Fyston's Character Blender


Taut yet Malleable
SWRP Writer
Feb 11, 2012
Reaction score



GRBA FILE #8675309
Dardan "Doc" Krandar




Border Alliance


______[HAIR COLOR]
______[EYE COLOR]

Standard issue Border Alliance gear and an aid bag filled with an assortment of items. Credits, personal items, datapad, etc.

A holocam flicks on and struggles to focus for a moment as a tall, sweaty man lowers himself into a flimsy pre-fab chair. The towel around his neck is sopping wet and his PT uniform is as matted to his skin as his short hair. He sighs as he looks into the camera, wiping sweat out of his eyes as an unknown voice speaks from behind the camera. "Come on, LT, just treat it as an autobiography, start from the beginning and go from there. It'll look good at your promotion board." The man in front of the camera shrugs and glares off to the right of the lens. "Ain't no promotion board gonna promote me, they want someone who plays the politics." His drawling words and straight-to-the-point nature evident even against his seemingly unsophisticated nature. The man says a few choice words directed at the promotion board, though whoever edited the video seems to have bleeped them out.

The camera cuts to black and starts back up with the man speaking as the camera focuses in.
"Hello. I'm Doc. Well, I'm Lieutenant Dardan Krandar, my friends call me Doc. I was born on Bandomeer on Life Day. It's funny, I'm a medic who was born on Life Day. Granted, I was born on some backwater processing planet, I guess it all makes sense. I dunno where to begin. I have two siblings and, of course, my parents. My dad lost his arm and an eye in a plant explosion and my mother is paralyzed from the waist down from the same. Now, my siblings and I work to provide for them. My older brother works on Bandomeer and my younger brother was sent off to the Jedi. I guess they saw something in him. I send back much of my pay to supplement what my brother can make and to ensure my little brother has enough to eat. I don't know much about the Jedi but they can't afford basic armor and their ships seem to be bare bones. If they can't afford the gear to keep them alive, they probably won't feed my brother decent food." The man takes a breath and shifts in his chair. His hair, still matted to his head, is beginning to dry and there is a line of salt across his forehead.

"Anyway, this is supposed to be an autobiography or an outline of my life. All for a promotion. You know, you guys have seen more of these videos than I have and yet you still 'suggest' it to help my chances. By this point, you'll either promote me or you won't. But back to the topic at hand. I received a scholarship to the Bylbos School of Medicine. Well, I received many scholarships. Not due to busting my rear in school and definitely not because my bosses wanted to get rid of me. I got lucky. A minor addressing mistake and some Core kid with silver spoon parents had to pay his own way. I just so chose to go to Bylbos because, at the time, I hoped to change the galaxy. Well, maybe not the galaxy. Maybe just Bandomeer." The Lt smiled to himself and let loose a chuckle as he replayed the memories in his head. "As an 18 year old who was leaving the listless muck and industrialization of Bandomeer and going to the best medical school in the galaxy, I just wanted to improve my people's lives. I was so full of osik that it isn't funny. Change the galaxy my shebs. Med school was horrendous, both the coursework and the people. A bunch of snobby, stuck up people who saw me for what I was, a poor kid with no interest in their opinion. And still, I pandered to them. I wanted to be accepted. I wanted to be worth something." Doc shifted in his seat and leaned forward, placing his elbows on his knees and supporting his head with his hands, which were under his chin.

"Naturally, I focused on trauma and emergency medicine. The stuff that impacted backwater worlds like mine. Who cares about the various nuances of immunology or endocrinology or anything else? Anyway, I got about 75% through my education when they realized that I wasn't the one who they wanted to come. I wasn't the best student but I made B's and C's and they still wanted me gone. Not only was I kicked out, they wanted me to pay back every credit that I had used. They told me that I could complete my degree if I paid it all back and then paid for the remainder. I doubt I could make that much in a lifetime, let alone pay it back. So I left. It was at that time that Bandomeer began heavily recruiting for their militia and I had enough education to become an officer. I chose the infantry route because medics don't need medics whereas the infantry does." Giving a bored look to the camera, he shrugged and sat back in the chair, reclining as far back as the flimsy metal thing would go. "And so I'm here. Well, give or take a few promotions. They'd promote me because I did well and demote me because I 'didn't take criticism well.' You're darn right I don't, not when I push my team to do better than those COs push. We consistently perform better and yet we make one mistake and are suddenly the worst behaved unit in the Border Alliance. As you can tell, I'm not good at playing well with others. Maybe if others could understand the need to be better than you were yesterday, we'd get along. I heard somewhere along the grapevine that they're either gonna promote me, transfer me, or boot me out. Maybe I'll apply for Defiant squadron. Oh well, whoever sees this video, make up your mind and get back to me so I can get back to work. Krandar out." The man reaches forward to the camera with one hand and the other can briefly be seen raising a single finger at a figure off to the right of the camera, though it can't be determined which finger. The camera fades to black and the screen transitions to the rest of the presentation.

Doc has been noted as being hard-headed, sarcastic, and almost entirely unfit for advancement. However, his teams have some of the best fitness around and their morale is consistently high. He is loyal to a fault and never leaves behind a fallen comrade, often taking to hoofing them out on foot to an exfil site. He believes that, as the medic and team leader, he should be better than the rest of his men and set an example. As such, he regularly pushes them past their breaking point, causing new team members to feel utterly unprepared and discouraged when they begin his strict PT regimen. His team, however, regularly rates him highly in their evaluations due to his habit of supporting any new/unfit members by not only bringing them up to his par but also staying by their side the entire time, setting aside personal time and dropping earlier commitments to improve his team. Doc's social life, as such, is non-existent. While he can read the body language of citizens to learn if they are combatants or wish him harm, it's almost impossible for Doc to pick up on any social cues. Subtle hints go entirely over his head and he is of the firm belief that if someone wants something, they should say so. While he works with his team on their faults, nobody has stepped up to help Doc due to his habit of getting angry when he cannot understand something in it's entirety. He also has a habit of disappearing after duty hours and none of his team members have yet to find out where he goes.

Lt. Krandar has also been noted as having a discipline problem. He sticks up for his team more than most and numerous complaints have been filed against the lieutenant due to this. In one instance, the Lt's team misread an illumination flare as an attack signal during a radio-silence FTX. While technically Krandar's fault for allowing his team to advance, the opposing team had discovered the fixed element's position and launched the flare to coordinate their own forces. Reading the flare as the green light, Krandar's team advanced and fell into an ambush, taking heavy "casualties" and failing to secure their objective. Due to this failure, Krandar's CO began berating Krandar's performance and his team's discipline and knowledge. It was at this time that Lt. Krandar struck the superior officer in the face and was in the process of taking the officer to the floor when Krandar's team forcibly removed him from the situation. While not the first instance of the Lt's quick-to-anger nature, it will, undoubtedly, not be the last. As such, many COs tend to criticise from the other side of a screen. It is this team's professional opinion that Krandar be transferred immediately to avoid demoralizing any standard unit.

Krandar has proven to be extremely efficient in working without supplies, though it is unknown if his aid bag contains Republic supply. In the course of our investigation, a rumor was heard that Krandar acquires his own equipment at personal cost. It is unsure how he pays for said equipment as his banking records show no abnormal transactions. It has been noted that Krandar is a bit of a pack rat when in garrison. His quarters were full of clutter and he requested that we speak outside. During our interview, the Lt took a break and was seen bartering with recently arrived members of the Border Alliance forces before beckoning a few members into his quarters.

