Aurius' Den of Strange Things.


He Who Stood At The Altar And Burned
SWRP Writer
Jan 2, 2016
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So I'm gonna need an admin for this first idea. It's interestingly difficult to create a third character to RP with. I have been looking to make a third one under the pretence of "If one dies, I have others. Hopefully I won't be emotionally crippled". That being said, I had an outlandish idea concerning a character from my book, who shares my username. Aurius Pheonix.

Where he comes from, the neo-medieval *realm of Menoia, he is a King (Formerly Prince, and General) and the Pheonix of Menoia. A powerful Pyromancer, descended of firebirds and considered a low-tier God in the Masaug Pantheon. He is not immortal, he simple possesses powerful abilities. The leader of the Unsung (a group of heroes in Menoia), Kairo Geonova, can send people between realms. The further away Aurius gets from Menoia, however, the weaker his powers are. My idea is to have him sent (by accident) to the Star Wars universe, approximately 7 Realms from Menoia (Signifying that his powers are seven times weaker, and he is unable to go divine).

*A realm is a separate plane of reality that exists simultaneously with every other existence.

NAME: Aurius Pheonix
BIRTH NAME: Aurius Tempest
RANK: King of the Triumvirate, God of Menoia
SPECIES: Pheonix, Human
AGE: 26

Raven, messy hair hangs over a somber visage. Glittering amber eyes, set rooted within their sockets, watch carefully over the lands he has protected for so long. Smooth skin handsomely compliments his nose and leaves a gracious memory of his fortunate destiny, marked by a red scar on his visage. He stands tall among others.


Aurius is initially very naive and hopeful, constantly seeking the best in everyone and being annoyingly optimistic. After his father's death he became darker, and much more focused towards battle and wreaking vengeance. After the discovery of his powers, he become slightly less focused on vengeance and instead focused on honing his skills and helping people with his new-found powers.

Aurius was born the son of Carth Pheonix, and Lydia Tempest. During the time Lydia was under her maiden name, and well known for her relationship with Carth. Later, when they broke off their relationship, she gave birth to a child. Aurius was raised as Elysio's son, as Carth died when Aurius was a child. At the age of 3 his brother, Griffon, was born. Unfortunately, despite the healers best attempts, Lydia died while giving birth. He was good childhood friends with his brother, Griffon, and their Steward, Orrus Van Kyre. He had a moderate friendship with Crewton, Orrus' son. During the first Battle of Silverwind, Elysio died to the hands of a Haragin Assassin, leaving the throne to the eldest, Aurius. Aurius did not wish to become king, something he professed openly to Itarille Telemnar and her father before the crowning ceremony. As such, he refused to become King, instead giving the title to his equally as capable brother. Years pass. Aurius has gone from General, to self-exiled, to revolutionary, and finally back to his former position as Prince under his brother. After the signing of the Triumvirate Agreement, he, Caelum and Griffon all became Kings of respective sections of Angair. Following the creation of The Unsung, headed by Kairo Geonova, Aurius and the Unsung where sent on various missions through various realms. Due to the unpredictable nature of Realm Travel, he has now arrived in an alien Galaxy, full of mysteries and Dangers.

As a warrior, Aurius is extremely capable with a sword, having trained with wooden ones throughout his childhood. During his battle training, he was considered one of the top of his class, with few being able to beat him. Since then, he has proven capable to face a small troop of 10 men without the aide of his pyromancy.

As the Pheonix, Aurius can create, shape and manipulate fire, the rapid oxidation of a material in the exothermic chemical process of combustion, releasing heat, light, and various reaction products, flame being the visible portion of the fire. Depending on the substances alight, and any impurities outside, the color of the flame and the fire's intensity will be different. He can surround himself with an almighty divine energy, entering a state of being free from the constraints of the mundane, gaining powers that are supernatural and magical to an outside viewer.

He possesses the Armor of a Pheonix, a gold and red set of armor that can withstand onslaughts, both arcane and physical. He also utilizes the Ashenblade, a sword that can transform into various magical weaponry. The Ashenblade can be utilized to combat a Lightsaber without damaging itself.



He Who Stood At The Altar And Burned
SWRP Writer
Jan 2, 2016
Reaction score
First actual drawing post I've made. It is of a completely random and headcanon scenario where Cecil faces the Now-Emperor, Darth Malon. Used Vader and Luke as a base for this one. Turned out quite nice.


