Jedi Order Hamza Ozdemir


Lore Admin
May 19, 2013
Reaction score

Hamza Ozdemir
(\hawm - zuh\ /oz- deh - meer/)

Age. 34 years
Species. Orcolan†​
Gender. Male
Faction. Jedi Order
Rank. Jedi Knight
Homeworld. Orsimer Prime†​
Height. 7'2''
Weight. 345 lbs
Skin color. Light umber brown
Hair color. Russet brown
Eye color. Grey
FS? Trained

...B I O G R A P H Y​

Hamza was born on Orismer Prime and lived there for the first fourteen years of his life. Growing up in a rural area, most of Hamza's early life was spent working on his parents farm and all of the trappings that come with that sort of lifestyle. Tending what animals they raised, planting and harvesting and other various chores were essentially his entire childhood.

It wasn't an easy life but Hamza didn't mind. He was enjoyed working with his hands and he was good at it. Around the time he turned fourteen, though, Hazma began thinking outside of his current life and what things existed beyond Orsimer Prime. As the Force would have it, a passing Jedi happened to be passing through one of the farmer's markets while Hazma was there selling produce.

Noticing the force within the Orcolan, the Jedi gave Hazma an offer to join the Order. After going back to his parents and having a long discussion, Hazma eventually left the farm with their blessing and started his new life as a Jedi.

Hazma flourished in the Jedi and after several years achieved the rank of Knight. Known to act as sort of a "Jedi Dad," around the temples, Hazma hopes to bring some good into the galaxy that is filled with so much pain.

...S K I L L S + A T T R I B U T E S​

  • Athleticism.
    Hazma loves doing things physical things. Working out, playing any kind of sport or game, really anything where he can run around and utilize his awesome stamina. While competitive, Hazma is definitely a good sport in whatever he's doing.

    Every since he was young, Hazma has always had sort of a green thumb and his education was only furthered after joining the Jedi. While his primary focus is food, Hazma has a penchant for growing all sorts of plants in just about any environment, and enjoys cross pollinating his species in efforts to grow new, hearty ones that may grow in places ravaged by war.

    The Force.
    Hazma is well versed in the force as any Jedi Knight would be, though he does tend to more defensive powers rather than offensive.
  • Physical prowess.
    Hazma is a large and imposing figure and although his demeanor is often passive or jovial, that doesn't mean he isn't just as strong as he looks. Although the contests were always friendly, Hazma has been known to go toe-to-toe in arm wrestling matches with Wookiees in his spare time.

...A S S E T S + I N V E N T O R Y​

...R E L A T I O N S H I P S + F A M I L Y​

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...T H R E A D S​

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