Dev's Hop on the Bandwagon


Member (asf)
SWRP Writer
Apr 12, 2016
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The workshop of yours truly,


Expect fruitless attempts at being trendy, mounds of art I'll probably never use, and really sad, pitiful experiments in coding.

Have a lovely day.


Member (asf)
SWRP Writer
Apr 12, 2016
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randoм ιdeaѕ ι'll proвaвly never υѕe
Independence Co.
  • Media-based monthly magazine. Whether it be editorials discussing intricately woven philosophies, satirical political essays, or pointing out some of the hot-shots and hotties through the galaxy, Independence is always on the job.
  • More than likely have the company branch out into other sectors, e.g. film, fashion and other stupid, unnecessary stuff people pay little attention to.
  • Owned by CEO Astrid Cadeau, an iconic journalist and symbolic activist (?)
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Member (asf)
SWRP Writer
Apr 12, 2016
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Character Information

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    Breath visible against the cold air, she blinks curiously as her hands floats aimlessly through a stream of snow. Frost kisses the edges of her face. Her eyes shine with unbridled joy, captivated by the infinitesimal, illusive specks of white sprinkled on her eyelashes. Bellona Reyes Alde reveres the snow, and its countless glacial stars, casing the courtyard of the family manor in a blanket of silver. Her boots chew into the sheet, a soft crunch following her every step forward. Behind her pint-sized frame stands her father, his beard likewise peppered in white flakes. He watches his little girl wander over the pale courtyard, her giggles and smiles unmistakable from afar. The man grins.

    However, a uniformed courier wafts to his side, a single holographic message in hand. “Archduke Darrus— it’s your wife.” The stranger gives him the data pad, its screen glowing with medical notes, a single diagnosis, and a curt apology. His hands tremble, not with rage, but anguish. With a sympathetic bow, the courier retreats back inside.

    Silence takes hold of him. His gaze linger between the message, to the bleak frozen courtyard, and then to his daughter, still laughing as she digs into the snow. He closes his eyes, and sighing, calls out to her. “Bellona, my dear— come here. I have something to tell you.”

    She turns, face pale but warm from her smile. “Coming, Papa!” Cheerful, she runs to him, arms flapping as if she has wings, skirting the air like the ships that sail the stars in her dreams. The man watches this with a hint of amusement before he kneels down and holds her gentle face in his hands. His thumb brushes off a streak of snowflakes across her cheek, and a subdued smile crops up from his lips. “You are so innocent, so pure. You deserve everything this galaxy has to offer.” She giggles at his praise.

    “Yet sometimes, Belle, the world can be so cruel, and all we can do is stand and watch.” His daughter looks to him, confused. “But, no matter what happens, know that your mother and I will always be at your side. Always. Okay, Belle?”

    She slowly nods her head, before asking, “Is there something wrong, papa? Is it about mom?” Her father shakes his head, but he cannot lie to his own daughter. Instead, he leans in, hands still clasped to the sides of her face. His finger twirls through the auburn curls of her hair as he tries to think of what to say. Then, he confides softly: “Yes, my sweetheart. You see, there’s this disease— this relentless, unforgiving disease. And your mother, she…” He pauses, biting back his words. “She’s a very strong woman. Like you— unstoppable. Impossible to beat. Undefeated.”

    Bellona offers a wispy smile, having not understood what he had been getting at, save his flattery. He continues, “The two of you are like my own personal bodyguards.” An indistinct chuckle. “You could’ve taken on the whole Empire single-handedly.” Her smile grows to the corners of her face. “And blind-folded?” Her father nods. “Yes— and blindfolded.”

    His other finger pokes her on the nose. “Now, run along, dear. Go enjoy the snow while it lasts. Because next thing you know, it’ll be spring and you’ll be as gross and old as I am.” She lets another innocent laugh slip past her lips. “Ewww!” The older man laughs in turn, and as he gets up, watches her race back into the white courtyard. Soon, she will grow up. And soon, she will understand.

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    The hospital is colored white. Medical droids hum through clean halls, needles and utensils gleaming. A patient sprawled on a wheeled bed coughs under a respirator as she is carted off into surgery. Another limps in a silver tunic, one hand on his IV fluid stand and the other on his kidney. Aldera’s municipal hospital is abuzz with both life, and death, a thought that racks Bellona’s small but ever curious mind. To her left stands her father, his hand wrapped over hers as he leads her to a single room: Suite 017, her mother’s personal chamber. It has been her home for three years now, and it is where she has fought the disease that plagues her, and where she will surrender to its force.

    The doctor remains beside the door, waiting. A datapad sits under his arm, and pity stains his face. “Mister Darrus, I’m glad you came in time. Your wife is in stable condition, but I fear she won’t have long until she ultimately succumbs to the infection. Her body just simply can’t take it anymore— no matter how many antibiotics and remedies we give her. I am… very sorry.”

    The man, unshaven, only dips his head in acknowledgement. He knew this day would come. And now, all that was left to do was offer their final goodbyes, and watch her final breath slip through his fingers. Bellona, on the other hand, held little idea, except that her mother would be abandoning her to a life devoid of her love. And she grew angry and selfish, refusing to recognize the inevitable, refusing to accept what was meant to come.

    Silent, she follows her father into the room. White light beams from the ceiling. Flowers, new and old, blooming and withering, are dotted around from table to table. But in the center of the room, encased in a blanket, Bellona’s mother lays still. Skin deathly pale, she rolls over to see her family waft inside. Her eyes brighten, and a simper takes root. Voice seldom above a whisper, she says, “Darrus… Belle… you came.”

    “Of course we did, Leah,” he says, shifting closer before he takes her hand. “We haven’t left you just yet, and you haven’t left us.”

    She gives a grim laugh, but coughs mid-way through. Her time is running out, and it is running out fast. She knows death is creeping in to take what it’s been waiting years for. With another hoarse grunt, she squeezes his hand one final time, and then turns to her daughter, whose face sat in a sullen frown. Her thin hand reaches out to her. “Bellona, take my hand.”

    The little girl glares at her, but reluctantly lets her fingers intertwine into her own. Her mother smiles. “My little sunshine, you are as beautiful as the day I first laid my eyes on you.” She stretches out her other hand and pushes a thread of hair out of Bellona’s face. “I love you, Belle, and I always will. But mommy is going to have to go soon, alright? I want to be strong for me when I’m gone, Bellona.” A whooping cough. “Be brave. Live your life the way I taught you— bold, and without regrets. Okay, honey?”

    Bellona looks away, recoiling her hand. Tears well up in the corner of each eye. “Don’t cry, sweetheart— it’s okay. Mommy will be okay, I promise.” She reaches out again, but her fingers fall just short. “Come, Bellona. Don’t cry. Let me see that smile, that beautiful smile.” Her daughter refuses to glance back, not even offering her a final chance to see her face. “Bell—“ Another cough. Except, this does not end.

    The heart rate monitor rings with a warning. Blood starts to trickle into the palm of her hand by every dry cough. A doctor instantly rushes in to care for the dying woman. Bellona turns back, crying. “Mom? Mom!” She rushes up to the bed, clinging to her, but the coughing won’t stop. The blood won’t stop. In a minute, her mother stops breathing, and in seconds, she’s pronounced dead. So begins the downfall of House Alde.
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    She sits frozen on the edge of an examining table, dead center in the doctor’s office. The smell of cheap lavender gnaws the air. Radiographs and x-ray diagrams are perched along a rack. An array of prescription medicine and antibiotics stand lined across a nearby countertop. Next to her is her father, dread seeping past a scowl, and denial pouring out of his mouth. He argues with the doctor, a lanky old man with eyes dipped in pity, in the corner of the room. Their whispers are too loud for her not to hear, but she already knows why they bicker; why her father pleads and argues. It is because Bellona Reyes Alde will die before she reaches the age of thirty.

    “I’m sorry, Archduke Darrus,” the doctor says. “But according to our preliminary tests, your daughter inherited the same diseased strain as your wife, and it’s already too entrenched in her body for us to extract. The best I can do is provide these prescriptions to counteract the strain, and hope we can find a cure before it begins to consume her. I’m sorry sir, but we simply don’t have the technology to save her.”

    Her father presses his fingers into the side of his head and grunts. “There must something we can do other than to just sit here and wait for her to die!” He smacks his hand against the wall. “I will not watch my own daughter wither away in some goddamn hospital room for the rest of her life!” The doctor backs away, anxious. “I’m very sorry, sir, but there’s just nothing we can do. At least, symptoms won’t flare up until her brain fully develops, and I would place that within the next eleven years. And with proper medication, she could last against the disease for another several years.”

    Darrus scoffs. “She won’t even reach thirty? You’ll damn the entire House of Alde to extinction!” The doctor, agitation now seeping past his gaze, grabs the door handle. “Well, then I’d recommend your daughter get busy then— marry her into another house, give your family a heir, let her live life everyday like it’s her last. I can’t wave my hand and give your daughter a life worth living, but you can. Now, good day, Archduke.”

    The doctor slips out into the hall and shuts the door. Silence festers, in company to Bellona’s quiet sobs and Darrus’ soundless thoughts.
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    Spring is in bloom. Wildflowers tumble over the cobblestone path winding outside the slopes of the manor. Leaves ripple against a gust of wind, blowing in hard from the north. Alderaan is a gorgeous world, woven with acres of forests and meadows as far as the eye can see.

Template by @ZayPat
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Member (asf)
SWRP Writer
Apr 12, 2016
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The following is just me attempting to satiate my love for that damn awesome SWTOR trailer with my own concept.
Could this be a possible future character? Sure.
Will it be anytime soon? Depends if I get killed soon enough.



NAME: Eve Reach
ALIAS: Vigil
STATUS: Nonexistant
FACTION: Jedi Order

GENDER: Female
AGE: Eighteen
HEIGHT: 172 cm
WEIGHT: 58 kg
ORIENTATION: Heterosexual

EYES: Cerulean sea
HAIR: Ivory shore
FACE: Fair complexion
VISION: Unsurpassed
VOICE: Cara Delevingne








Sweet ice cream muffin oat cake pie wafer topping fruitcake. Cotton candy marzipan pie jelly pastry. Lemon drops lollipop bonbon marzipan jelly ice cream macaroon sesame snaps jujubes. Toffee sugar plum donut powder dessert tart powder.

Toffee oat cake powder tiramisu brownie tootsie roll jujubes cake. Chocolate bar cheesecake chupa chups sweet roll. Cotton candy gingerbread dragée marshmallow bear claw sugar plum marshmallow sesame snaps dragée. Sugar plum cheesecake sweet tart gummi bears oat cake powder marshmallow chocolate cake.

Tiramisu wafer muffin cake cake biscuit bear claw dragée. Ice cream ice cream cake marshmallow danish gummies carrot cake. Sweet roll pie sweet roll. Candy canes soufflé oat cake cupcake pudding wafer chocolate powder.

Caramels topping tiramisu bear claw tootsie roll sweet roll brownie sesame snaps. Bonbon marshmallow oat cake powder cake pie. Lollipop powder pastry pie sugar plum fruitcake croissant chupa chups.

Jujubes bear claw candy canes jelly beans apple pie gummi bears ice cream. Dragée marshmallow cookie lemon drops tootsie roll gingerbread jujubes marzipan ice cream. Caramels cotton candy pudding gummies. Halvah pudding soufflé lollipop sugar plum pudding biscuit lollipop.

Gummi bears sugar plum halvah sweet roll marshmallow liquorice. Sweet roll donut chocolate sesame snaps toffee bear claw. Tart liquorice sugar plum gummies gingerbread. Candy chocolate cake biscuit bonbon oat cake.

Candy canes cookie gummies lemon drops biscuit halvah. Cupcake tiramisu sweet roll chupa chups sweet roll jelly beans. Sweet gingerbread gummi bears bonbon fruitcake cake sesame snaps biscuit. Chupa chups jelly-o soufflé.

Cupcake muffin bear claw bonbon. Muffin halvah candy canes caramels halvah. Apple pie croissant brownie ice cream bonbon chocolate bar topping. Jelly-o carrot cake sugar plum gingerbread donut candy canes. Sweet roll donut chocolate sesame snaps toffee bear claw.

Carrot cake jelly gingerbread gingerbread. Topping candy canes jujubes pie soufflé dessert. Dragée sweet roll powder chocolate jelly. Candy canes candy marshmallow wafer jelly marzipan gummi bears muffin carrot cake art liquorice sugar plum gummies gingerbread. Candy chocolate cake dragée candy canes lollipop jelly. Carrot cake jelly.


Macaroon candy canes halvah chocolate chocolate cookie macaroon. Bear claw lemon drops tart sesame snaps. Liquorice cotton candy powder wafer cake lollipop sesame snaps jelly-o. Candy cupcake brownie muffin pie bear claw cheesecake. Gummi bears cookie chocolate cake caramels cake pie. Pudding tart cupcake cookie. Sweet roll chocolate cake marshmallow croissant. Apple pie jelly beans marshmallow halvah pastry gummies jujubes lollipop.

Muffin pastry marzipan chupa chups powder chupa chups biscuit. Liquorice jujubes candy canes tiramisu dragée cake biscuit cotton candy cake. Pastry sugar plum bear claw jelly beans candy canes. Sweet roll gummi bears bonbon sugar plum wafer pastry carrot cake. Lollipop candy jelly sesame snaps fruitcake cake jelly-o icing. Tiramisu donut sweet roll. Candy chocolate cake biscuit bonbon oat cake. Tiramisu sweet roll powder wafer topping muffin ice cream sweet. Danish powder powder croissant soufflé sugar plum sweet roll chocolate bar.

Jelly-o oat cake lollipop macaroon. Apple pie sugar plum sesame snaps tiramisu. Halvah brownie sesame snaps chupa chups cookie. Halvah jelly carrot cake jelly topping marzipan tart donut sugar plum. Icing cake powder carrot cake gummi bears. Marzipan cupcake lollipop chocolate. Wafer donut soufflé biscuit. Cotton candy tootsie roll cupcake.

Dragée chocolate pie ice cream. Soufflé lollipop candy cotton candy cupcake jelly beans pudding brownie. Topping apple pie candy. Wafer ice cream marshmallow lemon drops chocolate cake. Macaroon chocolate bar fruitcake candy canes wafer gummi bears soufflé cheesecake fruitcake. Carrot cake marshmallow jelly beans marzipan.


Cake brownie cookie sweet wafer croissant tart brownie oat cake. Pudding pastry halvah. Candy wafer icing oat cake candy pastry. Pie soufflé jelly beans cake jelly-o gummies lemon drops donut carrot cake. Gummi bears jelly beans biscuit sweet roll toffee lollipop brownie. Sweet roll muffin sweet roll cupcake jelly.

Marzipan halvah icing tiramisu chupa chups lollipop liquorice. Gingerbread brownie gummi bears wafer wafer cheesecake gummies. Chocolate cake dessert candy candy canes danish sweet chocolate chupa chups. Croissant jelly-o icing. Jelly sweet dragée jelly beans gummies. Sesame snaps sugar plum wafer gummies cake cupcake tiramisu jujubes candy canes.

Sugar plum brownie sweet. Toffee cake pie. Lollipop cake marshmallow dessert tootsie roll candy dessert muffin candy. Candy cotton candy candy canes. Gummi bears liquorice tiramisu pastry topping powder brownie gingerbread sweet roll. Candy pudding cake sugar plum jelly. Brownie donut tiramisu croissant candy gingerbread jujubes macaroon cake.

Cookie cotton candy sesame snaps jelly beans candy pudding powder topping. Halvah sweet roll jujubes marzipan powder sesame snaps lemon drops powder sweet roll. Sweet cheesecake tootsie roll gingerbread jelly beans ice cream. Pastry bear claw icing bear claw dessert cake pudding cookie. Liquorice fruitcake soufflé bear claw tiramisu. Danish jelly gummi bears sweet liquorice cheesecake croissant. Ice cream cupcake icing gummi bears chocolate cake.


Cake fruitcake halvah lemon drops croissant dessert biscuit. Apple pie marshmallow tart chupa chups halvah. Chupa chups fruitcake sweet roll. Danish cake halvah caramels sesame snaps halvah caramels. Sesame snaps marshmallow oat cake macaroon chocolate bar. Marshmallow sugar plum bonbon. Muffin powder icing toffee lemon drops. Danish sugar plum ice cream.

Bear claw sweet roll jelly croissant gummi bears. Cake gingerbread soufflé apple pie cake. Lollipop liquorice lollipop sweet. Biscuit powder gingerbread cake gingerbread sesame snaps pudding cupcake marshmallow. Liquorice oat cake topping chupa chups sesame snaps. Bonbon sweet roll liquorice cupcake lemon drops. Chocolate bar gummies candy dragée wafer toffee pudding. Jelly-o ice cream candy candy sweet roll cotton candy dragée marshmallow gummies.

Croissant pie danish bear claw. Jelly gingerbread croissant brownie chocolate. Marzipan macaroon caramels tiramisu brownie icing cookie brownie gingerbread. Marshmallow muffin tart bear claw biscuit. Wafer jelly-o caramels muffin dessert dragée sweet croissant. Toffee tiramisu jelly. Cookie biscuit gummies. Candy chocolate cake dragée candy canes lollipop jelly.

Caramels cupcake danish. Muffin danish chocolate bar lemon drops. Lollipop gummies pudding chocolate wafer caramels. Gummies pastry wafer sesame snaps croissant. Wafer tootsie roll candy canes marshmallow oat cake topping dessert. Bear claw biscuit toffee sesame snaps cupcake candy ice cream apple pie halvah. Brownie biscuit chupa chups sugar plum chocolate cake muffin gingerbread carrot cake oat cake liquorice.


Member (asf)
SWRP Writer
Apr 12, 2016
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Bellona - " God Save Alderaan "

[fancybox4=] Token Queen

Bellona Alde
NAME: Bellona Alde
AGE: 27

FACTION: Independent
STATUS: Wistful

WEIGHT: 59 kg; 130 lb

Situated as the Queen of Alderaan after its fall to the Empire, Bellona Alde has lavished herself among the riches of royalty. Ignorant to the fact that she is only a puppet made to appease the masses, she has bathed in the idea that Alderaan prospers. But the more she looks from the windows of her palace, the more she wonders: is the Empire what she, or Alderaan, needs?

Character Information

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    "First get your facts straight, then distort them at your leisure."

    The path to enlightenment is often mistaken as a sacrificial road; However, it isn't the path less traveled that leads to nirvana. It's the path that no one else can walk that will points the way. Why struggle and sacrifice when the only obstacle hindering progress is one's self? Damon Kross was born a bastard to a pirate on the planet of Ord Antalaha. The life of a pirate was a tumultuous one. It sucked Damon's mother in and never let her go. Mary Kross was a career crew-mate on a renowned ship called "The Waste". She chose a life in the stars over raising her son. This addiction for adventure wouldn't fall far from the tree.

    As a child Damon was primarily watched over by his Aunt Minnie. Where Mary Kross was distant and cold, her sister was warm and loving. Minnie did everything she could to instill stability in Damon's life; Unfortunately, the forces of Chaos ordained Damon in it's fires and blessed the boy with a life of tragedy. His childhood was robbed from him at the age of twelve with the death of his Aunt. Minnie loved life with a vigor that many would envy, but where her spirit was strong and loving, her body was ravaged by illness. Damon watched his vibrant and loving matriarch fade into a weak and feeble woman. Minnie meant everything to Damon and when she died a part of him went with her.