He Who Stood At The Altar And Burned
SWRP Writer
Jan 2, 2016
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Rens Ahim, a Calamari Smuggler (Starlord used as a basis, with TCW heads as references)

Full body


He Who Stood At The Altar And Burned
SWRP Writer
Jan 2, 2016
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Hareth, a female Dark Jedi (Used Cinder from RWBY as a basis)

Full body (HEAVILY inspired by RWBY and Cinder)


He Who Stood At The Altar And Burned
SWRP Writer
Jan 2, 2016
Reaction score



NAME: Talon Mordren Korr
AGE: 25

FACTION: Sith Brotherhood
RANK: Marauder

WEIGHT: 120lbs
EYE COLOR: Red/Yellow


"Lethality is an art. And I have been told I am a beautiful artist."

He felt a bit screw loose. So he checked himself in.

Talon Korr is a vicious sociopath with extremely violent tendencies. Although he occasionally comes off as a talented and sweet individual, the reality is anything but. His sins are numerous and quite horrific, leaving the kills gored and arrayed in sick patterns. Before his decision to further his knowledge in the Force, Talon used his talents as a Headhunter. He was sent in to various locations to eliminate a target and all witnesses, leaving the scenes to look like massacres. His own personal touch was always that of the blade, now swapped for the sinister hum of plasma.

His mind isn't broken. He is acutely aware of who he has become, where his family lead him, and what the killings do to others. And, the most horrific thing? He seems to enjoy it. The pain and suffering he causes other seems to echo across the waves of the Force. He can acutely understand their agony, feel which ways to hurt them best. And through their suffering his power grows. And so, the vicious cycle continues. He wasn't born in an Imperial household. But he was always intrigued by their idealism. The very power they swore to control, the sorcery behind the Dark Side. It spoke to him in ways nothing else could, the power of the darkness echoed through his mind like a sickness. The sick obsession drove him to Dromund Kaas, and Dathomir, where he discovered tomes of the Dark and studied. Secluding himself for years, he emerged as a formidable Force User, before joining up with the Sith Order.

Betraying his roots, his past and the very family that raised him, he became the very first in his family to bear the name Sith, and wear the title with pride. His is above all else an enigma. Nothing is certain with him, and his volatile nature can warp at any given moment, an omen indeed for those around him. Whatever grasp on sanity or self-consciousness he once had has been lost to the stars. Only sheer force of will keeps him going now. Nonetheless, Talon seems to be simply a crux behind which a much more sinister motive hides.

He has focused mainly on his ability to utilize the Force in the most sinister of manners. Energy manipulation and finite versions of mind torture are his forte, proven over multiple cases across the Galaxy. He once tore open the mind of everyone in an entire room and slowly drove them mad with grief. Furthermore, his skills with a sword are as honed as the blade itself. Acute and deadly, he seems to prefer Form V, Djem So. Utilizing powerful attacks and following up with counters, he brings himself the fore of his enemy and continues to move forward, be it through them or not.
























[[Excerpt; Psychology Ward, Correlian Emergency Correctional Facility://]]
Functioning Sociopath with lingering amounts of psychopathy, extremely prone to spouts of violence.

He also occasionally slips between vague personalities, sometimes smart and kind, other times appearing to be feeble and incapable. But despite his many mockeries, he is always efficient and never helpless.He's always interesting to study in a case file. The boy was born to a loving family on Correlia, within Republic space.

He was raised to believe in good ideals and even trained at a Republic Academy. But at some point during his teenage years he just snapped and left his family and home behind. This is what I presume to have cause his psychosis.The remainder of his life was filled with violent urges and criminals. He joined gangs occasionally, took jobs others considered too gruesome or dangerous for normal people.
Eventually, MPD began to set in to handle social situations. From what people have told me it also serves to stave off the urge to hurt people.

He's dangerous, to say the least. But he is in control, as far as we can tell. He's an absolute enigma, and we have no idea whether this is a legitimate mental patient or simply an elaborate ruse attempting to cover up something much worse.

On the surface, and at first glance, he almost always seems warm and charitable. He is quite charismatic, as most psychopaths are, and capable of lulling easy prey into a false sense of security. Depending on the variables, he may very well continue this mockery of a friendship. If however, this person is a target, he will immediately move in for the kill at the most vulnerable moment, leaving nothing to chance and no witnesses to bear testimony. If the person is a rival, he will usually make the death very slow and painful, extracting every ounce of viable information from his prey before allowing them to die.