Doc's military lifestyle has caused him to take great strides to improve himself. Having seen what happens when one isn't good enough, he pushes himself and his teammates to the brink and past it in every PT session. If he feels like he hasn't improved enough, he'll take time away from other activities to continue his workout until he can prove it to himself and his team that he's done his best. Doc doesn't work to be the strongest in the room, though he still maintains the strength to carry a comrade and their gear along with his own. What Doc does seek to be the best in is his endurance. He feels that, while strength allows him to pick up his comrades, his endurance is what's needed to get them to safety. As such, he has a religious cardio routine that he follows to ensure that he can both sprint shorter distances rapidly and outpace his unit in ruck marches and other endurance-related events. His extensive medical background allows him an improved sense of fine motor control, allowing him to perform many procedures by feel. While his immune system is above average and his tolerance for pain is heightened due to his habit of fighting, he is still just as vulnerable to trauma as other humans and trauma is trauma.

Doc is also quick as a whip when it comes to medicine and the ways of fighting. His social graces leave much to be desired, however, and his sarcastic nature tends to cause issues with his COs. As far as subjects go, he's equal to any other officer for the most part, though he absolutely despises anything mechanical. He knows enough to fix his own speeder but is absolutely ignorant in anything else that's mechanical. When faced with fixing a military vehicle or hoofing it on foot, he'd rather shoot the vehicle and proceed on foot rather than waste time doing something he knows nothing about. If he doesn't have an engineer or mechanic in his group and something goes wrong, big costs are typically incurred because Doc is smart enough to destroy any military equipment rather than leaving it behind.

Lt. Krandar possesses an extreme level of medical knowledge and training, particularly when it comes to the trauma of a battlefield and the preventative medicine associated with maintaining a unit's combat readiness. He has also undergone extensive SERE training and is skilled at wilderness survival and land navigation. On a scale of Marksman - Sharpshooter - Expert, the Lt. is a Sharpshooter and has maintained this rating for the duration of his service. He has only a basic level of understanding of piloting and has expressed that he would rather worry about fighting than flying. He is fluent in Basic and maintains a working level of Huttese, though gets easily frustrated when conversations are held in a language that he does not understand. While Force Sensitive, Lt. Krandar seems to be unaware and has expressed merely bouts of luck, the ability to more easily recall information, or the feeling that his techniques seem to be more effective than others. As such, it can lead some to feel that Krandar is arrogant or stuck-up, another reason he has yet to be promoted above his peers.

Farlu Krandar - Father
Sreti Krandar - Mother
Andut Krandar - Older Brother
Xenefious Krandar - Younger Brother

The first of two, sorry for any eye bleed, I didn't plan on having him speak as much but I guess he did. Putting them here so I can compare them with formatting, etc, and to see which one I want to proceed with.


Taut yet Malleable
SWRP Writer
Feb 11, 2012
Reaction score




Xenefious Krandar

Xene; X



Jedi Order





______[HAIR COLOR]

______[EYE COLOR]
[td][/td] [td][/td] [td][/td] [td][/td] [tr][td]Male[/td][td]1.6256 m[/td][td]57 kg[/td][td]Brown[/td][td]Blue[/td][/tr]




[td][/td] [td][/td] [td][/td] [tr][td]Dantooine[/td][td]ALIVE[/td][td]Confirmed[/td][td]LOW[/td][/tr]


Xenefious's lightsaber is, in most regards, a standard lightsaber. A very simple construction allows for Xenefious to modify or repair it quickly in the field, if needed. In addition, Xenefious has rigged a trap for those who would use his weapon against him. If the crystals detect a different Force signature, such as one given off by an opponent, needles suddenly jut out from the handle and inject high doses of ketamine and midazolam into the opponent's hand. A time delay is in place to prevent accidental activation. This sedative cocktail can bring down most individuals and even those with training in fighting against sedation can be affected enough to allow for escape or for the upper hand to be gained.

Aside from his lightsaber, Xenefious possesses the standard array of training aides and other items that one would expect a 14 year old Jedi to possess. Xene has an extensive collection of spare parts and various doodads that he has cobbled together in his spare time.

Born on the industrial world of Bandomeer, the young Jedi was forced to work in the factories alongside his parents and eldest brother. The small hands of children meant that they were capable of servicing the machines when adults could not and, due to the fact that no space was spared to allow for easy access, it was mostly children doing the servicing. From an early age, Xenefious became accustomed to seeing the bodies of children pulled from machines seconds before another child was sent in to complete the task. Numerous times, however, Xenefious was able to escape serious harm due to an untold amount of luck and an uncanny ability to see how parts of a machine interact with each other. The following recording was sent to by Xenefious to his older brother, Krandar, once Xenefious had arrived at the Jedi Order.

:// Playing Holorecording Documentation

A small, malnourished, child sits on a couch, eyes examining each and every detail of his surroundings. His robes seemed to swim around his form as if he were but an infant. He seemed to suddenly remember what he was doing and his eyes snapped back to the camera. "Hi, big brother! I'm not sure where you're at, though I hope you're doing okay. You might be wondering why I'm in these weird robes rather than what we normally wear on Bandomeer but the answer is simple. Well, it's sort of simple. Well, not really. The young boy shifts in his seat and his eyes gloss over temporarily. Still obviously traumatized, he takes a few seconds to gather his thoughts before returning his focus to the camera and speaking again. "So you remember when mom and dad were hurt? Well, a bunch of other people got hurt, too. You should have been there, big brother, you could have helped SO many people, though I know you have a bunch going on. I wish I could help people like you do, though I think that's what I'm here to do. Anyway, everyone wanted to fight against the plant owners because of what they called "unfair labor" but I don't know what labor means. So these people in these weird robes, kinda like what I'm wearing, showed up to talk to everyone." The boy's face suddenly becomes downtrodden, an obvious amount of disappointment crossing his face. "Well, when they showed up, I spent too much time following them. They were so cool! They could help heal people just like you could and they were nice. They even gave me some food and asked me some questions. I guess that the bosses didn't like me spending so much time with them, though, and they fired me without paying me for the month. I guess these people are called Jedi or something but they asked me if I wanted to go with them. I didn't want to but mom and dad told me that it was okay. They seemed so sad when I left. I'm not sure if I want to be here anymore and more kids will just get hurt back home. Maybe I can learn some stuff here to make the machines safer and then I can return and save Bandomeer!"

:// Fast forwarding holorecording to a more recent one

The camera flicks to life and a flash of light threatens to blind the viewer. As the camera struggles to focus, the subject of the recording backs up and, as the camera focuses on him, a second, taller subject can be seen. The figure in the back mutters something and Xenefious, now around ten years old, frowns into the camera before turning around to the other figure. "Because, Dardan, I can't see what I'm doing wrong without seeing what I'm doing. My Master is busy and you're on leave. You always help anyway, I just didn't record it." The scene is a simple one. The elder brother stands approximately 10-15 feet away from Xenefious. The former, camera left, is fiddling with a blaster pistol and the latter, camera right, unhooks a white and black cylinder from his waist before also fiddling with it.

With a snap-hiss that turns into a low hum, the vibrant blue blade leaps to life in front of its owner, the light illuminating his face. A small grin crosses his youthful face as he steps into a mix of Ataru's opening stance and Soresu's opening stance with his dominant foot back and both hands on his lightsaber's hilt, the blue blade angled towards his 'opponent.' Dardan, in a much simpler fashion, simply levels the pistol at Xenefious's body and fires, keeping up a steady stream of fire while occasionally changing targets and angles.

The Jedi responds, moving his blade towards each of the piercing red bolts and deflecting them harmlessly away towards the ceiling and the sides of the room. As each bolt approaches him, Xenefious simply addresses it and moves to the next one without dropping his guard or stopping his movement. His lightsaber, a blue blur of motion, changes pitch incessantly as if irritated with its master for forcing it to perform such labor. With each bolt batted away, however, Dardan sends forth another at a different height, target, or angle in order to try to pressure his brother into making a mistake.

