Cappi Tremaine


In the dark
SWRP Writer
May 29, 2014
Reaction score

___ Cappi


Human. Nar Shaddaa.
25 yrs. 184 cm.
Right-Handed. Unkempt.

Scar Left Temple.
Black Ear Gauges.
Tattoos Right Arm(1) Right Hip(2)
Black Thumb-Ring Left.
White Plastic Watch Left.
Teal-Onyx Bead Friendship Bracelet Right.

Single-Hilt Lightsaber Yellow Crystal(2)

Jedi Knight

The more I know, the less I think I understand.

A Sith kills Mancer because of me. A group claiming to be Rebels kills a couple hundred because of me. A Padawan calms my anger. Another Padawan turns to anger in front of me. I choose not to kill a Sith to be more Jedi like. A Sith chooses to save me after his partner tried to kill me.

My infatuation of Zia seems hollow. I think I want to love Dawn. Don't know if that's possible. Jaleer's the only person to meet Pops. He's just a kid. But he saved me. I don't trust the Rebels. The Imperium must be stopped. Destroy might not be the same as stop. I can't find Piper. I didn't realize I was so alone.

My anger is stripped of me in the face of confusion, a complex new breed of compassion I now study. My voice has been cut. Observation consumes me. Pain distances those closest. Yet I find the Jedi tenets warming like a second skin. I want to fix this.



Elan Vital

I grew up on Nar Shadda, intermittently with the Jedi, in a poor district. Raised by old man Scully, an herbalist and plant shop owner known as Pops, I never knew my birth parents. He taught me indecent morality. Never adopted me. It was the four of us: Pops, Mancer Kratt, Zia Evermire, and me. Thought they'd never leave. Eventually I became an addict, got into trouble, and a Jedi hiding at Pop's place pulled me out of a bad gig. Pops and him were of one mind, and the rest is history.

Pops said deception is a virtue because Life isn't worth risking.

For nearly ten years I trained with the Jedi off and on till I was twenty-three. Hid back home during darker times. Always joined back up with them though. Strange, as I never showed any interest in their ways. I made fun of them and didn't associate with them even as they gave so much to me. I still dabbled with my shadow. I gambled. I drank. I slept around. I laughed everything off. I never wanted to stand out with those stiffs. Knight Piper Halodarter eventually took me as her Padawan for the later part of a long apprenticeship. Her guidance, and the relationships I resisted, pulled me through a time of insecurity and lack of identity. A pleasure seeker. Careless and comical. Indifferent. Often Defiant. That all changed when I became the reason so many died. It was my fault. Now I see the evil we face. Only now, when it is too late do I see.

Piper said while love and affection are admirable, the attachment that stems from such things can lead to things far more complicated than originally sought.

After I caused the deaths of hundreds on Wroona, I tried to escape back home. There I ran into Padawan Jaleer. He was a true friend. For it was then that I learned I had also caused Mancer's death and fell into despair. Jaleer saved me from rage. But it took time, and something more, to change me completely. In my anger I sought bounties on Sith and Imperium agents. I associated with scum to seek out vengeance. But Padawan Aeryun's loss of control before my eyes showed me what I looked like inside. It shook me. Then one day, returning from a venture into occupied space, I happened across a Sith. He'd killed Ecthelion's stuart. I overpowered him. Wanted to kill him. In a moment all the words of my peers came to a head, and I chose to take the first step in the right direction. I thought if I acted like a Jedi, I could become one from the outside in. But the duel at Lamaredd taught me a different lesson. First Knight Andreas depicted a unique definition of a Jedi. Then my enemy, a Crusader I'm told, saved me from bleeding out after debilitating his Acolyte counterpart. Everything I thought I should be was wrong. Yet these tenets are the only things I can cling to. Force guide me.

Luke Skywalker said Jedi respect all life, in any form.