Beyond studying his violent tendencies, I have not been able to get much more out of him. He is, to say the least, closed off to anyone trying to get within his head. He makes understanding impossible, and is utterly volatile to anyone who questions his past. We've had several death threats and one lethal stabbing. It seems he's being released and exiled from the planet. We all know how well that will go...



Mark V Medium Inquisition Armor

Sith Sword


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He Who Stood At The Altar And Burned
SWRP Writer
Jan 2, 2016
Reaction score


Army of Light,
Brotherhood of Darkness
Heavy Variants
3 Hits- Vibroblade
2 Hits- Lightsaber
1 Glance- Explosives
Blasters can burn
through this armor.
Durasteel Plating,
Phrik Microweave,
Durasteel Scale

Battleworn Armor


The Battleworn Armor is a modernized version of ancient Battle Armor worn in the first confrontations between the followers of the Light and Dark. The Armor itself was designed for the singular purpose of prolonged engagement against enemy force users. A Jedi or Sith need only dawn this armor to define his status and take the fight to the enemy. It is made primarily from Durasteel, although some have undergone modifications to allow more befitting materials. The armor itself can come in two variants, the layered medium armor and full suit heavy armor, as well as several distinct styles. The heavy armor has the unique distinction of having a micro - weave of phrik alloy, allowing the chest, helmet and gauntlets to take a single lightsaber glance. As it is microweaved, it cannot withstand a direct strike or stab, despite attempts to improve the otherwise weakened areas. As it was created long before Lightsaber users ever used blasters, the armor is extremely vulnerable to projectile fire, barely able to stave off the kinetic energy.

Intent: Firstly, to create a more archaic version of Force User armor that, according to certain pieces of Star Wars lore (Mixture of Legends and Canon) was mass produced and worn by followers of the Light and Dark during the first years of combat. It is also to create a Force User themed armor specifically made for Lightsaber combat.

  • a92d85728700125672e7b4f4e49765b8.jpg
    Lord's Platemail:

    A Heavy Armor variant of the Battleworn Armor, historically worn by the Jedi Lords during the Force Wars.

    Vibrosword: 3 Strikes,
    Lightsaber: 2 Strikes,
    Explosives: Glancing blow
    Blaster Fire: Vulnerable

    Battleworn variant was known on the battlefield to both rejuvenate and inspire Jedi Forces as they where lead to battle, an unmistakably unique armor that makes a simple statement. Pray the Lord need not come, and when they arrive, pray that you have done no wrong. Full body plate armor, including a helmet, made up of Durasteel plating with Phrik microweave encases the wearer for maximum protection at the cost of maneuverability and stamina. This armor will slow you down, and acrobatics are near impossible to preform when worn.

  • Character_1e5b7c_5835344.jpg
    Crusader's Cuirass:

    A Medium Armor variant of the Battleworn Armor, historically worn by the Jedi Crusaders during the Force Wars.

    Vibrosword: 2 Strikes,
    Lightsaber: 2 Strikes,
    Explosives: Vulnerable
    Blaster Fire: Vulnerable

    This lighter Battleworn variant was mass produced and the most common variant seen in the Force Wars. Dawned by valiant Knights of the Light, it symbolized the fearsome yet merciful nature of those that wore it. Gleaming the sun like a glorious beacon, this armor is a statement in and of itself. Layered Scale armor, made up of Durasteel scale mail with Phrik lining encases the wearer for moderate protection while still allowing rapid movement and acrobatics. This armor is still heavy, however, many acrobatics can be preformed while worn.
  • e7fd6e49d57a9ef69bf09f611d4e25da.jpg
    Warborn's Platemail:

    A Heavy Armor variant of the Battleworn Armor, historically worn by the Sith Lords during the Force Wars.

    Vibrosword: 3 Strikes,
    Lightsaber: 2 Strikes,
    Explosives: Glancing blow
    Blaster Fire: Vulnerable

    This Battleworn variant was terrifying to behold in combat. A sleek black design, inspired by the sinister creatures of the Night, only increased the terrifying nature of the most powerful of the Sith. Full body plate armor, including a helmet, made up of Durasteel plating with Phrik microweave encases the wearer for maximum protection at the cost of maneuverability and stamina. This armor will slow you down, and acrobatics are near impossible to preform when worn.

  • A Medium Armor variant of the Battleworn Armor, historically worn by the Sith Warriors during the Force Wars.