When this fails, he produces a second pistol from a holster on his opposite side and incorporates it into his rotation. By firing both at the same time or firing them one after the other, the lieutenant's variation is meant to keep Xenefious on his toes. The Padawan, however, simply increases his speed and incorporates rotations and other movements into his defense. The room is a cacophony of sound as the bolts screech both towards and away from the Jedi, his grunts occasionally heard over the rest of the orchestra.

After half an hour, the soldier holsters his weapons and the Jedi deactivates his lightsaber before returning it to his belt. Despite being sweaty and occasionally panting, Xenefious is still all smiles. The brothers quickly hug and Xenefious turns to his brother as he begins backing towards the camera. "Thanks, Dardan! That should be enough footage to see any apparent mistakes. Let's go get lunch." The older man chuckles and Xenefious turns off the camera, ending the recording.

:// Numerous holorecordings found, playing most recent

The camera focuses in on a young teenager, his short yet untidy hair rebelling against the grooming attempts of its master. The once malnourished child has grown into a tall but well built Jedi, the muscles on his arms and legs showcasing the time spent training."Hey, Dardan, I know you're in the field this month so you can always look at this when you get back. I just wanted to say thank you for training with me over the past few years. Anyway, I'm probably gonna be a bit busier from now on as I'm about to join the Army. Well, the Jedi Army, not the standard one. Everyone around here wants to sit back and meditate and wait but why let needless suffering continue? You, mom, and dad taught me to stand for something and use my abilities to better others. There's no need to sit here and wait when I can help people. My Master decided to stay here, though I'm hoping that someone in the Jedi Army will take me under their wing."

Xenefious has been noted as a unique individual. Interviews and investigations have demonstrated that he views the world in how two pieces fit together. Capable of quickly assembling, disassembling, or even designing objects, Xenefious is a very mechanically minded individual. His bit-by-bit worldview and this mechanical way of thinking, aided subconsciously by the Force, allow him to easily piece together bits of information and allow him to inherently understand a multitude of subjects and objects that would otherwise require studying and experience. Xenefious can, for instance, easily maintain vehicles and machines and can optimize various systems to improve output.

The downside of this, however, is that he has close to zero social skills and keeps to himself as much as possible. He does not make friends easily, though has found it a touch easier since joining the Jedi due to their typically understanding ways. He typically adopts a very straight face and does not react to people well simply because he sees the world in bits of information and how it fits together. Thusly, he cares less about the people doing the informing and more about the information gained. On the other hand, he is not without compassion due both to his own upbringing and the teachings of the Jedi.

In addition, Xenefious knows little more than standard combat aid that was taught to him by his older brother, Dardan. In fact, it was Dardan's suggestion to use a mix of sedatives in his lightsaber hilt rather than hydraulic fluid, which had been Xenefious's original idea. While Xene can easily see how parts of a machine fit together and work, he has only a rudimentary understanding of the human body.

Due to his analytic nature, Fyston chose Soresu as his form of choice and he maintains an Adept level of skill with the form. In addition to being a skilled mechanic and analyst, Fyston maintains an EMT level of medical abilities but is unable to pick up on social cues. He maintains fluency in Basic and knows a few words, typically curses, in Huttese. In addition, he is adept in wilderness survival and surviving harsh conditions in general.

Telekinesis (Push, Pull, etc)
Force Sense
Shatterpoint (items only, natural talent with no training as of yet)
Force Sight
Force Acrobatics (Speed, Jump, etc)

Not quite sure what else to put here, very much a WIP. Feedback is welcome to both of the above profiles. Gotta find a pic for Xene, as well
Last edited:


Taut yet Malleable
SWRP Writer
Feb 11, 2012
Reaction score




Xenefious Krandar

Xene; X



The Jedi Army





______[HAIR COLOR]

______[EYE COLOR]
[td][/td] [td][/td] [td][/td] [td][/td] [tr][td]Male[/td][td]1.6256 m[/td][td]57 kg[/td][td]Brown[/td][td]Brown[/td][/tr]




[td][/td] [td][/td] [td][/td] [tr][td]Dantooine[/td][td]ALIVE[/td][td]Confirmed[/td][td]LOW[/td][/tr]


Xenefious's lightsaber is, in most regards, a standard lightsaber. A very simple construction allows for Xenefious to modify or repair it quickly in the field, if needed. In addition, Xenefious has rigged a trap for those who would use his weapon against him. If the crystals detect a different Force signature, such as one given off by an opponent, needles suddenly jut out from the handle and inject high doses of ketamine and midazolam into the opponent's hand. A time delay is in place to prevent accidental activation. This sedative cocktail can bring down most individuals and even those with training in fighting against sedation can be affected enough to allow for escape or for the upper hand to be gained.

Aside from his lightsaber, Xenefious possesses the standard array of training aides and other items that one would expect a 14 year old Jedi to possess. Xene has an extensive collection of spare parts and various doodads that he has cobbled together in his spare time.


Born on the industrial world of Bandomeer, the young Jedi was forced to work in the factories alongside his parents and eldest brother. The small hands of children meant that they were capable of servicing the machines when adults could not and, due to the fact that no space was spared to allow for easy access, it was mostly children doing the servicing. From an early age, Xenefious became accustomed to seeing the bodies of children pulled from machines seconds before another child was sent in to complete the task. Numerous times, however, Xenefious was able to escape serious harm due to an untold amount of luck and an uncanny ability to see how parts of a machine interact with each other. The following recording was sent to by Xenefious to his older brother, Krandar, once Xenefious had arrived at the Jedi Order.

:// Playing Holorecording Documentation

A small, malnourished, child sits on a couch, eyes examining each and every detail of his surroundings. His robes seemed to swim around his form as if he were but an infant. He seemed to suddenly remember what he was doing and his eyes snapped back to the camera. "Hi, big brother! I'm not sure where you're at, though I hope you're doing okay. You might be wondering why I'm in these weird robes rather than what we normally wear on Bandomeer but the answer is simple. Well, it's sort of simple. Well, not really. The young boy shifts in his seat and his eyes gloss over temporarily. Still obviously traumatized, he takes a few seconds to gather his thoughts before returning his focus to the camera and speaking again. "So you remember when mom and dad were hurt? Well, a bunch of other people got hurt, too. You should have been there, big brother, you could have helped SO many people, though I know you have a bunch going on. I wish I could help people like you do, though I think that's what I'm here to do. Anyway, everyone wanted to fight against the plant owners because of what they called "unfair labor" but I don't know what labor means. So these people in these weird robes, kinda like what I'm wearing, showed up to talk to everyone." The boy's face suddenly becomes downtrodden, an obvious amount of disappointment crossing his face. "Well, when they showed up, I spent too much time following them. They were so cool! They could help heal people just like you could and they were nice. They even gave me some food and asked me some questions. I guess that the bosses didn't like me spending so much time with them, though, and they fired me without paying me for the month. I guess these people are called Jedi or something but they asked me if I wanted to go with them. I didn't want to but mom and dad told me that it was okay. They seemed so sad when I left. I'm not sure if I want to be here anymore and more kids will just get hurt back home. Maybe I can learn some stuff here to make the machines safer and then I can return and save Bandomeer!"

