Datapad of Shadows

Vena Lann

Imperial Knight

Character Profile
Jan 27, 2023
Reaction score
The Imperial Knight Castle on Raxus was in ruins and Vena had something to do that had to be done far away from the prying eyes of the Imperial Security Bureau. That wasn't an easy feat, but as luck would have it she had already been in the same sector as the planet Taris. She descended deep into the city-world's old sewer system and when she finally found a spot where she knew she wouldn't be bothered, sat down with the datapad in front of her on the dirty pipe-floor of the ancient and disused sewer.

The datapad held the contents of a Book of Shadows. She had bought it from the Exchange with the Dark Lord's funds and was determined to master everything within. This book, this kind of Force magick, would help her achieve the great power she needed. A great power that the Empire needed.

She planned to meditate on the various aspects and descriptions of Shadow Magick techniques, incantations and gesticulations. That is, until she read the description of the tribe this book had once belonged to and the Baptism Ritual associated with the ability to use Nightsister Magic while not on Dathomir itself. Such a wicked detail could ruin all her plans and it took her the better part of an hour to fully come to terms with the order of things. First she had to learn the techniques and only when she was confident she could perform them she would simply go to Dathomir and test them out. The Dark Lord would most likely aid her in her baptism, for the stronger Vena became the more useful a spy she'd be.

