Sith Order Eris Valtiere


Site Owner
May 3, 2010
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"There is a cold, calculated method to her madness."


NAME: Eris Valtiere
FACTION: Sith Eternal
RANK: Legionnaire
GENDER: Female
AGE: 25
EYES: Blue
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: Pale

"She is a wolf among sheep."

Eris was born into a sense of luxury. Her father was General in the Royal Militia and always in close proximity to the Royal guards that surrounded the monarchy. Her mother was a diplomat that made a prominent name for herself, so it only followed that their daughter would be groomed for a life of high society.

As the only child, she was raised to want for nothing. She was thrown into private education and only ran in circles befitting of her social status. It wasn’t until she started entering into her early teenage years that her ‘sickness’ began to show. She began to display abilities that were unnatural, and it began to concern her parents greatly.

Her mother was especially concerned about the social implications and what this could mean, and they tried to cover it up for a few years. It was even worse as Eris fully used her powers against her family in bouts of anger. It wasn’t long before caretakers in the household began to take note and the whispers began.

It wasn’t long until a mysterious man approached her father with help for people ‘of her kind’. The man offered her assistance, and her father was all too eager to have him take her off his hands and teach her how to ‘take care of the problem’.

Despite her protests and screaming, she was taken away against her will. From there, she was indoctrinated into a life she could never have expected. It started her from the bottom, scraping her way up and teaching her to embrace the rage she felt for being sent away. The mysterious man, Calix Viritan, ended up as her master, conditioning her in the ways of the secret cult of the Eternal and following in their teachings.

The years passed by and she was honed and forged into the life of a Force user, learning to harness her inherent strengths and emotions. Taking her learnings, she knew she wanted to expand the cause of the family that welcomed her when her flesh and blood had cast her out.

Eris returned to her family years later, her parents having lied for years about how she had been sent away to an elite boarding school the entire time. She was no longer the irrational and temperamental little girl they had sent away, but a grown and calculated woman.

Feeling no sympathy for her own family, it wasn’t long before she used her new connections to have them meet with an accident. Eris inherited the mansion and their wealth as a result, and she had her own ambitions to work towards.



Eris has a calm and cool resolve for the most part, though she has charms she uses to get what she wants. Like her mother, she has begun to work to get her ties into politics and diplomacy. However, her deep seeded desire is to always further the Eternal’s cause and expand beyond the small cult like nature of the Sith.

She is not one to trust easily and keeps everyone at arm’s length. There is always an air of mystery about her, and she works to keep her Sith nature separated from the political face she puts on.


2 red lightsabers