    Upon hearing the news of her sister's passing, Mary returned to port to retrieve her son. Damon took a job with his mother's employer and officially became a Pirate at the age of thirteen Damon Kross began his journey to become the man he is today. "The Waste" was captained by Zaylos Kartan. Kartan was hailed as a fair captain that expected the best from his crew. He was feared as an adversary, his ferocity in battle painted a starch contrast to his generally amicable demeanor. Kartan was the embodiment of perfection in the eyes of pirates all around the galaxy. He is also Damon's father. The prodigal son returns. Kartan took Damon under his wing and taught the boy everything he knew. Call it love, call it duty, call it what you will. Zaylos did what he believed right, and in doing so, he never told Damon that he was his father.

    Damon served on "The Waste" for thirteen years. In that time he reconciled with his mother. Their relationship was never that of caregiver and child, but it was better than estranged relatives. Mary Kross died on a mission during a bloody battle that claimed the lives of several members of "The Waste" Her death was a spectacular display of her existence. A viscous struggle culminating in a drastic reaction that is ultimately for the greater good. Mary sacrificed herself to save her fellow crew-members from a rival pirate's surprise attack. Her death saddened Damon for a time, but her actions displayed exactly what he'd always hoped she was: A good person. Kartan was enraged by the attack and took a small group of his best men and prepared a counter strike. Damon was a member of the group. It was in that battle that he took his first life.

    The blade of his Blastsword connected with the right shoulder of his adversary. The firing mechanism of his weapons burst forth with pent up energy and the searing smell of cooking meat filled his nostrils. The burnt husk of a man fell before the young pirate. The shoulder full separated from the trunk of his adversaries body. The rage that had moved his hand stilled as the gravity of death settled upon him. Tears welled in Damon's eyes as he stared in disbelief at the dead being before him. Rough hands grabbed his shoulders and shook him violently. Panic rose in his innards as his glazed over eyes finally fixated on the face of Zaylos Kartan. The rest of it was a blur. Screams of agony, triumph, and loss filled the cramped hallways of their betrayer's ship. Damon bloodied his hands and his soul. At the age of twenty Damon experienced first hand the fragility of life. He acted as God and smote any who stood in his way. Damon was vengeance and he rained down upon his foe's with furious anger.

    This experience greatly altered the way Damon viewed his existence. His relationship with Kartan deteriorated as both men held the weight of their actions. Damon fell into a downward spiral of gambling, drug abuse, and promiscuity. Damon lived numb. Feeling was against his rules and anything that invoked emotion was rejected violently. He left "The Waste" and traveled the core worlds taking bounties and odd smuggling jobs here and there for creds. After a few successful smuggling jobs Damon recognized a chance to make some money. He invested his remaining money on a ship and started Kross Transporting Incorporated. Over time he built a reputation as an entrepreneur and became infamous as a smuggler. His work with Anya Sevchenko catapulted him from obscurity into infamy. Damon continues discreet business relations with the Imperial Admiral.

    With his place in the smuggling and business worlds solidified, Kross decided it was time to begin separating himself from the rabble. To do so, Kross know's he's going to need a team. So, right now he is searching for any smuggler's, mercenaries, pirates, and slicers he can find in order to prepare for for his next venture. Enlightenment is only for the ones that can find the path only they can travel. Damon Kross is on his path to enlightenment.

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    HEIGHT: 6'3"
    WEIGHT: 212 lbs
    HAIR COLOR: Blonde
    EYE COLOR: Green

    Damon Kross is lightening in a bottle, beautiful and dangerous. Untapped potential that constantly sways between light and dark. In general Damon tends to skate the line between chaos and order. His decisions are based on whim or interest in the situation and his level of intoxication at the time. Reckless abandon is his motif seemingly dashing into dangerous situations with no regard for his own health. His action portray a man looking to end it all in a blaze of glory or find a purpose.
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    _Badass Normal
    _Big Brother Instinct
    _Combat Pragmatist
    _The Cynic
    _ISTP Personality
    _Chaotic Good
    A fast talking charmer with a devious mind, Damon separates himself from other smugglers by always striving to see the bigger picture. A gambler by choice and a gunslinger by necessity, Kross takes great pleasure card games and gun fights. Having lived a life that required him to see further than what his position warranted he has grown jaded in his adulthood. This cynicism is his Achilles heel. He often neglects positive information unless it's something he can see or feel making his outlook on life rather grim but, even as a pessimist he puts off an air of amiability. The best way to describe his skill set is easy he's a smuggler masquerading as a gambler. If something needs to be shot, seduced, or stolen Kross is your man.

    Lionheart w/ 2, 20 Charge Power Packs
    SA-21 Heavy Blaster Pistol x2 w/ 2, 6 Charge Power Packs
    XPC-71 w/ 2, 27 Charge Power Packs
    SA-17 w/ 2, 20 Charge Power Packs
    Vagabond Armor
    Sabotage-type Speeder Bike

    Ft. Divin Captain's Suite

    Waiting on the papers to come through.

    Like, lots.

    N-10 Astromech, Beeper

    None, yet.


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    The Platinum Monkey-Lizard — KTI mission, enter Rens. Rens accepted into KTI. [LINK]
    The Spice Boys — Kross and Athir smuggle a shab ton of spice. [LINK]
    Walk With Me — Enter the Jedi [LINK]
    Spice Boys II: The Reckoning — Reunion time! [LINK]
    TITLE — Short description [LINK] ●
    TITLE — Short description [LINK] ●
    TITLE — Short description [LINK] ●
    TITLE — Short description [LINK] ●
    TITLE — Short description [LINK] ●
    TITLE — Short description [LINK] ●
Template by @ZayPat
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Member (asf)
SWRP Writer
Apr 12, 2016
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On Strike (Ask) ♦ 1 Participant Needed



No Rest for the Wicked (Ask) ♦ 1 Participant Needed
A Blind Eye (Open) ♦ 1 Participant Needed



Backwater Medicine (Ask) ♦ 2 Participants Needed
Mystery Meat (Ask) ♦ 2 Participants Needed
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Member (asf)
SWRP Writer
Apr 12, 2016
Reaction score

Cara Delevingne
Àstrid Bergès-Frisbey
Elizabeth Debicki 1/2
Jessica de Gouw 1/2/3

Aaron Tveit
Anders Hayward
Alex Libby 1/2/3/4
Michiel Huisman
Matthias Schoenaerts 1/2/3
Matthew Goode 1/2
Lee Pace 1/2/3
Felix Gesnouin 1/2/3
Marko Karbo 1/2
Clement Chabernaud 1/2/3
Noah Mills 1/2
Michiel van Wyngaarden 1/2/3
Guy Berryman 1/2
Matthew Bell 1/2/3
Oliver Jackson-Cohen 1/2/3/4
Kunal Kapoor 1/2/3
Colin O'Donoghue 1/2/3/4
Eddie Redmayne 1/2
Liam Hemsworth 1/2/3
Jake Gyllenhaal 1/2/3/4
Josh Pence/Armie Hammer

Cool Female Jedi Art 1/2

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Member (asf)
SWRP Writer
Apr 12, 2016
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    "You look like the human equivalent of small talk."

    Ah, I remember my childhood. There’s no way I could ever forget those days, or my parents— my loving, darling parents. We all lived together in a modest villa perched in the heart of Alderaan, surrounded by great forests and mountains as far as the eye can see, and… (snores) Hah. Bullshit. The only thing I can recall from the crater of my childhood is the sweet smell of streets soaked in shit, the warm embrace of morning smog, the twitch of pain from one too many bruises. Unforgettable, really, but I guess that’s what I get for getting shat out from an emotionally abusive mum and her physically abusive husband— two ugly sides to the same ugly coin.

    Lucky for me, I caught a break with some pretentious pirate lord looking for another crew to exploit. Sure, I was young, but damn, was I stupid. A trait the pirate, strangely, found charming. I can only assume he thought me as relatable, or easy to manipulate, but either way, I didn’t give a shit. He was my ticket off this rock— off Coruscant. At his side, or at least, under his boot, I could cut myself away from the soot and haze, and from a life worth nothing more than another statistic. I could carve myself a legacy in those stars, and bathe in treasures neither of my parents could have ever graced with their own two eyes. And by god, if that thought alone didn’t give me the strength to survive, then I don’t know what did.

    In time, though, years pass into memory. From a grease monkey in the stomach of his freighter to his right hand man, I stood only a breadth from my destiny. Just inches from becoming a lord myself, and inheriting both a ship and crew that would lead me to infamy. But the Captain still had a couple decades left dangling in his meager life, and being the impatient man I am, simply couldn’t wait any longer, so in the dead of night after we had laid waste to some penal colony on Hoth, I offered him a gift I had “looted.” A fine bottle of whiskey, frozen cold and deserving of only “a god,” and I quote. Now, the old man just couldn’t get enough of that, and snorted the glass like the drunkard he was.


    Too bad that halfway through, he started having a coughing fit. Then half his face wrinkled to a sulk. His breath gasped, fingers scratching at his chest, as if something were gnawing at him from within. I called out for help, taking him into my hands as he fell to the ground, shaking. His eyes turned blood red, and his gasps for breath grew scratchy and coarse. And as he took his final moments vying to survive, I remember looking down at him, my concern twisting into a smile. His face after that— just priceless. Complete shock, mixed with a scrunched grimace as he died inches below me. A heart attack, the autopsy would report afterward, but I knew what really happened. Power, after all, must be earned. Not gifted.

    The crew weren’t exactly pleased to see me as their newfangled Captain, given my age and all, but it wasn’t like there was anyone else more suited for the job. I was the second-in-command. I was the finest gunslinger and swordsman they had. So of course I would be the one to lead them back into the fray, this time free of the lesser ambitions of a lesser man. Instead of simple colonies on derelict worlds, I aimed to go bigger— raids on Republic convoys, on passing merchant caravans, or fortified stations further into the Core. While the losses grew great, the treasures I uncovered were beyond compensation. All I’d have to do is draft another hireling, arm them with a weapon, and go right back to it. I was unstoppable. Up until the Empire decided to rain on my parade.


    My paths crossed alongside some “famed” Imperial Admiral, Anya Sevchenko. Pretty, if I had to be honest, but an absolute bitch. She cracked down hard on pirates and smugglers alike, ransacking old marauder settlements or raking through crews like they were nothing. I had a good start going after the Republic fell, but with her around, it was impossible to continue my ventures along the Mid-Rim and Core. Outside their borders, however, was a different case entirely. With the Order sprawled out, their homeworld forsaken and beset by an onslaught of Sith, I knew they would have little time to bother prying into my own affairs. At least, so long as I avoided their direct attention. A feat I found easy enough.

    Fast forward to now, and here I am. Corsair of the Corellian Run, Pirate of the Perlemian, the infamous Raider on Sullust. I’ve crossed with rogue Sith, with Jedi Knights, with trained Mandalorians— and I’ve survived. No, endured. And my god, I don’t give a living shit if you’re the Grandmaster, or a Protector, or even the Emperor himself. Get in my way, and I swear I will make wine out of your face.

  • OMGv2ON.gif

    Chiseled jaw, messy hair, and a killer smirk, Leon is the classic scumbag of a pirate. Neatly sharp nose, like the tip of his tongue and his matchless wit, and gaze colored in a golden hazel. Although behind that burrowed pair of eyes, the flair of another cynic ego remains. When he looks to almost anyone, it is through a scowl, or with a hint of scorn, fostered by the feeling that he is better than everyone else, in both appearance and in character.

    As for attire, he’s shown to prefer a much more elaborate, contemporary refinement, rather than the typical clutter of most pirates and corsairs. Though not borderline expensive or extravagant, a better comparison could be to that of a smuggler, or the likewise infamous Damon Kross. Never without a sleek, nifty jacket and a pocket full of fine cigars, Leon certainly knows a thing or two about style.

    Beneath this sense of fashion, however, is a body marred by years of constant battle. One scar from a passing Jedi Knight lines from his lower side to just below his shoulder blade. Another mark, this time from a random blaster in the midst of a raid, blotches his upper left arm. Further down, a stab wound, not yet healed into a scar, sits inches from his heart. All these scars act as a reminder to his life as a pirate, and but also as a testament to his strength.
  • QatjnQQ.png

    Leon is a bottle of hard whiskey. First sip, and it’s like getting kicked directly in the face. Biting sarcasm, ruthless sass, explicit defiance. Take a second, and it’s a slap across the face, but like any other classic romance, its all followed by a sweet kiss of intoxication. The cheeky backtalk, the sharp wit, his eccentric poise. By the third shot, your mind is already reeling back, overrun by a muddled confusion of alcohol, or in this case, his temper. His emotions are beyond complex, blurred from years of a traumatic childhood mixed with the corrupt livelihood of any ill-famed pirate and the pressures that come along with it. Of course, there are always those who never do enjoy the taste of hard liquor, surprising as it might sound. And for Leon, such is fact— as there is almost none in the galaxy who would care to delight in the company of a pirate.

    Shelter. A home. A thought and feeling he’s come to never known. Held under the bondage of two negligent parents, Leon had always dreamed of what home truly felt like. Although he may have ultimately escaped, the thought of a home continues to linger, substituted only by his worn-out starship and a crew he has come to treat as disposable colleagues than family. While the idea of a home does tug at his heart, he has grown to understand that as a pirate, there is no room for weakness, let alone for dream far beyond his grasp. But even still, he knows he can’t wipe away this desire for shelter. Like most, if not all, in the galaxy, it is a necessity.

    Hunger. Of all he seemingly hungers for, and desires, its treasure. Walking in the finest clothes, drinking the finest wine, sailing in the finest ship. The pleasures of wealth is impossible to ignore, that much is certain. However, Leon is not inherently greedy, but rather hopes to fill the void his parents had left him with. While its been futile so far, trying to replace emotional contentment with physical luxuries, he continues this regardless. After all he’s done, he has grown to feel that redemption and restitution is beyond him, choosing instead to embrace his lifestyle as a pirate than bother making a hollow attempt to fulfill his hunger with emotion. Looting and raiding passing worlds, at least, has satiated this hunger.

    Thirst. Love, lust, friendship. Relationships in Leon’s circumstance is… complex. From distant allies to close crew members, he is known to keep everyone at arms length. Even when it comes to lovers, oftentimes fleeting, he’s no different from his father, indifferent to their feelings. Love has served Leon in only two ways: to manipulate one into his own favor, or to sate the lust all men carry. Be it young harlots waltzing on the streets of Ord Antalaha, or silver eyed women perched in the corner of bars, he does not care. As long as it gives him the thrill of revelry, or a taste of joy, then there’s no stopping him from looking to quench his thirst.


    ➵ B0-0M Pulse Rifle
    w/ 2 explosive and 3 ammo reloads
    ➵ Gratia Blaster Pistol
    w/ 2 ammo reloads
    ➵ TS-15 Blaster Pistol
    w/ 2 ammo reloads

    ➵ Vagabond Armor
    w/ HUD, AFM's and repulsorboots functions

    ➵ Grenades, Detonators, Handhelds
    MK-3 (1), EMP (1), Sonic (2), Thermal (3)

    None, save the comfort of his ship.[/URL]

    PPC-5 Snapper Class Corvette

    More than enough, given his... livelihood.

    RZX-637 "EndBringer" Guardian
    RZX-96 "Vindicator" Battle Drone



Last edited:


Member (asf)
SWRP Writer
Apr 12, 2016
Reaction score

[gfont="Play"][exsize=50][color=silver]B0-0M Pulse Rifle[/color][/exsize][/gfont][/center]

Military Personnel; Open

Alexei Petrov

B0-0M; Particle Beam

Heavy Blaster

69.5 cm in length
5.7 kg fully-loaded

Ultra-light alloys, titanium aluminide, etc.

Max 200m; Effective 40m

[b][color=#ffffff]AMMUNITION CAPACITY:[/color][/b]
24 Charge Power Packs
2 Explosive Rounds

[b][color=#ffffff]FIRING MODE:[/color][/b]
Semi-automatic, four-round burst
Attached grenade launcher

The B0-0M Pulse Rifle, otherwise known as "Boom," is a unique and potent semi-automatic rifle known for a diverse range of attacks, most notably for its intrinsic grenade launcher attached to the bottom, which is capable of firing two rounds of a special explosive projectile similar to that of a thermal grenade (lesser radius; 3m). Of course, the rifle has its flaws, for example, use of the launcher would require both hands for an appropriate shot (else you'd risk getting smacked in the face), and one must wait several moments when switching from semi-automatic to said launcher (and to cock the gun). Range and ammunition are also diminished. Anyway, a scope, flashlight or laser light may be attached if needed. Likewise, alongside the utilization of particle beam technology, the weapon is a popular item for use against skilled force-users.

While this weapon comes in similar taste to the XPC-71, its... notable ...attachment is what sets it apart. Said attachment is simply to allow a more convenient, faster, and accurate approach to take down an enemy rather than to throw some cumbersome grenade (and thus pose a greater risk of someone just kicking it back). Also, grenade launchers are super cool.[/size][/column][/justify]



[center][exsize="22"][gfont=Cinzel][COLOR=white]A[/COLOR]lexei - “ defender of the people "[/exsize][/gfont][/center]

[cbox3=100%][fancybox4=][exsize=27][gfont=Cinzel Decorative][COLOR=white]I[/COLOR][COLOR=silver]mperial General[/COLOR]

[glow=silver]Alexei Petrov[/glow][/gfont][/exsize][/fancybox4]
[COLOR=white]NAME:[/COLOR] Alexei Petrov
[COLOR=white]AGE:[/COLOR] 32

[COLOR=white]FACTION:[/COLOR] Sith Empire
[COLOR=white]BRANCH:[/COLOR] Imperial Legion
[COLOR=white]RANK:[/COLOR] General of III Corps; the "Specters"

[COLOR=white]HEIGHT:[/COLOR] 6'1
[COLOR=white]WEIGHT:[/COLOR] 84 kg; 186 lb

Raised in a world without affection, Alexei has grown into an impassioned and egotistical asshole with his eyes set on a prize he has sought all his life: ultimate power. He is committed to nothing and no one, save his own selfish ambitions. Fear him, admire him— but never get in his way.


[abox3=63%][center][exsize="30"][gfont=Cinzel Decorative][COLOR=white]C[/COLOR]haracter Information[/exsize][/gfont][/center]

[justify][gfont=Fondamento]His home is an ancient manor perched in the heart of an outlying valley. Teal skies, olive hilltops, trees studded with lavender and gold. White clouds blossom like trails of cotton, sailing an ocean of blue and into the horizon. Sprawled on a mattress of leaves and wrapped under a blanket of stars, he watches the moons of Serenno crawl during somber nights. The world he lives is chock-full of beauty, and his childhood is ringed with wealth and promise, but luxury cannot buy him the affection and love he needs.

With his father signed into the military and mother clambering through her own political ambitions, Alexei is left alone to his studies. Game nights are pilot simulations and field exercises. Bedtime stories are government textbooks and historical treatises. Family vacations are tours through bleak halls of the Sith armada. Raised by only stringent tutors and rigid drills, he evolves and matures far beyond his years. A skilled pilot at eight, an expert for mechanics at ten, a martial arts artiste at thirteen. He learns a great many things, but never peace of mind. And like a tumor, his loneliness festers into hate, and hate into passion.

Four and a half years later, he enlists into the military. No more is he strained behind a metal desk, or bound inside the walls of his parents’ estate. Here, as an ensign to the Brotherhood, Alexei can be free. Be that as it may, after months of discipline, he realizes freedom is not all he pines for, but power, control, and authority. So he grows: in strength, in his reputation, and those who stand in his way vanish. Commanding officers fall unwittingly into his schemes. One man “accidentally” trips into oncoming crossfire. Another explodes from a random defect the engine of a speeder. And always, Alexei is there to ascend the ladder.

Now Commander within the newfound III Corps and only a fingerbreadth from General, Alexei slaves endlessly to claim what he believes was rightfully his. However, with every unsuccessful battle, there is always a scapegoat, and with failure at Serenno, the fingers point his way. His reputation tarnished and years of work tainted, he retreats to his family’s home, and back to teal skies and olive hilltops. Wallowing in loss, albeit, has never been his forte.