  • A Medium Armor variant of the Battleworn Armor, that has seen use by Force Users unaffiliated with either the Jedi or Sith Order.

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He Who Stood At The Altar And Burned
SWRP Writer
Jan 2, 2016
Reaction score
Battleworn Armor

The Battleworn Armor is a modernized version of ancient Battle Armor worn in the first confrontations between the followers of the Light and Dark. The Armor itself was designed for the singular purpose of prolonged engagement against enemy force users. A Jedi or Sith need only dawn this armor to define his status and take the fight to the enemy. It is made primarily from Durasteel, although some have undergone modifications to allow more befitting materials. The armor itself can come in two variants, the layered medium armor and full suit heavy armor, as well as several distinct styles. The heavy armor has the unique distinction of having a micro - weave of phrik alloy, allowing the chest, helmet and gauntlets to take a single lightsaber glance. As it is microweaved, it cannot withstand a direct strike or stab, despite attempts to improve the otherwise weakened areas. As it was created long before Lightsaber users ever used blasters, the armor is extremely vulnerable to projectile fire, barely able to stave off the kinetic energy.


He Who Stood At The Altar And Burned
SWRP Writer
Jan 2, 2016
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The Watchers
Tales of the Force


"Here lay the souls of the dark, Under the deadly nightshade
Here the fair are sundered apart, Doomed are those who tarry

Sleeping under the Sorcery, The Watchers are biding
A living desolation, The brave and the fair are falling.

Here lay the foes of life"

The Watchers are a race of Abyssal creatures that guard the Secrets of Life and Death. Many have speculated that they are beings so powerful in the Cosmic Force that they have taken the responsibility of Life and Death themselves. Others believe that the Watchers are malevolent beings of the Dark Side, spawned of it's darkest pits and enslaving the dead to their powers. No matter what they are, they are indeed ancient and powerful.

The Keepers claim to oversee all aspects of life and death in order to maintain the delicate balance on the planes of existence. Some Keepers had chosen to share their knowledge with select Sith individuals, thus leading to the necromantic powers being unleashed on the Galaxy. The Keepers eventually revealed to ancient Sith Lords that they guard not only the Secrets of Life and Death, but they too were the Jailers of a being much more powerful than they.

It is known, to those who have studied the ancient history of the Watchers, that they have some form of twisted relationship with The Ones of Mortis. Although it seems The Ones and The Watchers have opposite goals, over time they have been known to meet and discuss unknown secrets. This stands to reason that The Watchers do in fact act for the betterment of the Force. Which alignment, however, is still unknown.

Known Caste
The Watchers seem to have a caste system, making a hierarchy between the two variants of Watchers known to the Galaxy. True Keepers are actually a race of beings, though where they came from is unknown and had not been revealed by the few known Watchers. Though by no means immortal, Keepers appeared to be extremely long-lived. Some utilize the darker arts of Necromancy to maintain their bodies and spirits. Others make little or no apparent effort to maintain their life; by all accounts, it seems to maintain itself.

The second known class of Watcher is the Agents. Technically, any who practice the necromantic arts was subject to be called upon to assist The Watchers. However, there was a small group of beings associated directly with The Watchers. Collectively known as the Agents of the Watchers, acting as their eyes and ears on the physical plane. Some Agents included:

Doctor Khyven: The Cheif Science Officer at a defunct Asylum on Correlia, Khyven was noted for his thick accent. Once the doctor for the Mystics of the Black Arts, he generally avoided dealing with most Sith. Only a few dealt with him directly, and even fewer trusted him. His whereabouts are unknown.​

Darth Vectivius: A high-ranking member of the Sith Inquisition, Vectivius was also a Director of the Mystics Asylum. Known as an honorable and levelheaded man, rare among the Sith, Vectivius ultimately met his end at the hands of Darth Cain, after he allowed a Jedi Knight to escape the facility.​

Lord Regent Korr: Korr is The Guardian of the Watchers, tasked with ancient knowledge of Necromancy. He remains totally loyal to the Watchers, and has an ever-present aura that emanates fear and dread. It appears his allegiance has taken a severe toll on his sanity, however.​

Vrist'iluoc'bricors: Vrist is the Messenger of the Watchers, tasked with delivering instructions and judgment. This Chiss tactician was an unwitting pawn in the Watcher's machinations. Ultimately, this resulted in his death. However, due to the arts of Necromancy, he continues to serve his masters​

