Search results

  1. Isola Rin

    Beginner's Luck

    Taris Loa looked at the scribbles on the paper and then back at the old man who had given her the paper. Her face scrunched up in confusion and doubt as she tried to figure out if this was a joke or not. At first glance, she absolutely thought it was a joke. The old man had so many...
  2. Isola Rin

    Breath of Midnight Air

    Tython To the left was clear. To the right was clear. She had made sure to leave her boots behind, her bare feet were silent against the cool stone floors of the temple as she made her way down the hall, her presence just like a wisp of wind as she rounded the corners. The light of the...
  3. Isola Rin

    Monkey's Uncle

    Tython Her light eyes glazed over as she pressed her hand against the cool steel of the Jedi fighter craft, imagining the speed it would take her through the stars, past systems and from end to the galaxy and another. Her thoughts pulled her further, and it felt almost a bit too real as she...
  4. Isola Rin

    Right Mind

    It wasn't the best weather, it was cloudy, a little chilly, the grass was still wet from earlier rains as it combed over heavily along the ground. Loa found it comforting, her boots off and her bare feet were buried in the stalks of grass while she just experienced the present. She found while...
  5. Isola Rin

    An Unintelligible Understanding

    Zeltros This was not Andara. The spacer had said he was just going to get more fuel and suggested she stretch her legs; the girl swore she had not even gone a hundred meters when his ship took off, leaving her on the unfamiliar world. She took to the streets, trying to figure out a plan to...
  6. Isola Rin

    Stupid Luck

    Chalacta Loa chewed on her rations slowly as she looked out across the mountainous landscape, her thoughts clearly as she felt her body release the tension of her journey that she had been holding inside. She used not to like the solitude, growing up on Coruscant left her yearning for that...
  7. Isola Rin

    Within Your Own Grasp

    Chalacta There was absolutely a lesson in this and Loa wasn't pleased that she couldn't figure it out. She sat in silence overlooking the rolling hills and forests. Occasionally she watched as a shuttle would land in the distance or take off from a camp set up for travelers. Chalacta was...
  8. Isola Rin

    Beyond the Backyard

    Andara Loa woke, eyes wide, her heart beating swiftly, pounding against her chest, she didn't feel as though she were in danger, but she could feel it in other places. Pale faces with masks of despair and skeleton like bodies kept running through her head until she took in a deep breath to...
  9. Isola Rin

    I've Got a Feeling

    Andara Loa scratched off the next item on her list; she had volunteered to go into the city to gather supplies for the Sanctuary even though Silas thought it was a bad idea. However, Loa was beginning to wonder if everything she did now was a bad idea to Silas because he seemed more on edge...