Anya Sevchenko. Sharp, accomplished, beautiful— and single. A prominent Commander and long-time acquaintance to Alexei, she offers the best avenue to rebuilding his name. Influence on her would give him access to a hundred connections, and thus a hundred threads to stitch his reputation together. But what starts as a discreet act of manipulation to him flowers into an unexpected relationship, one he finds difficult to both understand and part, especially in his recovery within the newly-established Empire.

But another five years of bickering officers and constant battle pass into memory, and culminate into what he's sought for fourteen years. Of course, the ladder never ends. Not yet.
Alexei has never known true affection. His father coveted valor and prestige. His mother lusted for power and wealth. Neither sought to nurture the young man, but only indoctrinate him through waves of tutors, and instill in him the decadence and ambition that they embodied. Aggressive, assertive, and always one step ahead, Alexei has grown into a force unwilling to yield regardless of the circumstance. He has risen from the bottom rungs of the Imperial ladder to become one of the leading generals of the Empire. However, this unprecedented rise in power has led him to grow prideful and vain, believing that his influence and skill is absolute. And despite his intelligence, he is known to underestimate his opponents when he feels he is in control.

But by all means, never underestimate Alexei himself. An expert from subtle manipulation to outright intimidation, he will employ any tactic to get his way. To lose a leg, an eye, or a friend, would mean nothing to him as long as his aim is accomplished. Yet likewise, don’t mistake his iron will for steadfast loyalty to the Sith. In truth, he sees them as only a grotesque cult, a cult he hopes to depose so as to establish his own dominion, made in his own image.

As for relationships, he is not one to commit, as they are nothing more to him than either sex, or another stepping stone to power, both of which he craves on a constant basis so as to fill the hole his family had left behind. Sociable, but a cynic for small talk, it’s not rare for him to be “upfront.”  Or in other words, to be an asshole. He finds enjoyment in demeaning and belittling others, from pointing out minor flaws to offering insulting jokes— all solely to build on his ego.


[list][*][URL=]W-11 Flight Suit[/URL] (Medium Armor)
- Integrated HUD (linked to remote grenades)
- [URL=]Repulsorboots[/URL]
- [URL=]Auditory Frequency Modulator[/URL]
-  [URL=]XPC-71 Rifle[/URL] (x6 clips)
-  [URL=]TS-15 Pistol[/URL] (x3 clips)
- [URL=]GB-SW1 Blastsword[/URL] (x2 clips)
-  [URL=]Sonic Grenades[/URL] (x1)
-  [URL=]Thermal Detonators[/URL] (x2)
- EMP Grenades (x2)

[color=white]TITLE —[/color]  Short description [LINK] ● (thread status)
[color=white]TITLE —[/color]  Short description [LINK] ● (thread status)
[color=white]TITLE —[/color]  Short description [LINK] ● (thread status)
[color=white]TITLE —[/color]  Short description [LINK] ● (thread status)
[color=white]TITLE —[/color]  Short description [LINK] ● (thread status)[/font][/justify][/tab]

There's nothing here. Go away.


Kidding. Stole this template from @Relent, who stole it from @Zay.
Background and rank also approved by @Malon.

[float_left][cbox2=260px][IMG][/IMG][/cbox2][/float_left][font=Optima][size=3]➵ CCT Mk. II Armor
Function 1: Equipped with manageable repulsorboots instead of a jetpack.
Function 2: Wrist-mounted electroshock net launcher (right forearm); net is detached.
Function 3: Integrated HUD Display, integrated comlink for A.I. counterpart, SIRI, given to her from old friend Nicolás Saprophyt.
Function 4: Auditory Frequency Modulator, outfitted to combat unstable sonic frequencies.

Scatterweave added and woven into the armor.

➵  B0-0M Pulse Rifle (x2 Explosive Clips, x4 Power Packs); attached via magnetic plate
➵ GB-SW1 Blastsword (x2 Power Cells)
➵ TS-15 Pistol (x2 Power Packs)

➵ Mk 3 Pyrotechnic Munitions Device (x1)
➵ Thermal Grenades (x2)
➵ Sonic Grenades (x2)
➵ EMP Grenades (x2)

➵ MK3 Razor Light Drone
➵ Claw-3 Interceptor


[CENTER][GLOW=Black][EXSIZE=35][COLOR=white][gfont=Iceland]ARES, the VASSAL[/gfont][/COLOR][/EXSIZE]

[FONT=Iceland][SIZE=3][COLOR=#C0C0C0][B]Imperial Empire ☩ Thirty two ☩ Annoo-dat Prime[/B][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/GLOW]


[gfont=Play][SIZE=2][Justify][color=white]Loyalty.[/color] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus ornare enim a nisi sollicitudin, ut rhoncus nisi pharetra. Nunc elementum tellus nec auctor congue. Praesent vel ante lacus. Donec eu vulputate augue. Cras nisl augue, semper rhoncus ullamcorper vel, pulvinar eu arcu. Maecenas fringilla purus sodales, imperdiet turpis vel, finibus leo. Vivamus et ex eget felis semper porta eu non libero. Cras interdum imperdiet nulla in congue. Vivamus iaculis, quam eu molestie hendrerit, erat augue molestie nulla, sed bibendum nibh mi sit amet nunc. Nulla viverra ligula ipsum. Aliquam at mollis purus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,

[color=white]Strength.[/color] Maecenas sit amet purus ac lacus consequat iaculis. Etiam quis ultricies ex. Morbi dictum eros ut tincidunt volutpat. Sed vitae elit in est hendrerit aliquet. Pellentesque dapibus porta condimentum. Phasellus non magna ante. Quisque vel ultrices neque. Fusce a varius elit. Donec vitae sodales odio. Ut facilisis turpis nibh, sit amet pretium magna faucibus vel. Aliquam eleifend est dui, quis mollis ligula imperdiet eget. Morbi eget convallis mauris. Vestibulum imperdiet arcu nisl, at tempus elit tempor ac. Nulla vitae massa eget odio euismod tincidunt id eleifend orci. Aliquam at mollis purus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,

[color=white]Power.[/color] Maecenas sit amet purus ac lacus consequat iaculis. Etiam quis ultricies ex. Morbi dictum eros ut tincidunt volutpat. Sed vitae elit in est hendrerit aliquet. Pellentesque dapibus porta condimentum. Phasellus non magna ante. Quisque vel ultrices neque. Fusce a varius elit. Donec vitae sodales odio. Ut facilisis turpis nibh, sit amet pretium magna faucibus vel. Aliquam eleifend est dui, quis mollis ligula imperdiet eget. Morbi eget convallis mauris. Vestibulum imperdiet arcu nisl, at tempus elit tempor ac. Nulla vitae massa eget odio euismod tincidunt id eleifend orci.

[color=white]Love.[/color] Maecenas sit amet purus ac lacus consequat iaculis. Etiam quis ultricies ex. Morbi dictum eros ut tincidunt volutpat. Sed vitae elit in est hendrerit aliquet. Pellentesque dapibus porta condimentum. Phasellus non magna ante. Quisque vel ultrices neque. Fusce a varius elit. Donec vitae sodales odio. Ut facilisis turpis nibh, sit amet pretium magna faucibus vel. Aliquam eleifend est dui, quis mollis ligula imperdiet eget. Morbi eget convallis mauris. Vestibulum imperdiet arcu nisl, at tempus elit tempor ac. Nulla vitae massa eget odio euismod tincidunt id eleifend orci. Etiam sollicitudin scelerisque bibendum. Ut faucibus arcu vel dolor pulvinar aliquam.
[gfont=Iceland][center][exsize=50][color=white]Fall into Thralldom [/color][/exsize][/center][/gfont][gfont=Play][justify]
Maecenas sit amet purus ac lacus consequat iaculis. Etiam quis ultricies ex. Morbi dictum eros ut tincidunt volutpat. Sed vitae elit in est hendrerit aliquet. Pellentesque dapibus porta condimentum. Phasellus non magna ante. Quisque vel ultrices neque. Fusce a varius elit. Donec vitae sodales odio. Ut facilisis turpis nibh, sit amet pretium magna faucibus vel. Aliquam eleifend est dui, quis mollis ligula imperdiet eget. Morbi eget convallis mauris. Vestibulum imperdiet arcu nisl, at tempus elit tempor ac. Nulla vitae massa eget odio euismod tincidunt id eleifend orci. Aliquam at mollis purus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,

Maecenas sit amet purus ac lacus consequat iaculis. Etiam quis ultricies ex. Morbi dictum eros ut tincidunt volutpat. Sed vitae elit in est hendrerit aliquet. Pellentesque dapibus porta condimentum. Phasellus non magna ante. Quisque vel ultrices neque. Fusce a varius elit. Donec vitae sodales odio. Ut facilisis turpis nibh, sit amet pretium magna faucibus vel. Aliquam eleifend est dui, quis mollis ligula imperdiet eget. Morbi eget convallis mauris. Vestibulum imperdiet arcu nisl, at tempus elit tempor ac. Nulla vitae massa eget odio euismod tincidunt id eleifend orci. Aliquam at mollis purus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,

Maecenas sit amet purus ac lacus consequat iaculis. Etiam quis ultricies ex. Morbi dictum eros ut tincidunt volutpat. Sed vitae elit in est hendrerit aliquet. Pellentesque dapibus porta condimentum. Phasellus non magna ante. Quisque vel ultrices neque. Fusce a varius elit. Donec vitae sodales odio. Ut facilisis turpis nibh, sit amet pretium magna faucibus vel. Aliquam eleifend est dui, quis mollis ligula imperdiet eget. Morbi eget convallis mauris. Vestibulum imperdiet arcu nisl, at tempus elit tempor ac. Nulla vitae massa eget odio euismod tincidunt id eleifend orci. Aliquam at mollis purus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,

Maecenas sit amet purus ac lacus consequat iaculis. Etiam quis ultricies ex. Morbi dictum eros ut tincidunt volutpat. Sed vitae elit in est hendrerit aliquet. Pellentesque dapibus porta condimentum. Phasellus non magna ante. Quisque vel ultrices neque. Fusce a varius elit. Donec vitae sodales odio. Ut facilisis turpis nibh, sit amet pretium magna faucibus vel. Aliquam eleifend est dui, quis mollis ligula imperdiet eget. Morbi eget convallis mauris. Vestibulum imperdiet arcu nisl, at tempus elit tempor ac. Nulla vitae massa eget odio euismod tincidunt id eleifend orci. Aliquam at mollis purus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
[gfont=Iceland][center][exsize=50][color=white]Ascent of the Slave[/color][/exsize][/center][/gfont][gfont=Play][justify]
Maecenas sit amet purus ac lacus consequat iaculis. Etiam quis ultricies ex. Morbi dictum eros ut tincidunt volutpat. Sed vitae elit in est hendrerit aliquet. Pellentesque dapibus porta condimentum. Phasellus non magna ante. Quisque vel ultrices neque. Fusce a varius elit. Donec vitae sodales odio. Ut facilisis turpis nibh, sit amet pretium magna faucibus vel. Aliquam eleifend est dui, quis mollis ligula imperdiet eget. Morbi eget convallis mauris. Vestibulum imperdiet arcu nisl, at tempus elit tempor ac. Nulla vitae massa eget odio euismod tincidunt id eleifend orci. Aliquam at mollis purus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,

Maecenas sit amet purus ac lacus consequat iaculis. Etiam quis ultricies ex. Morbi dictum eros ut tincidunt volutpat. Sed vitae elit in est hendrerit aliquet. Pellentesque dapibus porta condimentum. Phasellus non magna ante. Quisque vel ultrices neque. Fusce a varius elit. Donec vitae sodales odio. Ut facilisis turpis nibh, sit amet pretium magna faucibus vel. Aliquam eleifend est dui, quis mollis ligula imperdiet eget. Morbi eget convallis mauris. Vestibulum imperdiet arcu nisl, at tempus elit tempor ac. Nulla vitae massa eget odio euismod tincidunt id eleifend orci. Aliquam at mollis purus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,

Maecenas sit amet purus ac lacus consequat iaculis. Etiam quis ultricies ex. Morbi dictum eros ut tincidunt volutpat. Sed vitae elit in est hendrerit aliquet. Pellentesque dapibus porta condimentum. Phasellus non magna ante. Quisque vel ultrices neque. Fusce a varius elit. Donec vitae sodales odio. Ut facilisis turpis nibh, sit amet pretium magna faucibus vel. Aliquam eleifend est dui, quis mollis ligula imperdiet eget. Morbi eget convallis mauris. Vestibulum imperdiet arcu nisl, at tempus elit tempor ac. Nulla vitae massa eget odio euismod tincidunt id eleifend orci. Aliquam at mollis purus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,

Maecenas sit amet purus ac lacus consequat iaculis. Etiam quis ultricies ex. Morbi dictum eros ut tincidunt volutpat. Sed vitae elit in est hendrerit aliquet. Pellentesque dapibus porta condimentum. Phasellus non magna ante. Quisque vel ultrices neque. Fusce a varius elit. Donec vitae sodales odio. Ut facilisis turpis nibh, sit amet pretium magna faucibus vel. Aliquam eleifend est dui, quis mollis ligula imperdiet eget. Morbi eget convallis mauris. Vestibulum imperdiet arcu nisl, at tempus elit tempor ac. Nulla vitae massa eget odio euismod tincidunt id eleifend orci. Aliquam at mollis purus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,

Maecenas sit amet purus ac lacus consequat iaculis. Etiam quis ultricies ex. Morbi dictum eros ut tincidunt volutpat. Sed vitae elit in est hendrerit aliquet. Pellentesque dapibus porta condimentum. Phasellus non magna ante. Quisque vel ultrices neque. Fusce a varius elit. Donec vitae sodales odio. Ut facilisis turpis nibh, sit amet pretium magna faucibus vel. Aliquam eleifend est dui, quis mollis ligula imperdiet eget. Morbi eget convallis mauris. Vestibulum imperdiet arcu nisl, at tempus elit tempor ac. Nulla vitae massa eget odio euismod tincidunt id eleifend orci. Aliquam at mollis purus. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.[/gfont][/justify]


[FONT=Iceland][exsize=100][COLOR=silver][glow=purple][exsize=150]J[/exsize]UNO [exsize=150]M[/exsize]INERVA[/glow][/COLOR][/exsize][COLOR=#493504][glow=#50b5d6][/glow][/color]

[exsize=20][url=][color=silver][glow=purple]Shadows thrive when fire falls.[/glow][/color][/url][color=black][glow=darkgoldenrod][/glow][/color][/exsize][/FONT][/center]


[gfont=Play][color=silver][glow=purple]"blah blah blah. Insert a deep and profound quote here.

blah blah. continue profound quote here."[/glow][/color][/gfont][/fancybox4][gfont=Play]
[color=silver][glow=purple][b]Full Name:[/b] Juno Minerva
[b]Pseudonym:[/b] Nightingale
[b]Gender:[/b] Female
[b]Age:[/b] 31
[b]Species:[/b] Echani
[b]Homeworld:[/b] Eshan

[b]Height:[/b] 178 [size=1]CM[/size]
[b]Weight:[/b] 68 [size=1]KG[/size]

[b]Eye Colour:[/b] Crystal frost
[b]Hair Colour:[/b] Pale white
[b]Skin Tone:[/b] Chalk-pale
[b]Force Sensitivity:[/b] Certified fresh
[indent][b]Force Awoken:[/b] Beyond a doubt
[b]Force Alignment: [/b]Unknown[/indent]

[b]Faction:[/b] Independent
[b]Position:[/b] Huntress[/glow][/color][/gfont][/cbox3]


[gfont=Play][color=silver][glow=purple]blah, blah. another personal quote here.[/glow][/color][/gfont][/center][/fancybox2]


[gfont=Play][color=silver]Spicy jalapeno bacon ipsum dolor amet kevin rump salami, tri-tip strip steak andouille leberkas frankfurter. Ham hock meatloaf kevin jowl swine ham turkey pancetta pork belly. Pork belly fatback kielbasa, filet mignon shoulder meatloaf flank. Biltong swine andouille hamburger tail, porchetta ball tip pork loin filet mignon alcatra beef ham corned beef meatball. Chicken pork loin cow, pancetta sirloin pork sausage boudin ham salami tri-tip pastrami pig. Tongue sirloin biltong, beef ribs shank tri-tip beef ground round.

Shankle sausage beef ribs picanha cupim ball tip t-bone doner pork. Porchetta tri-tip salami pig hamburger corned beef. Tail hamburger pork chop shankle shoulder salami andouille, corned beef alcatra short loin rump fatback picanha turkey tongue. Burgdoggen chuck t-bone corned beef rump leberkas jerky strip steak. Shankle sausage beef ribs picanha cupim ball tip t-bone doner pork. Porchetta tri-tip salami pig hamburger corned beef. Tail hamburger pork chop shankle shoulder salami andouille, corned beef alcatra short loin rump fatback picanha turkey tongue. Burgdoggen chuck t-bone corned beef rump leberkas jerky strip steak.

Ball tip bacon short ribs bresaola shankle, jowl picanha tenderloin sirloin. Corned beef capicola frankfurter boudin meatball, brisket alcatra jowl shankle spare ribs cow cupim flank bacon pork belly. Sirloin meatloaf ham doner flank, cow strip steak salami pig ball tip. Kevin frankfurter salami ground round, porchetta picanha hamburger ribeye alcatra strip steak pancetta pork jowl. Ball tip beef tail meatball pancetta, sirloin jerky capicola fatback shank. Pork loin jowl corned beef kielbasa shoulder bacon jerky sirloin cow sausage swine ham.

Beef ham tri-tip venison shank pancetta, jerky cow leberkas sausage swine doner alcatra prosciutto chicken. Sirloin chuck pork chop leberkas cupim. Swine landjaeger hamburger, sausage salami venison pork chop andouille. T-bone andouille ground round, fatback turkey kevin tail chicken capicola burgdoggen strip steak prosciutto. Pancetta pork belly jerky turkey drumstick, bacon t-bone swine doner beef spare ribs. Hamburger tri-tip kielbasa jerky pastrami pork belly chuck. T-bone boudin filet mignon, hamburger cupim tri-tip meatloaf alcatra.

Prosciutto boudin flank, chicken jowl bresaola swine cow short loin tail kevin picanha leberkas pork chop ham hock. Shank short ribs pork belly porchetta sausage sirloin spare ribs shoulder brisket ham leberkas drumstick. Drumstick pork belly hamburger, doner prosciutto pork loin pig chuck flank ham short ribs boudin cow biltong. Porchetta venison capicola tongue strip steak pork belly. Ham hock shoulder short ribs biltong ball tip beef ribs. Strip steak beef pastrami cupim beef ribs. T-bone beef shankle, bacon picanha pastrami flank andouille salami ribeye.

[gfont=Play][color=silver][glow=purple][center]blah, blah. yet another personal quote here.[/center][/glow][/color][/gfont][/fancybox2][gfont=Play]


[color=silver]Bacon ipsum dolor amet sausage pork belly tongue capicola, tri-tip corned beef hamburger pig. Bresaola salami corned beef, pig boudin jowl sausage spare ribs tongue bacon rump meatloaf swine. Cupim jowl fatback ham, tongue corned beef flank tail. Ground round burgdoggen landjaeger capicola boudin flank. Kielbasa pancetta drumstick boudin. Meatball tongue sirloin flank, tail alcatra strip steak bacon doner tenderloin sausage leberkas fatback pork loin. Rump doner chicken turducken ribeye pork chop.

