A Job to end all Jobs.

Vayate Merrick

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Dec 20, 2015
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It was dingy, you know, like those old crime holovids? The ones where the environment screamed cheesy crime drama. Rain pattered down lightly as the streets were lit with a dim glow. All sorts of species inhabited the streets of Nar Shadaa, doing more then likely illicit activity as they ventured around. Vayate was heading towards a taxi stand at one of the numerous docks, his mind swimming with questions. "Could this really be it? Finally a job for a Hut! THEE Hut! Nor'Baal. Maybe, just maybe this would be the ticket I need to find the Order. If anyone might have that information, it would be this particular Lordas.". Getting into a cab after arriving at the taxi point Vayate was off and away towards Nor'Baal's Pleasure barge.

The cab was driven by a Togruta Male, obviously getting on in both years and weight. He was smoking deathsticks, or rather chainsmoking them. He had attempted to converse with Vayate during the ride, but all he had to talk about were things like the weather, politics, gladiators, famous bounty hunters, and the random Hutt gossip. Vayate trying to be nice, answered with simple answers, concise is the way to go when little care is given. The cab was Corellian in design, and had red with yellow racing stripes going down the center, it's leather interior brown in color. Seeing the buildings and people moving about as he went by still gave Vayate a sense of amazement; the galaxy is tremendously large and filled with so many magnificent things. Pulling up at the docking point to Nor'Baal's Pleasure barge, Vayate was taken back by the splendor the Hutt displayed. This Lordas lived up to his reputation.

Paying the fare and getting out of the cab was easy, getting into the Barge though, that was more extensive. Vayate headed up to the security checkpoint, annoucing his name and purpose. Hoping that Johnny Glass hadn't lied about where he was supposed to meet the Lordas, and even more so that he was supposed to meet him in the flesh, or that Nor'Baal had even asked for him! Vayate didn't really feel like being killed today. This sudden realization finally rid him of the excitement he had about being able to find the Jedi, after spending two years doing numerous odd jobs on Nar Shadaa, hoping to come across a shred of information or even a thin lead as to how to find them. The danger of the situation taking hold in the back of his head now, he waited patiently at the checkpoint for clearance.


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The barge was one of the most desirable party locations on Nar Shaddaa, the so called smugglers moon, and people spent a fortune to be one of the many suitors who would mill and flock around the vessel as it moved from port to port across the city world. Today however was a special one, for Nor'baal Vesajilic Diori himself - the barges owner - was in attendance.

As such, security was high indeed, with numerous noted mercinaries and hunters in position around the ship, one - a two gun armed Gallanto Korad - stood watch by the side of the Hutts throne, whilst a flotilla of red-armored guards on loan, twenty in number, from the Supreme Mogul himself kept watch - though whether they where here to guard him, or report back to the Supreme one on his activities, he could not be sure.

Watching as Vayate was allowed past the security checkpoint, and heavy weapons taken from him - leaving him only with a side arm blaster, the Hutt gestured for the man to approach, all the while holding the leash of the Kintan Crusher as it watched malevolently.

Vayate Merrick

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Dec 20, 2015
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Having Jodar's Lightsaber taken from him left him a little on edge, however he felt that making a scene was not in his best interest, given the sizeable amount of weapons on board the barge. Becoming holy didn't really seem worth it, especially over something that will be returned. Heading up and towards Nor'Baal, he took in everything his eyes set upon. The people, the bounty hunters and mercenaries especially, and lastly the pet that Nor'Baal had on a leash. Kintan were ugly beasts, however they were also great for brutalizing things. Hutts loved the damn creatures, especially because of their strength and obedience. Being on Nar Shadaa for two years, Vayate had seen plenty of the creatures being shipped around, or used by Hutt enforcers.

Stopping a reasonable distance from Nor'Baal, Vayate spoke with his smoothly deep voice whilst bowing, "Great one, I, Vayate Merrick, have come at your request. I humbly thank you for your acknowledment of one such as myself.", stepping forward slightly after the introduction, Vayate stood tall and waited for Nor'Baal's response.


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Lazily, the Hutt looked down at the man, before chomping down heavily on some form of sentient food-stuffs. He was now on the 28th course of the day, and was beginning to feel as though he should stop eating. This particular business arrangement however may possible serve to drive up my appetite once more, he thought as he watched the man approach his Dias. Making new deals, even at the Hutts advanced years and considerable position, always interested him - and he spoke to the man in Huttese.

<What is it you desire of me, for all who come before me want something.> he asked the man.

Vayate Merrick

New Member
SWRP Writer
Dec 20, 2015
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Being directly asked by a Hutt what you wanted, is daunting. One wrong request, even the faintest body language could set one off. Hutts are individuals just like anyone else but even so, making shows off force were common enough. Vayate didn't want to be a show of force however he really needed this, and so he jumped on the occasion to ask, exactly what it was he needed, "I must find the Jedi Order!", stepping back a little as he noticed he had been forceful with his response, he added swiftly," That is all that I require Great one....". Bowing once more, he had hoped that this was a request Nor'Baal could help with... He sincerely hoped...