Darva's Sidearm


SWRP Writer
Sep 22, 2015
Reaction score

Ownership: Darva Shangerio

Intent: Being a smuggler, a blaster and some dirty tricks can be your best chance of getting out a fight alive. Seeing to combine both of these world together Darva stripped one Cerzka arms blaster down to fit it inside his coat holster. It's taken quite a few trial and error attempts with it, but between savaging parts and swapping new pieces on as the original's broke off, it's a semi functional weapon and has a few surprises that can help him get out of rough spots. It's purpose is to provide some tricks that the smuggler can use to get an edge, or get out of tight spots and be small enough to be toted around in his coat

Model: CZ-BP01

Type: Blaster Pistol

Size: Small Compact Blaster Pistol. Can only be fired in one hand.

Composition: Durasteel for most of the frame and parts, Wood for the grip, Desh for the Scope.

Range: Optima Range 20-40 meters.

Ammunition Capacity: 15 shots per power cell.

Description: Though this pistol may look like a hunk of junk to most, it's true capabilities are known only by it's user. The gun has a small but powerful strobe light built in below the barrel that can be used to momentarily daze an opponent, but doing so drains part of the power cell's shot capacity and can not be fired while doing so. The pistol is light weight, yet maintains some of it's original kick it has due to rather illegal modifications to the power supply. The one downside is the removal of the casing means that it is possible for a user to severely burn themselves if contact were to be made with the barrel of the weapon too soon after firing it.