Shank bresaola short ribs, flank alcatra pork kielbasa salami corned beef. Biltong meatloaf shoulder strip steak doner kevin. Hamburger cow boudin burgdoggen porchetta ribeye. Meatloaf shankle meatball short loin, leberkas boudin sirloin corned beef porchetta kevin strip steak chuck ham hock filet mignon shoulder. Pork meatloaf venison pork loin hamburger, kielbasa andouille jowl ham shankle pig cupim beef. T-bone pig cupim, turkey leberkas frankfurter capicola meatball bacon landjaeger. Boudin pastrami beef alcatra turkey capicola.

Picanha venison pork belly filet mignon tenderloin shank swine salami meatball strip steak pork jowl corned beef. Doner t-bone short ribs sausage shank pork chop. Beef ground round tail jowl pork chop. Spare ribs shankle kielbasa pastrami, salami tri-tip chicken burgdoggen short ribs shank ham hock ham prosciutto. Picanha venison pork belly filet mignon tenderloin shank swine salami meatball strip steak pork jowl corned beef. Doner t-bone short ribs sausage shank pork chop. Beef ground round tail jowl pork chop. Spare ribs shankle kielbasa pastrami, salami tri-tip chicken burgdoggen short ribs shank ham hock ham prosciutto.

Flank shank beef ribs meatball tongue prosciutto short ribs leberkas pastrami, bresaola tri-tip cow boudin meatloaf landjaeger. Ball tip meatloaf kevin, hamburger pastrami sausage leberkas t-bone tenderloin. Ham hock bacon turkey, cupim sausage ham jowl beef ribs kevin hamburger strip steak tongue turducken flank. Turducken shank spare ribs boudin kevin pastrami capicola ground round hamburger flank.[/color][/gfont][/cbox3]
[exsize=50][color=silver][glow=purple][font=Iceland]Weapons + Equipment[/font][/glow][/color][/exsize][/center][/fancybox2]


[font=Play][color=silver]Picanha venison pork belly filet mignon tenderloin shank swine salami meatball strip steak pork jowl corned beef. Doner t-bone short ribs sausage shank pork chop. Beef ground round tail jowl pork chop. Spare ribs shankle kielbasa pastrami, salami tri-tip chicken burgdoggen short ribs shank ham hock ham prosciutto. Picanha venison pork belly filet mignon tenderloin shank swine salami meatball strip steak pork jowl corned beef. Doner t-bone short ribs sausage shank pork chop. Beef ground round tail jowl pork chop. Spare ribs shankle kielbasa pastrami, salami tri-tip chicken burgdoggen short ribs shank ham hock ham prosciutto.

Flank shank beef ribs meatball tongue prosciutto short ribs leberkas pastrami, bresaola tri-tip cow boudin meatloaf landjaeger. Ball tip meatloaf kevin, hamburger pastrami sausage leberkas t-bone tenderloin. Ham hock bacon turkey, cupim sausage ham jowl beef ribs kevin hamburger strip steak tongue turducken flank. Turducken shank spare ribs boudin kevin pastrami capicola ground round hamburger flank. [/cbox3][color=#334045][/color]
[right][size=3]Template ripped from @Korvo[/size][/right]


[center][exsize="22"][gfont=Cinzel][COLOR=white]B[/COLOR]ellona - " God Save Alderaan "[/exsize][/gfont][/center]

[cbox3=100%][fancybox4=][exsize=28][gfont=Cinzel Decorative][COLOR=white]T[/COLOR][COLOR=silver]oken Queen[/COLOR]

[glow=silver]Bellona Organa[/glow][/gfont][/exsize][/fancybox4][gfont=Fondamento][COLOR=silver]
[COLOR=white]NAME:[/COLOR] Bellona Alde
[COLOR=white]AGE:[/COLOR] 27
[COLOR=white]HOMEWORLD:[/COLOR] Alderaan

[COLOR=white]FACTION:[/COLOR] Independent
[COLOR=white]STATUS:[/COLOR] Wistful

[COLOR=white]HEIGHT:[/COLOR] 5'8
[COLOR=white]WEIGHT:[/COLOR] 59 kg; 130 lb

Situated as the Queen of Alderaan after its fall to the Empire, Bellona Alde has lavished herself among the riches of royalty. Ignorant to the fact that she is only a puppet made to appease the masses, she has bathed in the idea that Alderaan prospers. But the more she looks from the windows of her palace, the more she wonders: is the Empire what she, or Alderaan, needs?


[abox3=63%][center][exsize="30"][gfont=Cinzel Decorative][COLOR=white]C[/COLOR]haracter Information[/exsize][/gfont][/center]

[justify][gfont=Fondamento]His home is an ancient manor perched in the heart of an outlying valley. Teal skies, olive hilltops, trees studded with lavender and gold. White clouds blossom like trails of cotton, sailing an ocean of blue and into the horizon. Sprawled on a mattress of leaves and wrapped under a blanket of stars, he watches the moons of Serenno crawl during somber nights. The world he lives is chock-full of beauty, and his childhood is ringed with wealth and promise, but luxury cannot buy him the affection and love he needs.

With his father signed into the military and mother clambering through her own political ambitions, Alexei is left alone to his studies. Game nights are pilot simulations and field exercises. Bedtime stories are government textbooks and historical treatises. Family vacations are tours through bleak halls of the Sith armada. Raised by only stringent tutors and rigid drills, he evolves and matures far beyond his years. A skilled pilot at eight, an expert for mechanics at ten, a martial arts artiste at thirteen. He learns a great many things, but never peace of mind. And like a tumor, his loneliness festers into hate, and hate into passion.

Four and a half years later, he enlists into the military. No more is he strained behind a metal desk, or bound inside the walls of his parents’ estate. Here, as an ensign to the Brotherhood, Alexei can be free. Be that as it may, after months of discipline, he realizes freedom is not all he pines for, but power, control, and authority. So he grows: in strength, in his reputation, and those who stand in his way vanish. Commanding officers fall unwittingly into his schemes. One man “accidentally” trips into oncoming crossfire. Another explodes from a random defect the engine of a speeder. And always, Alexei is there to ascend the ladder.

Now Commander within the newfound III Corps and only a fingerbreadth from General, Alexei slaves endlessly to claim what he believes was rightfully his. However, with every unsuccessful battle, there is always a scapegoat, and with failure at Serenno, the fingers point his way. His reputation tarnished and years of work tainted, he retreats to his family’s home, and back to teal skies and olive hilltops. Wallowing in loss, albeit, has never been his forte.

Anya Sevchenko. Sharp, accomplished, beautiful— and single. A prominent Commander and long-time acquaintance to Alexei, she offers the best avenue to rebuilding his name. Influence on her would give him access to a hundred connections, and thus a hundred threads to stitch his reputation together. But what starts as a discreet act of manipulation to him flowers into an unexpected relationship, one he finds difficult to both understand and part, especially in his recovery within the newly-established Empire.

But another five years of bickering officers and constant battle pass into memory, and culminate into what he's sought for fourteen years. Of course, the ladder never ends. Not yet.
Alexei has never known true affection. His father coveted valor and prestige. His mother lusted for power and wealth. Neither sought to nurture the young man, but only indoctrinate him through waves of tutors, and instill in him the decadence and ambition that they embodied. Aggressive, assertive, and always one step ahead, Alexei has grown into a force unwilling to yield regardless of the circumstance. He has risen from the bottom rungs of the Imperial ladder to become one of the leading generals of the Empire. However, this unprecedented rise in power has led him to grow prideful and vain, believing that his influence and skill is absolute. And despite his intelligence, he is known to underestimate his opponents when he feels he is in control.

But by all means, never underestimate Alexei himself. An expert from subtle manipulation to outright intimidation, he will employ any tactic to get his way. To lose a leg, an eye, or a friend, would mean nothing to him as long as his aim is accomplished. Yet likewise, don’t mistake his iron will for steadfast loyalty to the Sith. In truth, he sees them as only a grotesque cult, a cult he hopes to depose so as to establish his own dominion, made in his own image.

As for relationships, he is not one to commit, as they are nothing more to him than either sex, or another stepping stone to power, both of which he craves on a constant basis so as to fill the hole his family had left behind. Sociable, but a cynic for small talk, it’s not rare for him to be “upfront.”  Or in other words, to be an asshole. He finds enjoyment in demeaning and belittling others, from pointing out minor flaws to offering insulting jokes— all solely to build on his ego.


[list][*][URL=]W-11 Flight Suit[/URL] (Medium Armor)
- Integrated HUD (linked to remote grenades)
- [URL=]Repulsorboots[/URL]
- [URL=]Auditory Frequency Modulator[/URL]
-  [URL=]XPC-71 Rifle[/URL] (x6 clips)
-  [URL=]TS-15 Pistol[/URL] (x3 clips)
- [URL=]GB-SW1 Blastsword[/URL] (x2 clips)
-  [URL=]Sonic Grenades[/URL] (x1)
-  [URL=]Thermal Detonators[/URL] (x2)
- EMP Grenades (x2)

[color=white]TITLE —[/color]  Short description [LINK] ● (thread status)
[color=white]TITLE —[/color]  Short description [LINK] ● (thread status)
[color=white]TITLE —[/color]  Short description [LINK] ● (thread status)
[color=white]TITLE —[/color]  Short description [LINK] ● (thread status)
[color=white]TITLE —[/color]  Short description [LINK] ● (thread status)[/font][/justify][/tab]

There's nothing here. Go away.


Kidding. Stole this template from @Relent, who stole it from @Zay.
Background and rank also approved by @Malon.

[center][font=Copperplate][size=7][color=#8ab0a7]Mathias Nyström[/color][/size][/font][/center]
[center][font=Copperplate][size=3][color=white] Jedi Knight ◇ Twenty One ◇ Dellalt Human[/color][/size][/font][/center]

[font=Copperplate][size=5][center][jumpto=anchor_1]Biography[/jumpto] [color=#738581]●[/color] [jumpto=anchor_2]Personality[/jumpto] [color=#738581]●[/color] [jumpto=anchor_3]Possessions[/jumpto] [color=#738581]●[/color] [jumpto=anchor_5]Threads[/jumpto][/center][/size][/font]
[size=3][font=Optima][justify]I lay the rear of my body against the shoreline. Thick sheets of water lash over the coast. White foam froths at the edges. The cadence of the sea is beset against me, weighing onto each ear as they slant toward its unbroken waves. I’m at peace here, naturally, but this peace is nothing more than nostalgia. Sentiment my mind cannot help but linger upon. It’s been almost ten years since I left the sea; my home; Dellalt, for the refuge of the Jedi Order.

I can remember the faces of my mother and my father. Afraid, anxious. Though we were only a lesser family of seafaring merchants, rumor of a looming threat had engulfed them: the rise of the Sith. In the Core, rumors were just that— rumors. But here in the far corners of the galaxy, it was more than just gossip. It was a mounting truth. Freighters that once elapsed through the neighboring hyperlane began to slacken. Unmarked patrols drifted aimlessly into the system. Many had turned a blind ear to the thought, but not my parents. They knew of the stories. They recognized the warnings. They knew what the Sith would do once they found me.

My fingers sink into sodden sand. Eyes glazed over by memory, I shuffle my body into a stand. Charcoal boots pressing into the ground, I move. My steps are muffled, following in rhythm to the torrent of the ocean. I saunter over to a jagged rock wedged out from the shoreline. Marks, rigged and deep, are littered across the stone. As the tip of my fingers run along the grooves, my gaze tightens onto a single crater, black on the surface— an indication that it had been burned into the rock. I knew what it was though. Blaster fire.

I'm tossed back into the quiet medley of my past. I was reaching the end of my childhood, where my mind was no longer blind to the angst of the world around me. Neither was I blind to the power within my grip; surging at my fingertips. I had become one with the force. Yet all the same, I had also become a target for the Sith. It never mattered how many times we moved, or changed our names, or avoided the cities. Because, in the end, they found us. The Sith made quick work of my father, tearing him apart with the flick of a crimson blade. My mother, on the other hand, grappled against their advance with frenzied pursuit, hoping to offer me an escape from the onslaught. Except, there was none.

Each tip of my feet carves through the gravel. My hand drifts off from the stone. I lead myself forward to the cliffs rising over the waterfront, echoiing the movement of my eleven-year-old self as I move along. After I had watched my mother fall to their scarlet blade, I fled over to the hindmost brink of the shore. Both my hands and my feet were caked in blood from running across broken stone; running from the seemingly inevitable. The Sith had come to strip me away: of my livelihood, of my youth. I was doomed to become another pawn in their game of war. That was, until the figure of another had emerged into the fray.

Navy like the water stretched over the horizon, his blade quivered through the ocean air. Auburn robes loose over his silhouette, the stranger marched forward. Though silent, his aura raved in an exuberance I can still feel to this day. The opposing Sith only watched. Ergo, their blades hissed in anticipation, as if beasts waiting to pounce onto its prey. A moment blinked before me. Then, their sabers clashed together. Red and blue danced in unison, purple gleaming by each strike. They moved fast. Faster than I could perceive. Swift enough that before a moment's breath, the other Sith were already on the ground. Dead. Like my mother. Like my father. In the end of it all, I was whisked away to Tython. Leaving behind all that I had known.

I'm a Jedi now. Tempered in the fires of vigilance. Molded into a vanguard for the light. It's cliché, I know. But does it matter?






[SIZE=3][justify]All that I am; all that I hope to be, I owe to passion. Not blind. Seldom unstable. Never wrathful. Composure leads my every step. Peace of mind is a virtue all but rarely common. At least, that's what I prefer my Jedi counterparts to believe. In all reality, I am simply an antsy Knight with a talent for either reading books or bashing them against the face my enemy.

Although I am not necessarily a man with the finesse of a wild nexu, nor with the bestial strength of a rancor, I'm still more than apt in slapping a foe around when the need arises. I like to think my wit and charm compensate for that, but it's simply the fact that most saber-wielding maniacs believe swinging their blade extra hard might amount to an instant victory.

Naturally, they couldn't be any more wrong. It takes skill. Intricate, painstaking skill. To balance oneself between both blunt tenacity and sudden speed. Each detail must be recognized, gauged, and resolved. For in every stalwart figure there is a flaw. A sliver; a crack to slip your blade through to deliver a conclusive blow. Don’t take me for some blood-thirsty fanatic though.

My mind might race with the thought of battle, yet hardly to the measure of revelry. Death is a discourse I can never grant on my own, save only if necessary. The Sith have wavered down a path too dark to even fathom, but their mistake should not expunge them of mercy. The Jedi was made to uphold compassion, and it is precisely in that thinking that I will continue my career as a Knight.

Then again, I’m no babe in the woods. I’ve had my fair share of unrelenting psychopaths, and mercy without justice only begets disregard. Or something. Whatever. All that matters is that I’m no longer the naive, wide-eyed youth I was before. I wield a bloody glowstick of destiny now. What could possibly be better than that?

[TR][TD][URL=]GB-357 Pistol[/URL][/TD][TD][URL=]TS-15 Pistol[/URL][/TD][TD][URL=]GN-808 Carbine[/URL][/TD][TD][URL=]Voltaic Aegis[/URL][/TD][TD][URL=]P-30 Rifle[/URL][/TD][TD][URL=]Lethisk Vessel[/URL][/TD][TD][URL=]MK3 Drone[/URL][/TD]

[size=2]All firearms linked have triple the given ammo clips. Vessel is administered by droids. Armor is always on unless specified otherwise.[/size]

[URL=''s_lightsaber']Saber-Blaster Prototype[/URL] [B][COLOR=#8ab0a7]//[/COLOR][/B] [URL='']Retractable-Saber Pike[/URL][/SIZE]
[COLOR=#CDB967][SIZE=3][URL='']EMP (x1)[/URL] [B] [COLOR=#8ab0a7]//[/COLOR][/B] [URL='']MK-3 (x1)[/URL] [B][COLOR=#8ab0a7]//[/COLOR][/B] [URL='']SA-38G (x3)[/URL] [B][COLOR=#8ab0a7]//[/COLOR][/B] [URL='']Ion (x3)[/URL] [B][COLOR=#8ab0a7]//[/COLOR][/B] [URL='']Thermal (x3)[/URL][/SIZE][/COLOR]


[CENTER][GFONT=Raleway][SIZE=12]N3-MP "Faraday" Heavy Armor[/SIZE][/GFONT][/CENTER]
[center][justify]Originally created by the Wattra Corporation at the request of General Alexei Petrov, the special suit of armor made its way throughout Imperial space, before spreading further across the Empire. Several other manufacturers were quick to model after the suit, allowing it to expand into military and security forces over the span of the galaxy. So it's not uncommon to find another soldier, whether friend or foe, sporting the easily customizable suit of armor as their own.

As for the exact make of the armor, it is originally forged from alloyed durasteel, ultra-light plated metals, etc. However, the EMP-protection from the belt and the helm is fashioned from a mix of copper mesh, solid aluminum, and for the HUD, a specialized amalgam of both alongside thick, tinted plastic glass shielding. As such, the aluminum on the plated armor allows for the outer layer of the armor to absorb and conduct the electrical interference, while a middle alloyed layer similar to thermal gel hinders it from seeping through. Of course, this much protection from both blasters and EMP's only add to its weight and often cumbersome use.

And as a side note, while a medium variant for this armor is available, it provides no EMP helmet protection. Unless, of course, you're willing for the helmet to provide zero blaster rating protection. It's either one or the other.

[center][justify]Inserting an intent section here because I believe it's important to why this armor was created, and why it has the functions it does. Simply put— EMP's are gradually getting OP in terms of PvP. There is nothing that can stop another character from activating such an EMP and completely rendering everything electronic (which is essentially every weapon, grenade, or armor function within its radius) worthless. Even vibroknives or blastswords become moot. Of course, while this armor doesn't completely negate its effects, it at least helps to stop it from becoming another niche "insta-win" gadget, like the supernova.


[justify][font=Optima][size=4][b]Type:[/b] Heavy (also comes in Medium)
[b]Heavy Blasters:[/b] One (1) blaster shot
[B]Blasters:[/B] Two (2) blaster shots
[B]Vibroblades:[/B] Two (2) direct hits
[B]Lightsabers:[/B] One (1) glancing blow
[B]Explosives:[/B] Zero (0) from direct; One (1) from shrapnel[/size][/FONT][/justify][/center]
[gfont=Raleway][size=4]Function 1:[/size][/gfont] Visor HUD
[list][*]Provides generic infrared vision and comlink; nothing more.[/list]
[gfont=Raleway][size=4]Function 2:[/size][/gfont] EMP-hardened Helmet
[list][*]Provides a semblance of EMP protection for the visor HUD or anything within the helmet. However, this sacrifices a piece of its armor rating, meaning it can only take one normal blaster, compared to the previous two shots.[/list]
[gfont=Raleway][size=4]Function 3:[/size][/gfont] EMP-hardened belt pouches
[list][*]Allows the wearer to store up to three grenades or ammo clips (may vary) within an EMP guarded belt pouch. Be that as it may, the pouch must be closed and locked for adequate protection, and may take a second or two to open. So if you're in a battle, you better be patient.[/list]
[gfont=Raleway][size=4]Function 4:[/size][/gfont] Customizable function
[list][*]Whether it be auditory frequency modulators within the protection of the helm or a rebreathing system, or a wrist-mounted electric net launcher, an added jetpack or a pair of repulsorboots— the choice is yours.