:// Fast forwarding holorecording to a more recent one

The camera flicks to life and a flash of light threatens to blind the viewer. As the camera struggles to focus, the subject of the recording backs up and, as the camera focuses on him, a second, taller subject can be seen. The figure in the back mutters something and Xenefious, now around ten years old, frowns into the camera before turning around to the other figure. "Because, Dardan, I can't see what I'm doing wrong without seeing what I'm doing. My Master is busy and you're on leave. You always help anyway, I just didn't record it." The scene is a simple one. The elder brother stands approximately 10-15 feet away from Xenefious. The former, camera left, is fiddling with a blaster pistol and the latter, camera right, unhooks a white and black cylinder from his waist before also fiddling with it.

With a snap-hiss that turns into a low hum, the vibrant blue blade leaps to life in front of its owner, the light illuminating his face. A small grin crosses his youthful face as he steps into a mix of Ataru's opening stance and Soresu's opening stance with his dominant foot back and both hands on his lightsaber's hilt, the blue blade angled towards his 'opponent.' Dardan, in a much simpler fashion, simply levels the pistol at Xenefious's body and fires, keeping up a steady stream of fire while occasionally changing targets and angles.

The Jedi responds, moving his blade towards each of the piercing red bolts and deflecting them harmlessly away towards the ceiling and the sides of the room. As each bolt approaches him, Xenefious simply addresses it and moves to the next one without dropping his guard or stopping his movement. His lightsaber, a blue blur of motion, changes pitch incessantly as if irritated with its master for forcing it to perform such labor. With each bolt batted away, however, Dardan sends forth another at a different height, target, or angle in order to try to pressure his brother into making a mistake.

When this fails, he produces a second pistol from a holster on his opposite side and incorporates it into his rotation. By firing both at the same time or firing them one after the other, the lieutenant's variation is meant to keep Xenefious on his toes. The Padawan, however, simply increases his speed and incorporates rotations and other movements into his defense. The room is a cacophony of sound as the bolts screech both towards and away from the Jedi, his grunts occasionally heard over the rest of the orchestra.

After half an hour, the soldier holsters his weapons and the Jedi deactivates his lightsaber before returning it to his belt. Despite being sweaty and occasionally panting, Xenefious is still all smiles. The brothers quickly hug and Xenefious turns to his brother as he begins backing towards the camera. "Thanks, Dardan! That should be enough footage to see any apparent mistakes. Let's go get lunch." The older man chuckles and Xenefious turns off the camera, ending the recording.

:// Numerous holorecordings found, playing most recent

The camera focuses in on a young teenager, his short yet untidy hair rebelling against the grooming attempts of its master. The once malnourished child has grown into a tall but well built Jedi, the muscles on his arms and legs showcasing the time spent training."Hey, Dardan, I know you're in the field this month so you can always look at this when you get back. I just wanted to say thank you for training with me over the past few years. Anyway, I'm probably gonna be a bit busier from now on as I'm about to join the Army. Well, the Jedi Army, not the standard one. Everyone around here wants to sit back and meditate and wait but why let needless suffering continue? You, mom, and dad taught me to stand for something and use my abilities to better others. There's no need to sit here and wait when I can help people. My Master decided to stay here, though I'm hoping that someone in the Jedi Army will take me under their wing."

Xenefious has been noted as a unique individual. Interviews and investigations have demonstrated that he views the world in how two pieces fit together. Capable of quickly assembling, disassembling, or even designing objects, Xenefious is a very mechanically minded individual. His bit-by-bit worldview and this mechanical way of thinking, aided subconsciously by the Force, allow him to easily piece together bits of information and allow him to inherently understand a multitude of subjects and objects that would otherwise require studying and experience. Xenefious can, for instance, easily maintain vehicles and machines and can optimize various systems to improve output.

The downside of this, however, is that he has close to zero social skills and keeps to himself as much as possible. He does not make friends easily, though has found it a touch easier since joining the Jedi due to their typically understanding ways. He typically adopts a very straight face and does not react to people well simply because he sees the world in bits of information and how it fits together. Thusly, he cares less about the people doing the informing and more about the information gained. On the other hand, he is not without compassion due both to his own upbringing and the teachings of the Jedi.

In addition, Xenefious knows little more than standard combat aid that was taught to him by his older brother, Dardan. In fact, it was Dardan's suggestion to use a mix of sedatives in his lightsaber hilt rather than hydraulic fluid, which had been Xenefious's original idea. While Xene can easily see how parts of a machine fit together and work, he has only a rudimentary understanding of the human body.

Due to his analytic nature, Xenefious chose Soresu as his form of choice and he maintains an Adept level of skill with the form. In addition to being a skilled mechanic and analyst, Xenefious maintains an EMT level of medical abilities but is unable to pick up on social cues. He maintains fluency in Basic and knows a few words, typically curses, in Huttese. In addition, he is adept in wilderness survival and surviving harsh conditions in general.

Telekinesis (Push, Pull, etc)
Force Sense
Shatterpoint (items only, natural talent with no training as of yet)
Force Sight
Force Acrobatics (Speed, Jump, etc)

STRENGTH: Xenefious has spent his early life working on complex machines and lifting heavy parts and items. In addition, training and working out with his older brother have kept him in peak physical condition for a 14 year old. If one adds in the Force and adrenaline, Xenefious can hold his own against the majority of individuals if needed.
DEXTERITY: Xenefious is just as agile as any other teenager and, while not particularly slow, is not extremely fast. He is, however, quick for short distances and can outpace most people over longer distances. To counteract his own lack of speed, the Jedi has begun wearing weights during training. As with all trained Force Sensitives, he can utilize the Force to help him escape dangerous situations.
CONSTITUTION: Time spent both training and dealing with dangerous machines have resulted in numerous injuries and, while his healing rate is not particularly fast, Xenefious's pain tolerance is extremely high. He also has an excellent immune system, if only because of the horrid conditions on Bandomeer during his early years.
INTELLIGENCE: Xenefious is naturally observant and can easily piece together two bits of information. He is an extremely quick learner, able to pick up theories and knowledge quickly, aiding his learning. Due to this, Xenefious can solve most problems with ease.
WISDOM: While intelligent, very few 14 year olds are wise. With regards to subjects that he believes that he knows, he typically does not ask for help unless absolutely necessary and, if he does ask for help, sees it as a personal failing. Of course, as with most teenagers, he often believes that he knows best, though his Jedi training can help temper this aspect of his personality. With his sometimes-blunt manner, those asking him for advice rarely know whether he will phrase it nicely or shove the truth (as he sees it) in their face.
CHARISMA: If the situation calls for it, Xenefious will gladly lie and put on any performance and, typically, does not have to worry about mannerisms and does not worry about lying, etc, because he sees his actions as a means to an end and as a way to complete the mission. Having not had any experience with leading people, it is unknown if he is a natural leader, though his confidence in his abilities can lend some to follow his lead.

This was a repost because I couldn't get the format right above despite trying for ~1hr.
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Taut yet Malleable
SWRP Writer
Feb 11, 2012
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FILE #5126
Kromulous Mikov-Skirata

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    • Kromulous, who is known to shorten his name to Krom or, more simply, K, is an Epicanthix Mandalorian. The origin of Kromulous is unknown to this team due to the fact that K gives a new history every time someone asks. It is suspected that Krom was a Republic soldier prior to the Fall of the Republic and that he spent quite a lot of time on the front lines. What is known, however, is that he joined the Mandalorians during the Fall of the Republic, having been adopted into Clan Skirata. With many of the Skirata warriors having stayed with the Republic, Kromulous has worked hard in the years since his joining to prove that both he and his clan are honorable and dedicated to the cause. Thus, he has been seen taking on less-than-desirable missions in an effort to prove himself to his newfound family. Prior to his adoption into Clan Skirata, however, nothing is known with absolute certainty.

