Tabloid Galactic Senate Expels Jedi Order in Landslide Vote

Elora Trevino


Character Profile
Oct 27, 2021
Reaction score

The broadcast cut from a commercial for gluten free Calamari Crisps to Elora Trevino, still standing outside of the senate building on Onderon. The collar of her gray jacket was pulled up around her ears, her dark hair blowing in the wind. The crowd of nosy onlookers had begun to disperse.

"This is Elora Trevino with the Hyperlane Herald. We come to you once again, live outside of the senate building on Onderon. As promised, we are keeping you up to date on this breaking story. Earlier today the Jedi were escorted from the senate chambers after Jedi Grandmaster Voran used her Force powers to invade the Supreme Chancellor's mind and unduly influence him.

"The Senator of Coruscant put forth a proposal to expel the Jedi Order from the Galactic Senate, citing not only their presence as a religious entity and not a true government but also their breach of conduct within the senate chamber. The senator's proposal for expulsion was met with overwhelming support, and the Jedi Order has since been expelled in a landslide vote."

Now that the crowd had begun to clear, senators escorted by staff and security appeared behind the reporter. Right away, Elora spotted Senator Elayne Isard descending the steps of the building. The Coruscanti woman's windblown hair swept over her shoulder like she'd just walked off the set of a Daubird hair commerical.

"Senator! Senator Isard!" the reporter called out, descending upon the Coruscanti Senator like the callous and news hungry reporter that she was. "Senator Isard, what exactly happened in there today? Any comment on your involvement in the expulsion of the Jedi Order?"

She held the microphone out to the senator and awaited a response.