[CENTER][exsize="22"][gfont=Iceland][COLOR=white]P[/COLOR]irates and smugglers are simply honest thieves. Most of the time.[/gfont][/exsize][gfont=Cinzel][/gfont][/CENTER]

[cbox3=100%][fancybox4=][exsize=42][gfont=Iceland][COLOR=white]S[/COLOR][COLOR=silver]HODDY PIRATE[/COLOR]

[glow=silver]LEON ALDÉRIC[/glow][/gfont][/exsize][/fancybox4][gfont=Iceland][size=5]
[COLOR=silver][COLOR=white]NAME:[/COLOR] Leon Aldéric [/COLOR]
[COLOR=silver][COLOR=white]AGE:[/COLOR] 27[/COLOR]
[COLOR=silver][COLOR=white]SPECIES:[/COLOR] Human[/COLOR]
[COLOR=silver][COLOR=white]HOMEWORLD:[/COLOR] Corellia[/COLOR]
[COLOR=white]FACTION:[/COLOR] Independent[/COLOR]
[COLOR=silver][COLOR=white]POSITION:[/COLOR] Pirate; Smuggler[/COLOR]
[COLOR=silver][COLOR=white]WEIGHT:[/COLOR] 59 kg; 130 lb[/COLOR]
[COLOR=silver][COLOR=white]HAIR COLOR:[/COLOR] Brown[/COLOR]
[COLOR=silver][COLOR=white]EYE COLOR:[/COLOR] Hazel[/COLOR]
[COLOR=silver]Having never known a life worth living in his youth, he has turned instead to the life of a criminal, seeking comfort in treasures and raids throughout the galaxy. Hands sullied with blood, Leon knows there is no going back. Then again, why would he ever want to in the first place?[/COLOR]

[CENTER][exsize="40"][gfont=Iceland][COLOR=white]C[/COLOR]haracter Information[/gfont][/exsize][/CENTER]



[SIZE=2][COLOR=#ff4d4d]"You look like the human equivalent of small talk."[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]

Ah, I remember my childhood. There’s no way I could ever forget those days, or my parents— my loving, darling parents. We all lived together in a modest villa perched in the heart of Alderaan, surrounded by great forests and mountains as far as the eye can see, and… (snores) Hah. Bullshit. The only thing I can recall from the crater of my childhood is the sweet smell of streets soaked in shit, the warm embrace of morning smog, the twitch of pain from one too many bruises. Unforgettable, really, but I guess that’s what I get for getting shat out from an emotionally abusive mum and her physically abusive husband— two ugly sides to the same ugly coin.

Lucky for me, I caught a break with some pretentious pirate lord looking for another crew to exploit. Sure, I was young, but damn, was I stupid. A trait the pirate, strangely, found charming. I can only assume he thought me as relatable, or easy to manipulate, but either way, I didn’t give a shit. He was my ticket off this rock— off Coruscant. At his side, or at least, under his boot, I could cut myself away from the soot and haze, and from a life worth nothing more than another statistic. I could carve myself a legacy in those stars, and bathe in treasures neither of my parents could have ever graced with their own two eyes. And by god, if that thought alone didn’t give me the strength to survive, then I don’t know what did.

In time, though, years pass into memory. From a grease monkey in the stomach of his freighter to his right hand man, I stood only a breadth from my destiny. Just inches from becoming a lord myself, and inheriting both a ship and crew that would lead me to infamy. But the Captain still had a couple decades left dangling in his meager life, and being the impatient man I am, simply couldn’t wait any longer, so in the dead of night after we had laid waste to some penal colony on Hoth, I offered him a gift I had “looted.” A fine bottle of whiskey, frozen cold and deserving of only “a god,” and I quote. Now, the old man just couldn’t get enough of that, and snorted the glass like the drunkard he was.

Too bad that halfway through, he started having a coughing fit. Then half his face wrinkled to a sulk. His breath gasped, fingers scratching at his chest, as if something were gnawing at him from within. I called out for help, taking him into my hands as he fell to the ground, shaking. His eyes turned blood red, and his gasps for breath grew scratchy and coarse. And as he took his final moments vying to survive, I remember looking down at him, my concern twisting into a smile. His face after that— just priceless. Complete shock, mixed with a scrunched grimace as he died inches below me. A heart attack, the autopsy would report afterward, but I knew what really happened. Power, after all, must be earned. Not gifted.

The crew weren’t exactly pleased to see me as their newfangled Captain, given my age and all, but it wasn’t like there was anyone else more suited for the job. I was the second-in-command. I was the finest gunslinger and swordsman they had. So of course I would be the one to lead them back into the fray, this time free of the lesser ambitions of a lesser man. Instead of simple colonies on derelict worlds, I aimed to go bigger— raids on Republic convoys, on passing merchant caravans, or fortified stations further into the Core. While the losses grew great, the treasures I uncovered were beyond compensation. All I’d have to do is draft another hireling, arm them with a weapon, and go right back to it. I was unstoppable. Up until the Empire decided to rain on my parade.

My paths crossed alongside some “famed” Imperial Admiral, Anya Sevchenko. Pretty, if I had to be honest, but an absolute bitch. She cracked down hard on pirates and smugglers alike, ransacking old marauder settlements or raking through crews like they were nothing. I had a good start going after the Republic fell, but with her around, it was impossible to continue my ventures along the Mid-Rim and Core. Outside their borders, however, was a different case entirely. With the Order sprawled out, their homeworld forsaken and beset by an onslaught of Sith, I knew they would have little time to bother prying into my own affairs. At least, so long as I avoided their direct attention. A feat I found easy enough.

Fast forward to now, and here I am. Corsair of the Corellian Run, Pirate of the Perlemian, the infamous Raider on Sullust. I’ve crossed with rogue Sith, with Jedi Knights, with trained Mandalorians— and I’ve survived. No, endured. And my god, I don’t give a living shit if you’re the Grandmaster, or a Protector, or even the Emperor himself. Get in my way, and I swear I will make wine out of your face.


█████[/COLOR][COLOR=#a0a0a0]█████[/COLOR][/SIZE][/justify][/cbox2][/float_left][justify][FONT=Iceland][size=4]Chiseled jaw, messy hair, and a killer smirk, Leon is the classic scumbag of a pirate. Neatly sharp nose, like the tip of his tongue and his matchless wit, and gaze colored in a golden hazel. Although behind that burrowed pair of eyes, the flair of another cynic ego remains. When he looks to almost anyone, it is through a scowl, or with a hint of scorn, fostered by the feeling that he is better than everyone else, in both appearance and in character.

As for attire, he’s shown to prefer a much more elaborate, contemporary refinement, rather than the typical clutter of most pirates and corsairs. Though not borderline expensive or extravagant, a better comparison could be to that of a smuggler, or the likewise infamous Damon Kross. Never without a sleek, nifty jacket and a pocket full of fine cigars, Leon certainly knows a thing or two about style.

Beneath this sense of fashion, however, is a body marred by years of constant battle. One scar from a passing Jedi Knight lines from his lower side to just below his shoulder blade. Another mark, this time from a random blaster in the midst of a raid, blotches his upper left arm. Further down, a stab wound, not yet healed into a scar, sits inches from his heart. All these scars act as a reminder to his life as a pirate, and but also as a testament to his strength.[/size][/FONT][/justify][/tab]
Leon is a bottle of hard whiskey. First sip, and it’s like getting kicked directly in the face. Biting sarcasm, ruthless sass, explicit defiance. Take a second, and it’s a slap across the face, but like any other classic romance, its all followed by a sweet kiss of intoxication. The cheeky backtalk, the sharp wit, his eccentric poise. By the third shot, your mind is already reeling back, overrun by a muddled confusion of alcohol, or in this case, his temper. His emotions are beyond complex, blurred from years of a traumatic childhood mixed with the corrupt livelihood of any ill-famed pirate and the pressures that come along with it. Of course, there are always those who never do enjoy the taste of hard liquor, surprising as it might sound. And for Leon, such is fact— as there is almost none in the galaxy who would care to delight in the company of a pirate.

Shelter. A home. A thought and feeling he’s come to never known. Held under the bondage of two negligent parents, Leon had always dreamed of what home truly felt like. Although he may have ultimately escaped, the thought of a home continues to linger, substituted only by his worn-out starship and a crew he has come to treat as disposable colleagues than family. While the idea of a home does tug at his heart, he has grown to understand that as a pirate, there is no room for weakness, let alone for dream far beyond his grasp. But even still, he knows he can’t wipe away this desire for shelter. Like most, if not all, in the galaxy, it is a necessity.

Hunger. Of all he seemingly hungers for, and desires, its treasure. Walking in the finest clothes, drinking the finest wine, sailing in the finest ship. The pleasures of wealth is impossible to ignore, that much is certain. However, Leon is not inherently greedy, but rather hopes to fill the void his parents had left him with. While its been futile so far, trying to replace emotional contentment with physical luxuries, he continues this regardless. After all he’s done, he has grown to feel that redemption and restitution is beyond him, choosing instead to embrace his lifestyle as a pirate than bother making a hollow attempt to fulfill his hunger with emotion. Looting and raiding passing worlds, at least, has satiated this hunger.

Thirst. Love, lust, friendship. Relationships in Leon’s circumstance is… complex. From distant allies to close crew members, he is known to keep everyone at arms length. Even when it comes to lovers, oftentimes fleeting, he’s no different from his father, indifferent to their feelings. Love has served Leon in only two ways: to manipulate one into his own favor, or to sate the lust all men carry. Be it young harlots waltzing on the streets of Ord Antalaha, or silver eyed women perched in the corner of bars, he does not care. As long as it gives him the thrill of revelry, or a taste of joy, then there’s no stopping him from looking to quench his thirst. [/size][/FONT][/justify][/tab]
[font=Iceland][COLOR=#ff4d4d][size=6][B]NOTABLE PERSONAL EQUIPMENT[/B][/size][/COLOR]

[SIZE=4]➵ B0-0M Pulse Rifle
w/ 2 explosive and 3 ammo reloads
➵ Gratia Blaster Pistol
w/ 2 ammo reloads
➵ TS-15 Blaster Pistol
w/ 2 ammo reloads

➵ Vagabond Armor
w/ HUD, AFM's and repulsorboots functions

➵ Grenades, Detonators, Handhelds
MK-3 (1), EMP (1), Sonic (2), Thermal (3)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=4]None, save the comfort of his ship.[/URL][/SIZE]

[SIZE=4]PPC-5 Snapper Class Corvette[/SIZE]

[SIZE=4]More than enough, given his... livelihood.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=4]RZX-637 "EndBringer" Guardian
RZX-96 "Vindicator" Battle Drone[/SIZE]


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[RIGHT][SIZE=1][COLOR=white]Template by [USER=2403]@ZayPat[/USER][/COLOR][/SIZE][/RIGHT]

[abox3=60%][center][IMG][/IMG][/center][/abox3][abox3=63%][CENTER][exsize="40"][gfont=Iceland][COLOR=white]C[/COLOR]haracter Information[/gfont][/exsize][/CENTER]



[SIZE=2][COLOR=#ff4d4d]"You look like the human equivalent of small talk."[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]

Ah, I remember my childhood. There’s no way I could ever forget those days, or my parents— my loving, darling parents. We all lived together in a modest villa perched in the heart of Alderaan, surrounded by great forests and mountains as far as the eye can see, and… (snores) Hah. Bullshit. The only thing I can recall from the crater of my childhood is the sweet smell of streets soaked in shit, the warm embrace of morning smog, the twitch of pain from one too many bruises. Unforgettable, really, but I guess that’s what I get for getting shat out from an emotionally abusive mum and her physically abusive husband— two ugly sides to the same ugly coin.

Lucky for me, I caught a break with some pretentious pirate lord looking for another crew to exploit. Sure, I was young, but damn, was I stupid. A trait the pirate, strangely, found charming. I can only assume he thought me as relatable, or easy to manipulate, but either way, I didn’t give a shit. He was my ticket off this rock— off Coruscant. At his side, or at least, under his boot, I could cut myself away from the soot and haze, and from a life worth nothing more than another statistic. I could carve myself a legacy in those stars, and bathe in treasures neither of my parents could have ever graced with their own two eyes. And by god, if that thought alone didn’t give me the strength to survive, then I don’t know what did.

In time, though, years pass into memory. From a grease monkey in the stomach of his freighter to his right hand man, I stood only a breadth from my destiny. Just inches from becoming a lord myself, and inheriting both a ship and crew that would lead me to infamy. But the Captain still had a couple decades left dangling in his meager life, and being the impatient man I am, simply couldn’t wait any longer, so in the dead of night after we had laid waste to some penal colony on Hoth, I offered him a gift I had “looted.” A fine bottle of whiskey, frozen cold and deserving of only “a god,” and I quote. Now, the old man just couldn’t get enough of that, and snorted the glass like the drunkard he was.

Too bad that halfway through, he started having a coughing fit. Then half his face wrinkled to a sulk. His breath gasped, fingers scratching at his chest, as if something were gnawing at him from within. I called out for help, taking him into my hands as he fell to the ground, shaking. His eyes turned blood red, and his gasps for breath grew scratchy and coarse. And as he took his final moments vying to survive, I remember looking down at him, my concern twisting into a smile. His face after that— just priceless. Complete shock, mixed with a scrunched grimace as he died inches below me. A heart attack, the autopsy would report afterward, but I knew what really happened. Power, after all, must be earned. Not gifted.

The crew weren’t exactly pleased to see me as their newfangled Captain, given my age and all, but it wasn’t like there was anyone else more suited for the job. I was the second-in-command. I was the finest gunslinger and swordsman they had. So of course I would be the one to lead them back into the fray, this time free of the lesser ambitions of a lesser man. Instead of simple colonies on derelict worlds, I aimed to go bigger— raids on Republic convoys, on passing merchant caravans, or fortified stations further into the Core. While the losses grew great, the treasures I uncovered were beyond compensation. All I’d have to do is draft another hireling, arm them with a weapon, and go right back to it. I was unstoppable. Up until the Empire decided to rain on my parade.

My paths crossed alongside some “famed” Imperial Admiral, Anya Sevchenko. Pretty, if I had to be honest, but an absolute bitch. She cracked down hard on pirates and smugglers alike, ransacking old marauder settlements or raking through crews like they were nothing. I had a good start going after the Republic fell, but with her around, it was impossible to continue my ventures along the Mid-Rim and Core. Outside their borders, however, was a different case entirely. With the Order sprawled out, their homeworld forsaken and beset by an onslaught of Sith, I knew they would have little time to bother prying into my own affairs. At least, so long as I avoided their direct attention. A feat I found easy enough.

Fast forward to now, and here I am. Corsair of the Corellian Run, Pirate of the Perlemian, the infamous Raider on Sullust. I’ve crossed with rogue Sith, with Jedi Knights, with trained Mandalorians— and I’ve survived. No, endured. And my god, I don’t give a living shit if you’re the Grandmaster, or a Protector, or even the Emperor himself. Get in my way, and I swear I will make wine out of your face.


█████[/COLOR][COLOR=#a0a0a0]█████[/COLOR][/SIZE][/justify][/cbox2][/float_left][justify][FONT=Iceland][size=4]Chiseled jaw, messy hair, and a killer smirk, Leon is the classic scumbag of a pirate. Neatly sharp nose, like the tip of his tongue and his matchless wit, and gaze colored in a golden hazel. Although behind that burrowed pair of eyes, the flair of another cynic ego remains. When he looks to almost anyone, it is through a scowl, or with a hint of scorn, fostered by the feeling that he is better than everyone else, in both appearance and in character.

As for attire, he’s shown to prefer a much more elaborate, contemporary refinement, rather than the typical clutter of most pirates and corsairs. Though not borderline expensive or extravagant, a better comparison could be to that of a smuggler, or the likewise infamous Damon Kross. Never without a sleek, nifty jacket and a pocket full of fine cigars, Leon certainly knows a thing or two about style.

Beneath this sense of fashion, however, is a body marred by years of constant battle. One scar from a passing Jedi Knight lines from his lower side to just below his shoulder blade. Another mark, this time from a random blaster in the midst of a raid, blotches his upper left arm. Further down, a stab wound, not yet healed into a scar, sits inches from his heart. All these scars act as a reminder to his life as a pirate, and but also as a testament to his strength.[/size][/FONT][/justify][/tab]
Leon is a bottle of hard whiskey. First sip, and it’s like getting kicked directly in the face. Biting sarcasm, ruthless sass, explicit defiance. Take a second, and it’s a slap across the face, but like any other classic romance, its all followed by a sweet kiss of intoxication. The cheeky backtalk, the sharp wit, his eccentric poise. By the third shot, your mind is already reeling back, overrun by a muddled confusion of alcohol, or in this case, his temper. His emotions are beyond complex, blurred from years of a traumatic childhood mixed with the corrupt livelihood of any ill-famed pirate and the pressures that come along with it. Of course, there are always those who never do enjoy the taste of hard liquor, surprising as it might sound. And for Leon, such is fact— as there is almost none in the galaxy who would care to delight in the company of a pirate.

Shelter. A home. A thought and feeling he’s come to never known. Held under the bondage of two negligent parents, Leon had always dreamed of what home truly felt like. Although he may have ultimately escaped, the thought of a home continues to linger, substituted only by his worn-out starship and a crew he has come to treat as disposable colleagues than family. While the idea of a home does tug at his heart, he has grown to understand that as a pirate, there is no room for weakness, let alone for dream far beyond his grasp. But even still, he knows he can’t wipe away this desire for shelter. Like most, if not all, in the galaxy, it is a necessity.

Hunger. Of all he seemingly hungers for, and desires, its treasure. Walking in the finest clothes, drinking the finest wine, sailing in the finest ship. The pleasures of wealth is impossible to ignore, that much is certain. However, Leon is not inherently greedy, but rather hopes to fill the void his parents had left him with. While its been futile so far, trying to replace emotional contentment with physical luxuries, he continues this regardless. After all he’s done, he has grown to feel that redemption and restitution is beyond him, choosing instead to embrace his lifestyle as a pirate than bother making a hollow attempt to fulfill his hunger with emotion. Looting and raiding passing worlds, at least, has satiated this hunger.

