Dai’kon (Daiken) Fal’Uhr


Habitual Masticater
SWRP Writer
Jun 18, 2009
Reaction score
NAME: Dai’kon (Daiken) Fal’Uhr
RANK: Respected warrior/mystic
SPECIES: Miraluka (raised by Sand People)
AGE: 14
EYES: NONE. He has no eyes!
HAIR: black
SKIN: Normally pale-white, however it is tan and leathery now
CREDITS: 0. None.
DISTINGUISHING MARKS: Well, he has no eyes. That is distinguishing. He covers them with a white folded cloth, as to not freak everyone out.
DOMINATE HAND: He doesn’t distinguish. Ambidextrous.

STRENGTH: He is not very strong, since he is young. Most adults should be able to overpower him.
DEXTERITY: He is small and agile, making him a rather hard target to hit. This is where his combat prowess comes from: his ability to move.
CONSTITUTION: Good for being a kid. If a fully grown fighter hit him hard, he would probably be stunned or knocked out. But, he is still just a kid, and is a survivor (he did survive with Sand People, so he has to be tough).
INTELLIGENCE: Smart for a 14 year old. Or, perhaps, experienced is a better term, as he has not happen proper schooling. But, he learns quickly when taught.
WISDOM: He tends to see things as black-or-white, due to his natural ability see the good and bad in people (force sight). This also makes him rather conclusive fairly quickly.
CHARISMA: He is charismatic among the Sand People, however would seem barbaric and crude to the normal galactic standard. But, if taught the proper way to converse, he could be charismatic.

Force Sight- Due to being a Miraluka, he has no eyes and a natural ability of force sight. It allows him to feel the force in everything around him, which is kind of a 6th sense and the ability to “see” without seeing.

He has the skills of a Sand People fighter.
Daiken is both proficient at shooting his tuskan cycler as well as close-quarters combat unarmed and with his gaderffii (gaffi stick), due to the rite of passage he had to complete to be fully accepted into his clan.

No legitimate forms.

While he is small, young, and somewhat weak, he makes up for in his quick motion and determined mindset. The Sand People have raised him to be tough kid. He is not accustomed to a normal galactic life, however, and they would probably consider him barbaric, however he does mean well.

Rags he raps himself in to protect from the Sand
His Tuskan cycler
His gaffi stick


None, although he has a Bantha that he has been trying to train for combat (although, since is not a Sand Person by blood, it seems he is not fully connecting with the Bantha, and thus finds it harder to train).

As he has been raised amongst the Sand People all his life, he has not developed a full and complete personality yet. He is determined and ignorant of things outside his desert world, and mostly knows only survival and combat. However, he does understand right and wrong, and is conflicted, as he feels many of the actions taken by people of his clan are wrong. This right-and-wrong inner conflict stems from his force sight, and he perceives actions as affecting the light or dark side of the force. Such things as raiding a moisture farm he feels are wrong, but done for the right reasons, as the raiders need to keep their own people alive. But, killing the farmers, he feels is very wrong, and feels a small void every time one dies at the hands of his clan. This, although he does not completely understand, is his own development of compassion, by using the force.

Somehow, a single Miraluka father carrying his infant son ended up above Tattoine, where their ship was somehow shot down and crash-landed in the desert near a tribe of Sand People. That is what Daiken has been able to piece together by all the accounts of the Sand People that raised him. They say that as the clan was traveling to Gafsa, in the Jundland, when out of the sky, the space ship containing a dead Miraluka man, as well as Daiken, crash landed in front of them.

The Shaman of the clan was present at the time, although it was extremely rare for this to happen, the Shaman at first thought to kill the infant as it was apparently mutated and had empty eye sockets (he thought he was putting a wounded child out of its misery). As the Shaman took out his knife and picked up the baby to kill it, the child started to cry and squirm out of the Shaman’s hands. The infant managed to squirm free and bounce into the sand, where it crawled as quickly as it could away from the Shaman. As he tried to pick up the infant, the infant tried resisting where the hand was.

The Shaman was stunned, as he realized the toddler could clearly see without having eyes. The Shaman declared it a miracle, and decided to raise the child as his own, teaching it the ways of his people. He thought there had to be a purpose for this incredible child. The shaman or the clan had no knowledge of the Miraluka people, and the father was too badly maimed in the crash for the clan to notice he had no eyes as well.

The infant was given the name Dai’kon Fal’Uhr, and became the “human” son of the clan’s Shaman. Many of the Sand People were turned off by this, however they could not deny the child had a gift of sight beyond sight. The children of Dai’kon’s generation tested his ability of sight thoroughly as he was growing up by sneaking behind his back and trying to surprise him. This, in turn, actually improved his ability, allowing the ability to fully develop at a fairly young age.

He was also treated roughly by the adult males, who would take him on hunting parties from a young age to try hard to morph him into a Tuskan Raider and fully absorb him into their culture. It worked, and by age 10 he began his personal rite of passage, in which he hunted multiple different vicious creatures with his rifle, gaffi stick, and even unarmed. He finished his rite of passage and became a fully accepted member of their clan by age 14. This was a proud day for both him and The Shaman who had become his adopted father.





Woo! I've always wanted to make a crazy character like this. Comments are totally appreciated!
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