      In the five years since his adoption into Clan Skirata, Kromulous has gained extensive experience as a commando. Having worked to better himself, the Epicanthix is either training, on a mission, or sleeping. He can often be seen sparring with fellow commandos, running or developing tough obstacle courses, or maintaining his weapons to ensure that they remain perfect in both appearance and performance.

      While this will be covered in the Personality section of this report, Krom Skirata has been known to have bloodthirsty tendencies. While not a psychopath in the traditional sense, he often volunteers for missions that involve killing or assassination, especially when it involves multiple victims. Krom has also taken down at least one Sith warrior and keeps the lightsaber heavily secured in his ship or, rarely, on his belt as a trophy. During our time investigating Krom Skirata, he activated the lightsaber just once to reveal its vibrant red blade.
    • With regards to skills, Krom is an excellent hand-to-hand fighter and, while professionally trained, fights extremely dirty and tends to play with his prey before he kills them. In one instance, he bound his target and strangled said target with the intestines of the target's bodyguard before playfully arranging the bodies and leaving.

      Kromulous is also an expert marksman at close to medium range and owns a wide variety of weapons to complement this style of fighting. He is also an adept pilot and, while he prefers nimple starfighters, has taken to piloting larger ships to allow for more storage for his weapons and the ability to lead and participate in larger missions. Despite being a Mandalorian for five years, Kromulous has little knowledge of medical care. He uses his knowledge of the physiology of various species to allow him to more easily kill them and, thus, is not medically inclined. While he can tend to his own wounds, he typically uses a medical droid to help himself or his allies.

      Kromulous is not skilled, at all, in slicing, much preferring the direct method that involves his second favorite skill - demolition. As demolition can be used to help kill people, K has a noted skill in the use of explosives in a wide variety of situations. Krom is also a decent impressionist, though only of famous individuals. In every other case, it's close enough to make people laugh but is more humorous than effective.

      In an unexpected twist, this team discovered that Krom enjoys coloring in coloring books, baking cookies, and, from Krom's own mouth, killing anyone from children to animals to old people. It is unknown what else the Epicanthix enjoys due to that he does little else not described here. This team has discovered that Kromulous, when assigned a mission and when initially engaging in combat, is known to say "Oh boy, here I go killing again," potentially due to his sheer love of taking the lives of others.


      It is unknown if Krom is Force Sensitive due to his somewhat erratic and creepy nature. It is known that he maintains a knowledge of his surroundings that borders on paranoia. Multiple times, this crew was noticed by Krom despite our attempts at remaining unseen. Depending on his mood and whether or not he had killed recently, he would either flash a smile or stare in our direction. His eyes, a rare color for many humanoid species, cause him to look even more insane.
    • Kromulous is a known murderer and has the death sentence in at least 12 star systems. Perhaps due to a traumatic childhood or simply due to some genetic quirk, Kromulous has a lust for killing that borders on obsession. He is extremely open about his love for killing, often going into detail about various murders when asked what he does for a living. Kromulous has been known to leave witnesses, though has also been known to slaughter all of those around him simply to get more fun out of his job. Since having joined the Mandalorians, however, the Epicanthix has become more refined and, rather than simply wander into a nearby bar and kill everyone, builds up the anticipation and unleashes it as necessary. Occasionally, if it has been too long since he has killed, he will go on what he deems a "hunting spree," where he wipes out every animal within a certain radius and returns the fruits of his labor to his allies so that they may more easily eat, stay warm, etc.

      If even the hunting sprees cannot be completed, Kromulous has been known to get extremely snippy and easily agitated, as well as show signs of physical pain. During these times, he forsakes other beloved activities and will forsake the presence of others to avoid temptation. When he is finally able to kill, he becomes overly ecstatic and cannot be controlled until he sates his thirst. Luckily for those commanding him, even one kill after such a long drought is enough to satisfy the Epicanthix for many days. He will often volunteer to be on the firing squad, though only under the condition that he is the only person in the firing squad and that he has as many rounds as the weapon can hold.

      Above all else, Krom values his weapons and armor and maintains them as well as he does himself. After he works out, he repairs, cleans, and polishes his equipment, though he has been known to put off maintaining his equipment so that he may enjoy the smell of death that accumulates on it. He often polishes his trophies to ensure that they remain beautiful.

      Krom Skirata is also noted as crude, vulgar, and as having virtually no filter. While he can remain silent and has tact, he simply cannot stop himself from swearing and is known to make inappropriate remarks as he thinks them.
    • Listed below are known pieces of equipment owned or used by Krom.

      An Axion-Class Assault Ship that Krom has dubbed the Sanchez Squancher. Nobody has any idea what that means.
      A SA-21 Sunspear Heavy Blaster Pistol
      A DX-38 Holdout Blaster Pistol for when the fun needs to be taken to a smaller scale.
      Two B-8R Blaster Pistols in the event that he wants to dual wield blaster pistols. With these pistols, he has decided to use the high capacity power packs.
      An R-8R Battle Rifle that Krom enjoys for its sheer stopping power and the ability to bury it without causing damage. He also opts for the high capacity power packs and has attached a sight to his weapon, though has also shortened the barrel. This change causes the maximum effective range to be 150 meters with the optimum being 75m.
      An XPC-71 Particle Beam Rifle for when going after glowstick wielders.
      An ACR 4-26 because Krom gets no feeling like exploding someone with sound.
      A Utility Launcher because another of Krom's favorite feelings is exploding people with explosives.
      A F105 Hound Drone to assist in surveillance and tracking of a target. Information is streamed directly to Krom's datapad, as well as saved for later watching onboard his ship's secure server.
    • ........

Template by @ZayPat

New Mando!
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Taut yet Malleable
SWRP Writer
Feb 11, 2012
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Mandalorian Modular Medium arMor (MMMM)

The Mandalorian Modular Medium arMor, or MMMM, for short, is a modular armor system designed by Kromulous Skirata during one of his drunken coloring sessions. Based on an armorweave bodysuit for temperature control and protection from the elements, everything from the plate placement to the additional functions is designed to be modular and easily changed to suit the wearer's needs. While the default armor is set to Krom's preferences, a full list of functions is provided below, though the armor is unable to support more than three additional features due to weight restrictions and power consumption problems. Due to this, the armor will shut down all features if it detects a fourth feature

The plates are made with an alloy made of durasteel and armorplast. The gauntlets, helmet, and chestplate have phrik added to allow for improved survival against lightsaber-wielding opponents due to the Mandalorian nature to eventually fight against such opponents. Plate configurations can be changed as needed, though the default setup is as follows: Chestplate, helmet, and gauntlets with a plate that covers the outer half of the upper arms, as well as shin and thigh plates that cover the front half. A flame/heat resistant kama is also included so that the wearer does not have to worry about using the jetpack. It is not effective enough to provide protection in combat, however.

Kromulous purposefully designed the armor to be changed to suit its owner's need and that design choice continued into its various features. While his default suit includes a jetpack, a flamethrower, and a quick-release system, a number of features are available and can be changed during maintenance periods. Unfortunately, to ensure the integrity of the armor, such maintenance cannot be done quickly and certainly not during combat.

Features that can be utilized in this system include a grappling hook, which uses a dual-type liquid monofilament to produce a strong, durable fiber that can reach out to 20 meters and is useful for either escape/movement or grabbing an opponent. A vibroblade can also be concealed in the gauntlet and, upon activation, will quickly spring into the wearer's hand. Wrist blasters are another option with regards to hidden weaponry, though said blasters would have the strength and range of a standard blaster pistol. If one does not desire to conceal their weapon, climbing claws can be added to the gauntlets, though these claws are mainly designed for climbing.

