Independent Crasdon Kaine


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SWRP Writer
Sep 28, 2023
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Crasdon Kaine

NAME: Crasdon Kaine
NICKNAMES: 'Crazy' Kaine
FACTION: Independent Often Contracted by the Discovery Exploration Corps
RANK: 'Captain' (by virtue of operating his own ship)
AGE: 28 standard years
HEIGHT: 1.83 meters
WEIGHT: 84 kilograms

Tall and with an athletic build, Crasdon is a brown-haired, blue-eyed handsome devil. Usually clean-shaven, sometimes he sports a bit of stubble.

Athletic, Vigorous, and Intelligent. Has an awkward charm. Sometimes unwise and impulsive.

Crasdon thinks of himself as a devilish bad-boy, but this is largely self-deception as he rarely does anything that could be considered bad. He enjoys the freedom of being an independent starship Captain, and he relishes in the perceived danger of operating in the wild places of the galaxy.

The reality is that he's a soft-hearted individual with an adrenaline addiction. This combination sometimes drives him into doing things others see as crazy or dangerous. But he is more likely to take risks when helping someone than out of pure self-interest. He can be dangerous if pressed, but is seldom very greedy and hardly ever malicious. He doesn't even have a criminal record.

Crasdon acts like a 'ladies man,' but he'd rather have a steady, loving relationship. His worst flaw is that he lies about who he is, especially to himself. He'd be happier if he took an official side in the galactic struggles of good vs. evil rather than pretending to be a lone wolf unconcerned about the fate of others or the direction of galactic affairs.

Crasdon grew up on a space station orbiting Coruscant, 'Waystation Five,' one of the many facilities that serviced ships and facilitated trade to and from the planet. His mother was an engineer on the station. His father was a freighter Captain who had enjoyed a brief affair with his mother and seldom returned to see his child. They never married. Crasdon always saw ships coming and going, and always wondered what was going out in the galaxy that was so great that his father hardly ever came to see him.

Crasdon attended the station school and learned some engineering from his mother. He took elective courses on astrophysics, galactic cartography, and astro-biology at the station school. As soon as he was old enough, he got a light commercial craft pilot's license and learned how to chart a hyperspace route. He was ready for a future of adventure...

All he needed was about a hundred-thousand credits in order to buy his own ship. Meanwhile, his bank account contained a mere six-thousand credits from working part-time jobs at the station. A nice savings for a young man. Far from enough to fulfil his dreams.

But soon, Crasdon stumbled upon an opportunity. While working as a loader at the local docks, he became aware of a freighter Captain who was transporting some used droids that had been bought at auction. Among them was a luxury droid with an interesting story. It has belonged to Senator Vrenix, a disgraced politician who had been convicted of embezzling funds from government projects he was involved with overseeing. The stolen funds were never recovered, so his estate was seized and sold at auction to provide restitution.

Crasdon wondered... could this luxury droid have the Senator's secrets locked within its data core? He offered to buy the droid from the Captain, who sold it to Crasdon for the sum total of 6,000 credits. Crasdon was instantly impoverished by the purchase, but not for long.

He activated the droid, who introduced itself as BD-3FNC, or 'Fancy,' and struck a deal with it.

If the droid told him where the Senator hid his embezzled funds, then Crasdon would set the droid free and give it a share of the take. The longevity of a free droid was questionable, as the mere idea of a free droid would not sit well with all people or governmental authorities. But it was the only thing Crasdon could offer: the chance to be free. Fancy divulged what she had hidden from investigators at the time of the conviction: The location of Senator Vrenix's secret cache.

After some misadventure involving crime figures also searching for the money, Crasdon and the droid came out ahead and got away with the funds. It was enough money to buy a refurbished Sienar Lone Scout, and get it the necessary fuel and equipment. Rather than take off to points unknown, the droid decided to stick to Crasdon, becoming his partner during his future endeavors.

Crasdon is the 'mouth' and Fancy is the 'muscle,' insofar as either skill is needed on any given assignment. They regularly take contracts from the Discovery Exploration Corp, mapping new hyperspace routes and surveying systems as contractors. Having done this for a couple of years, they've gotten into a groove and are pretty good at it.

SKILLS (on a scale of 1 to 10, with 5 being average):
Athletics - 7/10
Astrobiology - 6/10
Astrogation - 7/10
Astrophysics - 6/10
EVA Operations - 7/10
Engineering - 6/10
First Aid - 5/10
Marksmanship, Blasters - 5/10
Marksmanship, Cannons - 5/10
Melee Weapon Combat - 3/10
Piloting, Repulsorlift - 8/10
Piloting, Small Starships - 8/10
Survival - 7/10
Unarmed Combat - 3/10


EVA Suit for vacuum or dangerous world operations. Light patchwork body armor is worn otherwise.
RK3 medium blaster which is unremarkable other than its brushed chrome color
First aid kit, complete with bacta sprayer for topical wound care.
Personal sensor device used to scan the environment and life forms on planets visited.
Portable toolkit for impromptu repairs of electro-mechanical devices.

I am not sure what this means.

-- The Content Below is Optional, but Encouraged!--

Friends with 'Fancy,' a droid.

Refurbished Lone Scout A-2 scout ship, called 'Whiskers,' employed for hyperspace mapping and system surveying.

'Fancy' BD-3FNC, a series 3000 luxury droid programmed as chauffer, bodyguard, and servant. Only 'owned' by Crasdon in systems where ownership is required by law. Otherwise treated as a sentient partner.

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