Thirst. Love, lust, friendship. Relationships in Leon’s circumstance is… complex. From distant allies to close crew members, he is known to keep everyone at arms length. Even when it comes to lovers, oftentimes fleeting, he’s no different from his father, indifferent to their feelings. Love has served Leon in only two ways: to manipulate one into his own favor, or to sate the lust all men carry. Be it young harlots waltzing on the streets of Ord Antalaha, or silver eyed women perched in the corner of bars, he does not care. As long as it gives him the thrill of revelry, or a taste of joy, then there’s no stopping him from looking to quench his thirst. [/size][/FONT][/justify][/tab]
[font=Iceland][COLOR=#ff4d4d][size=6][B]NOTABLE PERSONAL EQUIPMENT[/B][/size][/COLOR]

[SIZE=4]➵ B0-0M Pulse Rifle
w/ 2 explosive and 3 ammo reloads
➵ Gratia Blaster Pistol
w/ 2 ammo reloads
➵ TS-15 Blaster Pistol
w/ 2 ammo reloads

➵ Vagabond Armor
w/ HUD, AFM's and repulsorboots functions

➵ Grenades, Detonators, Handhelds
MK-3 (1), EMP (1), Sonic (2), Thermal (3)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=4]None, save the comfort of his ship.[/URL][/SIZE]

[SIZE=4]PPC-5 Snapper Class Corvette[/SIZE]

[SIZE=4]More than enough, given his... livelihood.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=4]RZX-637 "EndBringer" Guardian
RZX-96 "Vindicator" Battle Drone[/SIZE]


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[RIGHT][SIZE=1][COLOR=white]Template by [USER=2403]@ZayPat[/USER][/COLOR][/SIZE][/RIGHT]


[INDENT][FONT=Roboto Condensed][EXSIZE=13][COLOR=#4fa1c2][B]ALIAS(ES)[/B][/COLOR][/EXSIZE]
[EXSIZE=12][COLOR=#89c2d8 ]➳ None[/COLOR][/EXSIZE]
[EXSIZE=12][COLOR=#89c2d8 ]➳ Shawken[/COLOR][/EXSIZE]
[EXSIZE=12][COLOR=#89c2d8]➳ Human[/COLOR][/EXSIZE]
[EXSIZE=12][COLOR=#89c2d8]➳ Female[/COLOR][/EXSIZE]
[EXSIZE=12][COLOR=#89c2d8]➳ [ABBR=5'10"]1.78m[/ABBR][/COLOR][/EXSIZE]
[EXSIZE=12][COLOR=#89c2d8]➳ Slender[/COLOR][/EXSIZE]
[EXSIZE=12][COLOR=#89c2d8]➳ Brown[/COLOR][/EXSIZE]
[EXSIZE=12][COLOR=#89c2d8]➳ Brown[/COLOR][/EXSIZE]
[EXSIZE=12][COLOR=#89c2d8]➳ Jedi[/COLOR][/EXSIZE]
[EXSIZE=12][COLOR=#89c2d8]➳ Confirmed[/COLOR][/EXSIZE][/FONT][/INDENT]

[CENTER][FONT=Roboto Condensed][EXSIZE=12][COLOR=#89c2d8][I]Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can [ABBR=Quote by Martin King Luther Jr.]do that[/ABBR].[/I][/COLOR][/EXSIZE][/FONT]


[JUSTIFY][EXSIZE=11]A respected member of the Jedi Order, Nadina has long remained devoted to the tenants of the Jedi. Since the death of her child and husband due to the century-long war with the Exiles, she has sought to dedicate her life to the Order, choosing to embody all pillars of the Jedi Code. While she remains among the best duelists among the Order, Nadina has abstained from violence in its entirety. Zealots and radicals within the Order have often scorned her for her faith, but her teachings on pacification eventually developed into a following, and later into the establishment of a sanctuary for all Jedi to practice the peace.[/EXSIZE][/JUSTIFY][/ABOX3][abox3=62%]



[SIZE=2][COLOR=#ff4d4d]"You look like the human equivalent of small talk."[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]

[FONT=Iceland][SIZE=4]Ah, I remember my childhood. There’s no way I could ever forget those days, or my parents— my loving, darling parents. We all lived together in a modest villa perched in the heart of Alderaan, surrounded by great forests and mountains as far as the eye can see, and… (snores) Hah. Bullshit. The only thing I can recall from the crater of my childhood is the sweet smell of streets soaked in shit, the warm embrace of morning smog, the twitch of pain from one too many bruises. Unforgettable, really, but I guess that’s what I get for getting shat out from an emotionally abusive mum and her physically abusive husband— two ugly sides to the same ugly coin.

Lucky for me, I caught a break with some pretentious pirate lord looking for another crew to exploit. Sure, I was young, but damn, was I stupid. A trait the pirate, strangely, found charming. I can only assume he thought me as relatable, or easy to manipulate, but either way, I didn’t give a shit. He was my ticket off this rock— off Coruscant. At his side, or at least, under his boot, I could cut myself away from the soot and haze, and from a life worth nothing more than another statistic. I could carve myself a legacy in those stars, and bathe in treasures neither of my parents could have ever graced with their own two eyes. And by god, if that thought alone didn’t give me the strength to survive, then I don’t know what did.

In time, though, years pass into memory. From a grease monkey in the stomach of his freighter to his right hand man, I stood only a breadth from my destiny. Just inches from becoming a lord myself, and inheriting both a ship and crew that would lead me to infamy. But the Captain still had a couple decades left dangling in his meager life, and being the impatient man I am, simply couldn’t wait any longer, so in the dead of night after we had laid waste to some penal colony on Hoth, I offered him a gift I had “looted.” A fine bottle of whiskey, frozen cold and deserving of only “a god,” and I quote. Now, the old man just couldn’t get enough of that, and snorted the glass like the drunkard he was.


Too bad that halfway through, he started having a coughing fit. Then half his face wrinkled to a sulk. His breath gasped, fingers scratching at his chest, as if something were gnawing at him from within. I called out for help, taking him into my hands as he fell to the ground, shaking. His eyes turned blood red, and his gasps for breath grew scratchy and coarse. And as he took his final moments vying to survive, I remember looking down at him, my concern twisting into a smile. His face after that— just priceless. Complete shock, mixed with a scrunched grimace as he died inches below me. A heart attack, the autopsy would report afterward, but I knew what really happened. Power, after all, must be earned. Not gifted.

The crew weren’t exactly pleased to see me as their newfangled Captain, given my age and all, but it wasn’t like there was anyone else more suited for the job. I was the second-in-command. I was the finest gunslinger and swordsman they had. So of course I would be the one to lead them back into the fray, this time free of the lesser ambitions of a lesser man. Instead of simple colonies on derelict worlds, I aimed to go bigger— raids on Republic convoys, on passing merchant caravans, or fortified stations further into the Core. While the losses grew great, the treasures I uncovered were beyond compensation. All I’d have to do is draft another hireling, arm them with a weapon, and go right back to it. I was unstoppable. Up until the Empire decided to rain on my parade.


My paths crossed alongside some “famed” Imperial Admiral, Anya Sevchenko. Pretty, if I had to be honest, but an absolute bitch. She cracked down hard on pirates and smugglers alike, ransacking old marauder settlements or raking through crews like they were nothing. I had a good start going after the Republic fell, but with her around, it was impossible to continue my ventures along the Mid-Rim and Core. Outside their borders, however, was a different case entirely. With the Order sprawled out, their homeworld forsaken and beset by an onslaught of Sith, I knew they would have little time to bother prying into my own affairs. At least, so long as I avoided their direct attention. A feat I found easy enough.

Fast forward to now, and here I am. Corsair of the Corellian Run, Pirate of the Perlemian, the infamous Raider on Sullust. I’ve crossed with rogue Sith, with Jedi Knights, with trained Mandalorians— and I’ve survived. No, endured. And my god, I don’t give a living shit if you’re the Grandmaster, or a Protector, or even the Emperor himself. Get in my way, and I swear I will make wine out of your face.[/SIZE][/FONT]


█████[/COLOR][COLOR=#a0a0a0]█████[/COLOR][/SIZE][/justify][/cbox2][/float_left][justify][FONT=Iceland][SIZE=4]Chiseled jaw, messy hair, and a killer smirk, Leon is the classic scumbag of a pirate. Neatly sharp nose, like the tip of his tongue and his matchless wit, and gaze colored in a golden hazel. Although behind that burrowed pair of eyes, the flair of another cynic ego remains. When he looks to almost anyone, it is through a scowl, or with a hint of scorn, fostered by the feeling that he is better than everyone else, in both appearance and in character.

As for attire, he’s shown to prefer a much more elaborate, contemporary refinement, rather than the typical clutter of most pirates and corsairs. Though not borderline expensive or extravagant, a better comparison could be to that of a smuggler, or the likewise infamous Damon Kross. Never without a sleek, nifty jacket and a pocket full of fine cigars, Leon certainly knows a thing or two about style.

Beneath this sense of fashion, however, is a body marred by years of constant battle. One scar from a passing Jedi Knight lines from his lower side to just below his shoulder blade. Another mark, this time from a random blaster in the midst of a raid, blotches his upper left arm. Further down, a stab wound, not yet healed into a scar, sits inches from his heart. All these scars act as a reminder to his life as a pirate, and but also as a testament to his strength.[/SIZE][/FONT][/justify][/tab]
[FONT=Iceland][SIZE=4]Leon is a bottle of hard whiskey. First sip, and it’s like getting kicked directly in the face. Biting sarcasm, ruthless sass, explicit defiance. Take a second, and it’s a slap across the face, but like any other classic romance, its all followed by a sweet kiss of intoxication. The cheeky backtalk, the sharp wit, his eccentric poise. By the third shot, your mind is already reeling back, overrun by a muddled confusion of alcohol, or in this case, his temper. His emotions are beyond complex, blurred from years of a traumatic childhood mixed with the corrupt livelihood of any ill-famed pirate and the pressures that come along with it. Of course, there are always those who never do enjoy the taste of hard liquor, surprising as it might sound. And for Leon, such is fact— as there is almost none in the galaxy who would care to delight in the company of a pirate.

Shelter. A home. A thought and feeling he’s come to never known. Held under the bondage of two negligent parents, Leon had always dreamed of what home truly felt like. Although he may have ultimately escaped, the thought of a home continues to linger, substituted only by his worn-out starship and a crew he has come to treat as disposable colleagues than family. While the idea of a home does tug at his heart, he has grown to understand that as a pirate, there is no room for weakness, let alone for dream far beyond his grasp. But even still, he knows he can’t wipe away this desire for shelter. Like most, if not all, in the galaxy, it is a necessity.

Hunger. Of all he seemingly hungers for, and desires, its treasure. Walking in the finest clothes, drinking the finest wine, sailing in the finest ship. The pleasures of wealth is impossible to ignore, that much is certain. However, Leon is not inherently greedy, but rather hopes to fill the void his parents had left him with. While its been futile so far, trying to replace emotional contentment with physical luxuries, he continues this regardless. After all he’s done, he has grown to feel that redemption and restitution is beyond him, choosing instead to embrace his lifestyle as a pirate than bother making a hollow attempt to fulfill his hunger with emotion. Looting and raiding passing worlds, at least, has satiated this hunger.

Thirst. Love, lust, friendship. Relationships in Leon’s circumstance is… complex. From distant allies to close crew members, he is known to keep everyone at arms length. Even when it comes to lovers, oftentimes fleeting, he’s no different from his father, indifferent to their feelings. Love has served Leon in only two ways: to manipulate one into his own favor, or to sate the lust all men carry. Be it young harlots waltzing on the streets of Ord Antalaha, or silver eyed women perched in the corner of bars, he does not care. As long as it gives him the thrill of revelry, or a taste of joy, then there’s no stopping him from looking to quench his thirst. [/SIZE][/FONT][/justify][/tab]

[SIZE=4]➵ B0-0M Pulse Rifle
w/ 2 explosive and 3 ammo reloads
➵ Gratia Blaster Pistol
w/ 2 ammo reloads
➵ TS-15 Blaster Pistol
w/ 2 ammo reloads

➵ Vagabond Armor
w/ HUD, AFM's and repulsorboots functions

➵ Grenades, Detonators, Handhelds
MK-3 (1), EMP (1), Sonic (2), Thermal (3)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=4]None, save the comfort of his ship.[/URL][/SIZE]

[SIZE=4]PPC-5 Snapper Class Corvette[/SIZE]

[SIZE=4]More than enough, given his... livelihood.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=4]RZX-637 "EndBringer" Guardian
RZX-96 "Vindicator" Battle Drone[/SIZE]


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[RIGHT][FONT=Iceland][SIZE=1][COLOR=white]Template by [USER=2403]@ZayPat[/USER][/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT][/RIGHT]


[INDENT][FONT=Roboto Condensed][EXSIZE=13][COLOR=#c97015][B]ALIAS(ES)[/B][/COLOR][/EXSIZE]
[EXSIZE=12][COLOR=#ff8000]➳ Levi[/COLOR][/EXSIZE]
[EXSIZE=12][COLOR=#ff8000]➳ Onderon[/COLOR][/EXSIZE]
[EXSIZE=12][COLOR=#ff8000]➳ Human[/COLOR][/EXSIZE]
[EXSIZE=12][COLOR=#ff8000]➳ Male[/COLOR][/EXSIZE]
[EXSIZE=12][COLOR=#ff8000]➳ [ABBR=6'1"]1.85m[/ABBR][/COLOR][/EXSIZE]
[EXSIZE=12][COLOR=#ff8000]➳ Toned[/COLOR][/EXSIZE]
[EXSIZE=12][COLOR=#ff8000]➳ Auburn[/COLOR][/EXSIZE]
[EXSIZE=12][COLOR=#ff8000]➳ Blue-green[/COLOR][/EXSIZE]
[EXSIZE=12][COLOR=#ff8000]➳ Exiles[/COLOR][/EXSIZE]
[EXSIZE=12][COLOR=#ff8000]➳ Confirmed[/COLOR][/EXSIZE][/FONT][/INDENT]

[CENTER][FONT=Roboto Condensed][EXSIZE=12][COLOR=#ff8000][I]The dark does not destroy the light; it defines it. It's our fear of the dark that casts our joy into [ABBR=Quote by Brene Brown]the shadows[/ABBR].[/I][/COLOR][/EXSIZE][/FONT]


[JUSTIFY][EXSIZE=11]Once a valued Knight within the Jedi Order, years of fighting the "Exiles" led him astray. Disillusioned from the clashing ideals of the Order, from the pacifists to the crusaders, Levi finally cast himself out. His self-imposed exile initially had him roaming every corner of the galaxy in search of answers; of himself. It was only in the darkness, however, that he truly saw the light. His shift to the dark side later drew him to the "Exiles," by which then they were long forced into hiding. Determined to continue down his path of self-discovery, Levi joined at their side, hoping he might come to fully realize what the first Exile had in mind when they had left the Order.[/EXSIZE][/JUSTIFY][/ABOX3][abox3=62%]



[SIZE=2][COLOR=#ff4d4d]"You look like the human equivalent of small talk."[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]

[GFONT=Iceland][SIZE=4]Ah, I remember my childhood. There’s no way I could ever forget those days, or my parents— my loving, darling parents. We all lived together in a modest villa perched in the heart of Alderaan, surrounded by great forests and mountains as far as the eye can see, and… (snores) Hah. Bullshit. The only thing I can recall from the crater of my childhood is the sweet smell of streets soaked in shit, the warm embrace of morning smog, the twitch of pain from one too many bruises. Unforgettable, really, but I guess that’s what I get for getting shat out from an emotionally abusive mum and her physically abusive husband— two ugly sides to the same ugly coin.

Lucky for me, I caught a break with some pretentious pirate lord looking for another crew to exploit. Sure, I was young, but damn, was I stupid. A trait the pirate, strangely, found charming. I can only assume he thought me as relatable, or easy to manipulate, but either way, I didn’t give a shit. He was my ticket off this rock— off Coruscant. At his side, or at least, under his boot, I could cut myself away from the soot and haze, and from a life worth nothing more than another statistic. I could carve myself a legacy in those stars, and bathe in treasures neither of my parents could have ever graced with their own two eyes. And by god, if that thought alone didn’t give me the strength to survive, then I don’t know what did.

In time, though, years pass into memory. From a grease monkey in the stomach of his freighter to his right hand man, I stood only a breadth from my destiny. Just inches from becoming a lord myself, and inheriting both a ship and crew that would lead me to infamy. But the Captain still had a couple decades left dangling in his meager life, and being the impatient man I am, simply couldn’t wait any longer, so in the dead of night after we had laid waste to some penal colony on Hoth, I offered him a gift I had “looted.” A fine bottle of whiskey, frozen cold and deserving of only “a god,” and I quote. Now, the old man just couldn’t get enough of that, and snorted the glass like the drunkard he was.[/SIZE][/GFONT]

[/tab][tab=Appearance][float_left][cbox2=220px][CENTER][IMG][/IMG][/CENTER][/cbox2][/float_left][justify][GFONT=Iceland][SIZE=4]Chiseled jaw, messy hair, and a killer smirk, Leon is the classic scumbag of a pirate. Neatly sharp nose, like the tip of his tongue and his matchless wit, and gaze colored in a golden hazel. Although behind that burrowed pair of eyes, the flair of another cynic ego remains. When he looks to almost anyone, it is through a scowl, or with a hint of scorn, fostered by the feeling that he is better than everyone else, in both appearance and in character.

As for attire, he’s shown to prefer a much more elaborate, contemporary refinement, rather than the typical clutter of most pirates and corsairs. Though not borderline expensive or extravagant, a better comparison could be to that of a smuggler, or the likewise infamous Damon Kross. Never without a sleek, nifty jacket and a pocket full of fine cigars, Leon certainly knows a thing or two about style.

Beneath this sense of fashion, however, is a body marred by years of constant battle. One scar from a passing Jedi Knight lines from his lower side to just below his shoulder blade. Another mark, this time from a random blaster in the midst of a raid, blotches his upper left arm. Further down, a stab wound, not yet healed into a scar, sits inches from his heart. All these scars act as a reminder to his life.[/SIZE][/GFONT][/justify][/tab]
[GFONT=Iceland][SIZE=4]Leon is a bottle of hard whiskey. First sip, and it’s like getting kicked directly in the face. Biting sarcasm, ruthless sass, explicit defiance. Take a second, and it’s a slap across the face, but like any other classic romance, its all followed by a sweet kiss of intoxication. The cheeky backtalk, the sharp wit, his eccentric poise. By the third shot, your mind is already reeling back, overrun by a muddled confusion of alcohol, or in this case, his temper. His emotions are beyond complex, blurred from years of a traumatic childhood mixed with the corrupt livelihood of any ill-famed pirate and the pressures that come along with it. Of course, there are always those who never do enjoy the taste of hard liquor, surprising as it might sound. And for Leon, such is fact— as there is almost none in the galaxy who would care to delight in the company of a pirate.

Shelter. A home. A thought and feeling he’s come to never known. Held under the bondage of two negligent parents, Leon had always dreamed of what home truly felt like. Although he may have ultimately escaped, the thought of a home continues to linger, substituted only by his worn-out starship and a crew he has come to treat as disposable colleagues than family. While the idea of a home does tug at his heart, he has grown to understand that as a pirate, there is no room for weakness, let alone for dream far beyond his grasp. But even still, he knows he can’t wipe away this desire for shelter. Like most, if not all, in the galaxy, it is a necessity.

Hunger. Of all he seemingly hungers for, and desires, its treasure. Walking in the finest clothes, drinking the finest wine, sailing in the finest ship. The pleasures of wealth is impossible to ignore, that much is certain. However, Leon is not inherently greedy, but rather hopes to fill the void his parents had left him with. While its been futile so far, trying to replace emotional contentment with physical luxuries, he continues this regardless. After all he’s done, he has grown to feel that redemption and restitution is beyond him, choosing instead to embrace his lifestyle as a pirate than bother making a hollow attempt to fulfill his hunger with emotion. Looting and raiding passing worlds, at least, has satiated this hunger.

Thirst. Love, lust, friendship. Relationships in Leon’s circumstance is… complex. From distant allies to close crew members, he is known to keep everyone at arms length. Even when it comes to lovers, oftentimes fleeting, he’s no different from his father, indifferent to their feelings. Love has served Leon in only two ways: to manipulate one into his own favor, or to sate the lust all men carry. Be it young harlots waltzing on the streets of Ord Antalaha, or silver eyed women perched in the corner of bars, he does not care. As long as it gives him the thrill of revelry, or a taste of joy, then there’s no stopping him from looking to quench his thirst. [/SIZE][/GFONT][/justify][/tab]

[SIZE=4]➵ B0-0M Pulse Rifle
w/ 2 explosive
w/ 3 ammo reloads
➵ TS-15 Blaster Pistol
w/ 2 ammo reloads

➵ Vagabond Armor
w/ HUD, AFM's and repulsorboots functions

➵ Grenades, Detonators, Handhelds
MK-3 (1), EMP (1), Sonic (2), Thermal (3)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=4]None, save the comfort of his ship.[/URL][/SIZE]

[SIZE=4]PPC-5 Snapper Class Corvette[/SIZE]

[SIZE=4]More than enough, given his... livelihood.[/SIZE]


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[RIGHT][GFONT=Iceland][SIZE=1][COLOR=white]Template by [USER=2403]@ZayPat[/USER][/COLOR][/SIZE][/GFONT][/RIGHT]


[EXSIZE=14][COLOR=#D2B48C]➳ Ord Antalaha[/COLOR][/EXSIZE]
[EXSIZE=14][COLOR=#D2B48C]➳ [ABBR=6'1"]1.85m[/ABBR][/COLOR][/EXSIZE]
[EXSIZE=14][COLOR=#D2B48C]➳ Cerulean[/COLOR][/EXSIZE]
[EXSIZE=14][COLOR=#D2B48C]➳ Positive[/COLOR][/EXSIZE]
[EXSIZE=14][COLOR=#D2B48C]➳ Negative[/COLOR][/EXSIZE]


[CENTER][FONT=Roboto Condensed][EXSIZE=12][COLOR=#D2B48C][I]They say if you're too open-minded, your brains will fall out. But jokes on them, mine already have![/I][/COLOR][/EXSIZE][/FONT]


[JUSTIFY][EXSIZE=11]Once a valued Knight within the Jedi Order, years of fighting the "Exiles" led him astray. Disillusioned from the clashing ideals of the Order, from the pacifists to the crusaders, Levi finally cast himself out. His self-imposed exile initially had him roaming every corner of the galaxy in search of answers; of himself and others. Disillusioned from the clashing ideals of the Order, from the pacifists to the crusaders, Levi finally cast himself out from the Order forevermore.

