Galactic Senate Aharon Staergin


SWRP Writer
Jun 7, 2022
Reaction score

NAME: Aharon Staergin
FACTION: New Republic
RANK: Senator of Champala
SPECIES: Chagrian
AGE: 27
HEIGHT: 1.97 Meters
WEIGHT: 74 Kilos

With fair indigo skin and soft blue eyes, and standing at 1.97 Meters tall, Aharon Staergin is quite attractive. Well, that is beyond the massive scar on his right tentacle and an even larger one on the right side of his face. His form is athletically, as he has started trying to follow the Emryc routine within the last eight Galactic Standard years. He is rather well kept, trying to be as perfect looking as he could be with the scars. Of course he claims it all is natural, and to some extent it is, but he does take a not quite negligible portion of his week to keep himself up.

Aharon has had to study the art of emotions for most of his adult life, so he has trained himself to notice even the most small details in both people and situations as a whole. He has used this, paired with his incredible nack to learn just about anything, to be as charismatic as he can be even though he does not truly feel anything he may be trying to project. His body is also strong due to his years of physical training and exercise, but even that pales to the sheer force of will. On the right side of his head, though, he has lost a non-so-negligible amount of his hearing due to the blast that scarred his face. He can not let any single mistake go, no matter how minor it is, and will always hold a grudge against them for their perceived transgressions. The major flaw he has is, even though he can project emotions well, he still can't truly feel them. Though he is always improving the realism in his fake emotions.

Slightly deafened in one tentacle, self concious, can't let things go, can read emotions well but can't truly feel them,

There truly is not an Aharon Staergin. There is a concept of one, but deep inside he is a cold, empty shell. Emotions are alien to him, so he studies them and tries to replicate them the best he can. He feels he is superior to almost everyone he meets, and will not let any minor grudge go (which are easily formed, as he remembers every little thing someone does that he does not like.) He tries to control any situation he is in, to bend it to his will. When he is not interacting with others, however, he shows just how motivated he is. When he sets out to complete a task, he finishes it no matter the difficulty.

The personality he constructed for himself to present is always cheerful and happy, someone people want to might be around. He is always soft spoken and never seemingly angered by anything. Yet this facade is not done being built. He is still adding onto it, fleshing out this person he pretends to me. He tries everything to fit in: do what everyone else does, goes with the hottest trends in fashion, eat what everyone else eats. In the end it just made him as superficial as his parents.

Aharon Staergin was born to he precious Senator of Champala and his wife, who managed one of the large star ports that helped the planet survive. Both were vein and self centered people, and only really married and produced a child for their image. They atleast loved their son enough to take care of him in the early years by theirselves, which ended roughly when Aharon was two years old. Aharon's father was not liked by many people throughout the galaxy, nor was his mother, as both were seen as the golden examples of how decedent and self centered modern politicians had become. This even led on several occasions to attempted assassination attempts on either one or both of their lives. One of these would affect Aharon the most.

The explosive was meant to be for his Mr. Staergin, but it went off prematurely. It sent flame and shrapnel into the young child's face, rending nearly the right half of his head, and some of his right lethorn. The next few years were spent under heavy medication, reconstructing the young child's face and reteaching him many things like eating or speaking. The scars would remain however, and the adult Staergins would be horrified that they could not remove them. The pair decided to keep him isolated in their family home (which they hardly ever used) and to let the public not see him as they felt it would damage their public image.

From then on he was raised by droids, never feeling the love of his parents and never even meeting any other biological being beyond them for nearly a decade. This isolation period taught him innumerable skills, and it was clear he would be a bright and well oriented adult. But the problem was his childhood had removed something from Aharon. Deep down, he could not feel. Emotions were always an anathema, something he could try emulate from holovids he would watch. Over the years he learned how to spot the subtleties of emotion, though even into his adult life he still is learning how to properly mimic them.

This hunger for learning spread to even after his primary education, where he picked up any skill he could aquire. Piloting, Droid repair, martial combat, driving, cooking, and making the perfect drink for any occasion were only some of the innumerable skills he picked in during this time. This grew into a fascination with collecting the one thing he felt he had anything close to warm emotions for: droids. He spend a portion of his families great wealth to purchase any he fancied, several of which were buisness droids.

One of these new purchases taught him the only other passion he has in his life: investing. By the age of twenty three he already had made himself a millionair many times over just by his investments, and with his growing wealth so too did his self image grow. He felt he was the center of his universe, and anything he wanted he felt he needed. So he went to the political scene, revealing himself and just how good of an orator he is. Within time he even managed to sway the people of his homeworld to allow him to represent them in the Senate instead of his father, who fell ill a few months before the ellections occurred. Now he is a fresh face on the galactic political scene, ready to try and learn how to become the ultimate politician, yet also how to fit in.

Aharon first and foremost probably knows everything and anything about droids, from their history to how they work to how to how they act. He is also a galaxy class investor with everything he touches seemingly going to platinum. He is also great at reading emotions and portraying fake ones to others. Be is a capable learner, able to catch on and master tasks rather quickly. This has been used in his skills in martial combat, singing, marksmanship, and to a lesser extent his most recent skill: piloting.

Many, many droids
Many closets full of high fashion
Vibro Saber

Nau'ur-class Yatch
Guild d'lanseaux Star Yatch
Tempest VII Cloud Limousine
Seraph-class Urban Landspeeder

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