AFL Roles and Responsibilities


I'm Terrible at PVP
SWRP Writer
Feb 29, 2016
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It is about time that I post a thread, officially listing the roles and responsibilities of each designated AFL. I will also use this opportunity to announce we have added a third AFL - @Jabonicus, congratulations my man. Although he has not been with the Republic for a long time, he has been a great help behind the scenes, and has a lot of good plans in store to help keep the Republic moving. I eagerly look forward to seeing some of his suggestions come to fruition.

Anyway, not to business. As a general note, it should be stated that all AFLs, regardless of their primary responsibility, have the authority and approval from me to approve/deny/critique any Republic applicants. If myself or the primary AFL in charge of, for example, the Senate is unavailable, any other AFL may look at applicants so as to keep the prospective Republic member from waiting too long. AFLs also have the role of intervening in my stead during ooc disputes involving Republic members. Please see below for a dissemination of who the Republic Leadership team is, and what each person's responsibility is:

@fyremage - Fyremage is the faction leader of the Republic, and oversees all operations conducted for or on behalf of the Republic. He is fully capable of handling any matters regarding the Republic, and if in doubt, don't hesitate to contact him (yes i'm speaking in the third person for effect.)

@Krajin - Krajin is the GAR AFL, and is directly responsible with managing the development of it as a subfaction. If you have any questions or concerns about the GAR, feel free to approach him.

@jamessour - Jamessour assists both Krajin and Fyremage in managing the GAR and the Republic Central Command. For questions and assistance for either of these, please feel free to approach him.

@Jabonicus - Jabonicus assists with tech submissions, writeups, and general aid.

Well there you have it. Cheers. :)
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