A HUD can also be built into the helmet, if desired, so long as it does not violate the armor's three-function design. Repulsor boots or similar propulsion systems could be added if the wearer so desired. A self-activating injection system could also be mounted into the armor and this system would detect the health status of its wearer and inject it with a dose of both bacta and painkillers.


Type: Medium Armor.
Heavy Blasters: 1
Blasters: 2
Vibroblades: 1 stabs, 2 slashes
Lightsabers: Gauntlets and helmet - 1 glancing blow each. Chestpiece - 1 strike
Explosives: Can stop 1-2 shrapnel fragments, though the armorweave bodysuit protects against lethal concussive forces.



Function 1: Jetpack

  • A jetpack with enough fuel for 10 minutes of continuous flight. Simple and easy to control, a built in safety device prevents activation after the jetpack becomes damaged to avoid potential injury to the wearer.
Function 2: Quick-Release System

  • With a voice-locked verbal command, the armor is designed to instantaneously dismantle itself, allowing the user to deactivate all features and render the armor useless until reassembled. Its uses lie in the fact that, rather than remove individual plates, wounded comrades can speak the command and have the plates fall away to allow for easy treatment by medical personnel. It also allows for quick repairs, modifications, or even painting.
Function 3: Flamethrower

  • A flamethrower that utilizes a mix of napalm and thermate-TH3 to produce a flame that burns powerfully enough to burn through metal yet is stable enough to be used out to 8m. Due to the gel-like nature of the napalm, any being hit by the flame will face extreme difficulty in removing the burning mixture. Due to the nature of the thermate-TH3 and the fact that said mixture provides a flame that burns at extremely high temperatures, short range use below 2m is impossible without damage to the system occurring.

(OOC: You MUST plainly and obviously state which setup you are using.)
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Taut yet Malleable
SWRP Writer
Feb 11, 2012
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KROM-Class Main Battle Tank

Mandalorian Faction Tech

Keldabe Roaming Obliteration Machine-class MBT

Main Battle Tank

Main Battle Tank

Durasteel and Armorplast and Plexalloy viewports

Gun Forward length: 13m
Turret height: 3m
Width: 4.5m

1x Driver
1x Loader
1x Gunner
1x Commander
2x Backup Crew Members

Enough space for each member to have one rifle sized weapon, some ammo, and their personal gear.

1x Week worth of rations

Low top speed and shoddy acceleration, this vehicle can only reach what can be described as a decent speed on flat, paved surfaces but is otherwise slow. Turret and tank rotation are both quicker than average for a tank of this class.


  • 150mm Heavy Laser Cannon
  • Turret-mounted rotary laser cannon
  • Coaxial light laser cannon
  • Proton Torpedo/Concussion Missile Launcher
  • Military Grade Sensors
  • Military Grade Communication SuiteS
  • mokescreen Deployment System
  • Steel Wool Hard Kill System
  • Oxygen/Liquid Waste Recycling System
  • Electronic Warfare Suite
  • Holonet Transceiver
  • Oven
  • Fridge

Intending this to be used as Mandalorian Faction tech, will flesh this out more if need be.

Designed by Kromulous Skirata during a drunken bet, the Keldabe Roaming Obliteration Machine fits well with Krom's philosophy of "Kill them and then kill them again." The 150mm cannon is among the largest currently seen in Main Battle Tanks. The cannon is unique in that, via an input in the gunner's terminal, the bolts fired can be tweaked. By supplying more energy and less gas, a more precise bolt can be formed that is more easily able to penetrate enemy armor and can penetrate extremely thick armored vehicles, similar to a conventional APFSDS round. The standard round is similar to a HEAT round and is effective at penetrating most armored vehicles. By supplying less energy and more gas, a more unstable bolt is formed that is similar to conventional HE rounds. These rounds, while possessing less penetrating power, are capable of harming nearby infantry and light vehicles. If so desired, conventional rounds can be used rather than using the laser system.

In addition to the heavy cannon, a combination proton torpedo and concussion missile launcher allows for an even deadlier tank. These guided weapons use a top-down approach to ensure maximum destruction and enables them to have an impressive range. If need be, these weapons can be converted to a wire-guided system to avoid any attempts to jam or avoid the projectiles, though this drastically reduces the range.

The Keldabe Roaming Obliteration Machine is a slow, lumbering beast of a tank. Its armor is thick and utilizes slats to protect against man-portable AT weaponry and conventional rounds while the composition of the armor provides excellent protection against energy based weapons. In addition, the onboard Steel Wool Hard Kill system senses incoming threats, such as missiles, and fires a fully combustible explosive to intercept the projectile and knock it off course without detonating the weapon or causing collateral damage to nearby infantry. The Steel Wool system can only deal with two threats at once. Six projectiles can be loaded into the Steel Wool system and, once spent, must be reloaded by a trained professional. A secure compartment in the rear protects the crew against a penetrating hit to the compartment where the capacitors and gas are stored, though this will render the main cannon useless. Due to the prevalence of mines, the armor at the bottom of the tank is sloped to minimize damage and reduce the chances of being disabled. As expected, the Keldabe MBT is proof to small arms fire. A particle shield is also onboard the Keldabe MBT, though is only good for one or two large projectiles before needing an extensive time to recharge.

Another defensive measure contained within the Keldabe MBT is a smokescreen that contains chaff, seeking to interfere with targeting systems and temporarily render such weapons ineffective. Only two chaff packages can be loaded at once and, while they can be reloaded by crewmembers, can only be done via external access panels. The onboard Electronic Warfare package also allows for temporary sensor and signal jamming, though this also renders the Keldabe MBT's sensors and communication equipment ineffective.

Onboard the Keldabe MBT is a Holonet Transceiver and military grade communications suite, allowing for secure intersystem communication. This enables even cut off Mandalorian forces to coordinate with allies without threat of having the messages intercepted. Onboard oxygen and liquid waste recyclers extend the range of the Keldabe MBT and allow for troops to reuse liquid waste for water. While this does not protect against starvation, this significantly improves the chances of the crew if the tank is disabled and the crew stranded. In addition, an onboard refrigeration unit and oven allow for food storage and cooking, though some believe that Krom included the fridge for the storage of cookie dough and the oven to bake said cookies.
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Taut yet Malleable
SWRP Writer
Feb 11, 2012
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[fancybox4=http://pre13.deviantart.net/6635/th/pre/f/2016/306/e/b/mccree_by_yy6242-dan1xxt.png] Celtar Xyton[/fancybox4]

NAME: Celtar Xyton
AGE: 42
SPECIES: Half Echani, Half Thyrsian

FACTION: The Jedi Order

RANK: Jedi Knight

HEIGHT: 1.8 m

WEIGHT: 100 kg
EYE COLOR: Left is silver, right is black

Character Information

  • Celtar was born to Jedi parents on Tython and lived a traditional Jedi childhood full of training, missions, and the like. While many of his peers came from non-Jedi parentage, Celtar's parents worked closely with the Republic and Border Alliance and were, as a result, frequently away from Tython. Occasionally, Celtar would be able to partake in these missions, though his own Master often had him occupied elsewhere. Despite his mother being Echani and his father being Thyrsian, Celtar learned an impressive amount of combat and tactics during his childhood, though the Jedi nature of his parents prevented any major issues resulting from their being of two sides of a coin.

    Celtar was a pretty standard Jedi throughout his childhood and, as a young Knight, made his name known as a combatant and brilliant tactician. His rapid development, teaching abilities, and dedication to the Order endowed him to the Council, eventually allowing Celtar to earn the title of Master. When the Sith returned, however, Celtar was one of the first to advocate for the use of force (and the Force) against the Brotherhood.

