A Not So Homecoming

Xiang Liu

SWRP Writer
Dec 23, 2017
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Panatha, homeworld of the Epicanthix species, stood nearly isolated in the Outer Rim; ravaged by roving criminals and miscreants forced to etch out a life of any meaning. The old King, losing his power and grasp of his kingdom, had lobbied for Jedi intervention; but the Jedi like the galaxy itself was fractured and licking it's wounds. Even the Jedi Exiles, who had learned of the plea from the aging King through shadowy sources, still had festering wounds themselves. Regardless, if Panatha was willing to sacrifice it's pride to ensure survival; then the Exiles would see if the old King would listen to their proposals.

"Aren't you from Panatha, Xiang," one of the other Exiles asked with a growing smirk on his face. Turning her head slightly, Xiang adjusted in her seat granting better access to the hilt attached on her belt. The trip was bad enough, dealing with two Exiles she deemed fodder; or at least experiment worthy if she ever got her lab up and running. But the audacity that one would go through great lengths to unravel her childhood made her want to feel his life energy flow from the several holes she wished to puncture in that meat suit.

"I've seen you haven't lost your stalking touch, fool. Tell me....Gero....does it still sting to know that your former Master...your Jedi Master...tried to pawn you off because she felt you unworthy," Xiang replied, flashing her own smirk. "Don't think yourself sly...I hope you didn't think you were the only one to do background work on those paired with for this mission...to my former home," she added before adjusting back to her starting position. Sooner or later, as fate or destiny or the Force allows it; she would kill Gero soon. Maybe not directly, but there were several ways to skin a Cathar.

"Do you think we'll encounter any Jedi." the petite female Togruta asked, attempting to diffuse a situation. Gero cracked his furry knuckles, slamming them against the bulkhead in response. Xiang shuddered mockingly at Gero's display of man power. "The Jedi are not our concern." Gero let out a hideous laugh that reminded Xiang of a lodged furball before he said, "The Jedi are our concern, wench." Narrowing her eyes in frustration Xiang replied, "Truly you are the epitome of fool. We are to use diplomacy to get resources so that we may survive...not hunt Jedi. Those are the orders we were given."

"Blah! Orders! Blah. If I find a Jedi I'm going to engage him or her," Gero said crackling his knuckles a second time. "I hope you do Gero....truly I do. You would make a fine throw rug for any household floor."

Xiang Liu

SWRP Writer
Dec 23, 2017
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The ship landed at the designated bay, allowing for the three passengers to disembark to shake off the weariness of space travel. After a few passing moments, Xiang motioned for the others to follow when Gero placed a paw on her shoulder saying, "I will lead us. I've been with the Order longer than you both, so that gives me rank." Swatting the filthy paw off and refusing to get drawn into a meaningless argument, Xiang gestured for him to take the lead; following the flea ridden cat into the belly of Lorvian City.

The city was almost as she remembered it, though it was nearly twelve years since she stood gazing at the many wonderfully, yet outdated, craftsmanship and architecture that littered and dotted Lorvian City's internal landscape. However, at her age and orphaned at the time she last stood within the city limits; her world consisted of four closed in walls and brief stints of freedom. Xiang didn't, couldn't, hate the city no more than she could hate the planet itself; it was those that lived here with their uptight ways and rude beliefs that Xiang wanted to snuff out. Soon, she thought, very soon.

The palace, or what remained of the palace, stood erect high above on a dangerous looking mountain side. Gero pointed at it saying, "Blah! A big 'ol gust of wind could blow that piece of rubble down. What an eye sore!" Slinking her hand down to her hilt, Xiang thought about killing Gero here and now as his back stood before her. Maybe there was a flicker of Panathian pride swirling about her essence or maybe it was just an opportunity presented Xiang didn't wish to waste. Seeing the hand slipping down, Te'r the Togruta Jedi Exile, shook her head; bringing Xiang back to reason and reality. As much hatred she reserved for Gero, he might be needed later.

"It once seen better days I assure you," Xiang said though she never saw the palace until today. "We should go....the King awaits and Epicanthix care little for outsiders." Gero's mouth began to open when Te'r intervened, "The sooner we are done here the sooner we can get back home." Te'r motioned for Gero to lead them to the palace gates, and when he turned around Te'r gave Xiang a quick look; making Xiang smile. For the time being Xiang had a temporary ally in Te'r, and poor 'ol kitty would not becoming home.

Xiang Liu

SWRP Writer
Dec 23, 2017
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The palace guards dropped their vibroaxes together, forming a metal X to prevent the trio from passing. Gero growled pointing his finger at them before Xiang stepped in front of the big cat, speaking to the guards in Epicant. At the conclusion of the brief conversation, the trio were allowed to pass into the run down palace. Once inside Gero continued his babbling. "I'm the leader, wench. You follow my lead." Having almost depleted her patience with Gero, Xiang stepped in close, putting the two eye-to-eye and mere inches away from one another.