It was only in the darkness, however, that he truly saw the light. His shift to the dark side later drew him to the "Exiles," by which then they were long forced into hiding. Determined to continue down his path of self-discovery, Levi joined at their side, hoping he might come to fully realize what the first Exile had in mind when they had left the Order.Once a valued Knight within the Jedi Order, years of fighting the "Exiles" led him astray. Disillusioned from the clashing ideals of the Order, from the pacifists to the crusaders, Levi finally cast himself.[/EXSIZE][/JUSTIFY][/ABOX3]


[INDENT][FONT=Roboto Condensed][EXSIZE=13][COLOR=#7b904c][B]ALIAS(ES)[/B][/COLOR][/EXSIZE]
[EXSIZE=12][COLOR=#a1b476]➳ Sol; Solo[/COLOR][/EXSIZE]
[EXSIZE=12][COLOR=#a1b476]➳ Unknown[/COLOR][/EXSIZE]
[EXSIZE=12][COLOR=#a1b476]➳ Human[/COLOR][/EXSIZE]
[EXSIZE=12][COLOR=#a1b476]➳ Male[/COLOR][/EXSIZE]
[EXSIZE=12][COLOR=#a1b476]➳ [ABBR=6'1"]1.85m[/ABBR][/COLOR][/EXSIZE]
[EXSIZE=12][COLOR=#a1b476]➳ Compact[/COLOR][/EXSIZE]
[EXSIZE=12][COLOR=#a1b476]➳ Dirty blonde[/COLOR][/EXSIZE]
[EXSIZE=12][COLOR=#a1b476]➳ Blue-green[/COLOR][/EXSIZE]
[EXSIZE=12][COLOR=#a1b476]➳ Jedi Order[/COLOR][/EXSIZE]
[EXSIZE=12][COLOR=#a1b476]➳ Confirmed[/COLOR][/EXSIZE][/FONT][/INDENT]

[CENTER][FONT=Roboto Condensed][EXSIZE=12][COLOR=#a1b476][I]Knowledge is power. Power to do evil, or power to do good. Power itself is not evil. [ABBR=Quote by Veronica Roth]So knowledge itself is not evil[/ABBR].[/I][/COLOR][/EXSIZE][/FONT]


[JUSTIFY][EXSIZE=11]Taken into the Jedi at birth, Solomon never knew the comforts of a loving father and mother— only the discipline of his master. With the war between both Jedi and Exile reaching its limit, he was rushed through training, pressed forward to become another pawn of the Order in their desperate attempt to win by sheer number. Still, without the sentiments of a family, he turned to sifting through the many archives of the temple rather than fighting on the battlefield, thus fostering an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. As a Jedi Knight, he remains steadfast in his pursuit of wisdom and ultimately, power— no matter what it takes.[/EXSIZE][/JUSTIFY][/ABOX3][abox3=62%]



[SIZE=2][COLOR=#ff4d4d]"You look like the human equivalent of small talk."[/COLOR][/SIZE][/CENTER]

[GFONT=Iceland][SIZE=4]Ah, I remember my childhood. There’s no way I could ever forget those days, or my parents— my loving, darling parents. We all lived together in a modest villa perched in the heart of Alderaan, surrounded by great forests and mountains as far as the eye can see, and… (snores) Hah. Bullshit. The only thing I can recall from the crater of my childhood is the sweet smell of streets soaked in shit, the warm embrace of morning smog, the twitch of pain from one too many bruises. Unforgettable, really, but I guess that’s what I get for getting shat out from an emotionally abusive mum and her physically abusive husband— two ugly sides to the same ugly coin.

Lucky for me, I caught a break with some pretentious pirate lord looking for another crew to exploit. Sure, I was young, but damn, was I stupid. A trait the pirate, strangely, found charming. I can only assume he thought me as relatable, or easy to manipulate, but either way, I didn’t give a shit. He was my ticket off this rock— off Coruscant. At his side, or at least, under his boot, I could cut myself away from the soot and haze, and from a life worth nothing more than another statistic. I could carve myself a legacy in those stars, and bathe in treasures neither of my parents could have ever graced with their own two eyes. And by god, if that thought alone didn’t give me the strength to survive, then I don’t know what did.

In time, though, years pass into memory. From a grease monkey in the stomach of his freighter to his right hand man, I stood only a breadth from my destiny. Just inches from becoming a lord myself, and inheriting both a ship and crew that would lead me to infamy. But the Captain still had a couple decades left dangling in his meager life, and being the impatient man I am, simply couldn’t wait any longer, so in the dead of night after we had laid waste to some penal colony on Hoth, I offered him a gift I had “looted.” A fine bottle of whiskey, frozen cold and deserving of only “a god,” and I quote. Now, the old man just couldn’t get enough of that, and snorted the glass like the drunkard he was.[/SIZE][/GFONT]

[/tab][tab=Appearance][float_left][cbox2=220px][CENTER][IMG][/IMG][/CENTER][/cbox2][/float_left][justify][GFONT=Iceland][SIZE=4]Chiseled jaw, messy hair, and a killer smirk, Leon is the classic scumbag of a pirate. Neatly sharp nose, like the tip of his tongue and his matchless wit, and gaze colored in a golden hazel. Although behind that burrowed pair of eyes, the flair of another cynic ego remains. When he looks to almost anyone, it is through a scowl, or with a hint of scorn, fostered by the feeling that he is better than everyone else, in both appearance and in character.

As for attire, he’s shown to prefer a much more elaborate, contemporary refinement, rather than the typical clutter of most pirates and corsairs. Though not borderline expensive or extravagant, a better comparison could be to that of a smuggler, or the likewise infamous Damon Kross. Never without a sleek, nifty jacket and a pocket full of fine cigars, Leon certainly knows a thing or two about style.

Beneath this sense of fashion, however, is a body marred by years of constant battle. One scar from a passing Jedi Knight lines from his lower side to just below his shoulder blade. Another mark, this time from a random blaster in the midst of a raid, blotches his upper left arm. Further down, a stab wound, not yet healed into a scar, sits inches from his heart. All these scars act as a reminder to his life.[/SIZE][/GFONT][/justify][/tab]
[GFONT=Iceland][SIZE=4]Leon is a bottle of hard whiskey. First sip, and it’s like getting kicked directly in the face. Biting sarcasm, ruthless sass, explicit defiance. Take a second, and it’s a slap across the face, but like any other classic romance, its all followed by a sweet kiss of intoxication. The cheeky backtalk, the sharp wit, his eccentric poise. By the third shot, your mind is already reeling back, overrun by a muddled confusion of alcohol, or in this case, his temper. His emotions are beyond complex, blurred from years of a traumatic childhood mixed with the corrupt livelihood of any ill-famed pirate and the pressures that come along with it. Of course, there are always those who never do enjoy the taste of hard liquor, surprising as it might sound. And for Leon, such is fact— as there is almost none in the galaxy who would care to delight in the company of a pirate.

Shelter. A home. A thought and feeling he’s come to never known. Held under the bondage of two negligent parents, Leon had always dreamed of what home truly felt like. Although he may have ultimately escaped, the thought of a home continues to linger, substituted only by his worn-out starship and a crew he has come to treat as disposable colleagues than family. While the idea of a home does tug at his heart, he has grown to understand that as a pirate, there is no room for weakness, let alone for dream far beyond his grasp. But even still, he knows he can’t wipe away this desire for shelter. Like most, if not all, in the galaxy, it is a necessity.

Hunger. Of all he seemingly hungers for, and desires, its treasure. Walking in the finest clothes, drinking the finest wine, sailing in the finest ship. The pleasures of wealth is impossible to ignore, that much is certain. However, Leon is not inherently greedy, but rather hopes to fill the void his parents had left him with. While its been futile so far, trying to replace emotional contentment with physical luxuries, he continues this regardless. After all he’s done, he has grown to feel that redemption and restitution is beyond him, choosing instead to embrace his lifestyle as a pirate than bother making a hollow attempt to fulfill his hunger with emotion. Looting and raiding passing worlds, at least, has satiated this hunger.

Thirst. Love, lust, friendship. Relationships in Leon’s circumstance is… complex. From distant allies to close crew members, he is known to keep everyone at arms length. Even when it comes to lovers, oftentimes fleeting, he’s no different from his father, indifferent to their feelings. Love has served Leon in only two ways: to manipulate one into his own favor, or to sate the lust all men carry. Be it young harlots waltzing on the streets of Ord Antalaha, or silver eyed women perched in the corner of bars, he does not care. As long as it gives him the thrill of revelry, or a taste of joy, then there’s no stopping him from looking to quench his thirst. [/SIZE][/GFONT][/justify][/tab]

[SIZE=4]➵ B0-0M Pulse Rifle
w/ 2 explosive
w/ 3 ammo reloads
➵ TS-15 Blaster Pistol
w/ 2 ammo reloads

➵ Vagabond Armor
w/ HUD, AFM's and repulsorboots functions

➵ Grenades, Detonators, Handhelds
MK-3 (1), EMP (1), Sonic (2), Thermal (3)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=4]None, save the comfort of his ship.[/URL][/SIZE]

[SIZE=4]PPC-5 Snapper Class Corvette[/SIZE]

[SIZE=4]More than enough, given his... livelihood.[/SIZE]


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[RIGHT][GFONT=Iceland][SIZE=1][COLOR=white]Template by [USER=2403]@ZayPat[/USER][/COLOR][/SIZE][/GFONT][/RIGHT]
Last edited:


Member (asf)
SWRP Writer
Apr 12, 2016
Reaction score


➳ None
➳ Vrogas Vas
➳ Human
➳ Female
➳ Slender
➳ Russet
➳ Auburn
➳ Jedi
➳ Confirmed

Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.


A respected member of the Jedi, Nadina has long remained devoted to the tenants of the Order. Since the death of her husband due to the century-long war with the Exiles, she has sought to dedicate her life to their traditions, choosing to embody all pillars of the Jedi Code. While she is considered among the best duelists of the Order, Nadina has abstained from violence entirely. Radicals within the Order have therefore ridiculed her for her faith, but her convictions have yet to fracture under their scorn. She has hoped that one day the Jedi may come to realize the futility of war, and allow itself to nurture back to its former, all-encompassing glory.

  • .

  • tumblr_omd1ljjSBe1rxmai6o1_540.gif


    "You look like the human equivalent of small talk."

    Ah, I remember my childhood. There’s no way I could ever forget those days, or my parents— my loving, darling parents. We all lived together in a modest villa perched in the heart of Alderaan, surrounded by great forests and mountains as far as the eye can see, and… (snores) Hah. Bullshit. The only thing I can recall from the crater of my childhood is the sweet smell of streets soaked in shit, the warm embrace of morning smog, the twitch of pain from one too many bruises. Unforgettable, really, but I guess that’s what I get for getting shat out from an emotionally abusive mum and her physically abusive husband— two ugly sides to the same ugly coin.

    Lucky for me, I caught a break with some pretentious pirate lord looking for another crew to exploit. Sure, I was young, but damn, was I stupid. A trait the pirate, strangely, found charming. I can only assume he thought me as relatable, or easy to manipulate, but either way, I didn’t give a shit. He was my ticket off this rock— off Coruscant. At his side, or at least, under his boot, I could cut myself away from the soot and haze, and from a life worth nothing more than another statistic. I could carve myself a legacy in those stars, and bathe in treasures neither of my parents could have ever graced with their own two eyes. And by god, if that thought alone didn’t give me the strength to survive, then I don’t know what did.

    In time, though, years pass into memory. From a grease monkey in the stomach of his freighter to his right hand man, I stood only a breadth from my destiny. Just inches from becoming a lord myself, and inheriting both a ship and crew that would lead me to infamy. But the Captain still had a couple decades left dangling in his meager life, and being the impatient man I am, simply couldn’t wait any longer, so in the dead of night after we had laid waste to some penal colony on Hoth, I offered him a gift I had “looted.” A fine bottle of whiskey, frozen cold and deserving of only “a god,” and I quote. Now, the old man just couldn’t get enough of that, and snorted the glass like the drunkard he was.

    Too bad that halfway through, he started having a coughing fit. Then half his face wrinkled to a sulk. His breath gasped, fingers scratching at his chest, as if something were gnawing at him from within. I called out for help, taking him into my hands as he fell to the ground, shaking. His eyes turned blood red, and his gasps for breath grew scratchy and coarse. And as he took his final moments vying to survive, I remember looking down at him, my concern twisting into a smile. His face after that— just priceless. Complete shock, mixed with a scrunched grimace as he died inches below me. A heart attack, the autopsy would report afterward, but I knew what really happened. Power, after all, must be earned. Not gifted.

    The crew weren’t exactly pleased to see me as their newfangled Captain, given my age and all, but it wasn’t like there was anyone else more suited for the job. I was the second-in-command. I was the finest gunslinger and swordsman they had. So of course I would be the one to lead them back into the fray, this time free of the lesser ambitions of a lesser man. Instead of simple colonies on derelict worlds, I aimed to go bigger— raids on Republic convoys, on passing merchant caravans, or fortified stations further into the Core. While the losses grew great, the treasures I uncovered were beyond compensation. All I’d have to do is draft another hireling, arm them with a weapon, and go right back to it. I was unstoppable. Up until the Empire decided to rain on my parade.

    My paths crossed alongside some “famed” Imperial Admiral, Anya Sevchenko. Pretty, if I had to be honest, but an absolute bitch. She cracked down hard on pirates and smugglers alike, ransacking old marauder settlements or raking through crews like they were nothing. I had a good start going after the Republic fell, but with her around, it was impossible to continue my ventures along the Mid-Rim and Core. Outside their borders, however, was a different case entirely. With the Order sprawled out, their homeworld forsaken and beset by an onslaught of Sith, I knew they would have little time to bother prying into my own affairs. At least, so long as I avoided their direct attention. A feat I found easy enough.

    Fast forward to now, and here I am. Corsair of the Corellian Run, Pirate of the Perlemian, the infamous Raider on Sullust. I’ve crossed with rogue Sith, with Jedi Knights, with trained Mandalorians— and I’ve survived. No, endured. And my god, I don’t give a living shit if you’re the Grandmaster, or a Protector, or even the Emperor himself. Get in my way, and I swear I will make wine out of your face.

  • OMGv2ON.gif

    Chiseled jaw, messy hair, and a killer smirk, Leon is the classic scumbag of a pirate. Neatly sharp nose, like the tip of his tongue and his matchless wit, and gaze colored in a golden hazel. Although behind that burrowed pair of eyes, the flair of another cynic ego remains. When he looks to almost anyone, it is through a scowl, or with a hint of scorn, fostered by the feeling that he is better than everyone else, in both appearance and in character.

    As for attire, he’s shown to prefer a much more elaborate, contemporary refinement, rather than the typical clutter of most pirates and corsairs. Though not borderline expensive or extravagant, a better comparison could be to that of a smuggler, or the likewise infamous Damon Kross. Never without a sleek, nifty jacket and a pocket full of fine cigars, Leon certainly knows a thing or two about style.

    Beneath this sense of fashion, however, is a body marred by years of constant battle. One scar from a passing Jedi Knight lines from his lower side to just below his shoulder blade. Another mark, this time from a random blaster in the midst of a raid, blotches his upper left arm. Further down, a stab wound, not yet healed into a scar, sits inches from his heart. All these scars act as a reminder to his life as a pirate, and but also as a testament to his strength.
  • QatjnQQ.png

    Leon is a bottle of hard whiskey. First sip, and it’s like getting kicked directly in the face. Biting sarcasm, ruthless sass, explicit defiance. Take a second, and it’s a slap across the face, but like any other classic romance, its all followed by a sweet kiss of intoxication. The cheeky backtalk, the sharp wit, his eccentric poise. By the third shot, your mind is already reeling back, overrun by a muddled confusion of alcohol, or in this case, his temper. His emotions are beyond complex, blurred from years of a traumatic childhood mixed with the corrupt livelihood of any ill-famed pirate and the pressures that come along with it. Of course, there are always those who never do enjoy the taste of hard liquor, surprising as it might sound. And for Leon, such is fact— as there is almost none in the galaxy who would care to delight in the company of a pirate.

    Shelter. A home. A thought and feeling he’s come to never known. Held under the bondage of two negligent parents, Leon had always dreamed of what home truly felt like. Although he may have ultimately escaped, the thought of a home continues to linger, substituted only by his worn-out starship and a crew he has come to treat as disposable colleagues than family. While the idea of a home does tug at his heart, he has grown to understand that as a pirate, there is no room for weakness, let alone for dream far beyond his grasp. But even still, he knows he can’t wipe away this desire for shelter. Like most, if not all, in the galaxy, it is a necessity.

    Hunger. Of all he seemingly hungers for, and desires, its treasure. Walking in the finest clothes, drinking the finest wine, sailing in the finest ship. The pleasures of wealth is impossible to ignore, that much is certain. However, Leon is not inherently greedy, but rather hopes to fill the void his parents had left him with. While its been futile so far, trying to replace emotional contentment with physical luxuries, he continues this regardless. After all he’s done, he has grown to feel that redemption and restitution is beyond him, choosing instead to embrace his lifestyle as a pirate than bother making a hollow attempt to fulfill his hunger with emotion. Looting and raiding passing worlds, at least, has satiated this hunger.

    Thirst. Love, lust, friendship. Relationships in Leon’s circumstance is… complex. From distant allies to close crew members, he is known to keep everyone at arms length. Even when it comes to lovers, oftentimes fleeting, he’s no different from his father, indifferent to their feelings. Love has served Leon in only two ways: to manipulate one into his own favor, or to sate the lust all men carry. Be it young harlots waltzing on the streets of Ord Antalaha, or silver eyed women perched in the corner of bars, he does not care. As long as it gives him the thrill of revelry, or a taste of joy, then there’s no stopping him from looking to quench his thirst.


    ➵ B0-0M Pulse Rifle
    w/ 2 explosive and 3 ammo reloads
    ➵ Gratia Blaster Pistol
    w/ 2 ammo reloads
    ➵ TS-15 Blaster Pistol
    w/ 2 ammo reloads

    ➵ Vagabond Armor
    w/ HUD, AFM's and repulsorboots functions

    ➵ Grenades, Detonators, Handhelds
    MK-3 (1), EMP (1), Sonic (2), Thermal (3)

    None, save the comfort of his ship.[/URL]

    PPC-5 Snapper Class Corvette

    More than enough, given his... livelihood.

    RZX-637 "EndBringer" Guardian
    RZX-96 "Vindicator" Battle Drone


Template by @ZayPat
Last edited:


Member (asf)
SWRP Writer
Apr 12, 2016
Reaction score


➳ Levi
➳ Onderon
➳ Human
➳ Male
➳ Toned
➳ Auburn
➳ Blue-green
➳ Exiles
➳ Confirmed

The dark does not destroy the light; it defines it. It's our fear of the dark that casts our joy into the shadows.


