Restricted Ship FP-series Mk.VI "Hawkbat" Starfighter


Snappy Boi
SWRP Writer
Mar 2, 2019
Reaction score


FP-series Mk.VI "Hawkbat" Starfighter

Open Market



Multi-purpose starfighter

Durasteel and Transparisteel


1-3 + Astromech




2 Weeks

120 MGLT with average maneuvering characteristics

  • 2x forward fixed light laser cannons
  • 2x forward fixed medium laser cannons/light ion cannons
  • 1x Centrally located warhead launcher (4 warheads)


The FP-series Mk. VI, known as the "Hawkbat" starfighter for its profile being similar to that of it's namesake in a dive, was a new ship produced by the legendary company Incom-FreiTek in recent years. Drawing heavy inspiration from their original multi-purpose heavy starfighter, the ARC-170, the Hawkbat is designed primarily with planetary defense forces and small armies in mind. Its wings could also fold up to make storage of these massive fighters much easier.

It was very expensive and required quite a large crew to operate for its class. It also required heavy maintenance when not in use, despite being immensely durable and reliable when flying. But for all its drawbacks, it had numerous advantages that made it worth the cost.

It was armed with a pair of nose-mounted light laser cannons as well as a set of wing-mounted medium laser cannons. The medium laser cannons could also optionally be swapped out for a pair of light ion cannons to allow more non-lethal capabilities. In the center of the ship was a general purpose warhead launcher capable of launching either Proton torpedoes or Concussion missiles, though sadly these couldn't be mixed in the magazine due to how the system operated. For defensive capabilities it was very well equipped. It had a medium deflector shield, long range comms and scanners, and had impressive range with its class 3 hyperdrive and 2 weeks' worth of supplies. Its ventrally mounted docking ring allowed it to secure to bigger ships and let its crew disembark safely onto other vessels

The ship was meant to be a "jack of all trades", capable of filling a plethora of roles. It could fly escort missions for freighters and other important ships, it could go on long range recon missions, it could work as a light bomber or strike fighter. Its use of light laser cannons also gave it a faster, albeit weaker, rate of fire over ships like the X-wing or other more heavily armed ships. To operate all these systems and weapons effectively required a crew of three as well as an astromech droid for navigation. But the pilot could operate all the systems alone with only an astromech to aid them if necessary. Though doing so would heavily impede their effective piloting capabilities.

Of course, being a jack of all trades meant that the ship was a master of none, and would theoretically not last very long in a dogfight against more dedicated and nimble starfighters like the infamous TIE-line. Thus it heavily relied on its heavy defenses, devastating forward armament and fantastic speed to make up for its rather disappointing handling and lack of rear armament.

It was meant to be used in small, but well trained groups. A handful of these ships belonging to a planetary defense force could theoretically combat much larger forces using weaker ships and could definitely take on larger ships such as capital craft. They were also quite common with seedier groups who liked the ship as a small and effective pirate vessel capable of taking on large freighters with a modest capacity for small but valuable cargo.

Restricted. Being a starfighter, it is heavily regulated by authorities all over the galaxy. On top of that, it is very expensive to purchase by an individual operating independently.

To create a starfighter similar to the ARC-170 but unique to the new setting, as well as create a starfighter that could fill a niche role between a light freighter and a starfighter.

This ship is extremely well equipped and could be very devastating in the right situations. It also is very expensive and hard to maintain by characters who don't have a good financial backing such as independent small-time operators.

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