"First....we are of the same rank. Second...you may be under the illusion you lead but your leadership means little to me. Lastly...and pay attention...you're an outsider and they will not speak to you directly or in a language you understand. So let me handle the negotiations with the King...or you can prance your way back to the ship...and wait our return."

Stepping back while placing a paw on his hilt, he growled. However, before he could react several palace guards drew close to Xiang; whom they would side with due to shared species. "Don't be a bigger fool than you already are," Xiang spat, yet to place her hand on her own hilt; which wasn't lost on Gero. Releasing his grip he backed further away, pouting in his defeat.

Turning to the guards Xiang asked them to take her group to the King; there was negotiations to begin. When they entered the King's main hall, the old man stood up to greet them, offering them food and drink.

Siris Drast

SWRP Writer
Dec 22, 2017
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Panatha, a planet that could barely support itself. Criminals and brigades alike, practically run the planet. They control most of the planet with bribes everywhere and threats whispered in ears if they don't comply. While the organized crime did that, the gangs terrorized the cities on the local level. The king could hardly repair and fix all of this, making him lose his grasp on the power he once controlled. The only choice that seemed logical by that point was to contact the jedi order. Even though he reached out, none seemed to reply, tending to the wounds caused by the various exiles that roam the galaxy. Luckily, the exiles caught the transmission.

Siris was one of the exiles that heard the plea of help from the king. Plans formed in Siris's brain, knowing this could be the birth of the empire that Siris dreamed of. Panatha wasn't the perfect choice to start with, but it would do. Siris's plan was to convince the king of accepting exile help, this probably being the toughest task of them all, and letting the exiles position themselves across the planet. When enough were planted in, Siris would give the order to scour through every city, village, and crack in the wall to cleanse this planet of the criminal that occupied it. They wouldn't be able to annihilate them all, but enough to spread fear and make them reconsider turning to their criminal ways. With that phase completed, the exiles would storm the palace, killing anybody in their way until the king surrendered everything to them.

That being the plan, Siris needed to take his time and have patience with the process. It would be hard to convince a king that won't speak directly to outsiders. Siris knew what had to be done.

Siris arrived on the planet with an Epicanthix translator. It was practically a miracle that we were allowed to speak to the king but enough persuasion convinced them to. When the trio entered, Siris was standing near the throne and currently speaking to the king with the translator by his side. Siris turns toward newcomers, the light erupting from the torches reflecting on his black mask. With the cloak that surrounded, Siris's stature, he nearly blended in with the dimly lit hall. Even though the trio couldn't tell, Siris's eyes immediately locked on the woman leading them. Siris sensed the dark side of the force flowing through her, surprised at how strong she was with it. After the king tells them to dine, Siris speaks, "Yes, join us." With the voice modulator built in his helmet, his voice echoed around the hall, deep and slightly robotic.
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Xiang Liu

SWRP Writer
Dec 23, 2017
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Xiang's eyes swiveled in the direction of the figure by the King's side, smirking internally. Had the King fallen so far that he required an outsider as a personal aid, turning himself into nothing more than a puppet ruler who held fast to his paper kingdom? Had Panatha itself fallen so far into ruin that the King's hold on the planet was reduced to rule by the various criminals; left unchecked to do as they will? Looking about the throne room, the signs were there. Never once had she seen the inside of the palace, she was rather convinced the current state of it's appearance would never have succumbed had the King done his job. And the people, those fools that placed their faith in the King, had been misguided; betrayed by the very person whose sole responsibility was to tend to and ensure their survival, safety, and well being.

Swiveling her eyes back to the King, even he was a husk of his former self. She had heard the grand tales, as all orphans did in that dysfunctional orphanage they called a home, about King Therion's exploits. She, like the other misfits, looked up to the King; even reenacting some of his stories either in the orphanage or out in the yard or even the back alley, laughing as the boys squabbled and argued who would represent King Therion in the current act. She, like the other girls of various ages, fantasized about being his daughter or wife; dreaming in elaborate colors of a better life with him than the nightmare they found themselves in. Even when Xiang was finally adopted, she held onto some foolish dream that King Therion would fly down from his palace; personally congratulating her and wishing her well in the new life that never came to be.

Now, with her eyes transfixed on this man, this King, she felt nothing but hatred and contempt; until she saw the birthmark on his left forearm, the same style she possessed on her left calf. Her hatred turned to murderous plots. The urge to recall her hilt from her belt and strike down this King was quelled when a side door opened, where two young girls close to her own age appeared; standing next to the King, their Father; and as Xiang concluded by the similar marks on their bodies, her Father too.

Everything about her Mother was unknown to her except she died during child birth, that was until she made 'polite inquiries' at the orphanage shortly after her betrayal of the Jedi Order; attempting to discover who her Mother was. The headmaster at the orphanage was rather useful and forthcoming with all she knew of Xiang's Mother; a 'savage' from Fhom who stumbled into the city in hard labor only to give birth to a Fatherless daughter.

