Artifact Corvo Vis | Darth Venator Holocrons


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Mar 12, 2015
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During his life, Jedi Battlemaster Corvo Vis made two separate holocrons, one while serving as Supreme Leader and Dark Lord of the Sith and another after his redemption serving as Jedi Battlemaster for the Republic. Each holocron represents a different stage of life and a different alignment in the Force. While they contain some similar information, each has its own unique elements that are addressed within.


With history as a former Dark Lord of the Sith and Supreme Leader, Corvo's path to redemption was a complex one. This holocron records his experiences, the difficulties he had to overcome, and his methodology for dealing with the darkness inside of himself. It explained his views on the Jedi, the Sith, and the ways in which they were contrasted with one another.

Additionally, under certain conditions, users may be able to access records of the operations executed by the Jedi Shadows under his days of leadership and his views on the role of the Shadows. Although a necessary force at the time, he believed that they were an element that needed to morph and change with the times and he recognized the inherent dangers that the organization posed.

As with his Sith holocron, this also contained teaching about Form X, its uses, methodology for training in it, and instruction on its techniques.

This holocron was recovered after the Jedi Purge and is currently one of the teachings that can be freely accessed by members of the Jedi Order, though the gatekeeper may prevent inexperienced members from accessing certain materials.


As Dark Lord of the Sith, Darth Venator created a holocron that contained many of his teachings about the dark side. It contained his views on the nature of the dark side, its role in the life of a Sith, and the role of the Sith Assassin within the Sith Order. His views about death and the necessity of killing were somewhat outside the conventional teachings of the Sith, and thus something he saw fit to record.

Having trained in his younger years to specialize in the ways of the assassin, this holocron also contains teachings of techniques that can be used to hunt and track prey as well as techniques for rapidly eliminating one's opponent. It is a useful tool for those seeking to follow this path.

Like this Jedi holocron, Venator's holocron contains teachings on how to learn or teach Form X as well as its strengths, techniques, and methodology.

This is one of numerous holocrons brought to the Sith Eternal by the Eternal. It is accessible to any members of the Sith that have interest in using it and was used to help rebuild the Sith Empire.

This is intended to be Site Lore. Although my primary reason for creating it is actually for my own current character's development, if others would like to use or access it, then they are welcome to do so. I would be happy to DM interactions with the holocron or else it can be used "off-screen" as an explanation for characters knowing specific techniques. This doesn't contain anything particularly "over powered" and thus does not require any special situations to learn from it.
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Lore Admin
May 19, 2013
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Looks good, always nice to have some readily accessible artifacts.