_____I'm standing in the corner next to a plant that's been watered too much. This tune's stuck in my head. The droplets just sitting there are suffocating. It's plastic. Figures. My shoes are cramped. Can't move my toes. Can't remember the last time I wore a straight jacket like this. Never again, I vow to myself. The material's so smooth it's like a leather noose. Hope nobody sees the shit knot I tied around my neck. They're all staring at me. I think. Must be because I'm holding the only real potted plant in the whole place. Or maybe they think I'm related to this prick. How long's he gonna just stand there? I hate these things. I'm counting the seconds until he starts his damned impromptu cause I couldn't find my watch this morning. I'm thinking, is he about to give the full eulogy here? Cause doctor such and such is due to depart for the homeland in t-minus hurry the f*ck up and my thighs can't take these slacks much longer. What's the point of a casket anyway? My mind drifts. He's already been cremated, jarred, and dated. But they spent the extra seven k to have a lifelike dead looking holo projection of the dude lying there holding flowers on his chest. How many contradictions can you have in one image? Finally the uh, son, or is it grandson, starts his speech. My sigh of relief draws more looks than the creepy blue ghost's gotten all day. Oh, sunrise come, I'm saved. He only said a few words. I can stop standing in this puddle that smells like rye mixed with sh*t. All that money spent on the magic coffin and you couldn't mop up this trash bar you rented? Whatever. Almost there, I tell myself. Didn't sign up to work a funeral. So I join the other pallbearers and guide the hover-casket out the side. And I take my plant with me. Prickled sun wisps are hard as hell to cultivate. Ah dammit. I hate that phrase. Been hanging around Mancer too much. What's a dead man need flowers for anyway? Well I guess I do feel a little guilty about it. So anyway, we load it and I hop in, doing my best to wave off some guy's wining. Something about directions or times or I don't know. Set my clay pot down, rip off my tie and jacket, pop open the hatch and dive in. I pull out the little lantern - it's really a fine work of dark green ceramic - and screw off the top. Dig into the ashes and pull out my prize, a kilo of blue blood; the best powder in a bag this side of genius has to offer. Easiest drop I've ever handled, I say to myself. Never was one to take the hard jobs. The guys look at me as we pull up to the spot. The trunk opens and there's Zia ...and Mancer. The douchebag folds his arms, smiling at me. I can just hear his eyes calling me Capps. I'll Capps him one of these days. And Zia, she walks inside. She didn't look happy. I don't get it. So I follow, Mancer behind me. It's the shop, Pop's place. Zia leads us back where Pop's is waiting. He waves hand it over. Could never refuse Pops. I give him the kilo. What'r'you doing with my medicine, he asks me. Never breaks face when he jokes. But I'm thinking, I just nicked this from some toffy poff. Who do you think set up that deal in Barbs', he asks next. That's Mancer's bar. Oh. It hits me. Rye mixed with sh*t. Pops gives me one last clue. He says, Md. And he smiles that warm, fatherly like, all knowing smile. Md. The operation's code word. And there it is. The element. I thought it was like in reference to the dead doctor but it was a Dimitri Mendeleyev throwback. Damned Pop's favorite metaphor, role model, something. Said it countless times. How could I have missed that? Cause who would guess that, that's why. So Pop's had had me from the start. Always keeping me out of trouble. And cutting into my paycheck...

[fancybox4=]Cappi Tremaine. Origin Unknown. Human. 24yrs. 184cm. Right-Handed. Unkempt.
Black Ear Gauges. Tattoos Right Arm(1) Right Hip(2). Black Thumb-Ring Left. White Plastic Watch Left. Teal and Onyx Bead Friendship Bracelet Right. 2 Single-Hilt Lightsabers Yellow Crystals.

Semi-low masculine vocal tone. A slight gravelly vibration, still half asleep. Even an unpredictable lingering hint of prepubescent flutter in tenor.

There's an ease and calmness to his sound, warm. He rarely raises his voice to a shout. Psychoanalysis indicates a lack of paternal foundation and disguised lack of confidence. Curses often. Even despises proper grammar. Furthermore, defines such as pretentious and laughable.


Bastion OST -18 Pale Watchers
Cappi Tremaine basically grew up on Nar Shaddaa intermittently when not with the Jedi in a poor district. Though what part of the jewel isn't a little dirtied by the less fortunate? Raised by old man Scully, an herbalist and plant shop owner otherwise known as Pops, Cappi never knew his birth parents nor how he ended up in Pop's care. Though Pops never hid the fact that he wasn't his father, even an adopted one. It wasn't his style to pretend. And he didn't go through the legal processes of adoption. He just raised Cappi as if it were meant to be. No questions asked. No answers given. Pop's store pulled a modest retail, but the shop was a front for illegal trade. Who's wasn't on this planet? Though as those go, Pop's deals were mild in comparison. And he tried his best to keep Cappi from getting in too deep, even at all sometimes.