    With the formation of the Jedi Army, Celtar was named General and allowed to command his own fleet. He struck hard against the Sith, pushing them back wherever possible and working with his comrades in the hope that a tactical mistake would allow for victory. This momentum against the Sith, as well as his various achievements, led Celtar to develop a sense of pride in himself and his skills. The Jedi eventually believed himself undefeatable, though did not dare reveal this belief to his comrades, who he felt would not understand.

    The tide changed, however, and the Sith regained the momentum, eventually pushing the Jedi back to Tython. Above Tython, Celtar believed the Sith attack to be a bluff, the type of maneuver to test the waters as opposed to a legitimate attack. As such, Celtar overextended his fleet, resulting in much of it being destroyed. While he continued to fight, he watched the destruction of Tython firsthand and, feeling the death of the Jedi Order, his parents, and his homeworld, changed drastically. In addition, it was during this battle that Celtar lost his left forearm and hand, though an adequate prosthetic was built for him by Jedi Healer and General, Valen Pelora.


    The General fled to Army controlled space and, with the Army leadership having discovered his pride and uncovered the truth around Tython, was demoted to Knight, stripped of all authority, and exiled for one year to reflect on his actions. When he returned, it was obvious that the once prodigal son of the Jedi Army was now little more than a shell of his former self. Celtar had taken to smoking cigars and, more importantly, drinking most of the day away. Where he was once a proud member of the Jedi who strove to teach, serve, and fight was now a drunken mess. Where he once spent his days training, teaching, and taking on the riskiest of missions, Celtar now spends his days buying and drinking as much alcohol as he can. Where he was once an unparalleled swordsman and tactician, he is now typically too drunk to fight or strategize properly. In fact, when he is sober he is capable of holding off multiple opponents with ease and is an excellent tactician, though he is rarely sober and never by choice.

    Having spent most of the past years alone, most believe that he died in exile. Celtar trains in isolation and has become more accustomed to fighting while intoxicated, using a mixture of the Force and instinct to counteract the most debilitating effects. The Knight has also become a master of his metabolism, using the Force and various techniques to slow it down to make the most of a limited alcohol supply or speeding it up to sober up if, for some reason, he feels it necessary. The Knight never leaves home without at least one flask, though often carries enough alcohol to last him for some time. It is this love of alcohol that has rendered him ineligible to fly, meaning he often takes public transportation or bums rides from what few acquaintances he has left.

  • 20160921033410a0eina6znslujp7p.jpg
    Weapon Master: A former weapon master in the Jedi Army, Celtar is an expert in most common lightsaber builds, including shoto lightsabers, lightsaber pikes, and crossguard lightsabers. He maintains a working knowledge of all lightsaber forms, though has focused on two forms in particular and, due to one of them utilizing Jar'Kai, keeps a second weapon available at all times.

    Form X: Celtar has dedicated the past few years to studying Form X, if only because his one remaining friend, Valen Pelora, forced him to do so and has attained proficiency. At first, Celtar couldn't have cared less, though seeing how effective the style was against him resulted in Celtar putting down the booze long enough for each lesson. As such, the Knight regularly practices with this style, hoping to one day master it to a degree that he can successfully face the creator without losing.

    Form V, Djem So: His fallback form, and also the form with which he has most experience, Celtar is a former master of this style. This skill level has dropped due to more time being spent with Form X, though the Knight is still skilled with this form and can fall back on it instinctively without delay and without reducing his effectiveness.
    Expert Tactician: As a Jedi General for quite some time, Celtar is a skilled tactician. The General routinely practiced his craft, though the Knight has fallen out of practice and, while still skillful, has accumulated some rust on his tactical skill. While he occasionally practices and works to maintain his skill, the fact that he remains drunk often undercuts any attempt at practice. The Knight will, however, routinely study previous battles in order to better understand the development of tactics through the ages and to improve his knowledge and application of maneuvers when he actually utilizes his tactical abilities. The Knight is always mentally calculating his maneuvers and will often appear to act irrationally and unexpectedly, though his allows him to more easily gain an advantage as opposed to acting in an orthodox manner.

    Hand-to-Hand Combatant: With Celtar's mother being an Echani and his father being a Thyrsian, Celtar learned to incorporate both styles into both hand-to-hand combat and into his lightsaber combat. As such, Celtar is an expert at identifying openings and at taking advantage of them, as well as being able to prevent being disarmed without difficulty. Celtar is able to be both a bastion of defense, avoiding moving as he works against his opponents, or a moving wave of energy, attacking from multiple sides at once. This knowledge of martial arts allows him to more easily pick up the intricacies associated with Form X. In addition, the communication aspect of combat allows him to understand what his opponents might do and assist him in both lightsaber combat and large scale combat.

  • c97297ca1d69994f02dba6382da9015e.jpg

    • Weapons
    — Lightsaber (x1)
    — Crossguard lightsaber (x1)
    — Lightsaber pike (x1)
    XPC-71 Rifle (5x clips)
    SP-30 Suppressed Pistol(x3 clips)​

    • Grenades


Taut yet Malleable
SWRP Writer
Feb 11, 2012
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AGE: 29
HEIGHT: 6'2"
WEIGHT: 250 lbs
NAME: Idont Knowyet
FACTION: Jedi Order
RANK: Jedi Knight
HOMEWORLD: Dantooine




Voice Sample



equipment & gear



I was born on Dantooine to a soldier-turned-doctor father and a nurse mother and was the youngest of five brothers and two sisters, eight total. In that type of family, you grow up quick. Our tiny town had no hospital, no clinic, nothing. Because of that, my parents tended to all of the town's sick and injured in our home. By the time I was eight, I had seen everything from amputations to bloodburn to blaster injuries and had helped treat them all. We all pitched in, of course, between working for credits, working around the homestead, and whatever else needed doing. By the end of the day, which is to say that our days didn't really have an end, only a not-as-busy portion, my parents were exhausted. I quickly learned how to provide for myself, though my brothers and, occasionally, my father helped teach me. If anyone knows anything about brothers, though, they didn't only teach you how to build a shelter or skin an animal. No, they taught you how to survive a fistfight when you were outnumbered.

I got blamed for quite a bit around my house when my father turned to drinking and my mother left, taking my sisters and one of my brothers with her. Occasionally, my father would discipline me himself, though it often fell to his enforcers, my brothers. To this day, I can't stand a bully and I can't understand those who would waste their lives looking through the bottom of a bottle. Anyway, I got in more trouble for fighting back but I'll be kriffed if I took it sitting down. I learned how to talk my way out of quite a bit, if only to spare me a portion of my beatings. Of course, aside from a few broken noses, dislocated joints, and the like, I was alright because my dearest dad knew how to treat most everything. After all, he was the town's hero and couldn't risk tarnishing his reputation. For everything he didn't want to treat, he talked his way out of. Homestead life was hard, of course, and people assumed I was a clumsy child.

The worst part about this is that my dad's best friend was staying with us the entire time. He tried to calm them down when they argued. He tried to stop them from breaking up. He tried to make it better, though it was as if something had warped my parents into something they weren't. Before this, my parents never argued because they never had the energy to do more than politely disagree. My brothers, while physical, at times, did no more than what normal older brothers do. For some reason that I'll never understand, something changed.

Regardless, I joined the military as soon as I turned sixteen, if only to get away from my family. When I got to basic, I realized that I fit in. We were all misfits. Some were from backwater planets or were otherwise similar to me - large and used to a life of hardship. Others were more fragile but were more tactically inclined, smarter, I guess. Not to say we're stupid, we just didn't get to read a lot of books or educate ourselves much. Either way, we grew closer as a unit. I stayed with them for four or five years and ended up hitting Sergeant and getting my own squad. My career was going fine until, during a unit investigation, a Jedi Knight noticed me. Before that day, I figured the Jedi were a myth told by parents to keep their kids in line.