Once a valued Knight within the Jedi Order, years of fighting the "Exiles" led him astray. Disillusioned from the clashing ideals of the Order, from the pacifists to the crusaders, Levi finally cast himself out. His self-imposed exile initially had him roaming every corner of the galaxy in search of answers; of himself. It was only in the darkness, however, that he truly saw the light. His shift to the dark side later drew him to the "Exiles," by which then they were long forced into hiding. Determined to continue down his path of self-discovery, Levi joined at their side, hoping he might come to fully realize what the first Exile had in mind when they had left the Order.

  • .

  • ec2Nt85.gif


    "You look like the human equivalent of small talk."

    Ah, I remember my childhood. There’s no way I could ever forget those days, or my parents— my loving, darling parents. We all lived together in a modest villa perched in the heart of Alderaan, surrounded by great forests and mountains as far as the eye can see, and… (snores) Hah. Bullshit. The only thing I can recall from the crater of my childhood is the sweet smell of streets soaked in shit, the warm embrace of morning smog, the twitch of pain from one too many bruises. Unforgettable, really, but I guess that’s what I get for getting shat out from an emotionally abusive mum and her physically abusive husband— two ugly sides to the same ugly coin.

    Lucky for me, I caught a break with some pretentious pirate lord looking for another crew to exploit. Sure, I was young, but damn, was I stupid. A trait the pirate, strangely, found charming. I can only assume he thought me as relatable, or easy to manipulate, but either way, I didn’t give a shit. He was my ticket off this rock— off Coruscant. At his side, or at least, under his boot, I could cut myself away from the soot and haze, and from a life worth nothing more than another statistic. I could carve myself a legacy in those stars, and bathe in treasures neither of my parents could have ever graced with their own two eyes. And by god, if that thought alone didn’t give me the strength to survive, then I don’t know what did.

    In time, though, years pass into memory. From a grease monkey in the stomach of his freighter to his right hand man, I stood only a breadth from my destiny. Just inches from becoming a lord myself, and inheriting both a ship and crew that would lead me to infamy. But the Captain still had a couple decades left dangling in his meager life, and being the impatient man I am, simply couldn’t wait any longer, so in the dead of night after we had laid waste to some penal colony on Hoth, I offered him a gift I had “looted.” A fine bottle of whiskey, frozen cold and deserving of only “a god,” and I quote. Now, the old man just couldn’t get enough of that, and snorted the glass like the drunkard he was.

  • kRCeIBv.jpg
    Chiseled jaw, messy hair, and a killer smirk, Leon is the classic scumbag of a pirate. Neatly sharp nose, like the tip of his tongue and his matchless wit, and gaze colored in a golden hazel. Although behind that burrowed pair of eyes, the flair of another cynic ego remains. When he looks to almost anyone, it is through a scowl, or with a hint of scorn, fostered by the feeling that he is better than everyone else, in both appearance and in character.

    As for attire, he’s shown to prefer a much more elaborate, contemporary refinement, rather than the typical clutter of most pirates and corsairs. Though not borderline expensive or extravagant, a better comparison could be to that of a smuggler, or the likewise infamous Damon Kross. Never without a sleek, nifty jacket and a pocket full of fine cigars, Leon certainly knows a thing or two about style.

    Beneath this sense of fashion, however, is a body marred by years of constant battle. One scar from a passing Jedi Knight lines from his lower side to just below his shoulder blade. Another mark, this time from a random blaster in the midst of a raid, blotches his upper left arm. Further down, a stab wound, not yet healed into a scar, sits inches from his heart. All these scars act as a reminder to his life.
  • screen_shot_2017-01-04_at_2.04.58_pm_0.jpg

    Leon is a bottle of hard whiskey. First sip, and it’s like getting kicked directly in the face. Biting sarcasm, ruthless sass, explicit defiance. Take a second, and it’s a slap across the face, but like any other classic romance, its all followed by a sweet kiss of intoxication. The cheeky backtalk, the sharp wit, his eccentric poise. By the third shot, your mind is already reeling back, overrun by a muddled confusion of alcohol, or in this case, his temper. His emotions are beyond complex, blurred from years of a traumatic childhood mixed with the corrupt livelihood of any ill-famed pirate and the pressures that come along with it. Of course, there are always those who never do enjoy the taste of hard liquor, surprising as it might sound. And for Leon, such is fact— as there is almost none in the galaxy who would care to delight in the company of a pirate.

    Shelter. A home. A thought and feeling he’s come to never known. Held under the bondage of two negligent parents, Leon had always dreamed of what home truly felt like. Although he may have ultimately escaped, the thought of a home continues to linger, substituted only by his worn-out starship and a crew he has come to treat as disposable colleagues than family. While the idea of a home does tug at his heart, he has grown to understand that as a pirate, there is no room for weakness, let alone for dream far beyond his grasp. But even still, he knows he can’t wipe away this desire for shelter. Like most, if not all, in the galaxy, it is a necessity.

    Hunger. Of all he seemingly hungers for, and desires, its treasure. Walking in the finest clothes, drinking the finest wine, sailing in the finest ship. The pleasures of wealth is impossible to ignore, that much is certain. However, Leon is not inherently greedy, but rather hopes to fill the void his parents had left him with. While its been futile so far, trying to replace emotional contentment with physical luxuries, he continues this regardless. After all he’s done, he has grown to feel that redemption and restitution is beyond him, choosing instead to embrace his lifestyle as a pirate than bother making a hollow attempt to fulfill his hunger with emotion. Looting and raiding passing worlds, at least, has satiated this hunger.

    Thirst. Love, lust, friendship. Relationships in Leon’s circumstance is… complex. From distant allies to close crew members, he is known to keep everyone at arms length. Even when it comes to lovers, oftentimes fleeting, he’s no different from his father, indifferent to their feelings. Love has served Leon in only two ways: to manipulate one into his own favor, or to sate the lust all men carry. Be it young harlots waltzing on the streets of Ord Antalaha, or silver eyed women perched in the corner of bars, he does not care. As long as it gives him the thrill of revelry, or a taste of joy, then there’s no stopping him from looking to quench his thirst.


    ➵ B0-0M Pulse Rifle
    w/ 2 explosive
    w/ 3 ammo reloads
    ➵ TS-15 Blaster Pistol
    w/ 2 ammo reloads

    ➵ Vagabond Armor
    w/ HUD, AFM's and repulsorboots functions

    ➵ Grenades, Detonators, Handhelds
    MK-3 (1), EMP (1), Sonic (2), Thermal (3)

    None, save the comfort of his ship.[/URL]

    PPC-5 Snapper Class Corvette

    More than enough, given his... livelihood.


Template by @ZayPat
Last edited:


Member (asf)
SWRP Writer
Apr 12, 2016
Reaction score


➳ Sol; Solo
➳ Unknown
➳ Human
➳ Male
➳ Compact
➳ Dirty blonde
➳ Blue-green
➳ Jedi Order
➳ Confirmed

Knowledge is power. Power to do evil, or power to do good. Power itself is not evil. So knowledge itself is not evil.


Taken into the Jedi at birth, Solomon never knew the comforts of a loving father and mother— only the discipline of his master. With the war between both Jedi and Exile reaching its limit, he was rushed through training, pressed forward to become another pawn of the Order in their desperate attempt to win by sheer number. Still, without the sentiments of a family, he turned to sifting through the many archives of the temple rather than fighting on the battlefield, thus fostering an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. As a Jedi Knight, he remains steadfast in his pursuit of wisdom and ultimately, power— no matter what it takes.

  • .

  • ec2Nt85.gif


    "You look like the human equivalent of small talk."

    Ah, I remember my childhood. There’s no way I could ever forget those days, or my parents— my loving, darling parents. We all lived together in a modest villa perched in the heart of Alderaan, surrounded by great forests and mountains as far as the eye can see, and… (snores) Hah. Bullshit. The only thing I can recall from the crater of my childhood is the sweet smell of streets soaked in shit, the warm embrace of morning smog, the twitch of pain from one too many bruises. Unforgettable, really, but I guess that’s what I get for getting shat out from an emotionally abusive mum and her physically abusive husband— two ugly sides to the same ugly coin.

    Lucky for me, I caught a break with some pretentious pirate lord looking for another crew to exploit. Sure, I was young, but damn, was I stupid. A trait the pirate, strangely, found charming. I can only assume he thought me as relatable, or easy to manipulate, but either way, I didn’t give a shit. He was my ticket off this rock— off Coruscant. At his side, or at least, under his boot, I could cut myself away from the soot and haze, and from a life worth nothing more than another statistic. I could carve myself a legacy in those stars, and bathe in treasures neither of my parents could have ever graced with their own two eyes. And by god, if that thought alone didn’t give me the strength to survive, then I don’t know what did.

    In time, though, years pass into memory. From a grease monkey in the stomach of his freighter to his right hand man, I stood only a breadth from my destiny. Just inches from becoming a lord myself, and inheriting both a ship and crew that would lead me to infamy. But the Captain still had a couple decades left dangling in his meager life, and being the impatient man I am, simply couldn’t wait any longer, so in the dead of night after we had laid waste to some penal colony on Hoth, I offered him a gift I had “looted.” A fine bottle of whiskey, frozen cold and deserving of only “a god,” and I quote. Now, the old man just couldn’t get enough of that, and snorted the glass like the drunkard he was.

  • kRCeIBv.jpg
    Chiseled jaw, messy hair, and a killer smirk, Leon is the classic scumbag of a pirate. Neatly sharp nose, like the tip of his tongue and his matchless wit, and gaze colored in a golden hazel. Although behind that burrowed pair of eyes, the flair of another cynic ego remains. When he looks to almost anyone, it is through a scowl, or with a hint of scorn, fostered by the feeling that he is better than everyone else, in both appearance and in character.

    As for attire, he’s shown to prefer a much more elaborate, contemporary refinement, rather than the typical clutter of most pirates and corsairs. Though not borderline expensive or extravagant, a better comparison could be to that of a smuggler, or the likewise infamous Damon Kross. Never without a sleek, nifty jacket and a pocket full of fine cigars, Leon certainly knows a thing or two about style.

    Beneath this sense of fashion, however, is a body marred by years of constant battle. One scar from a passing Jedi Knight lines from his lower side to just below his shoulder blade. Another mark, this time from a random blaster in the midst of a raid, blotches his upper left arm. Further down, a stab wound, not yet healed into a scar, sits inches from his heart. All these scars act as a reminder to his life.
  • screen_shot_2017-01-04_at_2.04.58_pm_0.jpg

    Leon is a bottle of hard whiskey. First sip, and it’s like getting kicked directly in the face. Biting sarcasm, ruthless sass, explicit defiance. Take a second, and it’s a slap across the face, but like any other classic romance, its all followed by a sweet kiss of intoxication. The cheeky backtalk, the sharp wit, his eccentric poise. By the third shot, your mind is already reeling back, overrun by a muddled confusion of alcohol, or in this case, his temper. His emotions are beyond complex, blurred from years of a traumatic childhood mixed with the corrupt livelihood of any ill-famed pirate and the pressures that come along with it. Of course, there are always those who never do enjoy the taste of hard liquor, surprising as it might sound. And for Leon, such is fact— as there is almost none in the galaxy who would care to delight in the company of a pirate.

    Shelter. A home. A thought and feeling he’s come to never known. Held under the bondage of two negligent parents, Leon had always dreamed of what home truly felt like. Although he may have ultimately escaped, the thought of a home continues to linger, substituted only by his worn-out starship and a crew he has come to treat as disposable colleagues than family. While the idea of a home does tug at his heart, he has grown to understand that as a pirate, there is no room for weakness, let alone for dream far beyond his grasp. But even still, he knows he can’t wipe away this desire for shelter. Like most, if not all, in the galaxy, it is a necessity.

    Hunger. Of all he seemingly hungers for, and desires, its treasure. Walking in the finest clothes, drinking the finest wine, sailing in the finest ship. The pleasures of wealth is impossible to ignore, that much is certain. However, Leon is not inherently greedy, but rather hopes to fill the void his parents had left him with. While its been futile so far, trying to replace emotional contentment with physical luxuries, he continues this regardless. After all he’s done, he has grown to feel that redemption and restitution is beyond him, choosing instead to embrace his lifestyle as a pirate than bother making a hollow attempt to fulfill his hunger with emotion. Looting and raiding passing worlds, at least, has satiated this hunger.

    Thirst. Love, lust, friendship. Relationships in Leon’s circumstance is… complex. From distant allies to close crew members, he is known to keep everyone at arms length. Even when it comes to lovers, oftentimes fleeting, he’s no different from his father, indifferent to their feelings. Love has served Leon in only two ways: to manipulate one into his own favor, or to sate the lust all men carry. Be it young harlots waltzing on the streets of Ord Antalaha, or silver eyed women perched in the corner of bars, he does not care. As long as it gives him the thrill of revelry, or a taste of joy, then there’s no stopping him from looking to quench his thirst.


    ➵ B0-0M Pulse Rifle
    w/ 2 explosive
    w/ 3 ammo reloads
    ➵ TS-15 Blaster Pistol
    w/ 2 ammo reloads

    ➵ Vagabond Armor
    w/ HUD, AFM's and repulsorboots functions

    ➵ Grenades, Detonators, Handhelds
    MK-3 (1), EMP (1), Sonic (2), Thermal (3)

    None, save the comfort of his ship.[/URL]

    PPC-5 Snapper Class Corvette

    More than enough, given his... livelihood.


Template by @ZayPat
Last edited:


Member (asf)
SWRP Writer
Apr 12, 2016
Reaction score
[insert other character idea for next TL here]

[insert another random character idea for next TL here]
Last edited:


Member (asf)
SWRP Writer
Apr 12, 2016
Reaction score

Technical information

Site lore
Dark side of the Force
· Sense
· Healing
· Energy manipulation

Historical information

· Rhea
· Other dark-siders
Jedi Exiles
Force drain

Excerpt · Biography · Personality and traits · Powers and abilities · Miscellaneous · Roleplays

Force drain—also known by the names drain life, dark healing, and death field (in its more powerful form)—is a sinister ability, granted by the dark side of the Force, used for offensive, defensive, and supplementary purposes. Weaker forms of this ability allow for the draining of Force energy from a single target, while its most powerful form can affect the user's immediate vicinity. It was described as an ability that, at its zenith, destroyed connections to the life around and within the victim.


Known applications

An ancient dark side technique, made more prominent due to the disastrous echoes of the tragedy on Ilum, Force drain—in its most basic form—allowed the practitioner to draw upon (rather than send one's own energy through) the connections in the Force to drain and feed upon Force energy from Force-sensitive beings. Such energy can then be used to heal injuries or replenish stamina equivalent to the amount of Force energy drained.

Those who became Master-level Force-wielders, and also mastered this ability, could project a spherical Force "death field" around their immediate person, which absorbed Force energy from all Force-sensitive beings unlucky enough to get close to them. However, maintaining such a field was often taxing and required a significant amount of focus.

Warlords (and those of similar power), with their vast understanding of the dark side of the Force, tremendous power, and increased discipline, could maintain such a field with considerably less focus (though they could not utilize other Force powers while it was active, less it take away from the focus they did need to maintain the field). Several Warlord, or warlord-level, Force-users together could combine Force drain to replicate the Jedi ability to strip one from the Force. While this did not always kill the victim, it was an extremely painful process that drained all Force energy out of their body and ultimately severed their connection to the Force, leaving them with an empty husk.

The most powerful masters of the dark side could expand the death field to their immediate surroundings for increased effect, but, again, this took tremendous concentration and was more useful as a stationary ritual than as an attack used in the heat of combat. Beings with such talent with this ability were rare, a handful at most at any one time, but were regarded as some of the most dangerous dark side users as a result of their mastery.

The effects on the victim were almost universal: since it was a technique that relied on sapping them their Force energy/stamina, victims would often feel as though their strength and stamina was evaporating away. The acceleration of fatigue was often a direct result of this. The longer the technique was applied to them, the more drastic the effects were on their body, until extreme pain set in and, given long enough, even death.

Limitations and drawbacks

No matter how talented one was with the ability, Force drain was not lethal unless constant concentration was applied. This was because it required the user to actively draw upon their victim's connections to the Force to drain them of their Force energy. A lapse in concentration would break their ability to siphon energy from such connections, thus breaking the effects of the technique. While increased mastery of the technique could lessen the amount of concentration required to use it effectively, concentration was always required to utilize the technique at any level.

The technique was also limited to draining only those sensitive to the Force, as it targeted the larger amount of Force energy within them. It did not, therefore, drain "life force" or vitality from those not attuned to the Force in someway and was therefore useless against non-Force-sensitives.

The greatest drawback of Force drain was the effect it had on the user. Those who used this ability had to temper their use, as relying upon it had the adverse affect of opening up their own bodies to being consumed by the dark side itself. The more a Force user used this ability, the more of their body was eaten and withered away by the dark side, until it consumed their physical form entirely. The strongest dark siders could resist physical decay, but were still beset by a terrible, unquenchable hunger (which required them to hunt for more victims to use the technique on); but those not strong enough to resist the technique's terrible effects saw their bodies decay until death took them.


"It cannot be taught… it can only be gained through instinct, through experiencing its effects, first-hand."​

Force drain was not an ability taught through scrolls, tomes, or holocrons. In fact, it was not even an ability that practitioners themselves could necessarily teach. Only by experiencing its effects or being affected by a wound in the Force could one grasp the nature of the technique and learn to use it themselves.

The technique was essentially the opposite of the light side Force healing ability. Rather than send healing energies through connections in the Force to heal others, one tapped upon those same connections to leach energy and replenish themselves; in that way, the technique was considered one of the purest applications of the dark side and its tenants.


There has been a lot of murmuring on the site about using this ability (including a plot to learn it). After some digging, I did learn that it is now a canon Force power, so I did some research on it and its Legends counterpart to provide a guideline on how it should be used and what limitations were on it. Canon was given precedent, as the Legends version could be rather over-powered, but some elements of the Legends technique have made it into this iteration.

Other comments

Tagging @GABARen since I cannot approve my own Lore.


Member (asf)
SWRP Writer
Apr 12, 2016
Reaction score

Technical information
Site lore
Light side

Historical information
Jedi Order

Excerpt · Known applications

Psychoscopy is an extremely rare variation of Psychometry: the ability to see the history of inanimate objects, by touching them, through the Force. Whereas Psychometry allows the Jedi to understand the history of an object, Psychoscopy permits the user to understand the history of a soul. As a result, only the most powerful Jedi Masters were known to use it, such as the Grand Masters of the Jedi Order or their familiars in power.


Known applications

Psychoscopy is functionally similar to Psychometry as a Force power. It is a Force power that requires physical touch to work, but, once the touch is made, the Jedi using this power can read the history of a soul, gleaming important glimpses of their target's past. The utmost control is necessary when using this ability, as the target's memories are accompanied with powerful emotions; only a Jedi with command over their own emotional state can experience such powerful memories and emotions without being strongly affected by them.

The most useful application of this Force power was determining the alignment of the target. Even if the target had learned to hide their affiliation to either the light or dark sides of the Force, the use of this ability will reveal the truth, revealing hidden darkness or light. Since the beginning of the Hundred-Year Darkness, those Jedi who have mastered this ability have used it to uncover hidden darkness within fellow Jedi. This application grew to be particularly useful during the height of the war, when the need to weed out Dark Jedi spies infiltrating the Jedi Order became paramount.

Using Psychoscopy in this manner, however, still required physical touch. As a result, Jedi subjected to its use were often captives or were otherwise subjected to it during a trial to determine their use (or lack thereof) of the dark side of the Force.


To be Wyck's capstone. However, I am leaving this ability open to any Jedi who reaches Level 4 to use as their capstone as well, if they wish.

Side note: this ability is actually canon. Yoda used it in Dark Disciple, however, it does not yet have a Wookieepedia page, so I am creating a lore article for us to use here. Tagging Cazar, as I cannot approve my own lore.