To add a new "Race" of mythological, almost Lovecraftian-esque horrors to the Site. Also serves to give Force Users an excuse to utilize Necromantic powers, an otherwise defunct area of Force Powers. The Watchers are the catalyst in an ongoing Story Arc concerning several of my characters as well. Hopefully, the Arc will include more players interested in its plot.
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He Who Stood At The Altar And Burned
SWRP Writer
Jan 2, 2016
Reaction score



Murtagh Wolfsson
Espaa Clan
Protector of Rhen Var
Home Planet:
Rhen Var
210 pds
Force Sensitivity:
Rhen Var

Murtagh Wolfsson


The Battleworn Armor is a modernized version of ancient Battle Armor worn in the first confrontations between the followers of the Light and Dark. The Armor itself was designed for the singular purpose of prolonged engagement against enemy force users. A Jedi or Sith need only dawn this armor to define his status and take the fight to the enemy. It is made primarily from Durasteel, although some have undergone modifications to allow more befitting materials. The armor itself can come in two variants, the layered medium armor and full suit heavy armor, as well as several distinct styles. The heavy armor has the unique distinction of having a micro - weave of phrik alloy, allowing the chest, helmet and gauntlets to take a single lightsaber glance. As it is microweaved, it cannot withstand a direct strike or stab, despite attempts to improve the otherwise weakened areas. As it was created long before Lightsaber users ever used blasters, the armor is extremely vulnerable to projectile fire, barely able to stave off the kinetic energy.


Firstly, to create a more archaic version of Force User armor that, according to certain pieces of Star Wars lore (Mixture of Legends and Canon) was mass produced and worn by followers of the Light and Dark during the first years of combat. It is also to create a Force User themed armor specifically made for Lightsaber combat.

Skills and Proficiencies:

Assets and Belongings:


  • a92d85728700125672e7b4f4e49765b8.jpg
    Lord's Platemail:

    A Heavy Armor variant of the Battleworn Armor, historically worn by the Jedi Lords during the Force Wars.

    Vibrosword: 3 Strikes,
    Lightsaber: 2 Strikes,
    Explosives: Glancing blow
    Blaster Fire: Vulnerable

    Battleworn variant was known on the battlefield to both rejuvenate and inspire Jedi Forces as they where lead to battle, an unmistakably unique armor that makes a simple statement. Pray the Lord need not come, and when they arrive, pray that you have done no wrong. Full body plate armor, including a helmet, made up of Durasteel plating with Phrik microweave encases the wearer for maximum protection at the cost of maneuverability and stamina. This armor will slow you down, and acrobatics are near impossible to preform when worn.

  • Character_1e5b7c_5835344.jpg
    Crusader's Cuirass:

    A Medium Armor variant of the Battleworn Armor, historically worn by the Jedi Crusaders during the Force Wars.

    Vibrosword: 2 Strikes,
    Lightsaber: 2 Strikes,
    Explosives: Vulnerable
    Blaster Fire: Vulnerable

    This lighter Battleworn variant was mass produced and the most common variant seen in the Force Wars. Dawned by valiant Knights of the Light, it symbolized the fearsome yet merciful nature of those that wore it. Gleaming the sun like a glorious beacon, this armor is a statement in and of itself. Layered Scale armor, made up of Durasteel scale mail with Phrik lining encases the wearer for moderate protection while still allowing rapid movement and acrobatics. This armor is still heavy, however, many acrobatics can be preformed while worn.
  • e7fd6e49d57a9ef69bf09f611d4e25da.jpg
    Warborn's Platemail:

    A Heavy Armor variant of the Battleworn Armor, historically worn by the Sith Lords during the Force Wars.

    Vibrosword: 3 Strikes,
    Lightsaber: 2 Strikes,
    Explosives: Glancing blow
    Blaster Fire: Vulnerable

    This Battleworn variant was terrifying to behold in combat. A sleek black design, inspired by the sinister creatures of the Night, only increased the terrifying nature of the most powerful of the Sith. Full body plate armor, including a helmet, made up of Durasteel plating with Phrik microweave encases the wearer for maximum protection at the cost of maneuverability and stamina. This armor will slow you down, and acrobatics are near impossible to preform when worn.

  • A Medium Armor variant of the Battleworn Armor, historically worn by the Sith Warriors during the Force Wars.

  • A Medium Armor variant of the Battleworn Armor, that has seen use by Force Users unaffiliated with either the Jedi or Sith Order.