Mancer Kratt was this badass dirtbag. More dirtbag than badass. He's a dick. But until Cappi was old enough to see the difference, Mancer was like an older brother, six years older, who usually didn't pay much attention to him but to rub his head like a puppy every so often; which only fed his wide-eyed wonder. He used to be Cappi's idol and was always into something bad, but never got too deep nor did he rise in the ranks. Pops never liked the way Cappi tried to emulate him.

Zia Evermire was and will always be Cappi's major crush, though he's never told her. She sees herself as an older sister, two years older. She still works the same nine to five down the street from Pop's place, and on the route Cappi used to take when making runs for Pops. He still makes those runs for Pops whenever he visits just as an excuse to see her. Still doesn't know what to say to her. She's the sweetest angel he's ever known.

Eventually Cappi became a substance abuser and an addict, taking freelance work with Mancer's people and the Hutts. Until one day when Pops decided to pay back a debt and helped a Jedi lay low in the shop. The Jedi felt obligated to stick his nose in other people's business after listening to Pops and Zia worry and ended up karting Cappi out of some bad business. Cappi being a Force adept, the Jedi tossed an idea onto the table and Pops saw an opportunity. So, when the Jedi left, Cappi left with him. Some rehab. Though, luckily, it never kept Cappi from visiting every so often. In fact, everyone expects him to return without fail.

The most important lesson Cappi learned from Pops was, deception is a virtue because life isn't worth risking.

Training was never easy. Especially since it's never ending. Or maybe it's because Cappi's a cynical back-talker who doesn't play well with others, mostly others with higher beliefs and greater purposes. Not the best blend with the Jedi. Cappi loves people though, and is very friendly, until he starts tearing down people's logic and laughing at their wasted efforts. His seemingly spiteful, though subjectively innocent, comments mostly surface in, though aren't limited to, classroom settings or discussions. Physical training and combat, on the other hand, is his strong suit; where he shows a more willing cooperation with others. However, he seriously lacks motivation to involve himself in real fights; not due to a distaste of bloodshed, but rather more akin to a laziness and disbelief of high expectations. In other words, goals aren't worth the effort if loss is probable.

Intelligence scores are fairly high for him. Though his lack of motivation prevents the absorption of knowledge beyond high school dropout level. Cappi does take an interest in useless trivia however. He especially fixates onto topics when trying to depose other's logic or beliefs. Most of his instincts and rational come from the streets and an understanding of syndicate hierarchies. His social intellect stems from the concept of prostitution. He lost his virginity at a young age this way and views most, if not all, interactions as transactions of the same structure. Needless to say, he doesn't respect women as he should. His first kiss, however, was from Zia and he treasures the memory like holy water; even though Zia viewed it as a friendly favor at the time.

Optimism best describes his outlook and generally peaceful physical behavior. But Cappi would say he's an optimistic pessimist. For example, he doesn't believe the Sith's reign would look much different than the Jedi's from the people's perspective. There'd still be pain and suffering somewhere. So it's a generally dark outlook, knowing some of the grimier bits of life. Or so he thinks. But he doesn't really care or think it'll affect his own personal happiness in the end. What would affect him is the loss of his family, Pops or Zia; even Mancer, or anyone who attains such a connection in the future. He might best be labeled an agnostic and an isolationist. He's puzzled by the complexity of larger concepts like politics, sees it as unnecessarily roundabout and instead focuses on smaller concepts that he can see right in front of his face.

Biases or prejudices include the rich and overtly bubbly personalities. He hates those. He'll almost never wear anything nice or restricting. He doesn't eat red meat. He's usually reading up on other's quirks or hobbies in order to pick them apart, watching trivia shows, searching for tattoo ideas, dice gambling, or running at the preferred dusk or dawn hours. But his absolute favorite subject is botany.

Externally, Cappi most resembles an ESTP personality type. However, internally, the side he hides from society and best explains Cappi is ISTJ. His Four Temperaments assessment is Sanguine And his character alignment is True Neutral - He does what seems to be a good idea. He lacks conviction. Thinks of good as better than evil, but isn't personally committed to upholding it.
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In the dark
SWRP Writer
May 29, 2014
Reaction score

The Phylosophy of Chaos

Cappi aligns most closely with the philosophy of The Living Force. He lives in the present and doesn't believe in fate. Causality and the consequences of free will create a fabrication of chaos, in Cappi's opinion, whereby outcomes can be theoretically predicted if all or most of the initial conditions are known. This can be achieved by being in touch with one's surroundings, being connected to life and the present condition. At this point in his training, however, this is all conjecture.