"Tell me King...have you ever been to the village of Fhom out beyond the city...in the heart of the jungles," she asked, taking a victory in her heart by the King's flickering expression. "Perhaps not...your stories of your rule are legendary. I would assume one such as great as yourself would be to occupied with the city." Looking at the figure by the King's side she added, "We will join you."


Siris Drast

SWRP Writer
Dec 22, 2017
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Siris didn't know the plans of the exiles that entered the hall but he immediately saw the multiple disadvantages in front of him. The lead exile of the group was of the same race as the king. If she had a different agenda, the king would probably lean towards her side. And the other, there were three other exiles now. While the two behind didn't seem that much of a challenge, the one in front seemed to least be competent. Still, three to one odds weren't the best in case this did head south.

Upon the female exile claiming they will join the king, Siris gives a short bow to the newcomers, following the formalities of politics. He turned back around to face the king, wanting to continue with the debate of the allegiance. Siris spoke respectfully to the king, "My liege, the jedi have still refused to answer your declaration of help. It seems they don't value your planet unlike the exile order. But as you can clearly see my king, the exiles are ready to make a commitment for your planet, evident by our new arrivals. The exiles will help cleanse your cities from the criminal plague that inflicts it. I humbly suggest you swear your allegiance to the exile order, let us assist in returning this planet to the glory it once held."

Siris hoped his words would sway the king but knowing about the typical politics on planets like this, he would consult his advisers and that may take days before they reached a decision. If that is the course of action and it does take days, Siris would focus his attention on the new exiles. He would discover if they are a threat or an ally. If they were a threat, he would find a way to eliminate them.
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Xiang Liu

SWRP Writer
Dec 23, 2017
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The King clapped his hands together, not as mighty as he did in his youth, but loudly enough to gain everyone's attention. With a few spoken words, he ordered the servants to prepare the massive oak table in the feasting hall for a grand dinner, sent a lone messenger to the kitchen staff to undertake a meal fit for his guests, and finally ordered his advisers to wait for him in his personal chambers. With all that set in motion, King Therion turned to the man by his side saying, "The Jedi may yet come but you are right, the Exiles have shown they at least know how to listen to a plea." Shifting his attention to the other Exiles, ignoring the Togruta and Cathar but singling out the female Epicanthix, he added, "I'm assuming you came from Fhom. No, I must admit I never been there but perhaps one day you can show me your village. Now if everyone will make their way to the feasting hall, we will indulge in a round or two of spirits. I'm interesting in hearing what the Exiles have to offer."

The King was unaware that his lie had been felt by Xiang, and possibly all those attuned to the Force. Xiang smiled at the King, her Father, bowing mockingly. She turned toward the others where Gero was staring at her and Te'r staring at him. It was Gero that spoke first as the trio began heading out. "What was that about, wench?" The Cathar sensed something, but since he didn't understand the language in play; he was growing suspicious. "Panatha politics," she replied brushing past him, ignoring his attempt to keep the conversation going.

The hall was decorated in lavish colors, the walls covered in animal pelts from the varying species and illuminated in well placed torches to provide both warmth and reasonable lighting. Smirking, Xiang found this room to be rather unbecoming of one that ruled a kingdom; though it was conceivable that anything of value might have been used to bribe the criminal elements from completely overrunning Panatha and enslaving it's children.

Taking a seat next to the massive chair where the King sat, Xiang motioned for the unknown man to occupy the seat across from her. Picking up a silver spoon, she stared into her own reflection; seeing the King's resemblance in her facial features, wondering if he too saw his in her as well. Unaware, the King was staring at her.


Siris Drast

SWRP Writer
Dec 22, 2017
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Watching the female beckon him to the seat across from her, Siris obliged. He walked quietly toward the rich oak table before gently pulling the seat out in front of the exile and placing himself in it. As the servant's brought the the food on trays, they seemed to ignore Siris. It most likely had to do with the fact that Siris had his metallic helmet on, obviously preventing him from dining on the fine meals offered. It didn't bother Siris as he didn't particularly care about the food but to the king it might.

One of Siris's protections was the helmet, it preventing anyone from seeing his face and being able to have it committed to memory. He rarely took it off and he always intended to keep it that way. But if the king minded, he'd have no choice but to remove it. Siris wanted his plan to fall into place badly, even enough to where if needed to rid himself of it for a dinner, he would. But until the king mentioned it or anyone else, he wouldn't draw attention to it.

As the other members of this dinner commenced eating, Siris only stared at the female exile across from him. While she had no way of confirming it, it wasn't hard to guess that's what he was doing. He studied her intently, noting her quirks, how she ate and anything else along those lines. Siris did that in turn for every exile a part of her party. He shifted his head slightly to the right, analyzing each exile in order as they ate but the other two didn't seem to notice or care.