Independent Dr. Shi Antokka


innocent of all crimes
SWRP Writer
Dec 19, 2019
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[ art credit: me]​

NAME: Dr. Shi Antokka

FACTION: Independent

AFFILIATION: Researcher at Morata Corp

AGE: 34 years

GENDER: Female

SPECIES: Nautolan

HEIGHT: 5'11" (1.8 m)

WEIGHT: 125 lbs (56.7 kg)

Dr. Antokka is a tall Nautolan woman of a cold disposition. She has mottled sea green skin, slanted black eyes, and is noticeably underweight. The Doctor is often seen with a very neutral or disconnected look on her face and, when not in a lab coat, wears very simple and practical clothing. Her head tentacles are almost always tied together in some shape or form and she is often describes as having “sharp” or “hawk-like” facial features.

Dr. Antokka conducts herself purposefully and to the point with most people. To those who are not of great importance to her, she can come across as disinterested and dismissive. She “does not have time” for idle chatter; she “has more important things to attend to.” Though incredibly smart, she is too impatient and socially awkward to successfully engage in small talk or pleasantries which can make her a difficult person to get to know.

But for the few she is friendly with, Dr. Antokka can be a very different person. Though still a very self-centered individual, the doctor is far more open to chatter. She loves to talk science with and hear about the research of others. The doctor will chatter on and on and on about her work and will not mind her conversation partners doing the same. As for friends, she has very few, as her personality can come across as abrasive at times. She’s prone to interrupting others and has a dry sense of humor. Despite this, she very rarely holds grudges and doesn’t go out of her way to cause harm to others. She has little time for drama and is much more concerned with her work.

One thing to note about Dr. Antokka is her lack of a rigid moral compass. While there are things that she believes to be right and wrong, she has no qualms of pushing those boundaries if she believes something will greatly aid in her research. While under supervision, clear instructions, or contract, she will do as she can within those boundaries. But if left to her own devices, she lines she chooses to cross are often controversial and debatably unethical. She does dislike the idea of directly harming someone in her work and would prefer to find solutions that work around that, though exceptions could certainly be made.

Dr. Antokka, having graduated university with several degrees and a doctorate, is a very well-studied individual with expertise in the genetic, biology, and medical fields. She is a professional researcher.

Intelligence – she is a very smart individual, which is an advantage of its own, and can also be intimidating to others.

Ingenuity – as a scientist and (formerly) a student, she has had ample time to focus her curiosity and intelligence into decisive thoughts and actions.

Curious – she has a strong, innate curiosity which is a wonderful trait for a scientist but can sometimes lead her into trouble.

Weak – she is underweight, therefore very vulnerable even with a weapon.

Obsessive – she is very…passionate about her work, especially when it is of her own design and interest and may disregard the health of herself or others in favor of it.

Shi was born on Glee Anselm to Hoxom and Donle Antokka, two old money Nautolans with ties into the Ansemli government and interplanetary trade. As the youngest of five children, Antokka had little to expect of inheritance and was not afforded much attention by her parents. That, and her siblings were a great deal older than her (with the next youngest, her brother Luxa, being 8 years at the time of her birth) which left the young Shi alienated from the rest of her family. Her intelligence, however, did not go unnoticed by her parents, and Antokka was put through accelerated schooling which successfully managed to keep the child busy. This put a damper on her development of social skills but was incredibly beneficial to foster her budding mind.

Shi enrolled into university early and almost immediately found her passions. Biology, chemistry, medicine, genetics... really anything that had to do with the inner workings of living beings was incredibly fascinating for her. Though she originally planned to study only biology, she extended her schooling to include major education in every field that interested her. Between her parent's wealth to cover the costs and her devotion to her studies, her schooling was rigorous but not unrealistic for her. Again, she wanted little to do with socialization, and during her years of study the only people she could maybe consider friends consisted of a few of her favorite professors and her roommate, Khebai Braz.

After years and years of schooling, Antokka graduated with degrees in genetics, biology, chemistry, and medicine. After a few more years, she received her doctorate in biology with a focus on genetics. Her intent was to study midochlorians, a topic of study she had grown increasingly interested in. The lack of research into the subject matter was like a challenge to her. Though not force-sensitive herself, Dr. Antokka intended to discover if the midochlorians could be manipulated in any shape or form.

Once out of university, Dr. Antokka took a job with Morata Corp. Her research was primarily centered around finding a painkiller alternative to BactaTanks, though she also conducts research concerning the affects of AMS on force-sensitive individuals.

  • Datapad
  • Paper journal
  • Holo-communicator
  • A collection of scientific journals and textbooks
  • SE-45 Blaster Pistol
  • droids
  • ships

  • Hoxom Antokka [NPC]
  • Donle Antokka [NPC]
  • Connun Antokka [NPC]
  • Neavoktu Antokka [NPC]
  • Rulme Antokka [NPC]
  • Luxa Antokka [NPC]

  • Khebai Braz [NPC]

  • None!

  • None!
  • None!
  • None!