I thought I was in trouble for whatever he was investigating but I wasn't the only one he pulled aside. He pulled away about half of my squad and spoke to them individually, though I'll get into that later. He told me he had sensed something in us, though that didn't make much sense to me at the time. Those of us who were pulled aside ended up traveling with him to the headquarters of the Jedi Order and were chosen to become Jedi Knights. After they explained why they chose us, it seemed to make sense. We weren't necessarily "lucky" but we had all survived various battles while other members of the squad were killed. We'd miraculously avoid landmines or discover enemy machine gunners just out of range of their guns. Those of us who were chosen always seemed to have chance on our side when random events would occur. A grenade would bounce one more time than expected and into our grenade hole or it'd be a dud. We would still get injured from time to time, though we recovered quickly and seemed to suffer less damage than others.

What I realized after having joined the Order is that Jedi training is both more difficult and way easier than Army training. Some days, we'd sit around all day and meditate, probably the most boring activity I've ever encountered. Other days, we'd be running, leaping, and sparring before breakfast. After breakfast, it was back to exercising and sparring and learning the forms and practicing using the Force. I much preferred the active days to the "sit around and chat" days. It helped that they gave us more freedom after we demonstrated our competency with the basics and I really took to lightsaber combat, probably because it's straightforward. What surprised me was that I was training with kids and teenagers. Beings still trying to figure out who they wanted to be were training to handle conflicts and negotiate treaties.

One thing they never told us was that we were already Knights. We'd learned of the days before the Exiles where Padawans learned under Knights and Masters, though this rule had changed long before I joined the Jedi. From the time you threw on the robe and knew the basics, you were a Jedi Knight and expected to shoulder those responsibilities. I didn't realize it at the time, of course, but a few of us would be taken as needed to go to the front lines and fight or to take on whatever missions were necessary. This included the kids, most of whom had yet to see real combat. I understood the necessity but they could have chosen those of us with more real world experience, such as me and my old squad.

Some came back, others didn't.
I don't quite know what's worse: that those who came back looked changed and seemed different or that I recognized the looks on their faces and knew the horrors that they had seen. I was one of the few new Jedi who recognized the signs and, as such, took to mentoring a few of them. I listened to them and allowed them to vent without judgement. They told me tales from the battlefield that I was familiar with: comrades who were like family stepping on land mines or being cut down by blaster fire without any warning. They also told me tales that I was not familiar with: Entire platoons of Jedi being wiped out by a single Exile using various machinations of the Force.

Some kids were on the verge of breaking down, the shell shocked look on their face more similar to a soldier's than a child's. Some kids seemed proud that they had seen these things, these acts of violence. The former group opened up after much prying and would discuss the acts they performed on the battlefield. They seemed horrified that they had acted as soldiers as opposed to the Jedi of the past, who had acted like peacekeepers. They seemed unsure of themselves, as if battle had tainted them and made them less of a Jedi. The latter seemed to relish the chance to go into battle, to prove themselves, and to save the Galaxy. I don't know who I was more worried about, to be honest. You had those shell-shocked children who might be a danger to their comrades in battle and then you had the glory happy psychopaths who seemed to revel in gore and slaughter. We had people like that in the military, of course, but the psychopaths tended to get themselves injured or learned quickly that they needed to be careful, lest they end up dead.

Anyway, I, like everyone else, got selected for a mission. Well, less a mission and more a battle against the Exiles on some backwater planet not unlike Dantooine. Trenches, bunkers, tanks, and lots of blaster rounds. Even though I was a Jedi, I packed more like a soldier. I wore body armor and carried a blaster. Even against Exiles, it was muscle memory to draw my blaster as opposed to my lightsaber, though that memory was quickly erased after my first few skirmishes. Being completely honest, I don't know how I survived my first mission. There was too much going on to keep a track of and I had been in battle before. Keeping up with the various attacks, your comrades, the changing battleground, and the Force was a type of battle that you cannot learn just by sparring with your fellow Jedi. My first duel almost ended very badly, though an act of desperation and sheer luck allowed me to survive another day.

After that, the days both flew by and dragged on. I became one of the many who received little training and was pressed into service. I became a number, just like when I was a soldier. The difference was, I was no longer the exception, I was the rule. In the military, I was always luckier, faster, or stronger when needed. I, and others like me, never stepped on a landmine because I was lucky. When we were charged by angry wildlife, we were always faster than your average soldier. When a life-or-death situation required us to be strong, we were suddenly able to perform feats of strength that had never been seen before. Because of this, I and soldiers like me became known over time. In the Jedi, though, everyone is within the same range and it is that range that becomes the new "normal." Everyone is capable of being faster, everyone can be stronger, and everyone can listen to the Force and be "lucky." It's easier to be lost in the crowd when the crowd is, more or less, just as capable of doing extraordinary things as you are.

Anyway, as I was saying, the days dragged on and yet flew by. Training, missions, and more training filled my days. Over time, I found myself surviving less due to cheap tricks, though I didn't stop using them, and more due to skill and experience. I found that, of the group that joined the Jedi alongside me, I was one of a surviving few. It saddened me to realize that many of those children did not make it past their first series of missions. While these kids did not have experience, it seemed that the Exiles that they were facing were stronger, smarter, or simply more experienced because, more often than not, they were adults as opposed to children. I did not fight any child Exiles, though the adults who I fought ranged from my age to twice it. It was easy to see that the younger Jedi were at a disadvantage so I offered to fight alongside them, to teach them what I knew so that they could survive. If I can help even one more Jedi survive to adulthood during these brutal times, I've done my duty as a more experienced Jedi.

Nowadays I fight, I train, and I serve. I've made it past the threshold at which most Jedi die and, being honest, I didn't think I'd get this far. So long as I keep improving and keep surviving, I'm all for continuing to train and, above all, taking down these Exiles.

Template made by MARF.

The above is very much a WIP, just wanted to at least get some basis down for him so I get it done before the 10th TL
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Taut yet Malleable
SWRP Writer
Feb 11, 2012
Reaction score

[fancybox4=http://img2.bdbphotos.com/images/orig/9/q/9quv9lg2klcxl92q.jpg?djet1p5k] HEISTER WIP[/fancybox4]

NAME: HEISTER WIP (possibly related to Jedi WIP?)
AGE: 40
HOMEWORLD: Dantooine

FACTION: Independent

RANK: Independent

HEIGHT: 1.8 m

WEIGHT: 100 kg
Force Sensitive: Yes, unaware

Character Information

  • Stuff and stuff and stuff and more stuff.


    More stuff and fluff and stuff and fluff and st(fluff)ff.

  • Celeb-Eric-Etebari-300x300.jpg
    Weapon Master: A former weapon master in his unit, WIP is an expert in most common weapons, both blaster and otherwise. He practices regularly with his weapons in order to retain his skill. Fluff to come

    Demolitionist Blows stuff up more gooder, details to come

    Bartender: Mix drinks well, fluff to come. Possibly scrapped for something else?
    Expert Tactician: Can plan heists good, fluff to come

    Hand-to-Hand Combatant: Maybe, not sure yet. Apparently punches people good.

  • erickaosetebari-fashionweek-2.jpg

    • Weapons
    — Lightsaber (x1)
    — Crossguard lightsaber (x1)
    — Lightsaber pike (x1)
    XPC-71 Rifle (5x clips)
    SP-30 Suppressed Pistol(x3 clips)​

    • Grenades