

Story Mod
Story Moderator
Dec 15, 2017
Reaction score
What is going to happen in your plot?
Darth Tagus will lead the creation of the first Epoch-Class Space Station and have it's location restricted to Sith Lords and above.

What other players will be a part of this?
@Faded Truth

Where are all the places (if more than one) that your plot will be taking place?
Space Station Point - I15

Please provide a basic in-character timeline of what you expect to happen.

  1. Beasts - Aadya and Tagus go to Codia to clear a base area to be used by the workers creating the space station nearby. To do this, they need to clear the area of a local population of aggressive Reeks and use the corpses of those killed as warnings to keep other Reeks away. Self DM.
  2. Burdens - Victress and Inheris go to Naboo to round up Gungans to work as cheap (read: slave) labor for the construction efforts. A local militant group of Gungans will attempt to assassinate them during this attempt. Self DM.
  3. Experts - Inheris and Tagus go to Tatooine to get a very rare type of work supervisor; they need supervisors with technical knowledge who have no issues working with slaves. Tatooine being the best place, they speak with the officers of a local trade union and either outbid or out-threaten a local Hutt for their services. Self DM.
  4. Scavengers - Victress and Aadya lead loyalist Imperial naval assets against the only other civilized people in the immediate area; a pirate space station between Codia and Zaddja. Self DM.
  5. Sacrifices - To ensure that the Sith Lords are the only ones with the location of the space station, they gather the slaves and their supervisors and execute them en masse. The only people who will know the location of the space station are the Sith Lords themselves; even the Sith left to manage the station will never actually know their location for certain. Self DM.

What do you or your character hope to achieve with this plot? What is the "end-game"?
To have a hidden Epoch Space Station situated in deep space at map point I-15 to serve as a hidden Sith Temple, known only to Sith Lords and above.

Do you need any involvement of canon NPCs or faction leaders to be DMed by a staff member? If so, please detail who/what and for what purpose.