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He Who Stood At The Altar And Burned
SWRP Writer
Jan 2, 2016
Reaction score



NAME: Talon Mordren Korr
AGE: 25

FACTION: Sith Brotherhood
RANK: Marauder

WEIGHT: 120lbs
EYE COLOR: Red/Yellow


"Lethality is an art. And I have been told I am a beautiful artist."

He felt a bit screw loose. So he checked himself in.

Talon Korr is a vicious sociopath with extremely violent tendencies. Although he occasionally comes off as a talented and sweet individual, the reality is anything but. His sins are numerous and quite horrific, leaving the kills gored and arrayed in sick patterns. Before his decision to further his knowledge in the Force, Talon used his talents as a Headhunter. He was sent in to various locations to eliminate a target and all witnesses, leaving the scenes to look like massacres. His own personal touch was always that of the blade, now swapped for the sinister hum of plasma.

His mind isn't broken. He is acutely aware of who he has become, where his family lead him, and what the killings do to others. And, the most horrific thing? He seems to enjoy it. The pain and suffering he causes other seems to echo across the waves of the Force. He can acutely understand their agony, feel which ways to hurt them best. And through their suffering his power grows. And so, the vicious cycle continues. He wasn't born in an Imperial household. But he was always intrigued by their idealism. The very power they swore to control, the sorcery behind the Dark Side. It spoke to him in ways nothing else could, the power of the darkness echoed through his mind like a sickness. The sick obsession drove him to Dromund Kaas, and Dathomir, where he discovered tomes of the Dark and studied. Secluding himself for years, he emerged as a formidable Force User, before joining up with the Sith Order.

Betraying his roots, his past and the very family that raised him, he became the very first in his family to bear the name Sith, and wear the title with pride. His is above all else an enigma. Nothing is certain with him, and his volatile nature can warp at any given moment, an omen indeed for those around him. Whatever grasp on sanity or self-consciousness he once had has been lost to the stars. Only sheer force of will keeps him going now. Nonetheless, Talon seems to be simply a crux behind which a much more sinister motive hides.

He has focused mainly on his ability to utilize the Force in the most sinister of manners. Energy manipulation and finite versions of mind torture are his forte, proven over multiple cases across the Galaxy. He once tore open the mind of everyone in an entire room and slowly drove them mad with grief. Furthermore, his skills with a sword are as honed as the blade itself. Acute and deadly, he seems to prefer Form V, Djem So. Utilizing powerful attacks and following up with counters, he brings himself the fore of his enemy and continues to move forward, be it through them or not.
























[[Excerpt; Psychology Ward, Correlian Emergency Correctional Facility://]]
Functioning Sociopath with lingering amounts of psychopathy, extremely prone to spouts of violence.

He also occasionally slips between vague personalities, sometimes smart and kind, other times appearing to be feeble and incapable. But despite his many mockeries, he is always efficient and never helpless.He's always interesting to study in a case file. The boy was born to a loving family on Correlia, within Republic space.

He was raised to believe in good ideals and even trained at a Republic Academy. But at some point during his teenage years he just snapped and left his family and home behind. This is what I presume to have cause his psychosis.The remainder of his life was filled with violent urges and criminals. He joined gangs occasionally, took jobs others considered too gruesome or dangerous for normal people.
Eventually, MPD began to set in to handle social situations. From what people have told me it also serves to stave off the urge to hurt people.

He's dangerous, to say the least. But he is in control, as far as we can tell. He's an absolute enigma, and we have no idea whether this is a legitimate mental patient or simply an elaborate ruse attempting to cover up something much worse.

On the surface, and at first glance, he almost always seems warm and charitable. He is quite charismatic, as most psychopaths are, and capable of lulling easy prey into a false sense of security. Depending on the variables, he may very well continue this mockery of a friendship. If however, this person is a target, he will immediately move in for the kill at the most vulnerable moment, leaving nothing to chance and no witnesses to bear testimony. If the person is a rival, he will usually make the death very slow and painful, extracting every ounce of viable information from his prey before allowing them to die.

Beyond studying his violent tendencies, I have not been able to get much more out of him. He is, to say the least, closed off to anyone trying to get within his head. He makes understanding impossible, and is utterly volatile to anyone who questions his past. We've had several death threats and one lethal stabbing. It seems he's being released and exiled from the planet. We all know how well that will go...



Mark V Medium Inquisition Armor

Sith Sword


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