Now a Jedi Knight, Cappi is a well rounded attacker type best suited to the battle field. He is quick to adapt and, while at first often straight forward, unpredictably inventive. His strengths lie in Telekinesis, Tutaminus, and Force Speed.

Form V: Shien/Djem-So is his chosen discipline. He has been convinced of its aggressive nature, and so tempers its use with the patience of a serpent. After his sustained injury from an ambush on Lamaredd, he favors the ability to handle multiple opponents over one.

initiate - padawan - knight - master - councilor - grandmaster

alter environment - plant surge - cleanse mind
telepathy - force valor - breath control - force healing - tutaminus - force barrier - mind trick
art of movement - force sight - force stealth - telekinesis - levitation - force speed - force jump - force sense

Personal Specs:

Hooded Cape.
Phrik Gauntlets.
Min. Weight Cap:

Radio Comms -
Nav Point Gear -
Grapple Hook -

Roleplays: Padawan

Mountaintop Training: Naboo
Wizard of Odds: Nar Shaddaa
Shale Falls: Naboo
Birds of the Same Feather: Indupar
Mischief Makes Magic: Indupar
Amaretto Carrara: Indupar
Greenhouse Glum: Indupar
Tangled Hands: Rodia
A Late Lunch: Kothlis

Artifacts of Ossus-Preparation: Kothlis
We'll All Miss Them: Wroonia
Blood-Borne Prospect: Nar Shaddaa
Rival Serenity: Druckenwell
Ecthelion - N.U.S.S.: Ecthelion Station

Skirmish at Lamaredd: Lamaredd Dock Market

Roleplays: Knight

Peony and Poppy: The Galactic Evolution
Tutaminis: The Galactic Evolution
Green-Blue Milieu: The Galactic Evolution
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Lore Admin
May 19, 2013
Reaction score
I love this character, very cool man. Haven't read a whole sheet in awhile. Well worth.



Active Member
SWRP Writer
Apr 26, 2014
Reaction score
I have nothing really bad to see with this character other than I like it. Good job Lamper.


In the dark
SWRP Writer
May 29, 2014
Reaction score
I love this character, very cool man. Haven't read a whole sheet in awhile. Well worth.

I have nothing really bad to see with this character other than I like it. Good job Lamper.



Thanks for checking. I think I'll add in rank and maybe mentor or something below the name heading for specificity.


dark side aficionado
SWRP Writer
Apr 7, 2015
Reaction score
Oh jesus, is that the guy from Fairy Tail who always rants about "parfum"?

Also, what font are you using in the profile? It looks great.


In the dark
SWRP Writer
May 29, 2014
Reaction score
Oh jesus, is that the guy from Fairy Tail who always rants about "parfum"?

Also, what font are you using in the profile? It looks great.

Lol yeah. I forget. I think I used Shadows into Light for the top part and Economica for the rest. Yeah. Maybe Orbitron...

And thanks.


The Swashbuckling Knight
SWRP Writer
Apr 24, 2015
Reaction score
Oi, you, me, let's thread bby


In the dark
SWRP Writer
May 29, 2014
Reaction score
@Benvenu7 dude how do you survive lol you've got like 20k threads? Even for me that's much mucho. Always down to arp with you man. @Khivas Smithers, find me that book of Jedi tales. Excellent.

@Cappi Tremaine
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Richie B.

SWRP Writer
Apr 19, 2015
Reaction score
That's the thing I don't survive man I thought I would be able to keep up but life decided to say no


The Swashbuckling Knight
SWRP Writer
Apr 24, 2015
Reaction score
Yes, yes......What say we do a lovely, dangerous little mission, yes, yes..............


dark side aficionado
SWRP Writer
Apr 7, 2015
Reaction score
This is honestly my favorite character on the site. And I love your writing.


There's my seal of approval

Rae Anne Jarrus

Finally Found Love
SWRP Writer
Oct 29, 2015
Reaction score
Love the Disney font.

But other than that, you did an overall awesome job ;)


In the dark
SWRP Writer
May 29, 2014
Reaction score
Love the Disney font.

But other than that, you did an overall awesome job ;)

Thank you! I preferred the padawan profile with the more personal touch to the knight one. It's been a while since I looked at this. :)