Doctor's Notes

Dr Ilana Morata

MorataCorp CEO

Character Profile
Killa Ree
Jan 5, 2020
Reaction score

I have decided to host a single-blind experiment. There are many sources of evidence of what some may call 'The Force'; however, data to quantify such an entity is yet to be charted in any significant medical text. There is also evidence of some beings being gifted by such an anomaly. Also their invasive benefactors, simply titled midichlorians. Apparently there is a cell-to-invasive benefactor ratio, and though I have yet to find any substantial data to use as a cited source, I intend to quantify such a galactic anomaly. Indeed, as far back as some records show, there are certain beings that have been cited with advanced abilities; however, anything that specifies beyond that eludes me.

Perhaps if I conduct genetic testing on a few key patients of mine with potential, I may see results that cement my suspicions... but it seems unlikely.

I have recently procured a ship; with some adaptation and some creative bargaining, I may perhaps have a working clinic of sorts. But as of now I still do not have a suitable situation in which to conduct experiments, nor find willing participants. However, there are an excess of those who are willing to waive their will in order to have a fixed score--I mean, procure alternative drugs for recreational use.

If my further research is successful, perhaps I may find one adept that may shed some light into this galactic anomaly, and perhaps I may not have to limit myself to patients whose will to live deteriorates with every death stick they purchase. Patient 02368 seemed a potential candidate, however his reaction time was hampered due to a successful application of nerve block during surgery, which can apparently enhance some performances. Patient 02396, however, lacked the proper heightened stimulus response, but may prove an adequate testing single blind participant in the further future.

There is an inhale... then a slow exhale.

It just hurts so much... why does it hurt so much? And why do I have the feeling that these answers I seek are ones that I won't like the outcome?