

Sometimes a philosopher, sometimes not.
SWRP Writer
Jul 30, 2016
Reaction score

Until further notice, I will have to step away from the site. I will attempt to complete the two threads I am in, however. I will not go into the details, but over the last few days, I have come to recognize that my mental and physical health have deteriorated significantly, in addition to dealing with school-related stress. In order to re-organize and get well, I feel it is necessary to step back from several things, one of which is RPing. It would be unfair of me to continue RPing with all the wonderful people here when I am unwell and would cause problems if I am unable to complete threads, plots, etc. due to my unhealth.

Y'all are great and have been great to me, and I know this is like the third time I have backed away, unlike the past, I wanted to properly let people know why. I will complete my remaining threads as I can, but after those are finished, I will need to step back for the foreseeable future.

Warm regards,
