted by both parties. Within your territory, my warriors will respect your rules and authority. I hope the same can be said for your men when travelling through the Clan's." The Mand'alor was skeptical about these "contracts" and their real purpose and he had no doubt the details about them would be discussed in greater length. Overall, this facility appeared beneficial to both of them in due time.

Onto the last proposal by the Hutt, Nox would cast a glance toward Kotii once more before back to the Hutt,
"To be quite honest, I see no point in the punishment. The only apology acceptable to me and my people is his death." The Mand'alor was quite surprised by the Cartel lord's leniancy toward the traitor. It was believed that the Hutt would have been pressing for Kotii's death non-stop. "We should prepare his transportation soon."

Kotii Solus


Character Profile
May 6, 2021
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The echoed words of both parties struggled to reach Kotii's ears. He could recognize and decipher them, as one of them were repeated by a protocol droid. But it was still difficult for the beaten warrior to understand. Every other few phrases could be comprehended and even so, Kotii could extrapolate at the discussion between the two leaders.

If Kotii had the strength for it, he would hock up a glob of phlegmy saliva and spit it onto the ground in front of him. But his mouth was dry and his lips cracked. All he could taste was some of his blood. It would have to do. "pheh" the crimson spit was far from ubiquitous and it was easily mistaken as little more than an exertion of exhaling that led to some droplets hitting the ground before him. He coughed afterwards, feeling a burn in his chest as the harsh air filled his lungs. Nox and Nor'baal. They deserved each other.

The Mandalorian thought about how Song had vouched for Nox while they had been stranded on Tol Amn. She said he would have made good decisions on behalf of their people. But that hope for his once brother was fading. He was making the same mistakes as he did with the Sith. He was allying himself with their enemies that would lead to more tragedy in the future but Kotii wondered if he had some part to play in that. It was his mistake for even seeking to meet with the Hutts in the first place, to parade their strength in front of them. Now it had seemed to be causing the thing he had feared would come. His naivety had brought harm to his own people and deals with devils.

Tol Amn, a world that had potential of providing food to many other planets and systems was to be wiped out because the Hutts were trying to send a message. But all it told him was they were insecure about their strength in their territory. The Tor'la Akaan'ade would lose an opportunity, surely, but this would not defeat them. It would harm the people of the Hutt worlds even more greatly if the public learned about it. It sounded like the ties to the Mandalorian Loyalists were going to be shackled by the duplicitous slugs just like they had the Sith. It was just the same outrage being repeated.

The Hutts would find any opportunity to be the two faced skug holes they were known to be. Kotii was wise enough to recognize that. They only cared about themselves and profits. But Kotii could not make a case in his state, nor would any of them listen to him even if he could manage to string together a comprehensive sentence.

One thing did make him let out a painful chuckle. Ni Ceta Tengaanar, the tradition of cutting off digits to apologize for one's own mistakes. It showed how little the Hutt knew about either the tradition or the badger himself. Kotii had nothing to apologize for. He had done nothing that he felt he needed to ask for forgiveness from Nox and especially not Nor'baal. If they wanted to cut off his fingers or hands, they would simply be maiming him for their own sadistic desires. But the badger had nothing to be sorry about, nothing that he needed to prove to the Mand'alor by taking his own digits. He was right, and they were wrong. Even in death he would not yield and their satisfaction would be denied.

@Nor'baal @Orbit

Nor'baal Desilijic

Hutt Supreme Mogul

Character Profile
Sep 2, 2021
Reaction score
Nor'baal was pleasantly surprised to hear the Mandalorian making only minor adjustments to the proposal, minor - and agreeable - adjustments at that. With a wave of his hand, the Hutt had Kotii dragged from the room, where he would be placed on a secure (and fast) transport and moved with all due haste. <Jee phaba jeejee gee wa bargon, bo da chaweka ten bacdop. Mee kouuedahaga lwaa doth nakiheu bai uba ateema, bai heee pinahbesa.> he tapped in the coordinates and sent them over <Peee che mee baua hoppada, heee doth tytung hih bashodue nei. Hocan, uba katka woy gahke bai jot ten bla joppay uba paknee ata tam danko, hee jeejee caiot doth gahke bai bleeu tee camai dee uonza du jaha!> Nor'baal punctuated his point with a barked laugh.

The Mandalorians were nothing if not a war-like people, and the pace of their expansion had been fast indeed. With a new ally in the Hutt Clans, no doubt the Mandalorians would begin to reap benefits quickly, additional trade, access to hard-to-find war material, and much more. Nor'baal was pleased with the deal, Nox was evidently a being he could do business with.

What intrigued him the most was the Mandalorian's willingness to engage in an attack on Tol Amn together, as well as to open an embassy on the Hutt worlds. This would provide the Hutts ample opportunity to learn from the Mandalorians and to acquire some of their warriors for their own, if only on a contracted basis.

<Cay bargon yanah see fah, Kotii lwaa doth maban bai uba doube. Wa cuova, Mandalore.> he nodded, ending the call once it was polite to do so. As soon as he was 'off air', Nor'baal turned to his Majordomo and whispered to the fluttering alien <Pankoph bu Tapka Nanka. Kotii katka tee woy fa bai Mandalore!> he sneered, deal or not, Kotii would die on his orders!