Sith Order Davin Tillisk


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SWRP Writer
Jun 5, 2023
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NAME: Davin Tillisk

FACTION: Sith Order

RANK: Sith Champion


AGE: 23


HEIGHT: 5’10”

WEIGHT: 171 pounds



Davin is white with slightly bronzed skin from occasional natural light exposure. His head and face are clean shaven except for dark, immaculately trimmed brows. There are two distinct creases across Davin’s forehead. The bridge of his nose is narrow and comes to a rounded tip and average nostrils. His lips are full and his chin has a slight cleft to it with a small scar sitting in the indention that appears to have been a cut or a scrape. Davin’s cheek bones are pronounced and are a little high on his face. His eyes are blue but appear to be vacant, as if he is staring a thousand miles away. At five feet ten inches and around a hundred seventy pounds, Davin is average in build. He has muscle in all the right places but is not clearly defined. Like his head, Davin’s torso is free of hair. His forearms have light blond hair and the inner left forearm has a tattoo of a crudely drawn eye. The oblong shape of the eye does not quite close with a portion of the jagged ink stretching further down his arm than the other. The iris is also brutally drawn and filled with black ink with red and white accents cracking out from the darkness. Davin primarily wears a black hooded Sith robe with a basic black belt that he openly hangs his silver-bodied lightsaber from. He also is often seen wearing dark leather gloves and boots.


For a human, Davin is above average in strength and intellect. He can hold is own in a bar brawl against the common people or in a test of wits, but is outclassed by those who devote their lives to those attributes. Davin excels in difficult tasks with his hands. Catching an object out of his periphery is easier to him than most and melee combat, including with a lightsaber, feels natural as if he was a born and bred fencer. Endurance also comes naturally. His youth spent as a slave meant a lot of running to keep up with the traders on vehicles and mounts. Punishment was severe otherwise. He is not as fast as he used to be after a war wound. He refuses to fix damaged bone structure as a reminder of one of his greatest days as a Sith warrior. He also lacks in willpower to keep his rage in check. Finally, he lacks in charisma and suffers from anxiety.


Davin maintains a veneer of calm and collection although it is incredibly thin. Deep down he is consumed by hatred and volcanic wrath. His deep-rooted revulsion is aimed at everything; himself, those like him, the weak, and the strong. Respect is rarely given to others and almost exclusively to those who have power over him much to his chagrin. He does not understand the concept of love or has truly felt happiness in his life. He has only ever understood pain, fear, humiliation, and fury.


Davin’s earliest memories are as a slave. He is not sure if he was born into the trade or if he ended up a slave from a conquest of his home, but it most formulative years were spent as a nomadic slave with those around him being sold off. The older slaves taught him how to speak, read, and write the basic galactic language and would tell stories of the galaxy in hushed voices while the masters gambled amongst themselves at night. Twice a month the masters would hold gladiatorial games outside of major cities for entertainment and to help sell off the stronger slaves. The children participated as well and death was a mercy. A surviving loser was never seen again. At the age of twelve, the masters caught a female adult teaching Davin mathematics and at the next games pitted the two against each other in a duel with crude staves. Both wanted to survive, but Davin persevered after bludgeoning his former mentor. It was this bout that changed the boy’s fate. A Sith was a spectator for the games that day and could sense the presence of the Force within this boy and so she purchased him.

Davin traded his ruthless masters for a woman far crueler than they ever could be. His days were spent training his body; often with another acolyte. This other acolyte was the son of an official within the Sith order. They often sparred together. A winner was declared not by who drew first blood, but by who could no longer physically fight. The loser would be punished after treatment. They boys were evenly matched and each evenly received their master’s wrath. Nights were spent in study or meditation, contemplating what it truly meant to break his chains and to become free. At the age of fifteen, the master decided she only wanted a lone apprentice and tasked the two boys to murder one another by any means necessary. The Zabrak failed his first assassination attempt on the first day and in the early morning hours of the second day, he was strangled in his sleep. The following year, Davin had accidentally interrupted the master who was deep in meditation. He had learned a new ability and wanted to show it. Angered by this distraction, the master poured a corrosive chemical down the boy’s throat, damaging his vocal cords and leaving him with only able to speak at a hoarse whisper most of the time. At the age of eighteen, Davin was finally permitted to build a lightsaber.

Two years had passed and Davin had fought countless battles with his master. She was a fierce warrior and the acolyte watched her closely through the years. He protected her as best he could, not out of concern of her safety, but because he wanted to be the one to kill her someday. No one else deserved that honor more than him. He honed his skill with his first lightsaber. Countless soldiers and even a handful of Sith and Jedi fell to his blade. Despite his growing prowess over the lightsaber Davin did not earn the respect of his betters until the invasion of a backwater Imperial planet. As the Sith stormed the Imperial defenses, an explosion occurred near Davin. Rubble smashed the warrior’s left leg to the point that the fibula had broken through the skin. In a fit of rage and adrenaline, Davin fastened a splint out of a destroyed blaster rifle that once belonged to a dead comrade. Spurred on by his fury, Davin ended the day with substantial kills and even captured a pair of Imperial Knights whom he was granted execution rights after the battle. His actions were deemed worthy of promotion to Sith Champion. Despite the fierce fighting, the Sith lost the fight for this planet and left licking their wounds. After many battles, there was only one thing left before Davin could call himself a champion of the Sith. He had to end his master’s legacy. She saw it coming but was not quick enough to react to the speed of his attack. Davin sliced through her hands and then decapitated his former master with her own lightsaber. He kept her silver-plated lightsaber for himself and left his own as both an offering to the respect he held for her and a symbol of his moving up within the order. Davin also took her head. Since then, Davin has wandered through the outer rim looking for purpose and often leaving destruction behind him.


Davin is a skilled swordsman. He also has some medical knowledge. He can pilot, but his skills are passable at best. His only fluent language is basic. He can use basic Force powers like pull, push, and telekinesis. He also has untapped potential in Force Rage.


Basic black hooded robe, black leather boots and gloves, a red bladed lightsaber with a silver-plated hilt, a utility belt with a multitool and a medkit, and a polished skull.

Crisis on Verona




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