Bubba boB


Some Guy
SWRP Writer
May 21, 2006
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Name: Bubba boB

A man with average height, light skin, brown hair and eyes, dirty and old clothes, looks about 25 years of age.

Usually, not too picky about a lot of things, including whether week old meat in the dumpster is okay. Fairly chill most of the time but when others threaten his food, he goes berserk. Also, very self sufficient and will take initiative when situations are dire. However, in other situations, he often does not take much initiative.

Likes to hunt, for animals and for juicy morsels that others have thrown away. Also likes when he's able to set up sleeping quarters that are genuinely comfortable.

Dislikes authority and the military. Also dislikes competitors who try and dumpster dive in "his" dumpsters.

Highly skilled at fixing things and piloting. Also pretty good at fighting hand to hand when necessary. Dumpster diving is another skill he near perfected.

Not incredibly charismatic, exudes the charm of a rancor. Not very highly discerning of quality when judging high quality things. Also not very trusting of anyone.

Bubba boB was born on Taris. His name was inspired by the band name of a band from Bandomeer that was pretty popular at the time. His parents didn't put a whole lot of effort into the whole parenting business but still pumped out kids regardless. Bubba was the third of six kids.

Growing up, the house was dirty with old food wrappers, dirty diapers, rotting rats, and cats everywhere. With so much potential for disease, it's amazing that Bubba didn't die of early on, unlike his older brother who got sick and died early on only to get buried in the trash of the room. Somehow, he managed to eke out an existence in that house fighting the cats and siblings for the remains of the freshest trash he could find.

By first grade, he actually got to leave the house since the local government required that he go to school. Like him, a lot of his fellow classmates were poor, unlike him, they didn't have negligent compulsive hoarders for parents. That ensured that he was isolated from his classmates and thus a target for bullying.

For years, in school, he put up with bullying as he got older. While most was simply people sitting far away from him at lunch and picking him last for their gym teams, there was a bit of physical bullying. Most of the time, he just accepted it as the other kids kicked him while he was wandering around the playground.

However, there was one day when some bullies flipped over his tray at school. Bursting into action, he gave a solid punch to one bully in the face and then with the bully's stunned body, slammed him into the other one. Shortly after, they all were sent to the principal's office. Due to the fact that the teachers were had not seen it but that he was the only one still up at the end of it, he got the worst punishment. He was to be suspended for a few days. The principal then called his parents to pick him up. But the phone then kept ringing and ringing and ringing and ringing.

To get him home, the principal then took him to his home on a speeder. When he finally got off and walked in, the principal could see into the utter wretched chaos that was his house for a few moments. The facts about Bubba made a lot more sense to the principal and they were horrifying.

Meanwhile, Bubba entered his house. Looking around, he saw his parents lying on top of a heap of trash. They had syringes in their arms. Checking their pulse, he detected none. His parents were gone. As he sat there, his older sister walked over and said "Mommy and Daddy are sleeping, don't bother them," in a dead, nearly zombielike voice.

While his siblings were either apathetic or ignorant, Bubba realized he'd need to find some sort of income. After all, the food in the house would eventually rot and with time, they'd run out of cats. So he set out to find the checks that his parents had used in order to forge their signature to continue receiving welfare.

For a few weeks, he was able to get the money and then go to the store. With all the money, he brought back food beyond all imagination. Finally, there was food which hadn't been partially eaten before, nor made by lunch ladies on minimum wage. His siblings who had been on the edge of death themselves were beginning to recover.

The bounty continued till one day, social services of the local government arrived. Apparently, they had been called by the principal who thought that Bubba's living conditions were "substandard". His siblings were quickly carted off to foster homes. However, Bubba would experience a different fate. Since he was a male at age 16, the government felt that he'd be ready to enter the military. While Taris had little need of him, the Empire figured they could use him.

Sent off to Korriban for training, Bubba ran into others in similar situations. Some had been members of gangs, others as victims of active abuse rather than negligence, others merely as ordinary people who were press ganged into the military, and a few were some of the Sith who had been sneaking into the military ready to finally assume control.

The training was harsh and petty. Recruits forced to run under the harsh desert sun. In perfect form too, otherwise, they'd be shot by the trainers. If not shot, there was the other option for death of slowly dying of heat stroke under the rays of the unforgiving sun.

Eventually, training transitioned to piloting. Much of the time was spent working with malfunctioning fighters that killed the pilot half the time. To run a fighter, one had to be an engineer as well as a pilot. Operating a fighter while fighting was even more of a challenge. Dodging laser blasts and fixing the CO2 scrub at the same time was even more of a enlivening experience. Somehow, Bubba managed to survive.

Later that year, as he was fixing the hyperdrive on a destroyer, he heard something odd on the holonet. The emperor had been killed by a lady known as a Darth Aevum. All around the ship flashes of red whirled and danced. The sharp pings of blaster fire then erupted and the ship was in chaos. To at least stop the mayhem from entering his domain, he closed off the durasteel door to his compartment. Then with a mostly fixed hyperdrive, he set the coordinates for Alliance space. Perhaps he could escape from there and not end up as a casualty should the battle on the ship go differently than the battle at the capital.

In moments, the ship showed up around Corellia, an Alliance world. From the hyperdrive section, he got in an escape pod and plummeted towards the surface as the combatants in the ship hardly even noticed the fact that they had moved. The ship then attracted much attention from the Alliance which sent their own ships to intercept it.

Virtually ignored, Bubba managed to coast it slowly enough that he could land safely in the water. Enough out of site of shore to avoid notice, he swam to shore under cover of darkness. As he made his way ashore, he found a map of the city. From there, he found some areas of the city that were decrepit enough that he could live without much notice by the Corellian authorities. And he managed to live for nine long years under their radar.
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I'm here!
SWRP Writer
May 11, 2006
Reaction score
I didnt think that you would actually use the name. XD Ill have his counterpart done in a day or two.

Green Ranger

SWRP Supporter
Dec 6, 2005
Reaction score
It's official, Cailst: God was feeling generous when he made you.

He gave you a whole extra chromosome.

Brandon Rhea

Shadow in the Starlight
Nov 27, 2005
Reaction score
I've only read the name and looked at the picture, and I've already determined that this is more racist than Aunty Jemima Buttersworth.

Endling vas Precious

SWRP Writer
Sep 9, 2009
Reaction score
I've only read the name and looked at the picture, and I've already determined that this is more racist than Aunty Jemima Buttersworth.
For a minute I thought I had accidentally clicked some World Vision thread. Interesting...read, Cailst. I'll give you that.